The document is a prayer to the Virgin Mary known as the "Queen of Angels" prayer. It was dictated by the Virgin Mary to a soul in 1863 after a vision of demons causing destruction on Earth. In the vision, the Virgin Mary appeared and said demons had broken loose and it was time to invoke her as Queen of Angels and ask her to send legions of angels to combat the powers of hell. The prayer asks the Virgin Mary to send her holy angels led by Saint Michael the Archangel to chase away demons, combat them everywhere, and repress their boldness.
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August Queen of Angels
1. August Queen of Angels
n the 13th of of January, 1863, a soul acustomed to O August Queen
and our Lady of Angels,
receiving favors from the Virgin mary was suddenly
who received from God
struck by a ray of divine light. She believed that she saw the power and mission
demons, throwing themselves of crushing the head of Satan,
upon the earth, causing ruins we humbly beg you
and incredible massacres. At to send us heavenly legions,
the same time, the Holy with Saint Michael
Virgin appeared, saying that the Archangel as head
so that under your orders
demons had indeed broken
they may chase the demons,
loose in the world and the combat them everywhere,
time had come to invoke her repress their boldness,
as Queen of Angels and to and drive them back into the abyss.
ask her to send legions of
angels to combat and "Who is like God?"
annihilate the powers of hell. O good and tender Mother,
you shall always be our love
The soul addressed the Virgin
and our hope.
with the following words: "O
my Mother you who are so O divine Mother,
good, could you not send send your holy angels
your angels without us to defend us,
having to ask you?" "No," the and to drive away from us
the cruel enemy.
Virgin replied, "prayer is a condition established by God himself
to obtain graces." "Then, Mother," said the soul, "would you like Holy angels and archangels,
to teach us how we should pray to you?" And the Most Holy defend us and guard us.
Virgin dictated this prayer to her: "O august Queen..." Amen.