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Athlete Medical RecordsAthlete Medical Records
Special Olympics WisconsinSpecial Olympics Wisconsin
Key Points for2015-2016Key Points for2015-2016
 Special Olympics, Inc. Housing policySpecial Olympics, Inc. Housing policy
 Every athlete with a Release form on file signed before the 2013Every athlete with a Release form on file signed before the 2013
version will need to have an addendum signed and on file in theversion will need to have an addendum signed and on file in the
Headquarters Office indicating they or their parents/guardians are awareHeadquarters Office indicating they or their parents/guardians are aware
of the SOWI housing guidelines, which are outlined in the Agencyof the SOWI housing guidelines, which are outlined in the Agency
Manager Handbook. Agencies received addendums in the fall of 2014Manager Handbook. Agencies received addendums in the fall of 2014
and they are also be available online or by request.and they are also be available online or by request.
 A roster listing every athlete still in need of the addendum will be mailed 6A roster listing every athlete still in need of the addendum will be mailed 6
weeks prior to every medical deadline.weeks prior to every medical deadline. NO athlete will be deniedNO athlete will be denied
participation if they do not have the addendum signed and on file fortheparticipation if they do not have the addendum signed and on file forthe
programyear2015-2016.programyear2015-2016. HOWEVER, participation MAY be affected if anHOWEVER, participation MAY be affected if an
athlete fails to have this addendum on file by the end of 2016.athlete fails to have this addendum on file by the end of 2016.
 The Unified Sports速 Partner Form is no longerThe Unified Sports速 Partner Form is no longer
 HOWEVER, all Unified Sports速 Partners are required to be aHOWEVER, all Unified Sports速 Partners are required to be a
registered class A volunteer by the medical deadline date for the sport inregistered class A volunteer by the medical deadline date for the sport in
which they intend to participate.which they intend to participate.
A Few Medical RemindersA Few Medical Reminders
 An athletes medical must remain valid through the LAST DAYAn athletes medical must remain valid through the LAST DAY
OF STATE COMPETITION for that sports seasonOF STATE COMPETITION for that sports season
 Medicals need to be renewed every three years from the dateMedicals need to be renewed every three years from the date
of either:of either:
 The date of the physical exam (DOE)The date of the physical exam (DOE)
 The date of the doctors signatureThe date of the doctors signature
 If there is a DOE listed, the expiration date is ALWAYS three yearsIf there is a DOE listed, the expiration date is ALWAYS three years
from that date, NOT the date the doctor signed the formfrom that date, NOT the date the doctor signed the form
 Social Security Numbers are NOT required on medical forms Social Security Numbers are NOT required on medical forms 
if you have an old form please cross this section out.if you have an old form please cross this section out.
 If an athlete needs a new medical form but their insurance/MAIf an athlete needs a new medical form but their insurance/MA
does not allow for another physical, the athlete can have thedoes not allow for another physical, the athlete can have the
doctor write the date of the last physical exam on the form.doctor write the date of the last physical exam on the form.
