This document discusses recognizing authority at work. It provides reasons for having authority, such as identifying accountability and ensuring decision making. It also gives reasons to respect authority, such as knowing where to go for direction and preventing mistakes. The document discusses dealing with authority, including learning what someone is authorized for and showing respect. It addresses challenging authority appropriately and avoiding abusing or crossing lines of authority. It provides tips for handling difficult behaviors from those in authority and how to have constructive conversations.
The brief guide of the teamwork hitchhikerDaniel Gruia
1) An organization is defined as a group of people acting together to achieve common goals.
2) Organizational culture can be understood through its symbols, heroes, rituals and shared values.
3) Groups and teams develop over time through forming, storming, norming, and performing stages as they become more cohesive and productive.
4) Different roles like plant, coordinator, monitor, and implementer contribute uniquely to team performance according to Belbin's team role theory.
This document provides an overview of workplace harassment and bullying. It aims to increase understanding of related legislation, acceptable behaviors, and resolution options. It defines harassment and bullying, discusses their effects, and outlines employers' and employees' responsibilities to address such issues. The document stresses creating a respectful culture and encourages reporting incidents to prevent escalation.
This document summarizes a presentation about teams and team dynamics. It begins by introducing the concept of teams and various definitions of teams. It then discusses several models of team development, including Tuckman's forming, storming, norming, performing model and the White-Fairhurst TPR model of transforming, performing, and reforming. It also discusses models of situational leadership and the coping cycle. The presentation emphasizes keeping teams small to reduce the transforming phase and forming teams quickly by building relationships and establishing working agreements. It stresses the importance of maintaining stable teams and providing feedback to help teams perform.
This document is an agenda for a presentation on HRD intervention in new venture creation through strategic HR approaches. The agenda includes: an introduction to the topic; discussing business and HR trends today such as collaborative cultures and measuring employee value; the strategic role of HR in becoming business leaders and driving change; a case study of an innovative organization with empowering HR practices; and publications and outcomes of HR research. The presentation aims to discuss how HR can take a strategic approach to support new venture creation.
This document provides a summary and comparison of 7 popular leadership training programs: Leader Effectiveness Training (L.E.T.), The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Emotional Intelligence, Crucial Conversations, Nonviolent Communication, Situational Leadership, and Development Dimensions International. For each program, the summary provides the originators, key concepts, skills taught, and compares it to L.E.T., focusing on communication skills, conflict resolution models, and developing mutually satisfying relationships.
The document provides information on group behavior and organization structure. It discusses:
1) Models of group development including forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning stages.
2) Factors that influence group behavior such as norms, roles, status, and cohesiveness.
3) Types of groups including formal, informal, task, and interest groups.
4) Common organization designs like functional, divisional, and matrix structures. It also discusses the benefits of decentralization versus centralization.
This document profiles Kathryn W. Davanzo, a national speaker, trainer, and HR consultant. It provides her contact information and background, including her education and professional experience in student affairs administration, HR roles, and as a speaker and consultant. The document also summarizes Davanzo's work helping participants clarify their personal leadership point of view, communicate to influence others, and develop workforce readiness strategies. It concludes with details on her company and additional areas of focus like generational influences in leadership.
This document provides an overview of key concepts related to group dynamics and management. It begins by outlining chapter learning objectives focused on group development theory, roles and norms, task functions, and threats to group effectiveness. It then defines what constitutes a group from a sociological perspective and discusses Tuckman's five stages of group development. The document also examines roles, norms, task and maintenance functions, optimal group sizes, challenges of mixed-gender groups, and threats like groupthink and social loafing. Throughout are examples, discussion questions, and tests of knowledge to reinforce the concepts.
The document discusses how teams can be powerful by working together toward a common goal through a "social contract". It explains that teams are necessary for project work that requires collaboration. High-performing teams go through stages of forming, storming, norming, and performing. The social contract is based on relationships and involves issues like conflict, dynamics, emotion, status, inclusion and control. People are both what makes teams powerful but also what can cause problems, as people do not always act rationally. Understanding personality types, temperaments, ego resilience and emotional intelligence can help motivate interdependent collaboration on teams.
