This talk presented at IROS 2012, Portugal, discusses a method to generate an overhead semantic map, akin to google maps but with associated object class labels. We run experiment on tens of kilometres of data.
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Automatic Dense Semantic Mapping From Visual Street-level Imagery
1. Automatic Dense Semantic Mapping From
Visual Street-level Imagery
Sunando Sengupta[1]
, Paul Sturgess[1]
Lubor Ladicky[2]
, Phillip H.S. Torr[1]
Oxford Brookes University
Visual geometry group, Oxford University 1
2. Dense Semantic Map
Generate an overhead view of an urban region.
Label every pixel in the Map View is associated with an
object class label
BuildingRoadTreeVegetation FenceSignage
SkyPavement Car Pedestrian Bollard Shop Sign Post 2
3. Dense Semantic Map
Street images captured inexpensively from vehicle with
multiple mounted camera[1]
[1] Yotta. DCL, Yotta dcl case studies, Available:
4. Semantic Mapping Framework
Semantic mapping framework comprises of two stages
Street level
Images acquisition
5. Semantic Mapping Framework
Semantic mapping framework comprises of two stages
Semantic Image Segmentation at street level.
Street level
Images acquisition
6. Semantic Mapping Framework
Semantic mapping framework comprises of two stages
Semantic Image Segmentation at street level.
Ground Plane Labelling at a global level.
One of the first attempts to do overhead mapping from
street level images.
Street level
Images acquisition
Ground plane
7. Semantic Image Segmentation
Label every pixel in the image with an object class
BuildingRoadTreeVegetation FenceSignage
SkyPavement Car Pedestrian Bollard Shop Sign Post
Input Output
Raw Image Labelled Image
Object Class Labels
Semantic Image Segmentation
We use Conditional Random Field Framework (CRF)
Final SegmentationInput Image
Each pixel is a node in a grid graph G = (V,E).
Each node is a random variable x taking a label from label set.
9. Semantic Image Segmentation - CRF
Total energy
Optimal labelling given as
xxxE )(),()()(
10. Semantic Image Segmentation - CRF
Total energy E = Epix + Epair + Eregion
Epix - Model individual pixels cost of taking a label.
Computed via the dense boosting approach
Multi feature variant of texton boost[1]
Car 0.2
Road 0.3
10[1] L. Ladicky, C. Russell, P. Kohli, and P. H. Torr, Associative hierarchical crfs for
object class image segmentation, in ICCV, 2009.
11. Semantic Image Segmentation - CRF
Total energy E = Epix + Epair + Eregion
Epair- Model each pixel neighbourhood interactions.
Encourages label consistency in adjacent pixels
Sensitive to edges in images.
Contrast sensitive Potts model
xi xj
12. Semantic Image Segmentation - CRF
Total energy E = Epix + Epair + Eregion
Eregion - Model behaviour of a group of pixels.
Classify a region
Encourages all the pixels in a region
to take the same label.
Group of pixels given by a
multiple meanshift segmentations
Car 0.3
Road 0.1
13. Semantic Image Segmentation
Solved using alpha-expansion algorithm[1]
BuildingRoadTreeVegetation FenceSignage
SkyPavement Car Pedestrian Bollard Shop Sign Post
Input Image Road Expansion
[1] Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts. Yuri Boykov et al. ICCV 99
14. Semantic Image Segmentation
Solved using alpha-expansion algorithm[1]
Input Image Building Expansion
BuildingRoadTreeVegetation FenceSignage
SkyPavement Car Pedestrian Bollard Shop Sign Post
[1] Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts. Yuri Boykov et al. ICCV 99
15. Semantic Image Segmentation
Solved using alpha-expansion algorithm[1]
Input Image Sky Expansion
BuildingRoadTreeVegetation FenceSignage
SkyPavement Car Pedestrian Bollard Shop Sign Post
[1] Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts. Yuri Boykov et al. ICCV 99
16. Semantic Image Segmentation
Solved using alpha-expansion algorithm[1]
Input Image Pavement Expansion
BuildingRoadTreeVegetation FenceSignage
SkyPavement Car Pedestrian Bollard Shop Sign Post
[1] Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts. Yuri Boykov et al. ICCV 99
17. Semantic Image Segmentation
Solved using alpha-expansion algorithm[1]
Input Image Final solution
BuildingRoadTreeVegetation FenceSignage
SkyPavement Car Pedestrian Bollard Shop Sign Post
[1] Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts. Yuri Boykov et al. ICCV 99
18. Ground Plane Labelling
Combine many labellings from street level imagery.
Labelled Ground PlaneStreet Level
19. Ground Plane CRF
A CRF defined over the ground plane.
Each ground plane pixel (zi) is a random variable taking a
label from the label set.
