This document outlines the agenda and goals for an AVID summer institute training for school site teams. The training focuses on preparing site teams to implement AVID strategies schoolwide to support all students in becoming college and career ready. Key topics covered include the 11 AVID secondary essentials, developing a site team plan and individual action plans, using academic resources like binders and notes, and exploring what it means to be an AVID site team member supporting college readiness for all.
Oceanside 2.0 Leadership January_ Cohort 2Katie Martin
The document summarizes goals and discussions from an Oceanside 2.0 leadership meeting in January 2015. The goals were to learn and grow leadership teams, network with other schools, and support teacher development. Specific focuses included developing teacher comfort with technology integration, utilizing Canvas, engaging curriculum aligned to Common Core, and using technology to support four 21st century skills. The meeting involved sharing progress supporting teachers, discussing powerful learning experiences, and exploring models for teacher professional learning communities. Teams created plans to support teachers working towards benchmark goals and shared next steps.
Project design space information 2017 18CDI Aljeer
The Project Design Space program provides high school students the opportunity to work on real design projects for clients like adidas, IBM, and Alserkal Avenue. Interested schools should apply by October 26, 2017 for their students to participate in after-school design challenges and pitch their solutions at an awards ceremony in February 2018. The program is run by DIDI and DDFC to give students real-world design experience and foster innovation.
The SUNY Learning Network (SLN) received the 2001 Sloan-C Award for Excellence in ALN Faculty Development for its comprehensive faculty development program. The SLN implements a 4-stage faculty development process and 7-step course design process to train large numbers of faculty to produce high-quality online courses. This approach is iterative and customized for each faculty member. As a result of SLN's award-winning processes, 90% of faculty are satisfied with teaching online and 95% would teach again. The SLN believes instructional design should create rich, interactive learning environments and ensures this through its extensive faculty support and development program.
The document summarizes a presentation given by Michael L. Mathews about the Global Learning Center (GLC) at Oral Roberts University.
The GLC was designed as a multi-purpose facility to increase the university's reach around the world using augmented and virtual reality technologies. In its first year, the GLC has hosted over 88,000 visitors and exposed students from over 101 countries to new educational technologies. Faculty have been trained on the technologies and some courses have been redesigned around the GLC's capabilities. The GLC is transforming education and helping Oral Roberts University achieve recognition as an innovator in the use of augmented and virtual reality for learning.
This document describes the Teaching and Learning Resources department at Houston Community College which aims to promote effective teaching, student learning, and instructional leadership. It outlines several centers and programs within TLR that provide professional development and instructional support to faculty. This includes the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence which offers workshops aligned with the Community College Survey of Student Engagement benchmarks of effective educational practice. The Instructional Media Center and Chair Excellence Institute also provide multimedia support and instructional leadership development respectively. Overall, the TLR works to enhance teaching, learning, and student success through various faculty development initiatives.
Canvas was recommended as the learning management system for Broward County schools due to its fully integrated features with existing county resources, easy to use interface with limitless features, and single sign on for all students and teachers. Canvas can be adapted for different purposes and integration levels, and allows teachers to create class websites, store resources, assign assessments, conduct group projects, develop full units and lessons, or teach complete online courses.
Applying Gamification Principles to Online Faculty Professional DevelopmentMichael Wilder
This document discusses applying gamification principles to online faculty professional development. It describes challenges with the completion rate of an existing online professional development course for faculty. Gamification elements from games could be used to encourage higher completion rates and build flexibility. These include allowing a non-linear format where modules can be completed in any order, issuing digital badges for achievements, and adding optional "mini-quests". The goal is to make online professional development more engaging for busy faculty by applying principles from game design.
The document discusses how 1:1 technology can be incorporated into a TAP (Teacher Advancement Program) environment. It provides examples of how specific TAP indicators, such as demonstrating student mastery of objectives, can be fulfilled using 1:1 devices. Teachers are instructed to work in groups to identify blended learning strategies that utilize new technologies while meeting TAP requirements. The goal is to explore how 1:1 devices can create opportunities for blended learning consistent with TAP evaluations and make teachers more efficient.