Public Relations: Training Your Ethical MindMark McClennan
Public relations professionals face a variety of ethical issues every day. Frequently they do not have the time to examine all sides of the issues. How can PR professionals, agencies and other communications professionals train their ethical mind to make the right call, even under time pressure. What are 10 common types of failure? How is social media changing the dynamic?
This presentation was first given at the 2012 PRCA Conference in Hunstville, AL
Level 5 leadership is the highest level in a hierarchy of leadership capabilities. It involves blending genuine personal humility with intense professional will. Level 5 leaders are modest but also have tremendous resolve to achieve excellent long-term results. They focus on the success of the organization rather than their own success. Their humility and commitment to enduring greatness helps transform good organizations into truly great ones.
This document provides an agenda for a presentation on HRD intervention in new venture creation with a strategic approach. The presentation covers topics such as the current state of business and HR, the strategic role of HR, and an organization with innovative HR practices. It emphasizes that HR is a strategic asset and discusses how HR will evolve from strategic business partnership to strategic leadership. The presentation aims to provide a paradigm shift in thinking and introduces a strategic HR model with a focus on empowerment strategies and practices to create a high performance workforce.
This document provides an overview of corporate culture, change management, and emotionally intelligent leadership. It discusses how culture impacts an organization's ability to manage change. Effective change management can increase productivity while poor change management decreases productivity. Emotionally intelligent leadership is important for navigating change in a way that reduces anxiety and stress for employees. The document uses examples and models to illustrate these concepts and their interrelationships.
This document discusses group dynamics and social skills needed for managing groups effectively. It covers key topics such as the four criteria of a group, Tuckman's five stages of group development, roles and norms, task and maintenance functions, and threats to group effectiveness like social loafing and groupthink. Learning objectives are provided for understanding group size considerations, handling mixed-gender groups, defining groupthink, and preventing social loafing. Various social skills important for building social capital and managing groups are also defined.
The document discusses different leadership perspectives including authentic leadership, adaptive leadership, and the characteristics of "Level 5" leaders as described by Jim Collins - namely, that Level 5 leaders channel their ego and ambition into the organization rather than themselves and demonstrate a compelling modesty and humility alongside an unwavering resolve to do what it takes to achieve great long-term results for the company.
The document discusses various topics related to leadership including definitions of leadership, characteristics of good leaders, approaches to leadership such as power-influence and situational leadership, and leadership styles. It provides information on traits of successful leaders, skills of successful leaders, leadership behavior, undesirable leadership behaviors, levels of maturity in situational leadership, and transformational leadership theory.
The document discusses how leadership values focus on "doing the right things" and emphasizes moral and ethical dimensions of leadership. It outlines key leadership values like integrity, trust, courage, honesty, responsibility, and accountability. The document also examines how values develop, examples of core values, and how values impact a leader's decisions and perceptions of success.
The document outlines 4 steps to succeed in the early years of a corporate career:
1. Develop basic qualities like learning skills, creativity, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills.
2. Learn keys like controlling issues, prioritizing work, clarity in your subject matter, planning, and looking for opportunities.
3. Exhibit essential behaviors like trusting others, having a positive attitude, and being involved.
4. Avoid don'ts such as keeping people waiting, breaking promises, loose talk, insulting others, compromising integrity, and taking no for an answer.
Following these steps is said to help one succeed in the corporate world.
This document provides an overview of a leadership retreat taking place from August 15-17, 2012. It includes the names of six leaders attending, as well as an introduction to dyadic theory and its four stages of development. The retreat activities are designed to build teamwork, communication, and trust through challenges that require collaboration, such as paddling a kayak while blindfolded or racing up a mountain while strapped together.