Medical Deadline DatesMedical Deadline Dates
 February 1February 1 (Indoor Sports Season)  Basketball & Gymnastics(Indoor Sports Season)  Basketball & Gymnastics
 April 1April 1 (Summer Games Season)  Aquatics, Athletics, Soccer &(Summer Games Season)  Aquatics, Athletics, Soccer &
 June 1June 1 (Outdoor Sports Season)  Softball/Teeball, Tennis, Golf &(Outdoor Sports Season)  Softball/Teeball, Tennis, Golf &
 September15September15  Flag Football Flag Football
 October1October1 (Fall Sports Season)  Bowling & Volleyball(Fall Sports Season)  Bowling & Volleyball
 December1December1 (Winter Games Season) Skiing, Snowshoeing &(Winter Games Season) Skiing, Snowshoeing &
 Medicals/Release Forms MUST be postmarked by the medicalMedicals/Release Forms MUST be postmarked by the medical
deadline date for the season/sport the athlete is participating indeadline date for the season/sport the athlete is participating in
 Medical restrictions do NOT have to be lifted by the medical deadlineMedical restrictions do NOT have to be lifted by the medical deadline
 However, they MUST be lifted one week following the event entryHowever, they MUST be lifted one week following the event entry
 Healthcare provider notes CAN be faxed to the Headquarters OfficeHealthcare provider notes CAN be faxed to the Headquarters Office
Medical FormMishapsMedical FormMishaps
 Medicals will not be processed for the following reasons:Medicals will not be processed for the following reasons:
 The medical is not a Special Olympics Wisconsin medicalThe medical is not a Special Olympics Wisconsin medical
 Athlete name/Agency Name or Number is missingAthlete name/Agency Name or Number is missing
 The medical is faxed to the Headquarters office  however, medicalsThe medical is faxed to the Headquarters office  however, medicals
that have been faxed back and forth to a doctors office but are MAILEDthat have been faxed back and forth to a doctors office but are MAILED
to the Headquarters Officeto the Headquarters Office AREARE acceptableacceptable
 Physical Exam section is blank  we cannot process forms that havePhysical Exam section is blank  we cannot process forms that have
physical notes attached instead of this section being completed.physical notes attached instead of this section being completed.
 The healthcare providers signature is missing (stamps are acceptable)The healthcare providers signature is missing (stamps are acceptable)
 The healthcare provider signature date and/or date of exam is missingThe healthcare provider signature date and/or date of exam is missing
 Restrictions/Healthcare provider comments are unclearRestrictions/Healthcare provider comments are unclear
 The medical was signed by a R.N., L.P.N., or D.C.The medical was signed by a R.N., L.P.N., or D.C.
 There is no Release form attached or on file in the Headquarters officeThere is no Release form attached or on file in the Headquarters office
Those Confusing Release FormsThose Confusing Release Forms
 Release forms only need to be completed once unless there is aRelease forms only need to be completed once unless there is a
change in guardianshipchange in guardianship
 Top portionTop portion
 Must be completed if the athlete is an adult AND their own guardianMust be completed if the athlete is an adult AND their own guardian
 Bottom portionBottom portion
 Must be completed if the athlete is either:Must be completed if the athlete is either:
 A minorA minor
 An adult but NOT their own guardianAn adult but NOT their own guardian
 Release forms will not be processed if:Release forms will not be processed if:
 The adult athletes signature is missing if they are their own guardianThe adult athletes signature is missing if they are their own guardian
 The witness line is incorrectly completed/left blankThe witness line is incorrectly completed/left blank
 An athlete cannot be their own witness  this section is commonly (andAn athlete cannot be their own witness  this section is commonly (and
mistakenly) completed by the athletemistakenly) completed by the athlete
 Any section is crossed out/altered with exception to the Healthy AthletesAny section is crossed out/altered with exception to the Healthy Athletes
 There is no medical form attached or on file in the Headquarters officeThere is no medical form attached or on file in the Headquarters office
 The signature of the parent/guardian is missing if the athlete is a minor/not theirThe signature of the parent/guardian is missing if the athlete is a minor/not their
own guardianown guardian
Down Syndrome Exam FormsDown Syndrome Exam Forms
 Any Down Syndrome athlete who wishes to compete in theAny Down Syndrome athlete who wishes to compete in the
following sports MUST have a Down Syndrome Special Examfollowing sports MUST have a Down Syndrome Special Exam
form on file:form on file:
 Alpine skiing, soccer, artistic gymnastics, powerlifting, snowboarding,Alpine skiing, soccer, artistic gymnastics, powerlifting, snowboarding,
diving start, butterfly stroke and squat liftdiving start, butterfly stroke and squat lift
 If the healthcare provider completes the Down SyndromeIf the healthcare provider completes the Down Syndrome
section on the medical form, even in error, and there is nosection on the medical form, even in error, and there is no
Down Syndrome Special Exam form attached or on file,Down Syndrome Special Exam form attached or on file,
the athlete will be assumed to have Down Syndrome, bethe athlete will be assumed to have Down Syndrome, be
restricted from the above sports, and the comment NEEDrestricted from the above sports, and the comment NEED
their filetheir file
 If the athlete isnt participating in the above sports andIf the athlete isnt participating in the above sports and
their file indicates they need a Special Exam Form, theytheir file indicates they need a Special Exam Form, they
dont have to complete one.dont have to complete one.
