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Oray, Robenecia,
Valois, Verano
Also called Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD), is a complex
condition that affects how
people interact,
communicate, learn, and
behave. People with ASD have
differences in their brain
function that can impact their
behavior and social
interactions. (WebMD)
 Communication - This makes it hard for them to
express themselves, either with words or through
gestures, facial expressions, and touch.
 Sensory stimulation. They also have differences in
how they react to sensory input, like sound, lights,
clothes, or temperature.
 Transitions - Those with autism may
struggle with transitions and changes in
their daily routine.
 Learning - This includes developing skills at
an uneven rate.
AUTISM and ADHD in EDUC271 Foundation of Inclusivity
 What is low-functioning autism?
- About 30% of people with autism also
have an intellectual disability. This means
they may need help with everyday tasks
and sometimes aren't able to live alone.
Many people call this "low-functioning
- Autism affects every person differently.
 What is high-functioning autism?
- Other people may have autism with less
obvious symptoms. They often do well in
school and have fewer problems
communicating. People usually call this
"high-functioning autism" or the outdated
term, Asperger syndrome.
A self-stimulating behavior, such as hand
and arm flapping, spinning, jumping, or
other similar body movements. It can
also include using an object over and
over again... People with autism may
stim for fun, to ease boredom, or to
cope with stress or anxiety. It can also
help them adjust the level of sensory
At times, a person with autism may become
overwhelmed by a situation and can't find a
way to respond. This can cause them to have
a meltdown. A meltdown is more than a
tantrum  it's a response that cant be
control. They may cry, scream, or act out
physically by kicking, punching, or biting.
They may shut down completely and stop
responding in any way.
 Asperger's Syndrome - This is on the
milder end of the autism spectrum. A person
with Asperger's may be very intelligent and
able to handle their daily life. They may be
really focused on topics that interest them
and discuss them nonstop, but they have a
much harder time socially.
 Pervasive Developmental Disorder,
Not Otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)
- This diagnosis included most children
whose autism was more severe than
Asperger's Syndrome, but not as
severe as Autistic Disorder.
 Autistic Disorder - This older term is
further along the autism spectrum than
Aspergers and PDD-NOS. It includes the
same types of symptoms, but at a more
intense level.
 Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
- This was the rarest and most severe
part of the spectrum. It described
children who develop normally and
then quickly lose many social,
language, and mental skills. Often,
these children also developed a seizure
Support Routines and Transitions
Most children with autism are sensitive
to abrupt changes in routine and will
learn best in routine situations.
Therefore, whenever possible, it is most
effective to maintain a predictable
routine when teaching children with
autism. This ensures that each child will
know what is coming next so that they
can anticipate and prepare.
Use Visual Cues
The majority of children with autism are visual
learners, meaning they learn best when
material is presented visually instead of just
presented verbally or through another
method. Visual cues can be a way to help kids
with autism learn and retain skills and to aid
with communication. A visual cue might be a
picture, a drawing, a list, keywords, etc.
Below, we will discuss some specific ways to
use visual cues with children with autism
Use Special Interests as a Gateway to
Teaching Skills
In general, children with autism have
special preferences or special interests.
This could be anything from a sport to a
movie or television character. For some
children, it may be appropriate to utilize
this special interest as a way to teach
other important skills.
Incorporate Sensory Tools
Each individual has certain sensory preferences,
and this is certainly no different for children
with autism. Children with autism have their own
specific sensory needs and an occupational
therapist can assist with assessing this and
implementing strategies.
Each child will fall on a spectrum of sensory
processing, and will have their own sensitivities,
avoidance tendencies, and seeking tendencies.
There are also likely certain sensory tools that
help each individual child feel regulated.
Support Social Skills Practice
Social skills are often an area that children
with autism have difficulty with. In
particular, the unwritten social norms
are often the most difficult. Regardless of
the skill or subject being taught, social skill
practice for children with autism is critical.
Below, we will explore some ways to
support social skills for children with
1.) Use simple words
2.) Use visual aids
3.) Provide a structured
4.) Identify the childs special
5.) Teach social inclusion
deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) is a chronic condition
that affects millions of
children and often continues
into adulthood.
is a neurodevelopmental
disorder characterized by
persistent patterns of
inattention, hyperactivity,
and impulsivity that can
interfere with daily
functioning and
Below are some behaviors related to inattention that a
person might notice in someone with ADHD:
Becoming distracted and having difficulty focusing
on tasks
Making careless mistakes
Appearing to not listen while others are talking
Having difficulty with time management and
Frequently losing everyday items
Avoiding tasks that need prolonged focus and
Having difficulty following instructions
Hyperactivity and Impulsivity:
Some or all of the following may be apparent
in someone with ADHD:
seeming constantly on-the-go and unable to
sit still
running or climbing at inappropriate times
having difficulty taking turns in conversations
and activities
fidgeting or tapping the hands or feet
talking and making noises excessively
taking unnecessary risks
1.) Minimize Distractions
2.) Create a Consistent Routine
3.) Provide Brain Breaks and Opportunities
for Movement
4.) Give Frequent Feedback and Positive
5.) Communicate Directions and
Expectations Clearlyand Often
6.) Set Them Up With the Right Tools
7.) Incorporate Your Students Interests
1.) Just Move It, Move It
2.) Climb Mountains in the
3.) Turn Time into a Friend
4.) Be Predictable

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AUTISM and ADHD in EDUC271 Foundation of Inclusivity

  • 2. AUTISM... Also called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complex condition that affects how people interact, communicate, learn, and behave. People with ASD have differences in their brain function that can impact their behavior and social interactions. (WebMD)
  • 3. Peoplewithautismmayhave troublewith: Communication - This makes it hard for them to express themselves, either with words or through gestures, facial expressions, and touch. Sensory stimulation. They also have differences in how they react to sensory input, like sound, lights, clothes, or temperature. Transitions - Those with autism may struggle with transitions and changes in their daily routine. Learning - This includes developing skills at an uneven rate.