This document provides an overview of a presentation on ethical leadership for technical professionals. The presentation covers engaging employees, virtues of ethical leadership including clarity, creativity, competence, courage and service. It discusses specific skills like giving feedback using a fair process model. Stories are used to illustrate concepts like courage, listening, apologizing and using fair processes. Attendees are encouraged to share stories of virtues and pick one to improve going forward.
Presentation to City of Saint Louis Park Professional Development Program on March 9, 2911. Public employees from Saint Louis Park and other communities. Focus on integrating management with leadership perspectives. Emplowering others to improve the world.
How to identify, personality types, match hiring to employee desired traits, creating powerful corporate cultures, and an amazing workplace experience.
This document provides an agenda for a presentation on HRD intervention in new venture creation through strategic HR approaches. The presentation covers topics such as the strategic role of HR, HR practices in innovative organizations, and a model for creating an empowered workforce. It also lists the speaker's publications and qualifications for giving the presentation. The goal is to discuss how HR can play a strategic leadership role in organizations through empowerment strategies and high performance work systems.
This presentation covered understanding and overcoming bias in the workplace. It discussed how unrecognized bias can negatively impact teams and provided case studies to illustrate potential biases. The key messages were that bias is often unintentional and based on life experiences, recognizing bias in oneself and others is important for building strong, diverse teams, and being open to different perspectives is crucial for leveraging diversity.
SOFT SKILLS WORLD takes pleasure in introducing itself as an experienced and competent conglomeration with more than 300 Training & Development professionals. This team represents key functional domains across industries.
We sincerely look forward to joining hands with your esteemed organization in our endeavour to create a mutually satisfying win-win proposition per se Organization Development interventions.
May we request you to visit us at have a glimpse of the bouquet of our offers .We have partnered with the best & promise you an excellent organizational capability building.
We firmly believe Hard Skills alone are not sufficient enough to enhance business success. Aligned with high performance organizational culture and given the right direction, Soft Skills is the best recipe for business success.
Chris Jansen ( - "Seeding innovation through adaptive le...Chris Jansen
This document discusses adaptive leadership and how it can foster emergence and self-organization in educational institutions. It argues that adaptive leadership involves (1) proactively mentoring individuals, (2) fostering interactions and shared learning, (3) distributing power and decentralizing control, and (4) exploring and articulating shared values. This approach can build an organization's capacity for self-organization, adaptation, innovation and resilience by developing independent agents, encouraging their interactions, and motivating them with a common purpose. The role of leaders is to cultivate these conditions rather than impose rigid control from the top down.
There is an art to giving and receiving feedback. To get better, feedback is necessary – but it also can backfire if handled poorly. This session is for managers and non-managers and addresses the art of feedback and working with subordinates or peers/team members.
The document discusses conflict management and the potential benefits of constructive conflicts in the workplace. It defines conflicts and describes different conflict styles. Constructive conflicts can lead to new ideas, surfacing of important issues, and help develop skills, while achieving consensus through understanding different views. The document provides strategies for managing destructive conflicts, mastering conflicts through planning and roles, and key steps for conflict management including listening, understanding others, and seeking win-win solutions.
The Drum Beat Of Ethics In The Workplace ShrmJack Howe
This document provides an ethics training curriculum for workplaces. It begins with an introduction explaining why ethics are important in the workplace, as 70% of employees leave jobs due to feeling undervalued. The training covers topics like respect, responsibility, communication, conflict resolution, and whistleblowing. Exercises are used to illustrate concepts like finding common ground and respecting differences. The goal is to teach values like integrity, fairness, and treating others as you wish to be treated to improve workplace culture.
The document discusses how teams can be powerful by working together toward a common goal through a "social contract". It explains that teams are necessary for project work that requires collaboration. High-performing teams go through stages of forming, storming, norming, and performing. The social contract is based on relationships and involves issues like conflict, dynamics, emotion, status, inclusion and control. People are both what makes teams powerful but also what can cause problems, as people do not always act rationally. Understanding personality types, temperaments, ego resilience and emotional intelligence can help motivate interdependent collaboration on teams.