This talk from Digital Summit Phoenix encompasses thoughts on how to solve user experience challenges for customers and clients and how to help them convert.
Build a start-up is hard. Building it on a platform you may not understand is harder. Here are 5 things you need to know regarding building your start-up on WordPress.
WordCamp San Diego - Custom Goals and Custom Themes for WordPressCody Landefeld
The document repeats the date "Saturday, March 24, 12" multiple times without providing any other context or information. It is unclear what the purpose or topic of the document is from the limited repetitive information provided.
The document provides guidelines for effective page design based on Zen principles of simplicity, naturalness, and elegance. It discusses keeping the central message clear by removing unnecessary elements. It also outlines seven essential design tools: establishing a high signal to noise ratio by focusing relevant information; using images to reinforce words; incorporating empty space; employing contrast, repetition, and alignment to organize elements; and grouping related items with proximity. The document advocates applying these principles to achieve visual clarity and communicate effectively with the audience.
The document discusses the importance of user experience for WordPress platforms. It examines two personas - Randy, a do-it-yourself type looking to start an online business, and Rich, a non-technical entrepreneur who hires a development company. Both personas hit walls with WordPress that could be addressed by having developers learn empathy, understand user frustrations and constraints, and ensure the right platform is chosen based on requirements. The document advocates that user experience is not just about design, but also how users interact with and are supported on a system.
The document provides an overview of important things to know about using WordPress, including that 17% of websites use WordPress. It offers recommendations for hosting, security, backups, themes, plugins, and maintenance of WordPress sites. The recommendations emphasize choosing a reliable host, installing security and backup plugins, researching themes and plugins, and maintaining updates. The overall message is that WordPress allows for fast publishing but requires proper hosting, security, backups, and maintenance.
This document discusses strategic approaches to designing WordPress themes. It begins with an introduction by Cody Landefeld, a web strategist. It recommends wireframing as the first step, using apps like iMockups and OmniGraffle. Wireframing involves sketching the basic page layout and elements before development. The document provides examples of wireframing apps for both computer and iPad.
This document discusses navigating FCPA compliance and addresses common myths. It outlines the basic FCPA prohibitions on bribery of foreign officials and accounting provisions. It notes increased enforcement by the Obama administration using new investigative tactics. Several industries face heightened risks. The document debunks seven common myths about the FCPA's scope and identifies 30 red flags that warrant scrutiny to avoid violations. It provides examples to illustrate points and discusses the reasonable bona fide expenditure affirmative defense.
WordCamp Phoenix - WordPress Design for the Real World v2Cody Landefeld
This document discusses user experience (UX) design for websites and applications across different devices. It explains that UX is for users of various devices like computers, tablets, phones and other technologies. The goals of UX are to make interfaces intuitive and easy to use on every device. It provides examples like Etsy that optimize the user experience for both desktop and mobile audiences. The document emphasizes the importance of considering how users interact with a site on different devices and tailoring the design accordingly.
Us foreign corrupt practices act presentation to jsm partners (july 2008) 1...Mayer Brown LLP
The document provides an overview of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and significant compliance issues. It summarizes recent FCPA enforcement actions in China and the impact on Chinese companies. It also lists representative clients of Mayer Brown LLP and opportunities from its merger with JSM.
This document discusses trends in anti-corruption enforcement and compliance solutions. It notes that global anti-corruption enforcement is increasing, with the US collecting over $3.6 billion in fines in the past three years. It also discusses increased enforcement in the UK, EU, Canada, China and other countries. Major enforcement actions and corporate fines are on the rise. Whistleblower programs in the US and elsewhere are also likely to increase enforcement actions. Effective compliance programs are important for mitigating risks.
The document discusses the use of posters for propaganda purposes during World War I, World War II, and other conflicts. Posters were used to recruit soldiers, promote war bonds, encourage conservation, and maintain morale on the home front. The document examines many examples of propaganda posters and asks the reader to evaluate which poster from several slides would be most effective and memorable, explaining their choice.
