This document summarizes blog posts from August 2013 related to nonprofit organizations and fundraising. Over the course of the month, topics included using social media to engage donors, allowing donors to experience an organization's mission, the benefits of philanthropy for donors, fundraising strategies like crowdfunding and matching gift programs, and tips for nonprofit marketing including search engine optimization and creating viral content.
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August 2013 blog
1. August 2013 BlogAugust 2013 Blog
Please visit:Please visit: http://http://
2. 8/31/20138/31/2013 Your bodyYour body
Your bodyYour body
language can saylanguage can say
it all.
Shared by Shared by LindaLinda
Own the roomOwn the room
3. 8/30/20138/30/2013
August 30, 2013August 30, 2013
Forget the carrotForget the carrot
and stick.and stick.
Motivation andMotivation and
innovation comeinnovation come
from a desire tofrom a desire to
4. 8/29/20138/29/2013
August 29,2013August 29,2013
Should the lawShould the law
nonprofits tononprofits to
reveal theirreveal their
donor listsdonor lists
5. 8/28/20138/28/2013
September Is BoomSeptember Is Boom
Time for Donors,Time for Donors,
Google SaysGoogle Says
A new research studyA new research study
by Google suggestsby Google suggests
that nonprofits mightthat nonprofits might
be waiting too long tobe waiting too long to
start their year-endstart their year-end
fundraising efforts.fundraising efforts.
7. 8/26/20138/26/2013
How to BuildHow to Build
Your Big Idea inYour Big Idea in
One DayOne Day
Can we applyCan we apply
this principle tothis principle to
the Non-Profitthe Non-Profit
8. 8/25/20138/25/2013
Facebook andFacebook and
Google areGoogle are
committed tocommitted to
getting thegetting the
5 billion people 5 billion people
around the worldaround the world
withoutwithout InternetInternet
access onlineaccess online..
9. 8/24/20138/24/2013
5 Steps to Crisis5 Steps to Crisis
Management NonprofitsManagement Nonprofits
can learn fromcan learn from
Emergency ManagersEmergency Managers
Practical commonPractical common
sense share, just don’tsense share, just don’t
wait too long towait too long to
implement. Remainimplement. Remain
calm, imagine whatcalm, imagine what
takes you to thistakes you to this
feeling, relax, take afeeling, relax, take a
deep breath and get todeep breath and get to
11. 8/22/20138/22/2013
Rick wakes up beforeRick wakes up before
daylight, slips ondaylight, slips on
multiple, thin layersmultiple, thin layers
that he carefully laidthat he carefully laid
out the night before,out the night before,
and while filling hisand while filling his
coffee thermos thinkscoffee thermos thinks
to himself, to himself, “I’m so glad“I’m so glad
I’m not cramped in aI’m not cramped in a
small office on a daysmall office on a day
like today!”like today!”
13. 8/20/20138/20/2013
What Non-profitsWhat Non-profits
need mostneed most
Most nonprofit leadersMost nonprofit leaders
don’t think of incomedon’t think of income
generation as their topgeneration as their top
priority. Their purposepriority. Their purpose
is to serve, theyis to serve, they
reason. Raising moneyreason. Raising money
is secondary.
This kind of thinking isThis kind of thinking is
one of the biggestone of the biggest
mistakes a nonprofitmistakes a nonprofit
can make.can make.
14. 8/19/20138/19/2013
Top Matching Gift CompaniesTop Matching Gift Companies
List of Companies withList of Companies with
Strong Donation MatchingStrong Donation Matching
This company helps Non-This company helps Non-
profits access matching giftprofits access matching gift
programs. Could they helpprograms. Could they help
your organization raise viableyour organization raise viable
working funds as opposed toworking funds as opposed to
large numbers costing yourlarge numbers costing your
organization almost as muchorganization almost as much
as it brings in to remainas it brings in to remain
operational? There priceoperational? There price
points appear reasonable.points appear reasonable.
Has anyone every used this Has anyone every used this
service or one like it? Whatservice or one like it? What
were your results?were your results?
15. 8/18/20138/18/2013
Online FundraisingOnline Fundraising
Becoming CommonBecoming Common
Lots of us may haveLots of us may have
heard of this type ofheard of this type of
fundraising for filmfundraising for film
projects. One recentprojects. One recent
example being that of aexample being that of a
“Veronica Mars” movie“Veronica Mars” movie
project that wasproject that was
successfully funded bysuccessfully funded by
fans in this in this manner.
Could this method ofCould this method of
fundraising work forfundraising work for
your non-entertainmentyour non-entertainment
oriented project? Hasoriented project? Has
it? it?
16. 8/17/20138/17/2013
All is GiftAll is Gift
We can certainlyWe can certainly
apply this principleapply this principle
to Non-Profitto Non-Profit
Though not alwaysThough not always
easy, the personaleasy, the personal
gratification isgratification is
always present!always present!
“Make the effort…“Make the effort…
find the gift!”find the gift!”
