Preliminary differences between Italy and the UK in the field of audiodescription - aka audiodescription vs. audionarration.
A culture-based approach ?
1. Perhaps only in a world of the blind will things be what they truly are. Jos竪 Saramago, Blindness Insights into culture-specific AD: Italian vs. English Audiodescription of the film Chocolat.
2. Case study: preliminary observations on the comparison of 2 different AD versions of the same film Film title: Chocolat (2000) AD versions: English vs. Italian Aims of the study: Finding out differences and similarities Suggesting viable culture- and practice-based options for specific AD features Preliminary observations and future research desiderata A CASE STUDY
3. METHODOLOGY Methodology used: Tools provided by corpus linguistic analysis Software used: Antconc version 3.2.1 Corpus-based analysis: Quantitative vs. Qualitative Need for combining evidence-based data with semantic and co-textual/contextual elements
4. CHOCOLAT (2000) Main characters: Vianne, Roux, Anouk, Josephine, Comte de Reynauld, Serge Muscat, Armande Story Plot Narrating voice: (adult) Anouk
23. SYNTACTIC & STYLISTIC OBSERVATIONS Syntactic observations Sentence structure EN: Subject/Verb/Object (Nearly) no secondary clauses IT: High frequence of secondary clauses High frequence of Object/(passive)Verb Subject structure + embedded clauses Stylistic observations EN: standard register (is this typical for EN written genre ?) IT: high register (typical for written narrative genre)
24. PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS Current Italian AD is still very much influenced by literary tradition and typical written Italian style : - Redundancy - Long and quite articulated sentences - Personal judgements - "Describe what you see" vs. "Describe what you feel" - Colors are not adequately audiodescribed - "Audiobook" attitude Though in both versions - Change of focus is the most frequent type of "event" (Salway, 2005)
25. FUTURE RESEARCH DESIDERATA Widening the range of categories to compare (ex: POS tagging) Combining preliminary results with extra information coming from dialogues and inner narration, if different from the original Repeating the same type of test on more films Testing other AD versions of "Chocolat" (more languages and/or more AD versions in the same language) Testing EN-style AD scripts on the Italian blind audience