7. Confidential
- Beyond Puppet or Chef
! Puppet/Chef are appropriate for a group of single-node
! E.g. webservers can be clones of each other..
! Distributed databases are complex
! Different node types & roles
! Orchestration of procedures in a specific order
! Using e.g. Chef for deploying a distributed database
! Yes, it is possible
! Not much Chef functionality is leveraged
! Prepare to write code
Copyright Severalnines AB
8. Confidential
- Beyond Nagios
! What do you do when the application is slow?
! Is it Disk? CPU? RAM? Badly written queries?
! What are the symptoms? (Replication queues, Page
Faults, locks, # connections, )
! How do you avoid problems?
! How do you plan for capacity?
Copyright Severalnines AB