An autopilot system is designed to perform some of the tasks of a pilot to reduce fatigue. There are three main types of autopilot systems - single-axis controlling ailerons, two-axis controlling elevators and ailerons, and three-axis controlling all basic flight controls. The modern autopilot system is computer-controlled, gathering data from sensors and other systems. The autopilot hydraulic unit transforms the computer commands into hydraulic and mechanical commands to operate the flight controls and maintain the aircraft's attitude or heading. Autopilot modes include heading hold and navigation tracking of VOR or TACAN radials.
3. • Aircraft required the continuous
attention of a pilot.
• The constant attention led to serious
fatigue for pilot.
• So that autopilot is designed to perform
some of the tasks of the pilot.
• An Autopilot is a system used to guide a vehicle without assistance
from a person. The function of the autopilot is stabilization.
4. There are mainly 3 types of autopilot
• A single-axis autopilot usually
manages both the ailerons.
• A two-axis autopilot manages
elevators and ailerons.
• A three-axis autopilot manages
all three basic control systems
ailerons, elevators and rudder.
5. • The heart of a modern
automatic flight control
system is a computer.
• Computer gather all the
details required to
control the plane.
• From sensors located on
the airplane surfaces.
• They collect data from
other airplane systems
and equipment also.
6. • The autopilot system is
controled by the auto-pilot
hydraulic unit.
• The auto-pilot hydraulic unit is
intented to transform the auto-
pilot computer electrical
comands in to hydraulic and
mechanical commands. These
comands operate the flight
control linkage and bring the
aircraft attitude or heading back
to the reference coordinates.
Navigation course capture and tracking; three options are available:
VOR radial capture and tracking
TACAN radial capture and tracking