The document discusses targeting a magazine towards males and females aged 16-25 because the content will focus on topics relevant to that age group. It also aims for social grades E and C1 as students will be interested in the variety of music featured. The document mentions using Katz's uses and gratification theory and Maslow's hierarchy of needs to understand audience motivations. It also notes people may purchase the magazine based on agreeing with others' opinions, highlighting the importance of personal relationships.
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1. Gender and age (Hartleys 7
subjectivities) and why?
My target gender is mal and female
between the ages of 16-25 because
the type of magazine I think will
only for the type of age group and
with the information I have
Socio-Economic needs and why?
Social grade E and C1. This is
because students are more
interested in the type of music I
will be adding, thats why I have a
variety of music so it suits a wide
range of people.
Katz uses and gratification
theory and Maslows hierarchy of
Personal relationship this is
because people will agree with
other people opinions and that will
make them buy It because of
person relationship.
Young college students and people
tht are interested in acoustic music.