Private equity and anti corruption slides finalMayer Brown LLP
Private equity and hedge funds face increasing anti-corruption compliance challenges due to their international investments and interactions with foreign officials. Enforcement of the FCPA and UK Bribery Act is vigorous, with large corporate fines and potential criminal liability. Thorough due diligence of acquisition targets and third parties is critical to avoid inheriting liability. Effective compliance programs are necessary to prevent and detect violations.
This document summarizes an introduction to the International Studies Schools Network (ISSN). It covered the goals of developing global competence and college readiness through a framework of four domains of global competence. It introduced tools for school and classroom design including essential questions, performance assessments, and a Graduation Performance System for assessing student work. Participants engaged in activities to envision ISSN schools and classrooms and learned about resources on the ISSN online community.
Participants will learn about the history and driving principles of the ISSN. After reviewing the ISSN Global School Design Model participants will learn the ISSN approach to curriculum, instruction, and assessment: the Graduate Performance System (GPS). Importantly, participants will be introduced to valuable resources designed to help transform teaching and learning while preparing students for college, career, and global citizenship.
This document provides presenter notes for a professional development module on child development. The module is designed to be delivered in 6.5 hours and covers the following key topics:
- An introduction that outlines the learning outcomes and agenda.
- Information on brain research and the importance of early experiences on development.
- The four domains of development - physical, cognitive, language, and social/emotional.
- Typical developmental sequences and stages in each domain for ages 3-5.
- Applying the understanding of development to analyzing child assessments, identifying strengths and needs, and planning instructional practices.
- Discussing implications of child development for teaching practices such as differentiation, teaching to different learning styles
This document provides presenter notes for a training module on child development. The module is designed to be delivered over 6.5 hours and covers the following key topics:
- An introduction that outlines the learning outcomes and agenda.
- Information on brain research and the importance of early experiences on development.
- The four domains of development - physical, cognitive, language, and social/emotional.
- Developmental sequencing and typical progression in each domain.
- Case studies where participants identify strengths and needs of individual children.
- Key understandings around how children learn best and implications for teaching practices to support development.
The presenter notes provide guidance for facilitating activities, leading discussions, and
This is a presentation my AVID students and I created to present to the school board this week. The idea was to combine the academic vocabulary that AVID and the students practice while also adding the same message in the student's voice. Many of the tools discussed in the presentation would be very beneficial in an ESOL or bilingual classroom.
The ADDIE model is an instructional design model consisting of 5 phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The Analysis phase involves gathering data to determine training needs and goals. In the Design phase, objectives and lessons are created. During Development, materials and activities are produced. In Implementation, the training is delivered. Finally, Evaluation assesses the effectiveness of the training through various methods. The ADDIE model provides a systematic approach to creating effective instructional materials and programs.
This talk from Digital Summit Phoenix encompasses thoughts on how to solve user experience challenges for customers and clients and how to help them convert.
Build a start-up is hard. Building it on a platform you may not understand is harder. Here are 5 things you need to know regarding building your start-up on WordPress.
WordCamp San Diego - Custom Goals and Custom Themes for WordPressCody Landefeld
The document repeats the date "Saturday, March 24, 12" multiple times without providing any other context or information. It is unclear what the purpose or topic of the document is from the limited repetitive information provided.
The document provides guidelines for effective page design based on Zen principles of simplicity, naturalness, and elegance. It discusses keeping the central message clear by removing unnecessary elements. It also outlines seven essential design tools: establishing a high signal to noise ratio by focusing relevant information; using images to reinforce words; incorporating empty space; employing contrast, repetition, and alignment to organize elements; and grouping related items with proximity. The document advocates applying these principles to achieve visual clarity and communicate effectively with the audience.
