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Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin :
Signal perception and transduction
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Auxin induced responses
 They regulate apical-basal polarity in embryo development,
 Apical dominance in shoots,
 Induction of lateral and adventitious roots,
 Vascular tissue differentiation, and cell growth in stems and coleoptiles,
 Asymmetric growth associated with phototropic and gravitropic curvatures.
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
General cellular signalling pathway
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
General cellular
signalling pathway
Ligand is any biomolecule that acts as
a intercellular messenger that is
synthesised or released in response
to the external stimuli
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
General cellular
signalling pathway
The cellular receptors act as eyes and
ears of the cell they are associated with.
They are responsible to sensing the
ligand molecule and initiating the
downstream signalling cascade of events
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
General cellular
signalling pathway
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
After the receptor binds to the ligand,
the downstream signalling cascade is
activated which is responsible for
internalization of the signal.
General cellular
signalling pathway
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
The internalized signal is later localized
through the nuclear transcriptional
regulations to elicit a morph
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
one of the most common ways for
altering protein activity is the addition of
a phosphate group to one or more sites
on the protein, a process called
Activation by
Phosphate groups cant be attached to
just any part of a protein. Instead, they
are typically linked to one of the three
amino acids that have hydroxyl (-OH)
groups in their side chains:
tyrosine, threonine, and serine.
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Activation by
In general, phosphorylation isnt
permanent. To flip proteins back into
their non-phosphorylated state, cells
have enzymes called phosphatases,
which remove a phosphate group from
their targets.
Inactivation by
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Member components
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
 Auxin Response Factors (ARF)
Transcription factors
 Auxin Responsive elements (AREs)
Promoter sequence of Auxin genes
Proteins binding to ARFs
 SCF-E3 ligase
 26S proteasomes
Ubiquitin mediated protein degradation
Auxin signalling
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
the promoter sequences of auxin-
responsive genes
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Auxin responsive
element (AuxRE)
ARFs are transcription factors that
contain an amino-terminal B3-like
DNA-binding domain, which binds
to an auxin-responsive element
(ARE; TGTCTC) in the promoter of
auxin-response genes in an auxin
independent manner
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Auxin response
factors (ARFs)
Small (2035 kDa) short-lived
nuclear proteins.
They function as transcriptional
repressors of auxin-responsive
gene expression
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Domain I (of IV) of Aux/IAA
contains one (or more) conserved
LXLXL motifs (where L is leucine
and X is some other amino acid)
that has been demonstrated to be
the site of interaction with the
transcriptional co-repressor
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Fine we have to remove the
repressor proteins
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
A protein complex that is responsible for degrading intracellular
proteins that have been tagged for destruction by the addition of
26S proteasome
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
26S proteasome
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Proteasome 26S, named due to its
Svedberg (S) sedimentation coefficient, is
formed by a 19S regulatory complex, which
recognized proteins targeted to the
degradation, and a 20S core particle, which
degraded targeted proteins.
Who identifies our repressor
proteins and directs them to this
26s proteosome?
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
A component of the machinery for the ubiquitin-dependent
degradation of proteins. F-box proteins recognize specific
substrates and, with the help of other subunits of the E3
ubiquitin ligase, deliver them to the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating
F-box protein
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
TIR1 protein assembles into a multi
subunit SCF ubiquitin ligase (E3)
complex that is found in the
The F-box interacts directly with
the substrate to be ubiquitylated
The substrates for SCFTIR1 are the
Aux/IAA transcriptional
auxin-binding proteins/receptors
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
A multisubunit ubiquitin ligase that consists of SKP1, CUL1 and
an F-box protein (TIR1 in this case) that confers substrate
SCFTIR1 E3 ubiquitin ligase
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
S-Phase Kinase-associated Protein 2A
mediated auxin signalling
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
A cell-cycle F-box protein
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
SKP2A protein contain an F-box and
leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domains
SKP2A is a cell cycleregulated protein that
controls the stability of at least two cell
division transcriptional factors, E2FC and
Based on the SKP2A expression profile, it is
likely that it functions during late S-phase
and mitosis
SKP2A degrades E2FC and DPB
 overexpression of SKP2A increases the number of dividing cells in the meristems, indicating that
SKP2A might function in promoting cell-cycle progression
 Cell cycle is strictly controlled in plants, and the degradation of G1-to-S checkpoint regulators,
E2FC and dimerization partner of E2FB (DPB), is required for the continuation of the cell cycle
 cell-cycle repressors E2FC and DPB are targeted by the SCFSKP2A for degradation
 SKP2a can bind to auxin which enhances its interaction with E2FC and DPB
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Extracellular auxin receptor
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
ABP1 from Zea mays was the first
auxin-binding protein to be
extensively characterized, and a
proposed auxin receptor.