Public Relations: Training Your Ethical MindMark McClennan
Public relations professionals face a variety of ethical issues every day. Frequently they do not have the time to examine all sides of the issues. How can PR professionals, agencies and other communications professionals train their ethical mind to make the right call, even under time pressure. What are 10 common types of failure? How is social media changing the dynamic?
This presentation was first given at the 2012 PRCA Conference in Hunstville, AL
Level 5 leadership is the highest level in a hierarchy of leadership capabilities. It involves blending genuine personal humility with intense professional will. Level 5 leaders are modest but also have tremendous resolve to achieve excellent long-term results. They focus on the success of the organization rather than their own success. Their humility and commitment to enduring greatness helps transform good organizations into truly great ones.
This document provides an agenda for a presentation on HRD intervention in new venture creation with a strategic approach. The presentation covers topics such as the current state of business and HR, the strategic role of HR, and an organization with innovative HR practices. It emphasizes that HR is a strategic asset and discusses how HR will evolve from strategic business partnership to strategic leadership. The presentation aims to provide a paradigm shift in thinking and introduces a strategic HR model with a focus on empowerment strategies and practices to create a high performance workforce.
This document provides an overview of corporate culture, change management, and emotionally intelligent leadership. It discusses how culture impacts an organization's ability to manage change. Effective change management can increase productivity while poor change management decreases productivity. Emotionally intelligent leadership is important for navigating change in a way that reduces anxiety and stress for employees. The document uses examples and models to illustrate these concepts and their interrelationships.
This document discusses group dynamics and social skills needed for managing groups effectively. It covers key topics such as the four criteria of a group, Tuckman's five stages of group development, roles and norms, task and maintenance functions, and threats to group effectiveness like social loafing and groupthink. Learning objectives are provided for understanding group size considerations, handling mixed-gender groups, defining groupthink, and preventing social loafing. Various social skills important for building social capital and managing groups are also defined.
The document discusses different leadership perspectives including authentic leadership, adaptive leadership, and the characteristics of "Level 5" leaders as described by Jim Collins - namely, that Level 5 leaders channel their ego and ambition into the organization rather than themselves and demonstrate a compelling modesty and humility alongside an unwavering resolve to do what it takes to achieve great long-term results for the company.
The document discusses various topics related to leadership including definitions of leadership, characteristics of good leaders, approaches to leadership such as power-influence and situational leadership, and leadership styles. It provides information on traits of successful leaders, skills of successful leaders, leadership behavior, undesirable leadership behaviors, levels of maturity in situational leadership, and transformational leadership theory.
The document discusses how leadership values focus on "doing the right things" and emphasizes moral and ethical dimensions of leadership. It outlines key leadership values like integrity, trust, courage, honesty, responsibility, and accountability. The document also examines how values develop, examples of core values, and how values impact a leader's decisions and perceptions of success.
The document outlines 4 steps to succeed in the early years of a corporate career:
1. Develop basic qualities like learning skills, creativity, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills.
2. Learn keys like controlling issues, prioritizing work, clarity in your subject matter, planning, and looking for opportunities.
3. Exhibit essential behaviors like trusting others, having a positive attitude, and being involved.
4. Avoid don'ts such as keeping people waiting, breaking promises, loose talk, insulting others, compromising integrity, and taking no for an answer.
Following these steps is said to help one succeed in the corporate world.
This document provides an overview of a leadership retreat taking place from August 15-17, 2012. It includes the names of six leaders attending, as well as an introduction to dyadic theory and its four stages of development. The retreat activities are designed to build teamwork, communication, and trust through challenges that require collaboration, such as paddling a kayak while blindfolded or racing up a mountain while strapped together.
This document provides an overview of a presentation on ethical leadership for technical professionals. The presentation covers engaging employees, virtues of ethical leadership including clarity, creativity, competence, courage and service. It discusses specific skills like giving feedback using a fair process model. Stories are used to illustrate concepts like courage, listening, apologizing and using fair processes. Attendees are encouraged to share stories of virtues and pick one to improve going forward.