The document discusses the importance of user experience for WordPress platforms. It examines two personas - Randy, a do-it-yourself type looking to start an online business, and Rich, a non-technical entrepreneur who hires a development company. Both personas hit walls with WordPress that could be addressed by having developers learn empathy, understand user frustrations and constraints, and ensure the right platform is chosen based on requirements. The document advocates that user experience is not just about design, but also how users interact with and are supported on a system.
The document provides an overview of important things to know about using WordPress, including that 17% of websites use WordPress. It offers recommendations for hosting, security, backups, themes, plugins, and maintenance of WordPress sites. The recommendations emphasize choosing a reliable host, installing security and backup plugins, researching themes and plugins, and maintaining updates. The overall message is that WordPress allows for fast publishing but requires proper hosting, security, backups, and maintenance.
This document discusses strategic approaches to designing WordPress themes. It begins with an introduction by Cody Landefeld, a web strategist. It recommends wireframing as the first step, using apps like iMockups and OmniGraffle. Wireframing involves sketching the basic page layout and elements before development. The document provides examples of wireframing apps for both computer and iPad.
This document discusses navigating FCPA compliance and addresses common myths. It outlines the basic FCPA prohibitions on bribery of foreign officials and accounting provisions. It notes increased enforcement by the Obama administration using new investigative tactics. Several industries face heightened risks. The document debunks seven common myths about the FCPA's scope and identifies 30 red flags that warrant scrutiny to avoid violations. It provides examples to illustrate points and discusses the reasonable bona fide expenditure affirmative defense.
WordCamp Phoenix - WordPress Design for the Real World v2Cody Landefeld
This document discusses user experience (UX) design for websites and applications across different devices. It explains that UX is for users of various devices like computers, tablets, phones and other technologies. The goals of UX are to make interfaces intuitive and easy to use on every device. It provides examples like Etsy that optimize the user experience for both desktop and mobile audiences. The document emphasizes the importance of considering how users interact with a site on different devices and tailoring the design accordingly.
Us foreign corrupt practices act presentation to jsm partners (july 2008) 1...Mayer Brown LLP
The document provides an overview of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and significant compliance issues. It summarizes recent FCPA enforcement actions in China and the impact on Chinese companies. It also lists representative clients of Mayer Brown LLP and opportunities from its merger with JSM.
This document discusses trends in anti-corruption enforcement and compliance solutions. It notes that global anti-corruption enforcement is increasing, with the US collecting over $3.6 billion in fines in the past three years. It also discusses increased enforcement in the UK, EU, Canada, China and other countries. Major enforcement actions and corporate fines are on the rise. Whistleblower programs in the US and elsewhere are also likely to increase enforcement actions. Effective compliance programs are important for mitigating risks.
The document discusses the use of posters for propaganda purposes during World War I, World War II, and other conflicts. Posters were used to recruit soldiers, promote war bonds, encourage conservation, and maintain morale on the home front. The document examines many examples of propaganda posters and asks the reader to evaluate which poster from several slides would be most effective and memorable, explaining their choice.
Private equity and anti corruption slides finalMayer Brown LLP
Private equity and hedge funds face increasing anti-corruption compliance challenges due to their international investments and interactions with foreign officials. Enforcement of the FCPA and UK Bribery Act is vigorous, with large corporate fines and potential criminal liability. Thorough due diligence of acquisition targets and third parties is critical to avoid inheriting liability. Effective compliance programs are necessary to prevent and detect violations.
This document summarizes an introduction to the International Studies Schools Network (ISSN). It covered the goals of developing global competence and college readiness through a framework of four domains of global competence. It introduced tools for school and classroom design including essential questions, performance assessments, and a Graduation Performance System for assessing student work. Participants engaged in activities to envision ISSN schools and classrooms and learned about resources on the ISSN online community.
Participants will learn about the history and driving principles of the ISSN. After reviewing the ISSN Global School Design Model participants will learn the ISSN approach to curriculum, instruction, and assessment: the Graduate Performance System (GPS). Importantly, participants will be introduced to valuable resources designed to help transform teaching and learning while preparing students for college, career, and global citizenship.
