A project manager plans, executes, and finalizes projects according to deadlines and budgets. They acquire resources, coordinate teams and contractors, and oversee quality throughout the lifecycle of a project. Understanding objectives, controlling the project plan and resources, and regularly reporting progress are key aspects of the project manager's role. Effective project management involves understanding expectations, controlling the project according to an updated plan, and providing transparent reporting to keep clients informed.
2. What is a Project Manager? Role is to plan, execute and finalise a scope of work according to deadlines and budgets. Acquire resources and coordinate teams/contractors to deliver projects according to regimented plan. Define objectives and oversee quality throughout its lifecycle.
5. Understanding What is expected from each other? The Rules of the Game PM should ask lots of questions Put forward suggestions The clearer the understanding, the smoother the rollout
6. Understanding Payment Schedules Understanding Time Frames Variations OH&S Style Guide? Installation Duty of Care PMs Authority Distribution Costs & Budget Others involved? Materials Understanding Time Frames Variations OH&S Style Guide? Installation Duty of Care PMs Authority Distribution Costs & Budget Others involved? Understanding Time Frames Variations OH&S Style Guide? Installation Duty of Care PMs Authority Distribution Costs & Budget Others involved? Artwork & Colours
8. Control The most important word where the PM earns his keep PM should custom-build his system to suit the client/project scope Via software or paper-based, the system must be kept up-to-date
9. Control Control APPROVED Artwork Price to Contractor Sell Price Job Details Style Guide OH&S/JSA Instructions to Contractor PO to Contractor Due Dates What Steps Have Been Done? Contractors Database Approved Materials Before/After Photos Invoicing Sign-Offs Variations
11. Reporting The client should NEVER need to contact the PM Keep the client up-to-date at prescribed intervals (every week) Transparency gains client confidence Remember you are acting on THEIR behalf
12. Reporting Reporting Sign-Offs Photos of Completed Works Variations and Extra Costs Dates of Completed Works Problems Progress of Each Unit OH&S Report
13. There is only one way to eat the elephant - one bite at a time!