Down Syndrome RestrictionsDown Syndrome Restrictions
 If the Down Syndrome section is completed in error, yet there is aIf the Down Syndrome section is completed in error, yet there is a
note on file indicating the athlete does not have Down Syndrome,note on file indicating the athlete does not have Down Syndrome,
they will not be restricted from any of the sports previously listedthey will not be restricted from any of the sports previously listed
 We cannot assume the comment N/A means that the athlete doesWe cannot assume the comment N/A means that the athlete does
not have Down Syndrome.not have Down Syndrome.
 Methods used to prevent the Down Syndrome section beingMethods used to prevent the Down Syndrome section being
completed in error (DO NOT CROSS OUT OR OTHERWISEcompleted in error (DO NOT CROSS OUT OR OTHERWISE
 Note written to the left side of Down Syndrome section of medicalNote written to the left side of Down Syndrome section of medical
 Stapled strip of paper covering section with a reminder to healthcare provider toStapled strip of paper covering section with a reminder to healthcare provider to
complete only if athlete has Down Syndromecomplete only if athlete has Down Syndrome
 Lifting any restrictions or clarifying if an athlete does not have DownLifting any restrictions or clarifying if an athlete does not have Down
Syndrome does NOT have to be completed by the medical deadlineSyndrome does NOT have to be completed by the medical deadline
 Restrictions/clarifications MUST, however, be completed by the end of business dayRestrictions/clarifications MUST, however, be completed by the end of business day
one week following the event entry deadline dateone week following the event entry deadline date
 Notes from healthcare providers CAN be faxed to the Headquarters officeNotes from healthcare providers CAN be faxed to the Headquarters office
Down Syndrome Exam FormDown Syndrome Exam Form
 If an athletes previous medical indicated they have DownIf an athletes previous medical indicated they have Down
Syndrome, and the Down Syndrome section on their newSyndrome, and the Down Syndrome section on their new
 If an athletes previous medical did not indicate DownIf an athletes previous medical did not indicate Down
Syndrome, and the Down Syndrome section on their newSyndrome, and the Down Syndrome section on their new
medical has been completed on a new medical (even inmedical has been completed on a new medical (even in
SYNDROME unless there is previous information on file fromSYNDROME unless there is previous information on file from
a healthcare provider indicating they do not have Downa healthcare provider indicating they do not have Down
Missing Medical DeadlinesMissing Medical Deadlines
 New AthletesNew Athletes
 Once the medical and Release forms are received by our office theyOnce the medical and Release forms are received by our office they
may practice for the rest of that sports season but not competemay practice for the rest of that sports season but not compete
 Returning AthletesReturning Athletes
 If their current medical expires after district/regional competition butIf their current medical expires after district/regional competition but
prior to sectional competitionprior to sectional competition  the athlete may compete in the the athlete may compete in the
district/regional event onlydistrict/regional event only
 If their current medical expires after sectional competition but prior toIf their current medical expires after sectional competition but prior to
state competitionstate competition  the athlete may compete in both district/regional the athlete may compete in both district/regional
and sectional events but CANNOT ADVANCE TOSTATEand sectional events but CANNOT ADVANCE TOSTATE
 Late medical/Release formsLate medical/Release forms
 Processed after eligible, competing athletes have been divisioned andProcessed after eligible, competing athletes have been divisioned and
advanced to sectional and/or Stateadvanced to sectional and/or State
 This may be up to a month or more after the medical deadlineThis may be up to a month or more after the medical deadline
 Questions on whether a medical/Release form has been received?Questions on whether a medical/Release form has been received?
