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ATTACK PLAN                                          COVER STORY

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                                      APRIL 2011   GOLFINFUZION.COM   3
                       LISTEN TO JEFF RITTERS
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    Here I am employing the ATTACK mentality. This
    is the key move to executing the toughest shots in
    golf. You must learn to go against your instinct of               ATTACK
    trying to lift the ball into the air. Go down after it          MENTALITY
    for solid, powerful, high towering shots.

                                           ATTACK PLAN                       The greatest players know
                                                                             how to compress the ball,
                                                                                                               from the hit. If you want to hit
                                                                                                               it big, youve got to learn how
                                           THE ATTACK MENTALITY FOR
                                           BETTER BALL STRIKING              leading to big distance           to generate the proper hitting
                                           BY JEFF RITTER                    with an effortless launch! In     sequence that builds leverage
                                                                             essence, they have what I call    with the turf. To demonstrate,
                                                                             the attack mentality. Most      Im going to share with you
                                                                             amateurs, however, work into      how to hit the toughest shot
                                                                             the ball with just the opposite   in golf. The driver off the deck!
                                                                             attitude, actually getting up
                                                  PODCAST AVAILABLE
                                                  DOWNLOAD IT >>             and away from or retreating

4      GOLFINFUZION.COM           APRIL 2011

                                                        THINK: LEAN, TURN, HIT

THE BRIEF                              minded. Imagine trying to throw       Ive also remained in my tilt well    golfers this is a shot you should
                                       a punch while keeping your            past contact. Here I am staying       never try on the course as a three
The Holy Grail of all golf shots,      spine angle constant or passive.      with the shot, trusting that with     wood or hybrid will advance the
this one requires the attack move      It would be impossible to deliver     good technique, even a low            ball effortlessly a considerable
more than any other. Due to the        any kind of real force. The same      lofted club can get airborne.        distance. The point is to know
low loft on a driver, most golfers,    idea applies to your golf swing.                                            that with good technique and
if they were to ever attempt this      As you transition from backswing      EXPECT                                an attacking, hitters mentality, a
shot would try to gain height by       to downswing, feel your weight                                              skilled player can pull off basically
lifting the ball from the turf. They   pressing into the ground with         Unless you have a sweet lie           anything. Understand the attack
would retreat away, standing up      your left foot as your chest          with the ball perched up a bit,       move and why its so powerful.
tall, doing everything possible        attacks downward towards the          expect a low heater that runs         Infuse this mentality into all of
to get the ball air born. This is in   turf. This is an action commonly      like a rabbit down the fairway.       your full swing shots as a means
essence one of the key attitudes       seen in most every player from        If you have a driver with a little    of further developing this action
that gets golfers in trouble.          Lee Trevino to Tiger Woods!           more loft than normal, you may        common to the worlds greatest
Trying to lift in order to launch.                                           not have much trouble getting         players. If you can sense how to
Your mission, to go against all        Once youve established your          the ball up. Otherwise, youll        create power through the proper
instinct and go down after it with     attack move, now its time            need some big time Tiger Woods        movements youll be well on your
a hitters mentality!                  to unwind and deliver the             speed to get your ball climbing       way to longer shots and even
                                       hit!Practice your attack mentality   skyward.                             be able to pull off something as
THE EXECUTION                          by thinking of the sequence:                                                tough as the driver off the deck,
                                       Lean, Turn, Hit! Notice how not       SUMMARY                               all courtesy of a knockout punch!
Theres little room for error with     only have I increased my spine
this shot, so you have to be attack    angle during the transition, but      Keep in mind, that for most           MORE FROM JEFF OVER PAGE >>

                                                                                                             APRIL 2011    GOLFINFUZION.COM           5
                                                                  Jeff Ritter is coach, author and
    ATTACK         This sequence demonstrates the key trait       speaker specializing in peak
    MENTALITY      that all great ball strikers have in common,   performance and life inspiration.
                   the attack mentality. This promotes a        He teaches at the ASU Karsten        Jeff is a Senior Instruction Writer
                   downward strike on the ball, and launches      Golf Course, Pin Learning Center     for Golf Infuzion Magazine. For
                   the ball into the air. This is essential to    in Tempe, AZ. Visit Jeffs website   more of Jeffs articles visit
                   execute the driver off the deck effectively.   at www.jeffrittergolf.com.           www.golfinfuzion.com/JeffRitter.

