Bethany Hamilton was born in 1990 in Hawaii and began surfing at age 4, gaining her first sponsorship at age 9. In 2003, she was attacked by a tiger shark while surfing, having her left arm severed below the shoulder. Despite losing 60% of her blood and going into shock, Hamilton was determined to return to surfing. She later married in 2013 and now lives in Kauai with her two children.
2. Biografy
She was born in Lihue, Hawaii on February 8, 1990.
Her parents taught her to surf since she was 4 years.
She began surfing seriously at the age of 8 and gained her first sponsorship
by age 9.
In 2012 met Adam Dirks and in 2013 they married.
Now a days she lives in Kauai, Hawai and she has 2 childs.
3. Shark atack and recovery
On October 31, 2003, Hamilton went surfing in the morning with his friends
when a tiger shark attacked her, severing her left arm just below the
When she arrived to the hospital she had lost the 60% of her blood and she
was in a hypovolemic shock.
Even with the trauma of the incident, Hamilton was determined to get back
to surfing.