The 22-kDa protein is found
predominantly in the lumen of the
endoplasmic reticulum (ER), with a
small fraction associated with the
outer surface of the plasma
membrane (PM), which appears to
be the site of function.
auxin-binding proteins/receptors
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
ABP1 is an extracellular auxin
ABP1 is not a transmembrane
protein; thus, it requires (an)
accessory protein(s), which
transmits a signal to the cell
interior, and at the same time holds
ABP1 in place close to the
auxin-binding proteins/receptors
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
the best candidate for a docking
protein is an extracellular,
glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-
anchored protein
auxin-binding proteins/receptors
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Lastly, it is speculated that
phospholipases might play a role in
signalling events downstream of
auxin-binding proteins/receptors
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction
Thank you
Department of Plant Biotechnology
MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
Brahmesh Reddy B R
Vimanth S
Auxin : Signal Perception
and Transduction

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AUXIN signal perception and transduction

  • 1. Welcome Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
  • 2. Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal perception and transduction Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling
  • 3. Auxin induced responses They regulate apical-basal polarity in embryo development, Apical dominance in shoots, Induction of lateral and adventitious roots, Vascular tissue differentiation, and cell growth in stems and coleoptiles, Asymmetric growth associated with phototropic and gravitropic curvatures. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 4. General cellular signalling pathway Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 5. General cellular signalling pathway Ligand is any biomolecule that acts as a intercellular messenger that is synthesised or released in response to the external stimuli Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 6. General cellular signalling pathway The cellular receptors act as eyes and ears of the cell they are associated with. They are responsible to sensing the ligand molecule and initiating the downstream signalling cascade of events Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 7. General cellular signalling pathway Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction After the receptor binds to the ligand, the downstream signalling cascade is activated which is responsible for internalization of the signal.
  • 8. General cellular signalling pathway Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction The internalized signal is later localized through the nuclear transcriptional regulations to elicit a morph
  • 9. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction one of the most common ways for altering protein activity is the addition of a phosphate group to one or more sites on the protein, a process called phosphorylation. Activation by phosphorylation
  • 10. Phosphate groups cant be attached to just any part of a protein. Instead, they are typically linked to one of the three amino acids that have hydroxyl (-OH) groups in their side chains: tyrosine, threonine, and serine. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction Activation by phosphorylation
  • 11. In general, phosphorylation isnt permanent. To flip proteins back into their non-phosphorylated state, cells have enzymes called phosphatases, which remove a phosphate group from their targets. Inactivation by phosphorylation Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 12. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction Auxin Signalling
  • 13. Member components Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction Auxin Response Factors (ARF) Transcription factors Auxin Responsive elements (AREs) Promoter sequence of Auxin genes Aux/IAA Proteins binding to ARFs Repressor TPL - TOPLESS Co-repressor SCF-E3 ligase Polyubiquitylation 26S proteasomes Ubiquitin mediated protein degradation Auxin signalling
  • 14. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 15. the promoter sequences of auxin- responsive genes TGTCTC Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction Auxin responsive element (AuxRE)
  • 16. ARFs are transcription factors that contain an amino-terminal B3-like DNA-binding domain, which binds to an auxin-responsive element (ARE; TGTCTC) in the promoter of auxin-response genes in an auxin independent manner Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction Auxin response factors (ARFs)
  • 17. Small (2035 kDa) short-lived nuclear proteins. They function as transcriptional repressors of auxin-responsive gene expression Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction Aux/IAA repressor
  • 18. Domain I (of IV) of Aux/IAA contains one (or more) conserved LXLXL motifs (where L is leucine and X is some other amino acid) that has been demonstrated to be the site of interaction with the transcriptional co-repressor TOPLESS (TPL) Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction TPL Co-repressor
  • 19. Fine we have to remove the repressor proteins BUT HOW? Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 20. A protein complex that is responsible for degrading intracellular proteins that have been tagged for destruction by the addition of ubiquitin. 26S proteasome Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 21. 26S proteasome Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction Proteasome 26S, named due to its Svedberg (S) sedimentation coefficient, is formed by a 19S regulatory complex, which recognized proteins targeted to the degradation, and a 20S core particle, which degraded targeted proteins.
