Game theory applied to information security. Data from 2014 shows that attackers go after the low hanging fruit when it comes to choosing which vulnerabilities to exploit.
5. C(ommon) V(ulnerability) S(coring) S(ystem)
CVSS is designed to rank information
system vulnerabilities
Exploitability/Temporal (Likelihood)
Impact/Environmental (Severity)
The Good: Open, Standardized Scores
6. F1: Data Fundamentalism
Since 2006 Vulnerabilities have declined by 26 percent. http://
The total number of vulnerabilities in 2013 is up 16 percent so far
when compared to what we saw in the same time period in 2012.
7. FAIL 2: A Priori Modeling
Following up my previous email, I have tweaked my equation to
try to achieve better separation between adjacent scores and to
have CCC have a perfect (storm) 10 score...There is probably a
way to optimize the problem numerically, but doing trial and error
gives one plausible set of parameters...except that the scores of
9.21 and 9.54 are still too close together. I can adjust x.3 and x.7
to get a better separation . . .