Energy for ground plane crf is
EEZE +=)(
21. Ground Plane Pixel Cost
Homography Road Pavement Post/Pole
A ground plane region is estimated.
22. K
Ground Plane Pixel Cost
Homography Road Pavement Post/Pole
Each point in the image projects to a unique point on the
ground plane.
Creating a homography
23. K
Ground Plane Pixel Cost
Ground plane
Pixel histograms
Homography Road Pavement Post/Pole
The image labelling is mapped to the ground plane
via the homography.
24. Labels projected from many views are combined in a histogram.
The normalised histogram gives the na誰ve probability of the ground plane pixel
taking a label.
Ground Plane Pixel Cost
Z Ground plane
Pixel histogramsHomography Road Pavement Post/Pole
25. Ground Plane Pixel Cost
Z Ground plane
Pixel histogramsHomography Road Pavement Post/Pole
Labels projected from many views are combined in a histogram.
The normalised histogram gives the na誰ve probability of the ground plane pixel
taking a label.
26. Ground Plane labelling
Histogram is built for every ground plane pixel giving Eg
Pairwise cost (Eg
pair) added to induce smoothness
Contrast sensitive potts model
33. Dataset
Subset of the images captured by the van
14.8 km of track, 8000 images from each camera.
Pixel-level labelled ground truth images. Dataset
13 object categories
Training - 44 images, testing - 42 images.
BuildingRoadTreeVegetation FenceSignage
SkyPavement Car Pedestrian Bollard Shop Sign Post
34. SIS Results
Input Images, output of our image level CRF, ground truths.
Used Automatic Labelling environment[1]
[1] The Automatic Labelling Environment, L Ladicky, PHS Torr. Code available
BuildingRoadTreeVegetation FenceSignage
SkyPavement Car Pedestrian Bollard Shop Sign Post
Ground Truth
36. Ground plane Map Evaluation
Street Images
Map results
Ground Truth
We back-project the ground plane map into image domain
and evaluate the results.
Global pixel accuracy of 86%
38. Conclusions
Presented a method to generate
overhead view semantic
Experiments on large tracks
(~15km) which can be scaled up
to country wide mapping
Dataset available[1].
39. Future Work
Oxford Brookes Vision group
Oxford Brookes University
Perform a 3D street level semantic mapping and
Add detailed street level information like signs,
information boards etc.
Thank you!!!
41. Ground Plane Pixel Cost
Using single view will create a shadow effect for objects
violating flat world assumption and wrong label estimate
Single view
Homography Road Pavement Post/Pole
Editor's Notes
#3: In this work where we create a Dense semantic map of an urban region.
By Dense semantic map we mean an overhead birds eye view of a region associated with object labels
This image shows a street image (below ) and the associated labelled map on the top.
Adding semantic information helps in making an autonomous vehicle help to understand its surroundings. With dense mapping a better boundary estimate can be achieved which helps in navigation for autonomous vehicles in structured environments.
#4: For this purpose we use street level images captured from cameras mounted on a vehicle.
Street level images can be taken in an relatively inexpensive manner, e.g. using cameras in vehicle. They are often generally more detailed and can be captured in high frequency.
They have a wealth of semantic information that can be exploited effectively to our purpose.
In our experiments the images are captured by a highway maping company called yotta. The have taken images across hundreds of kms across UK which consists of urban, semi urban and highway images.
#5: Our frame work of semantic mapping consists of broadly two parts.
The semantic mapping framework comprises of two main stages. Once the street level images are acquired, the semantic image segmentation is performed on them individually.
These results at local level are aggregated and fed into a global ground plane labelling system which outputs our dense semantic map.
#6: Our frame work of semantic mapping consists of broadly two parts.
The semantic mapping framework comprises of two main stages. Once the street level images are acquired, the semantic image segmentation is performed on them individually.
These results at local level are aggregated and fed into a global ground plane labelling system which outputs our dense semantic map.
#7: Our frame work of semantic mapping consists of broadly two parts.
The semantic mapping framework comprises of two main stages. Once the street level images are acquired, the semantic image segmentation is performed on them individually.
These results at local level are aggregated and fed into a global ground plane labelling system which outputs our dense semantic map.
#8: In this section we talk about the image segmentation/labelling problem. The image segmentation problem is to label every image pixels in the image into a particular class label such as car, road , building etc.
Labelling is a hard problem, exponential number of possibility (millions of pixels, 10-100s of labels). We would like to have a system where we give an input street image to an automatic labeller which will give us a semantically labelled image., like in this example telling where is road/car/pavement/building etc.
#9: We use Conditional Random field (CRF). This has achieved state of the art results in classification of road scene data in recent years.
In this framework,. The image is described as a grid graph.