Call or email Samantha Sotelo at the Headquarters OfficeCall or email Samantha Sotelo at the Headquarters Office
 A roster listing every athlete whose medical will expire prior to the last day ofA roster listing every athlete whose medical will expire prior to the last day of
the next State Tournament is mailed 6 weeks prior to that Tournamentsthe next State Tournament is mailed 6 weeks prior to that Tournaments
medical deadline. For example, any athlete who expires prior to June 11,medical deadline. For example, any athlete who expires prior to June 11,
2016, the last day of 2016 Summer Games Tournament, will be listed on a2016, the last day of 2016 Summer Games Tournament, will be listed on a
roster mailed to you mid-February 2016, approximately 6 weeks before theroster mailed to you mid-February 2016, approximately 6 weeks before the
April 1 deadline so that they can be notified they need a new medical if theyApril 1 deadline so that they can be notified they need a new medical if they
are a Summer Games season athlete.are a Summer Games season athlete.
 If someone other than the Agency Manager is responsible for your athletesIf someone other than the Agency Manager is responsible for your athletes
medicals, please let Samantha Sotelo at the Headquarters Office know andmedicals, please let Samantha Sotelo at the Headquarters Office know and
she can mail updated rosters and/or copies of medicals to themshe can mail updated rosters and/or copies of medicals to them
 Updated rosters are mailed to agencies every 2-3 weeks if the agency hasUpdated rosters are mailed to agencies every 2-3 weeks if the agency has
had any changes during that time including:had any changes during that time including:
 New athletesNew athletes
 Athletes that have transferred to the agencyAthletes that have transferred to the agency
 Athletes that have been removed from their rosterAthletes that have been removed from their roster
 Get those medicals in EARLY!Get those medicals in EARLY!
 Per insurance coverage guidelines, SOI policy states an athletes medical mustPer insurance coverage guidelines, SOI policy states an athletes medical must
be received and approved BEFORE STARTING PRACTICE.be received and approved BEFORE STARTING PRACTICE.
 Questions? Samantha Sotelo, Athlete Records Manager, (608) 442-5677 orQuestions? Samantha Sotelo, Athlete Records Manager, (608) 442-5677 or

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  • 1. Athlete Medical RecordsAthlete Medical Records Special Olympics WisconsinSpecial Olympics Wisconsin 2015-20162015-2016
  • 2. Key Points for2015-2016Key Points for2015-2016 Special Olympics, Inc. Housing policySpecial Olympics, Inc. Housing policy Every athlete with a Release form on file signed before the 2013Every athlete with a Release form on file signed before the 2013 version will need to have an addendum signed and on file in theversion will need to have an addendum signed and on file in the Headquarters Office indicating they or their parents/guardians are awareHeadquarters Office indicating they or their parents/guardians are aware of the SOWI housing guidelines, which are outlined in the Agencyof the SOWI housing guidelines, which are outlined in the Agency Manager Handbook. Agencies received addendums in the fall of 2014Manager Handbook. Agencies received addendums in the fall of 2014 and they are also be available online or by request.and they are also be available online or by request. A roster listing every athlete still in need of the addendum will be mailed 6A roster listing every athlete still in need of the addendum will be mailed 6 weeks prior to every medical deadline.weeks prior to every medical deadline. NO athlete will be deniedNO athlete will be denied participation if they do not have the addendum signed and on file fortheparticipation if they do not have the addendum signed and on file forthe programyear2015-2016.programyear2015-2016. HOWEVER, participation MAY be affected if anHOWEVER, participation MAY be affected if an athlete fails to have this addendum on file by the end of 2016.athlete fails to have this addendum on file by the end of 2016. The Unified Sports速 Partner Form is no longerThe Unified Sports速 Partner Form is no longer requiredrequired HOWEVER, all Unified Sports速 Partners are required to be aHOWEVER, all Unified Sports速 Partners are required to be a registered class A volunteer by the medical deadline date for the sport inregistered class A volunteer by the medical deadline date for the sport in which they intend to participate.which they intend to participate.
