The main document discusses problems with sewage systems including hydraulic overloading, insufficient staffing and maintenance, and low biomass levels. It proposes bioaugmentation, which is adding specific bacteria to increase the biomass and accelerate biodegradation, as a natural and cost-effective solution. Case studies demonstrate how bioaugmentation products from Avantu have remedied sewage problems by reducing sludge, odors and waterborne diseases at facilities in South Africa and Lesotho.
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1. The main cause of the problems
Hydraulically overloaded systems
Insufficiently trained operators
Lack of sewage maintenance & budget
Insufficient staff to run the sewage
program & bureaucracy
Insufficient retention time to biodegrade
Low or incorrect biomass
9. OR
Do what nature has been doing for millions
of years biologically
Avantus concept of adding (augmenting)
the RIGHT bacteria (bio) to increase the
correct biomass to accelerate the
biodegradation process to
rectify the problem
Bacteria/micro-organisms have been
scientifically selected for their biological
performance in the breaking down process of
sewage & other organic waste
Balance/adjust the bacteria biomass blend to
remedy the problem
The answer is in the
sewage problem itself
12. Acceptance of
Bioaugmentation 1995
16 000 Pit toilets & Aqua-Privies
were dosed and remedied in Ivory
Park - 1995.
Selected locals were trained to
implemented the dosing under
The cost was approximately 30% of
the Vacuum Tanking cost normally
13. Water & Sanitation
Local Government Digest 1996
After a number of observations
of the success of Avantus
Pitking Bioaugmentation
product, the attached article was
During this period Fatking
was developed.
14. DWAF Scientific Services Report-2003
Dr. P L Kempster evaluated
Avantu Bioaugmentation products.
The report states that
bioaugmentation is a well
recognised and researched method
of speeding up biological
degradation of domestic waste.
15. The report further confirmed
that Bioaugmentation
Biodegrades solid sewerage in basic systems, Pit toilets,
septic tanks
Removes the smell within 24 hours
Prevents the spreading of waterborne diseases including cholera.
Accelerates the biodegradation process in hydraulically overloaded
Sewerage Systems final effluent will conform to discharge
16. Avantu Products Rectify
All Sewage Organic Problems:
Pit Latrines & VIP
Septic Tanks, Fat Traps & Aqua-Privies
All sections of Sewage Treatment Works
Sewage Spills in Rivers & Dams
Hydraulically overloaded STW
Kick starts new systems
Rectifies systems that have had hazardous
chemicals kill off the biomass
Control Waterborne diseases and Mosquito &
Black fly larvae
17. United Nations Human
Development Report 2006
Every $1 spent in the sewage sector
creates on average another $8 in
costs averted
and productivity gained.
24. Dispatch Maturation Ponds Case Study
Congested Maturation/Holding Pond with years of buildup of stabilized sludge.
The sludge was not breaking down as fast as expected
so analysis of the effluent was taken, the results were:
Total Dissolved Solids 1672; Magnesium 177 and
Ammonia 250, very difficult sludge to biodegrade.
The senior consulting engineer, Johan Barnard,
confirmed that the bioaugmentation had reduced
the sludge by 80%, email above