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Email: lisabeaumont99@hotmail.com
PHONE: 0403 693 695
July 2016-Sept 2016-Australian Bureau of Statistics- Census Technical Support Field Officers {Shift work}
Inbound andoutboundcallsprovidingtechnical assistance for all Census employees., Guidingthemthrough variousprograms, from
installations to HRregistration andcontractqueries ,escalatingservice requests andrelaying information in a simpleandaccurate
manner.Following procedures andconstant updatingknowledge requiredto resolvenew issuesthat have arisen. Assisting with the
trainingof new technical supportpersonnel. UsingIPFX,CSW,OMS Lotus,Raps, Skype andKnowledge Basesystemsandresources.
.April 2016 – Security Officer/Unarmed Guard/CrowdControl-ESM Security Geelong
Workingat Simmonds Stadiumfor sportingevents. Crowdcontrol, RSA officer, baggage screening, lossprevention at The Cats
Shop, twoway radiooperations,pedestrian traffic control,settingupbarriers,customer service,Static guard for the corporate room.
Adhoc duties,. Conflictmanagement,teamwork skills,problem-solving,tactfulnessand discretion,following SOPs
March 2016- Security Officer/Unarmed Guard Crowd Control/Control Room/Events/Exams-MSS Security
Grand Prix - Crowd control, corporatefunction security ,unarmed guardfor Channel 10, general customerservice, general Adhoc
events staff duties,baggage screeningandmetalwand detection,twoway radio operations, ,relievingstaffin variouslocations, and
pedestrian traffic crossingmanagement. Deakin University – ControlandMonitoringCentreforall campusesin Victoria, shift work,
welfare checks,servicerequests, incidentreports,isolations, respondingto allemergencies despatching guards andescalations.
April 2013- March 2016 Administration/Reception/Weighbridge/DespatchOperator-[Quarry-Full time}
Prompt processing ofall vehicles in and out oftheQuarry using twoway radiosto loader driversas wellas truckdriversand
directing torelevant rampsto be loadedwith the correct material fromvarious Resellers.Ensuring all OH&S policiesare followed.
Enteringof allorders, truckandproduct information fromCompanies as well as cash salesin SAP, CAS andDOS. Followinguporder
numbers, sales, general and despatch enquiresby email and phone. Opening andclosing ofthequarry. Cleaningofweighbridge,
office,tea roomandtoilet on a daily basis.Orderingof stationary,kitchen, first aid supplies.UpdatingMSDSs and establishing a
generalfiling systemforall documentation relatingto record keepingandalldespatch documentation.Variousreports as required
by customers andwell as Resellers. Variousother duties as requiredby the General,Production and SalesManagers.
Sept 2011 – April 2013 Store person – Quiksilver – {Skilled - Casual}
Pick/Packing for Quiksilver andDC Warehouses usingan RFscanner. Duties include Stocktake,Replenishing,relocatingstock,
returns, Pickingandhangingfor David Jones,Packingandmailing for theSurf GromPromotion.Acceptdirection and attendto
duties as in accordance with the Company’sS.O.P’s.Comply with the OH&S requirements.
April 2011- July 2011 Store person – Symbian Pharmaceutical Warehouse – {PeopleCo Perth -Temp}
Undertake tasksto ensureproductis accurately received,stored, assembled,packed anddeliveredto achievecustomersatisfa ction.
Accept direction andattendto dutiesas in accordancewith theCompany’s S.O.P’s. Comply with the OH&Srequirements.Report to
and assist supervisor in the designatedarea.I was assisting with trainingnew staffmembersin the KewdaleWarehouseusing a RF
scanner. Working in various departments includingin Decanting, OTC, Ethical andColdRoom,
Nov 2007-11th May 2010: Weigh Bridge Operator/Administration-City of GreaterGeelong {Direct Recruitment-Temp}
Workingbetween CorioLandfill andDrysdale Recovery andResource Department.Administration duties,generaltelephone
enquiries fromthe public andinternaldepartments.Professionalmanagingof the retailshoplocatedon premises.Two -Way Radio
and Weighbridge Operation, BoomGates,traffic management, monitoringand recordingof all vehicles,checkingofloadsandthe
directing ofvehicles to correctlocations,E.P.A.documentscheckingand recordingof such,reportingof plant andmachinery
breakdowns.Cash registeroperations,petty cash,banking, runningreports as required, daily recordingin diary. Mandalay
weighbridge computerprogram. Completetrainingof new staffmembersandreportingback to senior management.Working
unsupervised. Maintaining the cleanlinessof the office,tearooms andwashroom, andre-stockingas required.