17. 8/16/20138/16/2013
The End OfThe End Of
Leadership: LettingLeadership: Letting
Things HappenThings Happen
Can we allowCan we allow
ourselves to simplyourselves to simply
relax and observe?relax and observe?
Is this essential to Is this essential to
success in the Non-success in the Non-
Profit world?Profit world?
18. 8/15/20138/15/2013
Whoops … HoldingWhoops … Holding
on to a Client Afteron to a Client After
You’ve Made aYou’ve Made a
It Happens to Non-It Happens to Non-
Profits Too.Profits Too.
19. 8/14/20138/14/2013
Prosecutor Goes AfterProsecutor Goes After
Charity And FundraiserCharity And Fundraiser
One of the so-called “worstOne of the so-called “worst
charities” in America and itscharities” in America and its
fundraising vendor are infundraising vendor are in
the cross hairs of at leastthe cross hairs of at least
one state charity state charity official.
Arkansas Attorney GeneralArkansas Attorney General
Dustin McDaniel has filed aDustin McDaniel has filed a
consumer-protection lawsuitconsumer-protection lawsuit
against a New Jersey-against a New Jersey-
based charity and itsbased charity and its
Conway, Ark.-basedConway, Ark.-based
20. 8/13/20138/13/2013
For the CharitableFor the Charitable
111 Low-Cost or111 Low-Cost or
Free OnlineFree Online
Tools forTools for
21. 8/12/20138/12/2013
What NonprofitsWhat Nonprofits
Need MostNeed Most
Most nonprofit leadersMost nonprofit leaders
don’t think of incomedon’t think of income
generation as their topgeneration as their top
priority. Their purposepriority. Their purpose
is to serve, theyis to serve, they
reason. Raising moneyreason. Raising money
is secondary.
22. 8/11/20138/11/2013
Philanthropy benefitsPhilanthropy benefits
the giver too, withthe giver too, with
“helper’s high” and“helper’s high” and
“giver’s glow”“giver’s glow”
Any discussion ofAny discussion of
philanthropy usuallyphilanthropy usually
focuses on how a giver canfocuses on how a giver can
help others — other people,help others — other people,
other organizations orother organizations or
entities, or even the world.entities, or even the world.
But a growing body ofBut a growing body of
scientific evidencescientific evidence
demonstrates that acts ofdemonstrates that acts of
philanthropy stronglyphilanthropy strongly
benefit the giver as well.benefit the giver as well.
23. 8/10/20138/10/2013
When we talk about donor’sWhen we talk about donor’s
rights, it seems like therights, it seems like the
conversation often centersconversation often centers
around privacy issues.around privacy issues.
Another popular right is theAnother popular right is the
ability to see theability to see the
organization’s financialorganization’s financial
statements. This weekstatements. This week
there was a court case thatthere was a court case that
will no doubt contribute towill no doubt contribute to
legal precedent concerninglegal precedent concerning
a portion of the Donor’s Billa portion of the Donor’s Bill
of Rights.of Rights.
24. 8/09/20138/09/2013
The term “viral” is onThe term “viral” is on
everyone’s lips these days.everyone’s lips these days.
Media outlets large and smallMedia outlets large and small
are increasingly devoting timeare increasingly devoting time
to covering the latest viralto covering the latest viral
video or tweet. But whatvideo or tweet. But what
exactly is viral content? Doesexactly is viral content? Does
viral content tend to haveviral content tend to have
certain characteristics that lendcertain characteristics that lend
to its success? Why do we loveto its success? Why do we love
it? Simply put, what makesit? Simply put, what makes
content go viral?content go viral?
25. 8/08/20138/08/2013
Let DonorsLet Donors
“Experience” Your“Experience” Your
It’s all about the experience.It’s all about the experience.
Whether it’s gumballs,Whether it’s gumballs,
coffee, car insurance orcoffee, car insurance or
even charities, consumerseven charities, consumers
are looking for experiencesare looking for experiences
rather than things,rather than things,
according to B. Joseph Pineaccording to B. Joseph Pine
II, the author of the best-II, the author of the best-
selling book, “Theselling book, “The
Experience Economy: WorkExperience Economy: Work
is Theatre & Everyis Theatre & Every
Business a Stage.”Business a Stage.”
26. 08/07/201308/07/2013
10 Real People Who Are Winning10 Real People Who Are Winning
Their Fight With Debt.Their Fight With Debt.
As human beings, there are someAs human beings, there are some
traits that we all have in commontraits that we all have in common
—two hands, one heart, red—two hands, one heart, red
blood, and, unfortunately forblood, and, unfortunately for
most of us, a wealth of debt.Themost of us, a wealth of debt.The
average American carries aaverage American carries a
$47,000 debt load, and as a$47,000 debt load, and as a
nation, nearly $2 trillion of ournation, nearly $2 trillion of our
collective debt is eithercollective debt is either
delinquent or 90 days past due.delinquent or 90 days past due.
