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The Basics of Autism
Spectrum Disorders
  Training Series

      Regional Autism Advisory Council of

        Southwest Ohio (RAAC-SWO)

    Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders

                  Task Force
Adult Training Series
Module One: Autism Defined, Autism Prevalence
and Primary Characteristics

Module Two: Physical Characteristics of Autism

Module Three: Cognition and Learning in Autism

Module Four: Autism and Sensory Differences

Module Five: Communication and Autism
Adult Training Series
Module Six: Behavior Challenges and Autism
Module Seven: Understanding Behavior in Persons
with Autism
 ith A tism
Module Eight: Functional Behavior Assessment

Module Nine: Autism and Leisure Skills to Teach
Module Ten: Special Issues of Adolescence and
Ad l h d
Module Eleven: Safety and Autism
Big Idea

Communication may be
C mm ni ti n m b very
difficult for someone with
Some people with ASD do not t lk
S        l   ith       d   t talk
  They may use sign language to communicate.
  They may use pictures to communicate.
     y   y     p
  They may use a device that talks for them.
Some people with ASD talk but are hard to
  d   t d
  They may get upset if you dont understand them.

Some folks with ASD may repeat what you say.
  If you say, do you want juice, they may
  repeat what you said. This is called Echolalia.
  This may be their way of saying yes.
  It might mean that they did not understand
  what you said.
  It may happen more often when the person is
         h              f      h     h
  nervous or upset.
Some people with ASD have a hard time
making choices.
  Some people say yes to almost every choice
  you give them, even if they dont want it.
  Some people say no to almost every choice
         p p      y                    y
  you give them, even if they want it.
  Some people almost always choose the last
  thing you said to them. For example: if you
  say, do you want crackers or cookies, they
  may say cookies even when they want
Big Idea

For people who have difficulty making
  choices, we need to help them by
  showing them pictures, drawings,
                 pictures drawings
      logos or the actual items.
Just b
J    because the person can say something, it doesnt
              h                      hi    i d     
always mean they understand what they are saying.

Just because the person with ASD has done something
J st b     s th p s        ith      h sd     s m thi
before, doesnt mean that they will be able to understand
what is going to happen the next time.

People with ASD usually need pictures to help them
understand what is going to happen.
Some people with ASD have trouble
      p p
understanding certain words
  time words such as later, tomorrow,
  after hil 
   ft while.
  feeling words such as share or be nice.
  sayings such as shake a leg.
                   shake leg
  slang words such as cool.
We have to watch our language and make
sure the person understands what we are
Communication Tips
   Use visuals  such as pictures to help the person
   Say things using simple words.
      y     g      g    p
   Dont talk too fast.
   Never talk about behaviors with the person while
    they are upset.
   Never talk about the person with ASD to someone
    else, as if th person werent there or as if they
     ls    s the      s        t th        s th
    cant understand what you are saying.
Big Idea

We could be the communication
problem. We need to watch what
    we say and how we say it.

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Autism 005

  • 1. The Basics of Autism Spectrum Disorders Training Series Regional Autism Advisory Council of Southwest Ohio (RAAC-SWO) Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders Task Force
  • 2. Adult Training Series g Modules Module One: Autism Defined, Autism Prevalence and Primary Characteristics Module Two: Physical Characteristics of Autism Module Three: Cognition and Learning in Autism Module Four: Autism and Sensory Differences y Module Five: Communication and Autism
  • 3. Adult Training Series g Modules Module Six: Behavior Challenges and Autism Module Seven: Understanding Behavior in Persons with Autism ith A tism Module Eight: Functional Behavior Assessment Module Nine: Autism and Leisure Skills to Teach Module Ten: Special Issues of Adolescence and p Adulthood Ad l h d Module Eleven: Safety and Autism
  • 4. Big Idea Communication may be C mm ni ti n m b very difficult for someone with ASD.
  • 5. Communication Some people with ASD do not t lk S l ith d t talk They may use sign language to communicate. They may use pictures to communicate. y y p They may use a device that talks for them. Some people with ASD talk but are hard to understand. d t d They may get upset if you dont understand them.
  • 6. Communication mm Some folks with ASD may repeat what you say. If you say, do you want juice, they may repeat what you said. This is called Echolalia. This may be their way of saying yes. It might mean that they did not understand what you said. It may happen more often when the person is h f h h nervous or upset.
  • 7. Communication Some people with ASD have a hard time making choices. Some people say yes to almost every choice yes you give them, even if they dont want it. Some people say no to almost every choice p p y y you give them, even if they want it. Some people almost always choose the last thing you said to them. For example: if you them say, do you want crackers or cookies, they may say cookies even when they want crackers.
  • 8. Big Idea For people who have difficulty making choices, we need to help them by showing them pictures, drawings, pictures drawings logos or the actual items.
  • 9. Communication Just b J because the person can say something, it doesnt h hi i d always mean they understand what they are saying. Just because the person with ASD has done something J st b s th p s ith h sd s m thi before, doesnt mean that they will be able to understand what is going to happen the next time. People with ASD usually need pictures to help them understand what is going to happen.
  • 10. Communication Some people with ASD have trouble p p understanding certain words time words such as later, tomorrow, after hil ft while. feeling words such as share or be nice. sayings such as shake a leg. shake leg slang words such as cool. We have to watch our language and make sure the person understands what we are saying. saying
  • 11. Communication Tips Use visuals such as pictures to help the person understand. Say things using simple words. y g g p Dont talk too fast. Never talk about behaviors with the person while p they are upset. Never talk about the person with ASD to someone else, as if th person werent there or as if they ls s the s t th s th cant understand what you are saying.
  • 12. Big Idea We could be the communication p problem. We need to watch what we say and how we say it.