All the pixels in the image are the vertices of the graph. each pixel is modelled as a variable which takes a value from the label set which we need to find out.
#10: We define an cost on the graph, whose components are given by the nodes which is called as Epix,
, edges calles as E pairs and the region (E regions). The final labelling is given by x that minimises this energy.
#11: We now define each of the energy component in details.
Epix models the individual pixels cost of taking a label. Generally this is the classifier cost. In our case it is computed via the boosting approach. This is shown in the example, the green node has the cost of taking the label car.2 and road 0.1. similarly all the cost of other nodes are also computed.
#12: The next cost item is the pairwise cost which models the pixel neighbourhood region. This kind of cost will try to enforce the consistency in label among adjacent pixels. Thus it is Sensitive to edges and preserves boundaries in images. Here in this example you can see the cost of two pixels taking the same label car is zero but non zero otherwise.
#13: The final cost terms models the behaviour of the group of the pixels defining a region. Here the region is found by unsupervised segmentetiontion technique like manshift, and encourages the entire region to be classified into a same class label. In this example the entire clique will take a cost for an object label.
#14: Solved in a graph cut approach.
This is the alpha expansion inference. In each step, one of the label is expanded (which results in lowering the energy) and the entire process is iterated for a number of times. Here in this example first we show the expansion step for road, then building, then sky. Finally we achieve at the final solution when there is no reduction in energy value.
#16: Solved in a graph cut approach.
This is the alpha expansion inference. In each step, one of the label is expanded (which results in lowering the energy) and the entire process is iterated for a number of times. Here in this example first we show the expansion step for road, then building, then sky. Finally we achieve at the final solution when there is no reduction in energy value.
#17: Solved in a graph cut approach.
This is the alpha expansion inference. In each step, one of the label is expanded (which results in lowering the energy) and the entire process is iterated for a number of times. Here in this example first we show the expansion step for road, then building, then sky. Finally we achieve at the final solution when there is no reduction in energy value.
#18: Solved in a graph cut approach.
This is the alpha expansion inference. In each step, one of the label is expanded (which results in lowering the energy) and the entire process is iterated for a number of times. Here in this example first we show the expansion step for road, then building, then sky. Finally we achieve at the final solution when there is no reduction in energy value.
#19: In this stage all the semantically segmented street images are aggregated and fed into an labeller which will output the ground plane map.
#20: A graph is defined over the ground plane , and each pixel of the ground plane is a vertex/node in the graph, with adjacent vertices connected. For each ground plane pixel a voting scheme determines the cost of the label it takes. The pairwise connections are added to get smoothes in the output solution.
#21: Firstly for aggregation of results to determine the per-pixel classifier cost in the ground plane , we assume a flat world.
We define a ground plane patch given the camera viewing direction and project it on to the camera. This gives us a relationship between the image and the ground plane.
#22: Firstly for aggregation of results to determine the per-pixel classifier cost in the ground plane , we assume a flat world.
We define a ground plane patch given the camera viewing direction and project it on to the camera. This gives us a relationship between the image and the ground plane.
#23: Firstly for aggregation of results to determine the per-pixel classifier cost in the ground plane , we assume a flat world.
We define a ground plane patch given the camera viewing direction and project it on to the camera. This gives us a relationship between the image and the ground plane.
#24: A histogram of label prediction is build for ground plane pixel by aggregating in a voting manner
#25: Multiple view is added accross time and cameras
#34: Our dataset consist of the subset of all the images taken by the Yotta dcl. We work on images of 14.8 km road track. The images are from Pembroke city UK. We have labelled the images and made the dataset available. We have 13 object categories. Split the training /testing as 44/42 images. The training images are taken in a small but representative subset of the data.
#35: First row shows the street images, and the object labelling in the second row. The last row denotes the corresponding ground truth.
#36: This example shows the semantic map result. In the top-right we can see the track of the vehicle taking images.
#37: As the semantic labelling of a ground plane map is expensive, we use a back-projection method to evaluate the map. We project the ground plane map results into the image domain and evaluate in the image domain
Labelling of ground plane from google maps is expensive and
#38: This video shows our output. Firs we see the images taken by the car, as the car moves around pembroke city UK. The street level images are semantically segmented in the crf framework. These information are aggregated to build the map. The map is continuously updated as more and more information is added from the street level images. We can see the vehicle turns which is reflected in the map.
This is a closeup view of the map, with pavement and cars being shown in the map and the images.
Cars in the images captured in the image and shown in the map.
This is another close up view where the pavement is flanked by the road and car-park. This is captured in the overhead generated map.
#39: Finally to conclude, we have presented a method of performing a dense sematic mapping . We showed experiments on large track of data, and we make this dataset available. We hope to make it real time in future with fast binary features and fast maen field based inference for labelling.
Thank you.