Presentation to City of Saint Louis Park Professional Development Program on March 9, 2911. Public employees from Saint Louis Park and other communities. Focus on integrating management with leadership perspectives. Emplowering others to improve the world.
How to identify, personality types, match hiring to employee desired traits, creating powerful corporate cultures, and an amazing workplace experience.
This document provides an agenda for a presentation on HRD intervention in new venture creation through strategic HR approaches. The presentation covers topics such as the strategic role of HR, HR practices in innovative organizations, and a model for creating an empowered workforce. It also lists the speaker's publications and qualifications for giving the presentation. The goal is to discuss how HR can play a strategic leadership role in organizations through empowerment strategies and high performance work systems.
This presentation covered understanding and overcoming bias in the workplace. It discussed how unrecognized bias can negatively impact teams and provided case studies to illustrate potential biases. The key messages were that bias is often unintentional and based on life experiences, recognizing bias in oneself and others is important for building strong, diverse teams, and being open to different perspectives is crucial for leveraging diversity.
SOFT SKILLS WORLD takes pleasure in introducing itself as an experienced and competent conglomeration with more than 300 Training & Development professionals. This team represents key functional domains across industries.
We sincerely look forward to joining hands with your esteemed organization in our endeavour to create a mutually satisfying win-win proposition per se Organization Development interventions.
May we request you to visit us at have a glimpse of the bouquet of our offers .We have partnered with the best & promise you an excellent organizational capability building.
We firmly believe Hard Skills alone are not sufficient enough to enhance business success. Aligned with high performance organizational culture and given the right direction, Soft Skills is the best recipe for business success.
Chris Jansen ( - "Seeding innovation through adaptive le...Chris Jansen
This document discusses adaptive leadership and how it can foster emergence and self-organization in educational institutions. It argues that adaptive leadership involves (1) proactively mentoring individuals, (2) fostering interactions and shared learning, (3) distributing power and decentralizing control, and (4) exploring and articulating shared values. This approach can build an organization's capacity for self-organization, adaptation, innovation and resilience by developing independent agents, encouraging their interactions, and motivating them with a common purpose. The role of leaders is to cultivate these conditions rather than impose rigid control from the top down.
There is an art to giving and receiving feedback. To get better, feedback is necessary – but it also can backfire if handled poorly. This session is for managers and non-managers and addresses the art of feedback and working with subordinates or peers/team members.
The document discusses conflict management and the potential benefits of constructive conflicts in the workplace. It defines conflicts and describes different conflict styles. Constructive conflicts can lead to new ideas, surfacing of important issues, and help develop skills, while achieving consensus through understanding different views. The document provides strategies for managing destructive conflicts, mastering conflicts through planning and roles, and key steps for conflict management including listening, understanding others, and seeking win-win solutions.
The Drum Beat Of Ethics In The Workplace ShrmJack Howe
This document provides an ethics training curriculum for workplaces. It begins with an introduction explaining why ethics are important in the workplace, as 70% of employees leave jobs due to feeling undervalued. The training covers topics like respect, responsibility, communication, conflict resolution, and whistleblowing. Exercises are used to illustrate concepts like finding common ground and respecting differences. The goal is to teach values like integrity, fairness, and treating others as you wish to be treated to improve workplace culture.
Interpersonal relations: How to Collaborate with and Lead People in an Organi...Dr. John Persico
Here is a dynamic presentation that you can use for teaching many interpersonal skills such as: Emotional Intelligence, Power and Influence, Diversity, Negotiating, Dealing with Difficult People, Developing a Professional Presence and Understanding Influence Styles.
The document discusses the nature of leadership, leadership traits, skills, and styles. It defines leadership as the ability to persuade people to work towards a common goal. Key leadership traits include honesty, competence, being forward-looking, inspiring, intelligent, fair-minded, and courageous. Leadership skills include technical, human, and conceptual skills. Common leadership styles are autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. The document also discusses power, sources of power including position and personal power, and influence tactics.
