The document discusses audit planning, which involves establishing the overall audit strategy, developing an audit plan, and documenting the plan. The amount of planning depends on factors like the client's size and complexity and any changes from the prior year. Planning establishes the audit scope, resources and timing needed. It also evaluates independence and sets the terms of engagement. The strategy considers how to manage resources and review work. The plan provides instructions on risk assessment and further audit procedures. The auditor updates the plan as needed if new information arises.
2. Planning
Preliminary Audit Audit Review
Activities Strategy Plan
3. Planning
Wider aspects
When How Much Preliminaries
Depends on:
On Completing Last Audit
(control de?ciencies / 1) Size and complexity of Evaluating compliance with
unadjusted errors) client relevant ethical requirements,
including independence.
As Audit Progresses - 2) Previous experience with the
signi?cant event changing the client, and Establishing an understanding
plan of the terms of the
3) Any changes in engagement.
circumstance that may occur
during the audit.
4. Planning
Wider aspects
When How Much Preliminaries
Depends on:
On Completing Last Audit
(control de?ciencies / 1) Size and complexity of Evaluating compliance with
unadjusted errors) client relevant ethical requirements,
including independence.
As Audit Progresses - 2) Previous experience with the
signi?cant event changing the client, and Establishing an understanding
plan of the terms of the
3) Any changes in engagement.
circumstance that may occur
during the audit.
5. Planning
Wider aspects
When How Much Preliminaries
Depends on:
On Completing Last Audit
(control de?ciencies / 1) Size and complexity of Evaluating compliance with
unadjusted errors) client relevant ethical requirements,
including independence.
As Audit Progresses - 2) Previous experience with the
signi?cant event changing the client, and Establishing an understanding
plan of the terms of the
3) Any changes in engagement.
circumstance that may occur
during the audit.
6. Planning
Wider aspects
When How Much Preliminaries
Depends on:
On Completing Last Audit
(control de?ciencies / 1) Size and complexity of Evaluating compliance with
unadjusted errors) client relevant ethical requirements,
including independence.
As Audit Progresses - 2) Previous experience with the
signi?cant event changing the client, and Establishing an understanding
plan of the terms of the
3) Any changes in engagement.
circumstance that may occur
during the audit.
9. Audit Strategy
Managing Resources
Planning Results
Of the audit
10. Audit Strategy
Logistics Scope
Managing Resources of the audit
Planning Results
Of the audit
11. Audit Strategy
Logistics Scope
Managing Resources of the audit
Planning Results Reporting
Of the audit Objectives
12. Audit Strategy
Identify the Scope
Eg. a group audit engagement will both have wider scope than an SME
Consider the use of the work of internal auditors, external service
organisations, IT on audit procedures, FR framework, the entity¡¯s
business, any business segments, and the availability of client personnel
Reporting Objectives
Any CG requirements?
The nature of other communications such as with
component auditors, and communications to management and to those
charged with governance.
ISA 300 states that audit planning activities should:
? establish the overall audit strategy for the engagement
13. Audit Strategy
Such as quality control, how resources are managed, directed and
supervised, when team brie?ng and debrie?ng meetings are expected
to be held, how engagement partner and manager reviews are
expected to take place (for example, on-site or off-site), and whether to
complete engagement quality control reviews.
Planning Results
Set initial materiality, any fraud risks, signi?cant events that have
occurred since the last audit, and the results of previous
audits evaluating internal controls (any de?ciencies and action taken)
Any other relevant services, eg reviews of business plans or cash ?ow
ISA 300 states that audit planning activities should:
? establish the overall audit strategy for the engagement
14. Audit Strategy
Nature, timing & resources
The use of specialists, highly experienced auditors for a potentially high
risk audit engagement.
If time pressured, then more resources needed
ISA 300 states that audit planning activities should:
? establish the overall audit strategy for the engagement
16. Planning
A detailed programme giving instructions as to how each
area of the audit will be conducted
Nature, timing and extent of planned
risk assessment procedures
17. Planning
A detailed programme giving instructions as to how each
area of the audit will be conducted
1 2
Nature, timing and extent of planned Nature, timing and extent of planned
risk assessment procedures further audit procedures at the
assertion level
18. Planning
A detailed programme giving instructions as to how each
area of the audit will be conducted
1 2 3
Nature, timing and extent of planned Nature, timing and extent of planned Other planned audit procedures
risk assessment procedures further audit procedures at the so that the engagement
assertion level complies with ISAs.
19. Audit Plan Changes
Updated as Necessary
Information comes that is different to
For example, as a result of unexpected the planned info.
events, the auditor may need to
modify the planned nature, timing and For example, an event creating doubt
extent of further audit procedures, over going concern.
based on the revised consideration of
assessed risks. Or, amend initial risk assessment /
performance materiality, for all, or
part, of the audit, after performing
planning procedures
Audit strategy is not always prepared and completed before
the audit plan, in practice it is typical for the two to be
developed together
27. Direction & Supervision
Plan it!
The amount of detail included in the audit plan
depends on factors such as:
How supervision and review
should be conducted during the 1) The size and complexity of the entity
audit 2) The assessed risk of material misstatement
3) The capabilities of the audit team members.
Inadequate supervision and
review can lead to errors, eg.
selecting inappropriate items for
28. For Initial Engagements
Client Communicate
Engagement with the
Procedures predecessor
More auditor
Planning is a dynamic process that may evolve during
the audit, and should always respond to changes in the
circumstances of the audited entity