  • 22. Who identifies our repressor proteins and directs them to this 26s proteosome? Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 23. A component of the machinery for the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of proteins. F-box proteins recognize specific substrates and, with the help of other subunits of the E3 ubiquitin ligase, deliver them to the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme F-box protein Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 24. TIR1 protein assembles into a multi subunit SCF ubiquitin ligase (E3) complex that is found in the nucleus. The F-box interacts directly with the substrate to be ubiquitylated The substrates for SCFTIR1 are the Aux/IAA transcriptional repressors. TIR1 auxin-binding proteins/receptors Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 25. A multisubunit ubiquitin ligase that consists of SKP1, CUL1 and an F-box protein (TIR1 in this case) that confers substrate specificity SCFTIR1 E3 ubiquitin ligase Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 26. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 27. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction F-box protein
  • 28. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction F-box protein Substrate (repressor)
  • 29. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction F-box protein Substrate (repressor) Auxin (molecular glue)
  • 30. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 31. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 32. SKP2A S-Phase Kinase-associated Protein 2A mediated auxin signalling Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 33. SKP2A A cell-cycle F-box protein Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction SKP2A protein contain an F-box and leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domains SKP2A is a cell cycleregulated protein that controls the stability of at least two cell division transcriptional factors, E2FC and DPB Based on the SKP2A expression profile, it is likely that it functions during late S-phase and mitosis
  • 34. SKP2A degrades E2FC and DPB overexpression of SKP2A increases the number of dividing cells in the meristems, indicating that SKP2A might function in promoting cell-cycle progression Cell cycle is strictly controlled in plants, and the degradation of G1-to-S checkpoint regulators, E2FC and dimerization partner of E2FB (DPB), is required for the continuation of the cell cycle cell-cycle repressors E2FC and DPB are targeted by the SCFSKP2A for degradation SKP2a can bind to auxin which enhances its interaction with E2FC and DPB Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 35. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 36. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jgg.2023.07.002
  • 37. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 38. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 39. ABP1 Extracellular auxin receptor Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 40. ABP1 from Zea mays was the first auxin-binding protein to be extensively characterized, and a proposed auxin receptor. The 22-kDa protein is found predominantly in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), with a small fraction associated with the outer surface of the plasma membrane (PM), which appears to be the site of function. ABP1 auxin-binding proteins/receptors Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 41. ABP1 is an extracellular auxin receptor ABP1 is not a transmembrane protein; thus, it requires (an) accessory protein(s), which transmits a signal to the cell interior, and at the same time holds ABP1 in place close to the membrane. ABP1 auxin-binding proteins/receptors Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 42. the best candidate for a docking protein is an extracellular, glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)- anchored protein ABP1 auxin-binding proteins/receptors Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 43. Lastly, it is speculated that phospholipases might play a role in signalling events downstream of ABP1 ABP1 auxin-binding proteins/receptors Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 44. Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction
  • 45. Thank you Department of Plant Biotechnology MBB 607 (2+0) / Plant Hormones and Signalling Brahmesh Reddy B R Vimanth S Auxin : Signal Perception and Transduction