This document provides feedback from test audiences on a movie trailer and ideas to improve promotional materials. Viewers provided positive feedback on the trailer's attention-grabbing opening, well-constructed order of scenes, and unique theme of a split personality in horror. Suggestions included adding more spoken lines, lengthening the trailer, and showing more of the main character's personality. Based on this, the creator plans to change the poster font to relate better to the narrative and add another cover line to the magazine.
2. Feedback for Magazine and Poster
- For the magazine and poster feedback I used Facebook as the target audience
use social networking on a daily base, also as Facebook has over 500 million
users it would be the most effective way for feedback.
9. Feedback for Trailer
- For the trailer feedback I asked my audience their opinion verbally as they were
watching the trailer so I would be able to see their instant reaction.
10. WOW! That was really good, I really like the music you used it
complimented the video well. You should be proud. Reena Patel
The trailer grabs my attention straight away, thats how it should
Be Amarjot Kaur
I would love to walk this film, only if you guys made a real film it
would be amazing. Arun Garcha
Now that what I call a really well constructed trailer. You guys
really thought about the order . Soyaba Mughal
I like the theme of split personality, its different to what you see in
horror films these days. Harkirat Panesar
11. Overall I really enjoyed the trailer but it would have been good if
you included some speak. Sona Pandya
I like the music you have used for the trailer but it would have
sounded better if it flowed more. Bharat Patel
The trailer has a good build up to it but I think it should have been
slightly longer. Jasmine Gill
The way you associated the video and music works really well
especially the bit with all the fast clips. I would have liked it better if
you showed off her personality a bit more. Navneet Mookar
12. What I learnt form audience feedback
After carrying out my audience feedback I have received some
constructive criticism, I will be making changes to my media
package according to the feedback I have received.
I will be making two changes to my media products:
-Changing the font of the tagline and website on the poster to
make it relate to the narrative more, I will add a font which has a
sketchy effect to refer back to Rosie Black who is seen sketching in
her book in the trailer.
-On the magazine I am going to add one more cover line to make
the magazine look busier.