  • 3. A Few Medical RemindersA Few Medical Reminders An athletes medical must remain valid through the LAST DAYAn athletes medical must remain valid through the LAST DAY OF STATE COMPETITION for that sports seasonOF STATE COMPETITION for that sports season Medicals need to be renewed every three years from the dateMedicals need to be renewed every three years from the date of either:of either: The date of the physical exam (DOE)The date of the physical exam (DOE) The date of the doctors signatureThe date of the doctors signature If there is a DOE listed, the expiration date is ALWAYS three yearsIf there is a DOE listed, the expiration date is ALWAYS three years from that date, NOT the date the doctor signed the formfrom that date, NOT the date the doctor signed the form Social Security Numbers are NOT required on medical forms Social Security Numbers are NOT required on medical forms if you have an old form please cross this section out.if you have an old form please cross this section out. If an athlete needs a new medical form but their insurance/MAIf an athlete needs a new medical form but their insurance/MA does not allow for another physical, the athlete can have thedoes not allow for another physical, the athlete can have the doctor write the date of the last physical exam on the form.doctor write the date of the last physical exam on the form.
  • 4. Medical Deadline DatesMedical Deadline Dates February 1February 1 (Indoor Sports Season) Basketball & Gymnastics(Indoor Sports Season) Basketball & Gymnastics April 1April 1 (Summer Games Season) Aquatics, Athletics, Soccer &(Summer Games Season) Aquatics, Athletics, Soccer & PowerliftingPowerlifting June 1June 1 (Outdoor Sports Season) Softball/Teeball, Tennis, Golf &(Outdoor Sports Season) Softball/Teeball, Tennis, Golf & BocceBocce September15September15 Flag Football Flag Football October1October1 (Fall Sports Season) Bowling & Volleyball(Fall Sports Season) Bowling & Volleyball December1December1 (Winter Games Season) Skiing, Snowshoeing &(Winter Games Season) Skiing, Snowshoeing & SnowboardingSnowboarding Medicals/Release Forms MUST be postmarked by the medicalMedicals/Release Forms MUST be postmarked by the medical deadline date for the season/sport the athlete is participating indeadline date for the season/sport the athlete is participating in Medical restrictions do NOT have to be lifted by the medical deadlineMedical restrictions do NOT have to be lifted by the medical deadline datedate However, they MUST be lifted one week following the event entryHowever, they MUST be lifted one week following the event entry deadlinedeadline Healthcare provider notes CAN be faxed to the Headquarters OfficeHealthcare provider notes CAN be faxed to the Headquarters Office
  • 5. Medical FormMishapsMedical FormMishaps Medicals will not be processed for the following reasons:Medicals will not be processed for the following reasons: The medical is not a Special Olympics Wisconsin medicalThe medical is not a Special Olympics Wisconsin medical Athlete name/Agency Name or Number is missingAthlete name/Agency Name or Number is missing The medical is faxed to the Headquarters office however, medicalsThe medical is faxed to the Headquarters office however, medicals that have been faxed back and forth to a doctors office but are MAILEDthat have been faxed back and forth to a doctors office but are MAILED to the Headquarters Officeto the Headquarters Office AREARE acceptableacceptable Physical Exam section is blank we cannot process forms that havePhysical Exam section is blank we cannot process forms that have physical notes attached instead of this section being completed.physical notes attached instead of this section being completed. The healthcare providers signature is missing (stamps are acceptable)The healthcare providers signature is missing (stamps are acceptable) The healthcare provider signature date and/or date of exam is missingThe healthcare provider signature date and/or date of exam is missing Restrictions/Healthcare provider comments are unclearRestrictions/Healthcare provider comments are unclear The medical was signed by a R.N., L.P.N., or D.C.The medical was signed by a R.N., L.P.N., or D.C. There is no Release form attached or on file in the Headquarters officeThere is no Release form attached or on file in the Headquarters office