This document discusses overcoming resistance to change. It introduces a 5-step process for identifying the underlying reasons for resistance called "Immunity to Change". The steps are: 1) Stating your commitment to change, 2) Identifying competing behaviors, 3) Uncovering hidden competing commitments and worries, 4) Surfacing assumptions causing resistance, and 5) Testing assumptions through small experiments. An example is provided to illustrate how to apply the steps to understand resistance to adopting more agile practices like test-driven development.
SOFT SKILLS WORLD takes pleasure in introducing itself as an experienced and competent conglomeration with more than 300 Training & Development professionals. This team represents key functional domains across industries.
We sincerely look forward to joining hands with your esteemed organization in our endeavour to create a mutually satisfying win-win proposition per se Organization Development interventions.
May we request you to visit us at have a glimpse of the bouquet of our offers .We have partnered with the best & promise you an excellent organizational capability building.
We firmly believe Hard Skills alone are not sufficient enough to enhance business success. Aligned with high performance organizational culture and given the right direction, Soft Skills is the best recipe for business success.
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Finding the right talent is key to business success, and Salarite offers a smart hiring solution for employers in Jaipur. Our platform connects businesses with top professionals for full-time, part-time, and freelance roles, ensuring a fast and efficient recruitment process.
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Part-Time Jobs in Jaipur for Students and Working Professionals.pptxvinay salarite
Jaipur offers diverse part-time job opportunities for students and working professionals in retail, IT, hospitality, and education. Flexible work options make it easier to balance studies or full-time jobs while gaining valuable experience.
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AudioRealism ABL is a software synthesizer designed for music production, particularly for those interested in acid house, techno, and other electronic music genres. It emulates the classic Roland TB-303 Bass Line synthesizer, which is famous for its unique sound and its pivotal role in the development of electronic dance music.
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How to Prepare for Palo Alto NGFW-Engineer Certification?NWEXAM
Start here--- complete detail on NGFW-Engineer exam guide to crack Palo Alto Networks Certified Next-Generation Firewall Engineer. You can collect all information on NGFW-Engineer tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm your knowledge on Palo Alto Networks Certified Next-Generation Firewall Engineer and get ready to crack NGFW-Engineer certification. Explore all information on NGFW-Engineer exam with number of questions, passing percentage and time duration to complete test.
LinkedIn for Your Job Search February 2025Bruce Bennett
This webinar helps you understand and navigate your way through LinkedIn. Topics covered include learning the many elements of your profile, populating your work experience history, and understanding why a profile is more than just a resume. You will be able to identify the different features available on LinkedIn and where to focus your attention. We will teach how to create a job search agent on LinkedIn and explore job applications on LinkedIn.
The Smart Hiring Solution for Employers to Find Top Talent in Jaipur.pptxvinay salarite
Finding the right talent is key to business success, and Salarite offers a smart hiring solution for employers in Jaipur. Our platform connects businesses with top professionals for full-time, part-time, and freelance roles, ensuring a fast and efficient recruitment process.
Start hiring smarter with Salarite today!
How to Prepare for Avaya 67200T Certification.pdfNWEXAM
Start Here--- ---Get complete detail on 67200T exam guide to crack Avaya IP Office Platform R11 Administrator (ASAC-0013). You can collect all information on 67200T tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm your knowledge on Avaya IP Office Platform R11 Administrator (ASAC-0013) and get ready to crack 67200T certification. Explore all information on 67200T exam with number of questions, passing percentage and time duration to complete test.
