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Recognizing Auhority at Work

Authority :
a decision making right and action embedded in someone along
with the position to execute and balance with the accountability
         to deliver an/ agreed result/s or expectation/s

Reasons for an authority

1.   Identify the person accountable for

2.   Ensure someone makes decision and takes
4.   Ensure an organization runs smoothly
5.   Solve a business-related problem

Professional Accountability

Reasons to recognize authority at work
1.    Know where to go to seek direction or decision

Reasons to recognize authority at work
1.   Respect the person with the authority

2.   Gain FULL support

Reasons to recognize authority at work
2.   Prevent a work-related mistake

3.   Prevent a work-related conflict

Reasons to recognize authority at work

    Holding authority feels everything on
          the world under his feet
Organization Model

Organization model affects authority distribution

Organization Culture

Organization culture affects how authority is practiced
Personal Values

Our personal work values determine our future in an

Dealing with authority at work
1.   Learn what s/he is authorized for

Dealing with authority at work
1.   Respect, respect, respect

Dealing with authority at work
1.       Respect, respect, respect
     ?      Respect = obey
               ?   Verbal agreement
               ?   Take action and execute
               ?   Always comes in agreement first
               ?   Always share GOOD personalities/behaviors of the authority to

Why we fail to respect an authority
?   Our self-respect not well developed
     – Our family
     – Community
?   As part of transition a “free interval from family authority to work

Why we fail to respect an authority
?   Genetically-related behaviors/talents
     – Artists
?   Unaware of authority roles and functions
?   Unclear authority roles

How we respect an authority

Dealing with authority in an organization
?   Know where we stand
    ?   What our role, responsibility, and authority
?   Use proper body language
    ?   Examples :
         ? Too much smiling
         ? Too demanding/rushing/pushy
         ? Give time

Level of Authority

1.       Level of authority equals with level of
?        Every employee with accountability is provided
         with authority
?        Various sources of authority in an organization
     ?      Section head
     ?      Department head
     ?      Division head
4.       Highest authority lies on CEO

Level of Authority
     Forms of authority in an organization
1.    Organization vision, mission and values
2.    Organization culture & ethics or code of
      conduct, credo
3.    Policy, Rules, Regulations and Norms
4.    Department rules
5.    Team agreement

Organization Authority

Corporate vision, mission and business ethics are sources of
Organization Authority

Corporate culture are NOT always written but it governs how an
             authority to conduct their behaviors
Organization Authority

Picture 8                      Picture 6

            Department rules               Team rules

Various corporate culture

Respect to position        Respect to seniors

Various corporate culture

Common struggle between authority and position

Exercising authority
1.       When we receive it
     ?      Asked to deliver a result
     ?      To solve a problem
     ?      At a time of confusion
2.       Always go beyond responsibility NOT authority
     ?      There is always a BOLD and thin authority border
3.       Authority can NOT be delegated

Exercising authority

?   When in doubt or standing in a dilemma between our standing
    and organization’s
    ?   Rule of thumb: always respect & obey formal authority in an organization
    ?   Accept disagreement or dissatisfaction
    ?   Authority NEVER satisfies an & every individual; it governs the whole interest
        of an organization

Exercising an authority
?   Ask for clarity; NEVER argue nor challenge

Challenging Authority

Talking behind the back
                                 Back stabbing

Challenging Authority

Frontal attack
                            Half heartedly

Abusing authority

1.       Happens when there is a lack of integrity
     ?      Bullying
2.       May not be aware of the scope of authority given
3.       Vested interest; financial return
4.       Showing off power and influence

Crossing the Line

?   Unclear job description/scope/accountabilities
?   Undermine someone’s role

Crossing the Line

1.   Vested interest
2.   Trust level (only when superior does it)

Crossing the Line

1.    Indecisiveness
     1.   Popularity contest
     2.   Not to take risk or consequences
     3.   Incompetent

Crossing the line-consequences

1.   Work-related/personal conflict
2.   Power struggle
3.   Confusion
4.   Losing credibility

Difficult behaviors
1.   Belittle people in front of others
2.   Lies, false promise

Difficult behaviors
1.   Condescends or demeans
2.   Humiliates or embarrassment

Difficult behaviors

1.   Micromanages
2.   Being unreasonable

Initial stage to respond to difficult behavior

?   Validate our findings with our own work values
?   Make a note, seek for patterned or incidental
?   Forgive for 1st, note for 2nd, crosscheck for 3rd

Cross checking
1.   Set a purpose why need to cross check
2.   Ask if our peer experience similar specific behavior
3.   Use flat tone, avoid secretive one

Cross checking
?   Talk about difficult behavior only. Period!
?   Unplanned crosschecking may turn into gossiping
?   Risk: taking with peers about boss’ difficult behaviors
    may back fire to us.