  • 5. AutismFunctioningLabels:1/2 What is low-functioning autism? - About 30% of people with autism also have an intellectual disability. This means they may need help with everyday tasks and sometimes aren't able to live alone. Many people call this "low-functioning autism." - Autism affects every person differently.
  • 6. AutismFunctioningLabels:2/2 What is high-functioning autism? - Other people may have autism with less obvious symptoms. They often do well in school and have fewer problems communicating. People usually call this "high-functioning autism" or the outdated term, Asperger syndrome.
  • 7. Stimming... A self-stimulating behavior, such as hand and arm flapping, spinning, jumping, or other similar body movements. It can also include using an object over and over again... People with autism may stim for fun, to ease boredom, or to cope with stress or anxiety. It can also help them adjust the level of sensory input.
  • 8. meltdowns... At times, a person with autism may become overwhelmed by a situation and can't find a way to respond. This can cause them to have a meltdown. A meltdown is more than a tantrum it's a response that cant be control. They may cry, scream, or act out physically by kicking, punching, or biting. They may shut down completely and stop responding in any way.
  • 9. TypesofAutism:(1/2) Asperger's Syndrome - This is on the milder end of the autism spectrum. A person with Asperger's may be very intelligent and able to handle their daily life. They may be really focused on topics that interest them and discuss them nonstop, but they have a much harder time socially. Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) - This diagnosis included most children whose autism was more severe than Asperger's Syndrome, but not as severe as Autistic Disorder.
  • 10. TypesofAutism:(2/2) Autistic Disorder - This older term is further along the autism spectrum than Aspergers and PDD-NOS. It includes the same types of symptoms, but at a more intense level. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder - This was the rarest and most severe part of the spectrum. It described children who develop normally and then quickly lose many social, language, and mental skills. Often, these children also developed a seizure disorder.
  • 11. TEACHINGSTRATEGIES: Support Routines and Transitions Most children with autism are sensitive to abrupt changes in routine and will learn best in routine situations. Therefore, whenever possible, it is most effective to maintain a predictable routine when teaching children with autism. This ensures that each child will know what is coming next so that they can anticipate and prepare.
  • 12. TEACHINGSTRATEGIES: Use Visual Cues The majority of children with autism are visual learners, meaning they learn best when material is presented visually instead of just presented verbally or through another method. Visual cues can be a way to help kids with autism learn and retain skills and to aid with communication. A visual cue might be a picture, a drawing, a list, keywords, etc. Below, we will discuss some specific ways to use visual cues with children with autism
  • 13. Use Special Interests as a Gateway to Teaching Skills In general, children with autism have special preferences or special interests. This could be anything from a sport to a movie or television character. For some children, it may be appropriate to utilize this special interest as a way to teach other important skills.
  • 14. Incorporate Sensory Tools Each individual has certain sensory preferences, and this is certainly no different for children with autism. Children with autism have their own specific sensory needs and an occupational therapist can assist with assessing this and implementing strategies. Each child will fall on a spectrum of sensory processing, and will have their own sensitivities, avoidance tendencies, and seeking tendencies. There are also likely certain sensory tools that help each individual child feel regulated.
  • 15. Support Social Skills Practice Social skills are often an area that children with autism have difficulty with. In particular, the unwritten social norms are often the most difficult. Regardless of the skill or subject being taught, social skill practice for children with autism is critical. Below, we will explore some ways to support social skills for children with autism.
  • 16. INCLUSIONSTRATEGIES: 1.) Use simple words 2.) Use visual aids 3.) Provide a structured routine 4.) Identify the childs special interests 5.) Teach social inclusion
  • 17. Attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can interfere with daily functioning and development. ADHD...
  • 18. CHARACTERISTICS/SIGNS Inattention Below are some behaviors related to inattention that a person might notice in someone with ADHD: Daydreaming Becoming distracted and having difficulty focusing on tasks Making careless mistakes Appearing to not listen while others are talking Having difficulty with time management and organization Frequently losing everyday items Avoiding tasks that need prolonged focus and thought Having difficulty following instructions
  • 19. CHARACTERISTICS/SIGNS Hyperactivity and Impulsivity: Some or all of the following may be apparent in someone with ADHD: seeming constantly on-the-go and unable to sit still running or climbing at inappropriate times having difficulty taking turns in conversations and activities fidgeting or tapping the hands or feet talking and making noises excessively taking unnecessary risks
  • 20. TEACHINGSTRATEGIES: 1.) Minimize Distractions 2.) Create a Consistent Routine 3.) Provide Brain Breaks and Opportunities for Movement 4.) Give Frequent Feedback and Positive Reinforcement 5.) Communicate Directions and Expectations Clearlyand Often 6.) Set Them Up With the Right Tools 7.) Incorporate Your Students Interests
  • 21. Inclusionstrategies: 1.) Just Move It, Move It 2.) Climb Mountains in the Morning 3.) Turn Time into a Friend 4.) Be Predictable