2. Free Lisp Routines(macros)
Free Lisp Routines and Shortcuts Commands that
keep your work easy and fast that boost your
working performance while working on Survey
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3. Contents by Category
1. Select
2. Line Type
3. Units
4. Zoom
5. Miscellaneous
6. Layer
7. Layer - On Off
8. Layer - Free Thaw
9. Layer - Lock Unlock
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4. Select - Commands
Function Command
Copy Crossing CC
Erase Window EW
Move Window MW
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5. Line Type - Commands
Function Command
Set Center linetype to selected entity CEN
Set Continuous linetype to selected entity CONT
Set Dashed linetype to selected entity DAS
Set Dashdot linetype to selected entity DOT
Set Hidden linetype to selected entity HID
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6. Units - Commands
Function Command
Set the unit precision to 0 UN0
Set the unit precision to 1 UN1
Set the unit precision to 2 UN2
Set the unit precision to 3 UN3
Set the unit precision to 4 UN4
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7. Zoom - Commands
Function Command
Zoom to display the drawing extents ZE
Zoom to display the previous view ZP
Zoom to display a window defined by a Centre Point ZC
Zoom to display the generated portion of the
drawing with a view box
Zoom to display an Area specified by the opposite
corners of a rectangular window
Zoom the display at a specified scale factor ZS
Zoom Out Z8
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8. Miscellaneous - Commands
Function Command
Erase last drawn entity ELT
Turn off Osnap OS0
Quick quit (without saving) QY
Break Line at given Point BRK
Display block name of selected entity BN
List DXF details of a selected entity LDXF
Undo back for any Lisp from ESurvey UB
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9. Layer - Commands
Function Command
Set the By layer property of the entities BY
Set the Layer of picked entity LSET
Change Layer of selected entities to Current Layer LC
Delete the Objects of selected entities Layer DSL
Quickly Create a New Layer QL
Set specified Layer as Current Layer MCL
Rename Layer RN
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10. Layer On/Off - Commands
Function Command
Switch OFF Layers on the basis of Entity Pick OF
Keep selected Layers ON SLO
Switch OFF Layers by specifying Layer Name OFN
Switch ON the Layers ON
Switch OFF all the Layers except the current Layer OFF
Switch ON all the Layers ONN
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11. Layer Free Thaw - Commands
Function Command
Freeze the Layer on the basis of entity pick FR
Freeze Layers by specifying Layer Name FRN
Thaw Layers by specifying Layer Name THN
Freeze all Layers FRR
Thaw all Layers THH
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12. Layer Lock Unlock - Commands
Function Command
Lock Layer LK
Unlock Layer UL
Lock Layer by Specifying Layer Name LKN
Unlock Layer by Specifying Layer Name ULN
Lock all the Layers LKK
Unlock all the Layers ULL
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