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Attack Plan - Golf Infuzion Magazine

  • 2. PODCAST AVAILABLE LISTEN TO JEFF RITTERS COMMENTARY DOWNLOAD IT >> Here I am employing the ATTACK mentality. This is the key move to executing the toughest shots in golf. You must learn to go against your instinct of ATTACK trying to lift the ball into the air. Go down after it MENTALITY for solid, powerful, high towering shots. ATTACK PLAN The greatest players know how to compress the ball, from the hit. If you want to hit it big, youve got to learn how THE ATTACK MENTALITY FOR BETTER BALL STRIKING leading to big distance to generate the proper hitting BY JEFF RITTER with an effortless launch! In sequence that builds leverage essence, they have what I call with the turf. To demonstrate, the attack mentality. Most Im going to share with you amateurs, however, work into how to hit the toughest shot the ball with just the opposite in golf. The driver off the deck! attitude, actually getting up PODCAST AVAILABLE DOWNLOAD IT >> and away from or retreating 4 GOLFINFUZION.COM APRIL 2011
  • 3. ATTACK PLAN THINK: LEAN, TURN, HIT THE BRIEF minded. Imagine trying to throw Ive also remained in my tilt well golfers this is a shot you should a punch while keeping your past contact. Here I am staying never try on the course as a three The Holy Grail of all golf shots, spine angle constant or passive. with the shot, trusting that with wood or hybrid will advance the this one requires the attack move It would be impossible to deliver good technique, even a low ball effortlessly a considerable more than any other. Due to the any kind of real force. The same lofted club can get airborne. distance. The point is to know low loft on a driver, most golfers, idea applies to your golf swing. that with good technique and if they were to ever attempt this As you transition from backswing EXPECT an attacking, hitters mentality, a shot would try to gain height by to downswing, feel your weight skilled player can pull off basically lifting the ball from the turf. They pressing into the ground with Unless you have a sweet lie anything. Understand the attack would retreat away, standing up your left foot as your chest with the ball perched up a bit, move and why its so powerful. tall, doing everything possible attacks downward towards the expect a low heater that runs Infuse this mentality into all of to get the ball air born. This is in turf. This is an action commonly like a rabbit down the fairway. your full swing shots as a means essence one of the key attitudes seen in most every player from If you have a driver with a little of further developing this action that gets golfers in trouble. Lee Trevino to Tiger Woods! more loft than normal, you may common to the worlds greatest Trying to lift in order to launch. not have much trouble getting players. If you can sense how to Your mission, to go against all Once youve established your the ball up. Otherwise, youll create power through the proper instinct and go down after it with attack move, now its time need some big time Tiger Woods movements youll be well on your a hitters mentality! to unwind and deliver the speed to get your ball climbing way to longer shots and even hit!Practice your attack mentality skyward. be able to pull off something as THE EXECUTION by thinking of the sequence: tough as the driver off the deck, Lean, Turn, Hit! Notice how not SUMMARY all courtesy of a knockout punch! Theres little room for error with only have I increased my spine this shot, so you have to be attack angle during the transition, but Keep in mind, that for most MORE FROM JEFF OVER PAGE >> APRIL 2011 GOLFINFUZION.COM 5
  • 4. SWING SEQUENCE: DRIVER OFF THE DECK Jeff Ritter is coach, author and ATTACK This sequence demonstrates the key trait speaker specializing in peak MENTALITY that all great ball strikers have in common, performance and life inspiration. the attack mentality. This promotes a He teaches at the ASU Karsten Jeff is a Senior Instruction Writer downward strike on the ball, and launches Golf Course, Pin Learning Center for Golf Infuzion Magazine. For the ball into the air. This is essential to in Tempe, AZ. Visit Jeffs website more of Jeffs articles visit execute the driver off the deck effectively. at www.jeffrittergolf.com. www.golfinfuzion.com/JeffRitter. 6 GOLFINFUZION.COM APRIL 2011