Common mistakes
?       Telling boss’ bad behaviors to peers out of proportion
?       Sabotage or silent rebel
    ?      Unfinished tasks
    ?      Avoid meeting or eye contact with boss
    ?      Apathy
    ?      Cynical remarks
    ?      Verbal threat to leave (to peers NOT to boss)
    ?      Frequent absent or late for work

Preparation before talking
1.   It will be much EASIER if we have built RAPPORT with our boss
2.   Set One Purpose
3.   Manage our expectation
         ?      People are reluctant to change
         ?      If we fail, what is at stake ?
         ?      We have capacity to change ourselves than to change others

Steps to talk to difficult boss

1.   Set time and venue to talk
2.   State our expectation what s/he needs to do during the session
        ?   We ask for help
        ?   Use flat, friendly tone
        ?   Assume “we have” problem with his/her difficult behavior

Steps to talk to difficult boss

1.   Praise him/her for what s/he has done for us
       ?   Specify and give examples
2.   Describe the situation
       ?   Specify ONE particular behavior and give example

Steps to talk to difficult boss
1.   Explain how the difficult behavior affects us professionally

3.   Share what will improve if his/her behavior change
       ?    We influence him/her to change the difficult behavior, NOT to
            reverse the decision s/he has made

Steps to talk to difficult boss
1.   Listen
2.   Thanks to the boss

Conclusion :

Authority is meant to place organization resources in order
   and bring optimum business results, not to serve our
                  personal best interest


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Recognizing Authority at work

