Join Janine Nicole Truitt to learn how to reimagine the candidate journey and amplify your recruitment marketing and branding strategies to sell the right people on your company.
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Automating the Candidate Journey: How the Customer Journey Mirrors the Candidate Journey
1. Lets Make a Deal: How the Customer Journey
Mirrors the Candidate Journey
Janine N. Truitt Naba Ahmed
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Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
2. My Ally is the world's only AI Recruiting solution for fully Automated
Interview Scheduling and Recruitment Coordination. Our virtual recruiting
assistant, Alex, automates the entire process so that your team can hire
better talent, faster.
3. Click on the Questions panel to
interact with the presenters
4. About Janine N. Truitt
Janine is the Owner/Chief Innovations Officer for Talent Think Innovations, LLC., a business strategy and
management consulting firm. Her career spans fourteen years in HR and Talent Acquisition that has taken her
through the world of pharmaceuticals, healthcare, staffing and R&D. Janine is a dynamic speaker, entrepreneur,
and an important and respected voice bringing both a human touch and business savvy to the companies and
businesses she works with.
About Naba Ahmed
Naba went to Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and majored in Journalism and minored in Integrated Marketing
Communications. After working as Editor-in-Chief at the campus newspaper, she became interested in developing
content across multiple platforms, and now works as a Content Marketing Specialist at Aggregage, providing some of
the most interesting thought-leaders across a wide variety of industries with a space to celebrate the diversity, depth,
and experience of their professional cultures, personalities, and passions.
Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
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Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
The parallels between the customer journey and candidate journey
The future of marketing and commerce and how it informs the future of
Leveraging knowledge of consumer behavior to enhance your recruitment
strategies and the candidate experience
How to automate your hiring process for a more efficient candidate
Focus for the Webinar
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Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
Fourth Industrial Revolution
Human Suffering
The Workforce Trifecta We Never Saw Coming
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Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
n. Customer: an
individual usually having
some specified
distinctive trait.
n. Candidate: one
likely or suited to
undergo or be
chosen for
something specified.
Customer vs. Candidate
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Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
1. Cocooning: The need to protect oneself from the harsh, unpredictable
realities of the outside world.
2. 99 Lives: Too fast a pace, too little time, causes societal schizophrenia
and forces us to assume multiple roles.
3. Being Alive: Awareness that good health extends longevity and leads
to a new way of life.
4. Clanning: Belonging to a group that represents common feelings,
causes or ideals; validating ones own belief system.
5. FutureTense: Consumers, anxiety-ridden by simultaneous social,
economic, political and ethical chaos, find themselves beyond their ability
to cope with today or imagine tomorrow.
6. EVEolution: The way women think and behave is impacting business,
causing a marketing shift away from a hierarchical model to a relational
7. Icon Toppling: A new socioquake transforms mainstream America and
the world as the pillars of society are questioned and rejected.
8. Save Our Society: The country rediscovers a social conscience of
ethics, passion and compassion.
9. EGOnomics: To offset a depersonalized society, consumers crave
recognition of their individuality.
10. Vigilante Consumer: The consumer manipulates marketers and the
marketplace through pressure, protest and politics.
11. Cashing Out: Working women and men, questioning personal/career
satisfaction and goals, opt for simpler living.
12. Fantasy Adventure: Modern age whets our desire for roads untaken.
Faith Popcorns
Trends via
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Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
We live in a time where people are
brands and brands are people.
~ Brian Solis
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Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
The expression employers hope candidates have
when learning about potential opportunities with
the organization.
Lets Make a Deal: How the Customer
Journey Mirrors the Candidate Journey
Image courtesy of Hollywood Reporter
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Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
Like a purchasing a product, you
have an opportunity candidates may
potentially be interested in.
If they arent satisfied with the
information you provide or the
experience, they are likely to leave
your website and/or mid-application.
They have already envisioned what
they want in their next opportunity.
You will have to make a compelling
case for them investing their talents
with you.
What we call Candidate Experience is seen
as purchasing decision to the candidate.
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Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
Who is your candidate?
What do you need to know about them to adequately market your
What does success for both you and the candidate look like?
How will you measure success?
What is working today that can lead to predictive outcomes in the future?
Using Design Thinking for Candidate
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Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
The average user spends 15 seconds or less
on a webpage.
For the candidate you are trying to attract,
that means you have 15 seconds or less to
inspire them enough to stay.
This is a metric you want to start tracking
for your career page and any other page
where you are marketing to candidates to
ensure they are actually consuming the
information you provide.
A Word on Bounce Rates
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Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
Your job descriptions should be teasers and trailers
for the opportunity.
Assume your candidates are just as busy as you are.
Place an emphasis on your mobile strategy for
applying, communication, and scheduling
Be knowledgeable in how people consume
information when configuring your ATS and
developing copy for your candidate portal.
Internal confusion and disagreement on what a role
should be ensures confusion on the candidate end.
Be clear.
The Future of Candidate Communication
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Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
When purchasing a new ATS, consider
vendors that built their product with a user
experience (UX) focus both for you the
customer and your customer, the candidate
Less is more. Just because you want to
capture certain information doesnt mean its
Create a protocol for troubleshooting
application concerns and technical issues
Implementing and Configuring Your ATS for
Better Experiences
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Automating the Candidate Journey
Webinar Series
Utilize creative storytelling to the bridge the gap between prospecting and
Be transparent about your hiring process
Be clear about the customer/candidate you are attracting for every
Find an efficient way of communicating with candidates in real-time
Test your ATS workflows regularly to ensure it is doing what you intended
Ask for feedback
Candidate Experience Checklist