June 2009-July 2009: CustomerService Rep-Centrelink {Regent Recruitment Melbourne-Temp}
WorkingNight Shift in theNationalIncidentRoomforthe Commonwealth Health Hotline.Answeringandresolving inbound
customer issues andenquires regardingthe Human SwineInfluenza.
Aug 2008-March 2009: Administration City of GreaterGeelong {Skilled Geelong-Temp assign}
Waste division duties includingthe compiling andrunningof weekly, monthly, annual, yearly waste reports for threelandfill sites.
Credit adjustments,Rebates, general account enquires, statistical reports for variousdepartments,general phone enquiries, prompt
responseof all emails. Modification and improvementsof the new waste reportingsystem. E.P.A.monthly reports.
Oct-Nov 2007: WaterRestrictions Officer City of GreaterGeelong {Adecco Geelong-Temp assign}
Primary contact between Barwon WaterandCity ofGreater Geelong.The constant updatingof SportingGroundSpreadsheets.
Attendingmeetingsinternally andexternally. Updatinginformation on websiteas required. Collectanddisburseinformation for
the Weekly Councillor Update. The orderingof signs andstickers.Assisting with general telephoneenquiries forthepublic as wellas
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2006-2007: CustomerService Representative -Sales force P/L
Australian Bureau of Statistics - The CensusProject -Inboundcalls providingconfused residentsandvisitors with simpleand
accurate information toenable themto complete theirCensus via phone or via net. Usingvariouscomputer software programs.
Government of N.S.W -D.A.T.A.C. Project -InboundCallsforShow ticketsand seat allocatingas such. Opera reservation system,
Telstra – Memo Division – Inbound MessageService. Answeringcalls for various companiesandusingvariouscomputer systems
to enter dataand forwardingthrough to relevantcustomer.Meeting KPIs and daily targets. Beingpart of the promotional teamand
greeting staffwhen required.
Administration/Telephonist Murrell Group of Companies {Bay City Cabs/AvalonShuttle Bus/Murrell Limousines}
Answeringof allincomingcallsanddespatchingthemaccordingly.Workingunsupervisedshiftsincludingweekends.The constant
monitoring ofall fleetvehiclesand the safety of all drivers. Two way radiooperations, customerenquiriesincluding complaints,
driver rosters,petty cash,drivers wagesincluding handlingofcash, dataentry using TMS, QuickBooks,WordandExcel. I have also
been trained in various positionsincluding allaspects ofTaxi Fleet, LimousineManagementandAvalon Airport Shuttleservice and
relieved in these positionswhen required.
2003: Co-ordinatorAdult Disability Program -Y.M.C.A. &Gordon Tafe College Geelong
Co-ordinate andsuperviseCert IV SportandRecreation studentsat theYMCA. Implementingandsupervision of disabledadults of
new fitnessandsports programs, organization ofequipment, gamesandall safety aspects,evaluation ofstudents andsupport when
required for various matters.
2000: Receptionist /Administration -Barwon Health -Grace MckellarAged Care &Belmont CRC
Barwon Health -Grace MckellarAged Care & Belmont CRC
Workingin variousdepartmentsas a Receptionist/Administration,assistingtheFinance DepartmentandNursingAllocations. Duties
includedcomputer entries, banking,petty cash,switchboard operations,mail sorting,receivingandreceiptingaccounts,medi cal
records,nursingstaff rosters, schedules for patentsand staff,filing andcustomer service.
