Bailey Hall at Cornell University underwent a $17.3 million renovation that was completed in 2006. Originally built in 1912, the hall held 1,948 chairs that were reduced to 1,324 to meet building codes and provide more comfort. Irwin Seating Company restored the historic chairs by stripping finishes and repairing wood and upholstery, adding new ergonomic seats and aisle lights while maintaining the original design. Restoring existing chairs helps preserve architectural integrity while practicing environmental stewardship compared to full replacement.
Bailey Hall, Cornell University ~ Ithaca, New York
With its colonnaded portico and monumental stairs which
lead to a main entrance with 11-foot tall doors, Bailey Hall is
considered an excellent example of early 20th century classical
revival architecture. The building, which is used for sympo-
siums, concerts and classes, underwent a 3-year, $17.3 million
renovation that was completed in 2006. Renovations to the
historic building were designed by Mitchell/Giurgola Architects
and feature a three-story addition to the back of the hall, a
new acoustical canopy, improved restroom facilities, a handi-
capped-accessible elevator and a gentler floor slope.
The hall, originally built in 1912, held 1,948 chairs. The seating
was reduced to 1,324 chairs to meet current building codes
and to provide a more comfortable environment for patrons.
Irwin Seating Company removed the chairs and shipped all
the components back to the factory for complete restoration.
Backs and armrests were stripped of old finish, sanded smooth,
re-stained and sealed. Backs were given an upholstered pad to
enhance comfort. Ninety-four years of grime and decay were
stripped and sanded away from the chair standards which
were then modified to support new ergonomically designed,
self-rising upholstered seats which feature an attractive wood
bottom. Concealed low-voltage aisle lights were added to the
aisle armrests and custom number and letter plates were made
to replicate the orginal tags.
As Bailey Hall demonstrates, restoration of existing chairs is
an excellent way to maintain the architectural design and
integrity of an auditorium or theatre. Restoration is also a
great way to practice environmental stew-
ardship. While not every chair is a viable
candidate for restoration, frequently chair
components can be restored and used with
new ones, as shown here. With a century of
knowledge and experience backing us, Irwin
Seating Company takes
pride in its ability to
blend today’s technology
with the design and char-
acter if yesterday’s chairs. The
end result is a finished product that
the original craftsmen could only imagine.
Let us show you what we can do for you.