VII Jornada de Biblioteques Judicials. La documentaci坦 jur鱈dica a Catalunya, avui.
Centre d'Estudis Jur鱈dics i Formaci坦 Especialitzada, 16 d'abril de 2013
VII Jornada de Biblioteques Judicials. La documentaci坦 jur鱈dica a Catalunya, avui.
Centre d'Estudis Jur鱈dics i Formaci坦 Especialitzada, 16 d'abril de 2013
The document proposes a system called Explorability to promote civic engagement in Bloomington, Indiana through increased use of the public bus network. Explorability encourages residents and visitors to explore the possibilities in town by utilizing the bus system. It presents concepts organized into three categories: at the bus stop, riding the bus, and expanding the bus network. These concepts aim to provide information, enrich experiences, and facilitate transportation to increase familiarity with the city and civic pride among different groups, including visitors, new students, and families.
The document outlines the goals and business model of Dallah Caf辿, an authentic Arabic coffee and tea brand. Dallah Caf辿 aims to become the most successful brand in the Middle East by serving as ambassadors of Arabic culture through coffee, food, and hospitality. They operate three retail formats - stand-alone kiosks for malls, modular buildings, and mobile trucks - and plan to expand across multiple Middle Eastern countries.
- Inflation has remained moderate at around 3.8% annually on average over the past 20 years. GDP growth in Q2 2011 was a lackluster 1.0% annualized, lower than expected. Unemployment remains stubbornly high despite government efforts to create jobs. Volatility surged in Q3 due to uncertainty in Europe and other factors. Commodities retreated with oil at its lowest levels in 2011 and gold finishing the quarter positive but down in September.
Global environmental challenges [and livestock]ILRI
Presented by Henning Steinfeld of FAO at the ILRI-World Bank High Level Consultation on the Global Livestock Agenda by 2020, Nairobi, 12- 13 March 2012
Este documento describe 4 tipos principales de archivos en Stata: archivos .dta para bases de datos, archivos .log/.smcl para bit叩coras, archivos .do para programas, y archivos .gph para gr叩ficos. Tambi辿n cubre comandos como summarize, list, sort, by, y gr叩ficos.