  • 2. Authority : a decision making right and action embedded in someone along with the position to execute and balance with the accountability to deliver an/ agreed result/s or expectation/s 2
  • 3. Reasons for an authority 1. Identify the person accountable for 2. Ensure someone makes decision and takes action 4. Ensure an organization runs smoothly 5. Solve a business-related problem 3
  • 5. Reasons to recognize authority at work 1. Know where to go to seek direction or decision 5
  • 6. Reasons to recognize authority at work 1. Respect the person with the authority 2. Gain FULL support 6
  • 7. Reasons to recognize authority at work 2. Prevent a work-related mistake 3. Prevent a work-related conflict 7
  • 8. Reasons to recognize authority at work Holding authority feels everything on the world under his feet 8
  • 9. Organization Model Organization model affects authority distribution 9
  • 10. Organization Culture Organization culture affects how authority is practiced 10
  • 11. Personal Values Our personal work values determine our future in an organization 11
  • 12. Dealing with authority at work 1. Learn what s/he is authorized for 12
  • 13. Dealing with authority at work 1. Respect, respect, respect 13
  • 14. Dealing with authority at work 1. Respect, respect, respect ? Respect = obey ? Verbal agreement ? Take action and execute ? Always comes in agreement first ? Always share GOOD personalities/behaviors of the authority to peers 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. Why we fail to respect an authority ? Our self-respect not well developed – Our family – Community ? As part of transition a “free interval from family authority to work authority 16
  • 17. Why we fail to respect an authority ? Genetically-related behaviors/talents – Artists ? Unaware of authority roles and functions ? Unclear authority roles 17
  • 18. How we respect an authority 18
  • 19. Dealing with authority in an organization ? Know where we stand ? What our role, responsibility, and authority ? Use proper body language ? Examples : ? Too much smiling ? Too demanding/rushing/pushy ? Give time 19
  • 20. Level of Authority 1. Level of authority equals with level of accountability ? Every employee with accountability is provided with authority ? Various sources of authority in an organization ? Section head ? Department head ? Division head 4. Highest authority lies on CEO 20
  • 21. Level of Authority Forms of authority in an organization 1. Organization vision, mission and values 2. Organization culture & ethics or code of conduct, credo 3. Policy, Rules, Regulations and Norms 4. Department rules 5. Team agreement 21
  • 22. Organization Authority Corporate vision, mission and business ethics are sources of authority 22
  • 23. Organization Authority Corporate culture are NOT always written but it governs how an authority to conduct their behaviors 23
  • 24. Organization Authority Picture 8 Picture 6 Department rules Team rules 24
  • 25. Various corporate culture Respect to position Respect to seniors 25
  • 26. Various corporate culture Common struggle between authority and position 26
  • 27. Exercising authority 1. When we receive it ? Asked to deliver a result ? To solve a problem ? At a time of confusion 2. Always go beyond responsibility NOT authority ? There is always a BOLD and thin authority border 3. Authority can NOT be delegated 27
  • 28. Exercising authority ? When in doubt or standing in a dilemma between our standing and organization’s ? Rule of thumb: always respect & obey formal authority in an organization ? Accept disagreement or dissatisfaction ? Authority NEVER satisfies an & every individual; it governs the whole interest of an organization 28
  • 29. Exercising an authority ? Ask for clarity; NEVER argue nor challenge 29
  • 30. Challenging Authority Talking behind the back Back stabbing 30
  • 32. Abusing authority 1. Happens when there is a lack of integrity ? Bullying 2. May not be aware of the scope of authority given 3. Vested interest; financial return 4. Showing off power and influence 32
  • 33. Crossing the Line ? Unclear job description/scope/accountabilities ? Undermine someone’s role 33
  • 34. Crossing the Line 1. Vested interest 2. Trust level (only when superior does it) 34
  • 35. Crossing the Line 1. Indecisiveness 1. Popularity contest 2. Not to take risk or consequences 3. Incompetent 35
  • 36. Crossing the line-consequences 1. Work-related/personal conflict 2. Power struggle 3. Confusion 4. Losing credibility 36
  • 37. Difficult behaviors 1. Belittle people in front of others 2. Lies, false promise 37
  • 38. Difficult behaviors 1. Condescends or demeans 2. Humiliates or embarrassment 38
  • 39. Difficult behaviors 1. Micromanages 2. Being unreasonable 39
  • 40. Initial stage to respond to difficult behavior ? Validate our findings with our own work values ? Make a note, seek for patterned or incidental ? Forgive for 1st, note for 2nd, crosscheck for 3rd 40
  • 41. Cross checking 1. Set a purpose why need to cross check 2. Ask if our peer experience similar specific behavior 3. Use flat tone, avoid secretive one 41
  • 42. Cross checking ? Talk about difficult behavior only. Period! ? Unplanned crosschecking may turn into gossiping ? Risk: taking with peers about boss’ difficult behaviors may back fire to us. 42
  • 43. Common mistakes ? Telling boss’ bad behaviors to peers out of proportion ? Sabotage or silent rebel ? Unfinished tasks ? Avoid meeting or eye contact with boss ? Apathy ? Cynical remarks ? Verbal threat to leave (to peers NOT to boss) ? Frequent absent or late for work 43
  • 44. Preparation before talking 1. It will be much EASIER if we have built RAPPORT with our boss 2. Set One Purpose 3. Manage our expectation ? People are reluctant to change ? If we fail, what is at stake ? ? We have capacity to change ourselves than to change others 44
  • 45. Steps to talk to difficult boss 1. Set time and venue to talk 2. State our expectation what s/he needs to do during the session ? We ask for help ? Use flat, friendly tone ? Assume “we have” problem with his/her difficult behavior 45
  • 46. Steps to talk to difficult boss 1. Praise him/her for what s/he has done for us ? Specify and give examples 2. Describe the situation ? Specify ONE particular behavior and give example 46
  • 47. Steps to talk to difficult boss 1. Explain how the difficult behavior affects us professionally 3. Share what will improve if his/her behavior change ? We influence him/her to change the difficult behavior, NOT to reverse the decision s/he has made 47
  • 48. Steps to talk to difficult boss 1. Listen 2. Thanks to the boss 48
  • 49. Conclusion : Authority is meant to place organization resources in order and bring optimum business results, not to serve our personal best interest 49