Part of the problem in figuringPart of the problem in figuring
out where to begin getting out ofout where to begin getting out of
the red is knowing who to turn tothe red is knowing who to turn to
for help. Maybe you’re toofor help. Maybe you’re too
embarrassed to fess up to yourembarrassed to fess up to your
issues or you can’t afford aissues or you can’t afford a
financial adviser.
27. 08/06/201308/06/2013
The 2 Words That Will ChangeThe 2 Words That Will Change
Your Life Forever…Your Life Forever…
Every now and then, andEvery now and then, and
usually not very often, areusually not very often, are
some words spoken thatsome words spoken that
deeply resonate with you. Theydeeply resonate with you. They
make you stop and reflect. Themake you stop and reflect. The
words and their meaning willwords and their meaning will
stay with you for a long time.stay with you for a long time.
They might even inspire orThey might even inspire or
motivate you to do somethingmotivate you to do something
different or to change direction.different or to change direction.
These words can come fromThese words can come from
quotes of famous people orquotes of famous people or
can be words spoken by acan be words spoken by a
friend, your parents, your childfriend, your parents, your child
or any stranger.or any stranger.
28. 08/05/201308/05/2013
5 Seriously Simple5 Seriously Simple
Optimization TipsOptimization Tips
for Yourfor Your
Small BusinessSmall Business
29. 08/04/201308/04/2013
Let Donors “Experience”Let Donors “Experience”
Your MissionYour Mission
It’s all about the experience.It’s all about the experience.
Whether it’s gumballs,Whether it’s gumballs,
coffee, car insurance orcoffee, car insurance or
even charities, consumerseven charities, consumers
are looking for experiencesare looking for experiences
rather than things,rather than things,
according to B. Joseph Pineaccording to B. Joseph Pine
II, the author of the best-II, the author of the best-
selling book, “Theselling book, “The
Experience Economy: WorkExperience Economy: Work
is Theatre & Everyis Theatre & Every
Business a Stage.”Business a Stage.”
30. 08/03/201308/03/2013
How Self-Publishing Becoming theHow Self-Publishing Becoming the
American Idol of the LiteraryAmerican Idol of the Literary
In Part One of How Self-PublishingIn Part One of How Self-Publishing
Is Becoming the American Idol ofIs Becoming the American Idol of
the Literary Community, I sharedthe Literary Community, I shared
the growing trend of publishersthe growing trend of publishers
seeking out successful self-seeking out successful self-
published authors on the Amazonpublished authors on the Amazon
“stage,” similar to how talented“stage,” similar to how talented
new singers are discovered onnew singers are discovered on
American Idol.American Idol.
The question I posed was whetherThe question I posed was whether
or not this “discovery”—and theor not this “discovery”—and the
subsequent courting of the authorsubsequent courting of the author
by the publishing company—wasby the publishing company—was
beneficial to the writer. The shortbeneficial to the writer. The short
(and not so glamorous) answer is:(and not so glamorous) answer is:
It depends.It depends.
31. 08/02/201308/02/2013
Blogging? How to get your PostsBlogging? How to get your Posts
When I first started my business,When I first started my business,
I dreaded the idea of blogging.I dreaded the idea of blogging.
What would I write about? AndWhat would I write about? And
more importantly, how wouldmore importantly, how would
anyone ever even see what I wasanyone ever even see what I was
posting every week? I had noposting every week? I had no
idea how to even begin.idea how to even begin.
Marketing your blog online canMarketing your blog online can
seem confusing when you areseem confusing when you are
just starting out. However, itjust starting out. However, it
doesn’t need to be overwhelming.doesn’t need to be overwhelming.
Anyone that is familiar with blogAnyone that is familiar with blog
marketing online knows that itmarketing online knows that it
takes dedication andtakes dedication and
consistency. For someone justconsistency. For someone just
starting out with their marketingstarting out with their marketing
campaign, it may seem like a lotcampaign, it may seem like a lot
of work with little or no pay off inof work with little or no pay off in
the beginning. However, justthe beginning. However, just
remember that marketing isremember that marketing is
something that you have to build.something that you have to build.
32. 08/01/201308/01/2013
For the Charitable Community:For the Charitable Community:
Large Scale PhilanthropyLarge Scale Philanthropy
The Charitable-IndustrialThe Charitable-Industrial
I HAD spent much of my life writingI HAD spent much of my life writing
music for commercials, film andmusic for commercials, film and
television and knew little about thetelevision and knew little about the
world of philanthropy as practiced byworld of philanthropy as practiced by
the very wealthy until what I call the bigthe very wealthy until what I call the big
bang happened in 2006. That year, mybang happened in 2006. That year, my
father, Warren Buffett, made good onfather, Warren Buffett, made good on
his commitment to give nearly all of hishis commitment to give nearly all of his
accumulated wealth back to society. Inaccumulated wealth back to society. In
addition to making several largeaddition to making several large
donations, he added generously to thedonations, he added generously to the
three foundations that my parents hadthree foundations that my parents had
created years earlier, one for each ofcreated years earlier, one for each of
their children to run.their children to run.