2. Authority :
a decision making right and action embedded in someone along
with the position to execute and balance with the accountability
to deliver an/ agreed result/s or expectation/s
3. Reasons for an authority
1. Identify the person accountable for
2. Ensure someone makes decision and takes
4. Ensure an organization runs smoothly
5. Solve a business-related problem
14. Dealing with authority at work
1. Respect, respect, respect
? Respect = obey
? Verbal agreement
? Take action and execute
? Always comes in agreement first
? Always share GOOD personalities/behaviors of the authority to
16. Why we fail to respect an authority
? Our self-respect not well developed
– Our family
– Community
? As part of transition a “free interval from family authority to work
17. Why we fail to respect an authority
? Genetically-related behaviors/talents
– Artists
? Unaware of authority roles and functions
? Unclear authority roles
19. Dealing with authority in an organization
? Know where we stand
? What our role, responsibility, and authority
? Use proper body language
? Examples :
? Too much smiling
? Too demanding/rushing/pushy
? Give time
20. Level of Authority
1. Level of authority equals with level of
? Every employee with accountability is provided
with authority
? Various sources of authority in an organization
? Section head
? Department head
? Division head
4. Highest authority lies on CEO
21. Level of Authority
Forms of authority in an organization
1. Organization vision, mission and values
2. Organization culture & ethics or code of
conduct, credo
3. Policy, Rules, Regulations and Norms
4. Department rules
5. Team agreement
27. Exercising authority
1. When we receive it
? Asked to deliver a result
? To solve a problem
? At a time of confusion
2. Always go beyond responsibility NOT authority
? There is always a BOLD and thin authority border
3. Authority can NOT be delegated
28. Exercising authority
? When in doubt or standing in a dilemma between our standing
and organization’s
? Rule of thumb: always respect & obey formal authority in an organization
? Accept disagreement or dissatisfaction
? Authority NEVER satisfies an & every individual; it governs the whole interest
of an organization
32. Abusing authority
1. Happens when there is a lack of integrity
? Bullying
2. May not be aware of the scope of authority given
3. Vested interest; financial return
4. Showing off power and influence
33. Crossing the Line
? Unclear job description/scope/accountabilities
? Undermine someone’s role
34. Crossing the Line
1. Vested interest
2. Trust level (only when superior does it)
35. Crossing the Line
1. Indecisiveness
1. Popularity contest
2. Not to take risk or consequences
3. Incompetent
40. Initial stage to respond to difficult behavior
? Validate our findings with our own work values
? Make a note, seek for patterned or incidental
? Forgive for 1st, note for 2nd, crosscheck for 3rd
41. Cross checking
1. Set a purpose why need to cross check
2. Ask if our peer experience similar specific behavior
3. Use flat tone, avoid secretive one
42. Cross checking
? Talk about difficult behavior only. Period!
? Unplanned crosschecking may turn into gossiping
? Risk: taking with peers about boss’ difficult behaviors
may back fire to us.
43. Common mistakes
? Telling boss’ bad behaviors to peers out of proportion
? Sabotage or silent rebel
? Unfinished tasks
? Avoid meeting or eye contact with boss
? Apathy
? Cynical remarks
? Verbal threat to leave (to peers NOT to boss)
? Frequent absent or late for work
44. Preparation before talking
1. It will be much EASIER if we have built RAPPORT with our boss
2. Set One Purpose
3. Manage our expectation
? People are reluctant to change
? If we fail, what is at stake ?
? We have capacity to change ourselves than to change others
45. Steps to talk to difficult boss
1. Set time and venue to talk
2. State our expectation what s/he needs to do during the session
? We ask for help
? Use flat, friendly tone
? Assume “we have” problem with his/her difficult behavior
46. Steps to talk to difficult boss
1. Praise him/her for what s/he has done for us
? Specify and give examples
2. Describe the situation
? Specify ONE particular behavior and give example
47. Steps to talk to difficult boss
1. Explain how the difficult behavior affects us professionally
3. Share what will improve if his/her behavior change
? We influence him/her to change the difficult behavior, NOT to
reverse the decision s/he has made
48. Steps to talk to difficult boss
1. Listen
2. Thanks to the boss
49. Conclusion :
Authority is meant to place organization resources in order
and bring optimum business results, not to serve our
personal best interest