  • 6. Those Confusing Release FormsThose Confusing Release Forms Release forms only need to be completed once unless there is aRelease forms only need to be completed once unless there is a change in guardianshipchange in guardianship Top portionTop portion Must be completed if the athlete is an adult AND their own guardianMust be completed if the athlete is an adult AND their own guardian Bottom portionBottom portion Must be completed if the athlete is either:Must be completed if the athlete is either: A minorA minor An adult but NOT their own guardianAn adult but NOT their own guardian Release forms will not be processed if:Release forms will not be processed if: The adult athletes signature is missing if they are their own guardianThe adult athletes signature is missing if they are their own guardian The witness line is incorrectly completed/left blankThe witness line is incorrectly completed/left blank An athlete cannot be their own witness this section is commonly (andAn athlete cannot be their own witness this section is commonly (and mistakenly) completed by the athletemistakenly) completed by the athlete Any section is crossed out/altered with exception to the Healthy AthletesAny section is crossed out/altered with exception to the Healthy Athletes sectionsection There is no medical form attached or on file in the Headquarters officeThere is no medical form attached or on file in the Headquarters office The signature of the parent/guardian is missing if the athlete is a minor/not theirThe signature of the parent/guardian is missing if the athlete is a minor/not their own guardianown guardian
  • 7. Down Syndrome Exam FormsDown Syndrome Exam Forms Any Down Syndrome athlete who wishes to compete in theAny Down Syndrome athlete who wishes to compete in the following sports MUST have a Down Syndrome Special Examfollowing sports MUST have a Down Syndrome Special Exam form on file:form on file: Alpine skiing, soccer, artistic gymnastics, powerlifting, snowboarding,Alpine skiing, soccer, artistic gymnastics, powerlifting, snowboarding, diving start, butterfly stroke and squat liftdiving start, butterfly stroke and squat lift If the healthcare provider completes the Down SyndromeIf the healthcare provider completes the Down Syndrome section on the medical form, even in error, and there is nosection on the medical form, even in error, and there is no Down Syndrome Special Exam form attached or on file,Down Syndrome Special Exam form attached or on file, the athlete will be assumed to have Down Syndrome, bethe athlete will be assumed to have Down Syndrome, be restricted from the above sports, and the comment NEEDrestricted from the above sports, and the comment NEED SPECIAL EXAM FORM COMPLETED will be added toSPECIAL EXAM FORM COMPLETED will be added to their filetheir file If the athlete isnt participating in the above sports andIf the athlete isnt participating in the above sports and their file indicates they need a Special Exam Form, theytheir file indicates they need a Special Exam Form, they dont have to complete one.dont have to complete one.
  • 8. Down Syndrome RestrictionsDown Syndrome Restrictions If the Down Syndrome section is completed in error, yet there is aIf the Down Syndrome section is completed in error, yet there is a note on file indicating the athlete does not have Down Syndrome,note on file indicating the athlete does not have Down Syndrome, they will not be restricted from any of the sports previously listedthey will not be restricted from any of the sports previously listed We cannot assume the comment N/A means that the athlete doesWe cannot assume the comment N/A means that the athlete does not have Down Syndrome.not have Down Syndrome. Methods used to prevent the Down Syndrome section beingMethods used to prevent the Down Syndrome section being completed in error (DO NOT CROSS OUT OR OTHERWISEcompleted in error (DO NOT CROSS OUT OR OTHERWISE ALTER SECTION YOURSELF):ALTER SECTION YOURSELF): Note written to the left side of Down Syndrome section of medicalNote written to the left side of Down Syndrome section of medical Stapled strip of paper covering section with a reminder to healthcare provider toStapled strip of paper covering section with a reminder to healthcare provider to complete only if athlete has Down Syndromecomplete only if athlete has Down Syndrome Lifting any restrictions or clarifying if an athlete does not have DownLifting any restrictions or clarifying if an athlete does not have Down Syndrome does NOT have to be completed by the medical deadlineSyndrome does NOT have to be completed by the medical deadline datedate Restrictions/clarifications MUST, however, be completed by the end of business dayRestrictions/clarifications MUST, however, be completed by the end of business day one week following the event entry deadline dateone week following the event entry deadline date Notes from healthcare providers CAN be faxed to the Headquarters officeNotes from healthcare providers CAN be faxed to the Headquarters office