1984-1993 Receptionist/Telephonist – Godfrey Hirst Aus. Pty Ltd
Operating PABXwith over130 extensions.Typing,filing,pagingand photocopying; telex and facsimileoperations,mail distribution,
sortingand sendingofmonthly statements,monitoring ofall phone systems;liaisingwith Telecomtechnicians;trainingof al l
switchboardstaff,hostess for Company Product Launch,meetingclients and airporttransfers,drivingof company vehicles for
various duties.
Import/Export Clerk: Handlingshippingschedules, answering enquiries, customerliaisons.Receivingandprocessing overseas
client orders, shippingcompany andagent liaison,exportingdocumentation,computer,andfax,telex operationsensuring
containers loadedcorrectly andon time. Meetingswith factory andsales managers,foreign exchange market/ratesand
administration duties.
Sales Manager: Customerliaison, attendingproduct launchesand exhibitions. Managingandmarketingofnew
department. Drivingof company vehicle, the recruitmentandtrainingof new staffincludingall State Managersand secretaries.
Create new salespackagesand programs,achievedrecordsales figures. Schedulingmeetingswith directorsandmanagers,
consultingwith sales, production anddespatch departments toachieve customersatisfaction andsalestargets..
Certificate IV Assessment and Workplace Training {2003} CertificateII UnarmedGuard/CrowdControl {2015
Diploma ofSport andRecreation {2003} Screen People/Screen Items[2015]
Customer Contact III {2007} CertificateII Control Room/ MonitoringCentre [2015}
Construction Induction-white card{2010} Private Security Licence 904-191-90S
RSA Certificate{2015} First Aid Cert II & CPR {2015}
Traffic Management Ticket{2016} NationalPolice Check{2015}
Actively seeks opportunitiesto acquirenew knowledgeandskills so as tobe able to assume additional responsibilities
• Broad range ofknowledge and understandingofbusinessandorganization issues.
• Adaptableto any environment.
• Able to workas part ofa teamwith or without supervision.
• Conflict management
• Problem-solving
• Tactfulnessanddiscretion
• Exceptional written andverbal communication
• Ability to adhere to strict procedures andprocesses
• Happy to commuteor relocate

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  • 1. Page 1 of 2 LISA J BEAUMONT Email: lisabeaumont99@hotmail.com PHONE: 0403 693 695 July 2016-Sept 2016-Australian Bureau of Statistics- Census Technical Support Field Officers {Shift work} Inbound andoutboundcallsprovidingtechnical assistance for all Census employees., Guidingthemthrough variousprograms, from installations to HRregistration andcontractqueries ,escalatingservice requests andrelaying information in a simpleandaccurate manner.Following procedures andconstant updatingknowledge requiredto resolvenew issuesthat have arisen. Assisting with the trainingof new technical supportpersonnel. UsingIPFX,CSW,OMS Lotus,Raps, Skype andKnowledge Basesystemsandresources. .April 2016 – Security Officer/Unarmed Guard/CrowdControl-ESM Security Geelong Workingat Simmonds Stadiumfor sportingevents. Crowdcontrol, RSA officer, baggage screening, lossprevention at The Cats Shop, twoway radiooperations,pedestrian traffic control,settingupbarriers,customer service,Static guard for the corporate room. Adhoc duties,. Conflictmanagement,teamwork skills,problem-solving,tactfulnessand discretion,following SOPs March 2016- Security Officer/Unarmed Guard Crowd Control/Control Room/Events/Exams-MSS Security Grand Prix - Crowd control, corporatefunction security ,unarmed guardfor Channel 10, general customerservice, general Adhoc events staff duties,baggage screeningandmetalwand detection,twoway radio operations, ,relievingstaffin variouslocations, and pedestrian traffic crossingmanagement. Deakin University – ControlandMonitoringCentreforall campusesin Victoria, shift work, welfare checks,servicerequests, incidentreports,isolations, respondingto allemergencies despatching guards andescalations. April 2013- March 2016 Administration/Reception/Weighbridge/DespatchOperator-[Quarry-Full time} Prompt processing ofall vehicles in and out oftheQuarry using twoway