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Pro e邸鱈me Automotive SPICE?
1. d哲vod
mno転stv鱈 zabudovan辿ho
softwaru v produktech
a poteba zajistit jeho kvalitu
(tzv. embedded software)
21.03.2019 Lucie Nov叩: Automotive SPICE 3
CVEL:Automotive Electronic Systems https://cecas.clemson.edu/cvel/auto/systems/auto-systems.html
4. www.csq.cz
Pro e邸鱈me Automotive SPICE?
2. d哲vod
proto転e to po n叩s chce
IATF 16949:2016
21.03.2019 Lucie Nov叩: Automotive SPICE 4
8. www.csq.cz
Pro e邸鱈me Automotive SPICE?
2. revidovan箪 d哲vod
sp鱈邸 proto転e to po n叩s chce
21.03.2019 Lucie Nov叩: Automotive SPICE 8
9. www.csq.cz
Inspirace Capability Maturity model od SEI
Model posuzov叩n鱈 zralosti
Vznikl v r叩mci studie posuzuj鱈c鱈
dodavatele softwaru pro
Ministerstvo obrany Spojen箪ch
Aktu叩ln鱈 model CMMI
21.03.2019 Lucie Nov叩: Automotive SPICE 9
U.S. Air Force Software Engineering Efficiency and Productivity for Information Operations by Paul Braden:
10. www.csq.cz
Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination
21.03.2019 Lucie Nov叩: Automotive SPICE 10
mezin叩rodn鱈 standard
pro posuzov叩n鱈 proces哲
zamen箪 na v箪voj softwaru
12. www.csq.cz
Trocha historie
ISO/IEC 15504-x International Standards for Process Assessment
2005 Automotive Special Interest Group publikuje:
Automotive SPICE Process Assessment Model
Automotive SPICE Process Reference Model
2015 Automotive SPICE Process Assessment and Reference Model v3.0
2017 Automotive SPICE Process Assessment and Reference Model v3.1
ISO/IEC 15504-X => ISO/IEC 330xx International Standards for Process
21.03.2019 Lucie Nov叩: Automotive SPICE 12
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Procesy (tzv. HIS scope)
21.03.2019 Lucie Nov叩: Automotive SPICE 15
HIS (Herstellerinitiative Software): Audi AG, BMW AG, Daimler AG, Porsche AG a Volkswagen AG.
17. www.csq.cz
0 =< 15%
There is little or no evidence of achievement of the defined process attribute in the assessed process
N Not achieved
15% =< 50%
There is some evidence of an approach to, and some achievement of, the defined process attribute in the assessed process. Some aspects of
achievement of the process attribute may be unpredictable
P Partialy achieved
50% =< 85% There is evidence of a systematic approach to, and significant achievement of, the defined process attribute in the assessed process.
Some weaknesses related to this process attribute may exist in the assessed process.
L Largely achieved
85% =< 100%
There is evidence of a complete and systematic approach to, and full achievement of, the defined process attribute in the assessed process. No
significant weaknesses related to this process attribute exist in the assessed process.
F Fully achieved
21.03.2019 Lucie Nov叩: Automotive SPICE 17