  • 9. Down Syndrome Exam FormDown Syndrome Exam Form Wrap-upWrap-up If an athletes previous medical indicated they have DownIf an athletes previous medical indicated they have Down Syndrome, and the Down Syndrome section on their newSyndrome, and the Down Syndrome section on their new medical is blank, THEY ARE STILL PRESUMED TO HAVEmedical is blank, THEY ARE STILL PRESUMED TO HAVE DOWN SYNDROMEDOWN SYNDROME If an athletes previous medical did not indicate DownIf an athletes previous medical did not indicate Down Syndrome, and the Down Syndrome section on their newSyndrome, and the Down Syndrome section on their new medical has been completed on a new medical (even inmedical has been completed on a new medical (even in error), THEY ARE NOW PRESUMED TO HAVE DOWNerror), THEY ARE NOW PRESUMED TO HAVE DOWN SYNDROME unless there is previous information on file fromSYNDROME unless there is previous information on file from a healthcare provider indicating they do not have Downa healthcare provider indicating they do not have Down syndromesyndrome
  • 10. Missing Medical DeadlinesMissing Medical Deadlines New AthletesNew Athletes Once the medical and Release forms are received by our office theyOnce the medical and Release forms are received by our office they may practice for the rest of that sports season but not competemay practice for the rest of that sports season but not compete Returning AthletesReturning Athletes If their current medical expires after district/regional competition butIf their current medical expires after district/regional competition but prior to sectional competitionprior to sectional competition the athlete may compete in the the athlete may compete in the district/regional event onlydistrict/regional event only If their current medical expires after sectional competition but prior toIf their current medical expires after sectional competition but prior to state competitionstate competition the athlete may compete in both district/regional the athlete may compete in both district/regional and sectional events but CANNOT ADVANCE TOSTATEand sectional events but CANNOT ADVANCE TOSTATE Late medical/Release formsLate medical/Release forms Processed after eligible, competing athletes have been divisioned andProcessed after eligible, competing athletes have been divisioned and advanced to sectional and/or Stateadvanced to sectional and/or State This may be up to a month or more after the medical deadlineThis may be up to a month or more after the medical deadline Questions on whether a medical/Release form has been received?Questions on whether a medical/Release form has been received? Call or email Samantha Sotelo at the Headquarters OfficeCall or email Samantha Sotelo at the Headquarters Office
  • 11. PotpourriPotpourri A roster listing every athlete whose medical will expire prior to the last day ofA roster listing every athlete whose medical will expire prior to the last day of the next State Tournament is mailed 6 weeks prior to that Tournamentsthe next State Tournament is mailed 6 weeks prior to that Tournaments medical deadline. For example, any athlete who expires prior to June 11,medical deadline. For example, any athlete who expires prior to June 11, 2016, the last day of 2016 Summer Games Tournament, will be listed on a2016, the last day of 2016 Summer Games Tournament, will be listed on a roster mailed to you mid-February 2016, approximately 6 weeks before theroster mailed to you mid-February 2016, approximately 6 weeks before the April 1 deadline so that they can be notified they need a new medical if theyApril 1 deadline so that they can be notified they need a new medical if they are a Summer Games season athlete.are a Summer Games season athlete. If someone other than the Agency Manager is responsible for your athletesIf someone other than the Agency Manager is responsible for your athletes medicals, please let Samantha Sotelo at the Headquarters Office know andmedicals, please let Samantha Sotelo at the Headquarters Office know and she can mail updated rosters and/or copies of medicals to themshe can mail updated rosters and/or copies of medicals to them Updated rosters are mailed to agencies every 2-3 weeks if the agency hasUpdated rosters are mailed to agencies every 2-3 weeks if the agency has had any changes during that time including:had any changes during that time including: New athletesNew athletes Athletes that have transferred to the agencyAthletes that have transferred to the agency Athletes that have been removed from their rosterAthletes that have been removed from their roster Get those medicals in EARLY!Get those medicals in EARLY! Per insurance coverage guidelines, SOI policy states an athletes medical mustPer insurance coverage guidelines, SOI policy states an athletes medical must be received and approved BEFORE STARTING PRACTICE.be received and approved BEFORE STARTING PRACTICE. Questions? Samantha Sotelo, Athlete Records Manager, (608) 442-5677 orQuestions? Samantha Sotelo, Athlete Records Manager, (608) 442-5677 or ssotelo@specialolympicswisconsin.orgssotelo@specialolympicswisconsin.org