radiosto loader driversas wellas truckdriversand directing torelevant rampsto be loadedwith the correct material fromvarious Resellers.Ensuring all OH&S policiesare followed. Enteringof allorders, truckandproduct information fromCompanies as well as cash salesin SAP, CAS andDOS. Followinguporder numbers, sales, general and despatch enquiresby email and phone. Opening andclosing ofthequarry. Cleaningofweighbridge, office,tea roomandtoilet on a daily basis.Orderingof stationary,kitchen, first aid supplies.UpdatingMSDSs and establishing a generalfiling systemforall documentation relatingto record keepingandalldespatch documentation.Variousreports as required by customers andwell as Resellers. Variousother duties as requiredby the General,Production and SalesManagers. Sept 2011 – April 2013 Store person – Quiksilver – {Skilled - Casual} Pick/Packing for Quiksilver andDC Warehouses usingan RFscanner. Duties include Stocktake,Replenishing,relocatingstock, returns, Pickingandhangingfor David Jones,Packingandmailing for theSurf GromPromotion.Acceptdirection and attendto duties as in accordance with the Company’sS.O.P’s.Comply with the OH&S requirements. April 2011- July 2011 Store person – Symbian Pharmaceutical Warehouse – {PeopleCo Perth -Temp} Undertake tasksto ensureproductis accurately received,stored, assembled,packed anddeliveredto achievecustomersatisfa ction. Accept direction andattendto dutiesas in accordancewith theCompany’s S.O.P’s. Comply with the OH&Srequirements.Report to and assist supervisor in the designatedarea.I was assisting with trainingnew staffmembersin the KewdaleWarehouseusing a RF scanner. Working in various departments includingin Decanting, OTC, Ethical andColdRoom, Nov 2007-11th May 2010: Weigh Bridge Operator/Administration-City of GreaterGeelong {Direct Recruitment-Temp} Workingbetween CorioLandfill andDrysdale Recovery andResource Department.Administration duties,generaltelephone enquiries fromthe public andinternaldepartments.Professionalmanagingof the retailshoplocatedon premises.Two -Way Radio and Weighbridge Operation, BoomGates,traffic management, monitoringand recordingof all vehicles,checkingofloadsandthe directing ofvehicles to correctlocations,E.P.A.documentscheckingand recordingof such,reportingof plant andmachinery breakdowns.Cash registeroperations,petty cash,banking, runningreports as required, daily recordingin diary. Mandalay weighbridge computerprogram. Completetrainingof new staffmembersandreportingback to senior management.Working unsupervised. Maintaining the cleanlinessof the office,tearooms andwashroom, andre-stockingas required. June 2009-July 2009: CustomerService Rep-Centrelink {Regent Recruitment Melbourne-Temp} WorkingNight Shift in theNationalIncidentRoomforthe Commonwealth Health Hotline.Answeringandresolving inbound customer issues andenquires regardingthe Human SwineInfluenza. Aug 2008-March 2009: Administration City of GreaterGeelong {Skilled Geelong-Temp assign} Waste division duties includingthe compiling andrunningof weekly, monthly, annual, yearly waste reports for threelandfill sites. Credit adjustments,Rebates, general account enquires, statistical reports for variousdepartments,general phone enquiries, prompt responseof all emails. Modification and improvementsof the new waste reportingsystem. E.P.A.monthly reports. Oct-Nov 2007: WaterRestrictions Officer City of GreaterGeelong {Adecco Geelong-Temp assign} Primary contact between Barwon WaterandCity ofGreater Geelong.The constant updatingof SportingGroundSpreadsheets. Attendingmeetingsinternally andexternally. Updatinginformation on websiteas required. Collectanddisburseinformation for the Weekly Councillor Update. The orderingof signs andstickers.Assisting with general telephoneenquiries forthepublic as wellas businesses
  • 2. Page 2 of 2 2006-2007: CustomerService Representative -Sales force P/L Australian Bureau of Statistics - The CensusProject -Inboundcalls providingconfused residentsandvisitors with simpleand accurate information toenable themto complete theirCensus via phone or via net. Usingvariouscomputer software programs. Government of N.S.W -D.A.T.A.C. Project -InboundCallsforShow ticketsand seat allocatingas such. Opera reservation system, Telstra – Memo Division – Inbound MessageService. Answeringcalls for various companiesandusingvariouscomputer systems to enter dataand forwardingthrough to relevantcustomer.Meeting KPIs and daily targets. Beingpart of the promotional teamand greeting staffwhen required. 2005-2007: Administration/Telephonist Murrell Group of Companies {Bay City Cabs/AvalonShuttle Bus/Murrell Limousines} Answeringof allincomingcallsanddespatchingthemaccordingly.Workingunsupervisedshiftsincludingweekends.The constant monitoring ofall fleetvehiclesand the safety of all drivers. Two way radiooperations, customerenquiriesincluding complaints, driver rosters,petty cash,drivers wagesincluding handlingofcash, dataentry using TMS, QuickBooks,WordandExcel. I have also been trained in various positionsincluding allaspects ofTaxi Fleet, LimousineManagementandAvalon Airport Shuttleservice and relieved in these positionswhen required. 2003: Co-ordinatorAdult Disability Program -Y.M.C.A. &Gordon Tafe College Geelong Co-ordinate andsuperviseCert IV SportandRecreation studentsat theYMCA. Implementingandsupervision of disabledadults of new fitnessandsports programs, organization ofequipment, gamesandall safety aspects,evaluation ofstudents andsupport when required for various matters. 2000: Receptionist /Administration -Barwon Health -Grace MckellarAged Care &Belmont CRC Barwon Health -Grace MckellarAged Care & Belmont CRC Workingin variousdepartmentsas a Receptionist/Administration,assistingtheFinance DepartmentandNursingAllocations. Duties includedcomputer entries, banking,petty cash,switchboard operations,mail sorting,receivingandreceiptingaccounts,medi cal records,nursingstaff rosters, schedules for patentsand staff,filing andcustomer service. 1984-1993 Receptionist/Telephonist – Godfrey Hirst Aus. Pty Ltd Operating PABXwith over130 extensions.Typing,filing,pagingand photocopying; telex and facsimileoperations,mail distribution, sortingand sendingofmonthly statements,monitoring ofall phone systems;liaisingwith Telecomtechnicians;trainingof al l switchboardstaff,hostess for Company Product Launch,meetingclients and airporttransfers,drivingof company vehicles for various duties. Import/Export Clerk: Handlingshippingschedules, answering enquiries, customerliaisons.Receivingandprocessing overseas client orders, shippingcompany andagent liaison,exportingdocumentation,computer,andfax,telex operationsensuring containers loadedcorrectly andon time. Meetingswith factory andsales managers,foreign exchange market/ratesand administration duties. Sales Manager: Customerliaison, attendingproduct launchesand exhibitions. Managingandmarketingofnew department. Drivingof company vehicle, the recruitmentandtrainingof new staffincludingall State Managersand secretaries. Create new salespackagesand programs,achievedrecordsales figures. Schedulingmeetingswith directorsandmanagers, consultingwith sales, production anddespatch departments toachieve customersatisfaction andsalestargets.. QUALIFICATIONS: Certificate IV Assessment and Workplace Training {2003} CertificateII UnarmedGuard/CrowdControl {2015 Diploma ofSport andRecreation {2003} Screen People/Screen Items[2015] Customer Contact III {2007} CertificateII Control Room/ MonitoringCentre [2015} Construction Induction-white card{2010} Private Security Licence 904-191-90S RSA Certificate{2015} First Aid Cert II & CPR {2015} Traffic Management Ticket{2016} NationalPolice Check{2015} SKILLS SUMMARY: Actively seeks opportunitiesto acquirenew knowledgeandskills so as tobe able to assume additional responsibilities • Broad range ofknowledge and understandingofbusinessandorganization issues. • Adaptableto any environment. • Able to workas part ofa teamwith or without supervision. • Conflict management • Problem-solving • Tactfulnessanddiscretion • Exceptional written andverbal communication • Ability to adhere to strict procedures andprocesses • Happy to commuteor relocate