This document provides presenter notes for a professional development module on child development. The module is designed to be delivered in 6.5 hours and covers the following key topics:
- An introduction that outlines the learning outcomes and agenda.
- Information on brain research and the importance of early experiences on development.
- The four domains of development - physical, cognitive, language, and social/emotional.
- Typical developmental sequences and stages in each domain for ages 3-5.
- Applying the understanding of development to analyzing child assessments, identifying strengths and needs, and planning instructional practices.
- Discussing implications of child development for teaching practices such as differentiation, teaching to different learning styles
This document provides presenter notes for a training module on child development. The module is designed to be delivered over 6.5 hours and covers the following key topics:
- An introduction that outlines the learning outcomes and agenda.
- Information on brain research and the importance of early experiences on development.
- The four domains of development - physical, cognitive, language, and social/emotional.
- Developmental sequencing and typical progression in each domain.
- Case studies where participants identify strengths and needs of individual children.
- Key understandings around how children learn best and implications for teaching practices to support development.
The presenter notes provide guidance for facilitating activities, leading discussions, and
This is a presentation my AVID students and I created to present to the school board this week. The idea was to combine the academic vocabulary that AVID and the students practice while also adding the same message in the student's voice. Many of the tools discussed in the presentation would be very beneficial in an ESOL or bilingual classroom.
The ADDIE model is an instructional design model consisting of 5 phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The Analysis phase involves gathering data to determine training needs and goals. In the Design phase, objectives and lessons are created. During Development, materials and activities are produced. In Implementation, the training is delivered. Finally, Evaluation assesses the effectiveness of the training through various methods. The ADDIE model provides a systematic approach to creating effective instructional materials and programs.
The document provides an introduction to flipped classroom learning. It defines flipped classroom as rearranging how time is spent in and out of class to shift ownership of learning from educators to students. Typically, lectures are viewed as homework outside of class through videos and in-class time is used for homework, projects, discussions and problem-solving. This allows educators to focus on higher-level application of concepts and address students' questions individually. The document outlines concerns with traditional models and benefits of flipped learning, including allowing self-paced learning and just-in-time teaching. It provides tips for implementation, including starting small, frequent assessment, and addressing student resistance to the change in responsibilities.
This document summarizes the goals and agenda for the Oceanside 2.0 leadership meeting. The goals were to develop a collective vision for learner-centered instruction, explore technology integration tools and apps, and develop professional learning plans to support teachers' technology integration skills. The agenda included demonstrating apps for reading, note-taking and creating presentations, as well as discussing frameworks for evaluating technology integration and characteristics of learner-centered classrooms. Time was provided for partners and teams to discuss plans for supporting teachers in meeting technology benchmarks at their schools.
The document outlines a workshop on flipped learning presented by Lyn Lall of Jisc RSC East Midlands. The objectives of the workshop are to understand flipped learning, explore tools for creating flipped resources, create a flipped learning resource, and learn how the RSC can support effective use of technology. Various tools for creating flipped resources are presented, such as Screencast-o-matic, Camtasia, Jing, and Audacity. Activities include creating short tutorials using Jing and creating flipped videos using TedEd or Brainshark. The RSC can provide advice on developing online learning resources and using tools and the VLE to support training needs.
EDMODO Integration Framework for Effective Teaching in Higher EducationKiran Budhrani
The document discusses how to bring classes online using Edmodo, an educational technology platform. It describes Edmodo features for class management and recommends using at least one strategy for deeper course integration. Examples of course integration strategies include backchannel discussions, project advising, flipped classroom, gamification, and personal reflections. These strategies encourage student-centered learning and shift the teacher's role to facilitator, coach, or game host.
The document discusses the role of an instructional designer at the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago. It describes how the instructional designer helps improve the medical school curriculum through evidence-based best practices, feedback loops, and future planning. The designer analyzes course evaluations, observes teaching, and collaborates with faculty to enhance learning materials and instructional methods using frameworks like ADDIE and backward design. Evaluation data is used to identify areas for improvement and gauge the impact of changes made. The goal is to continually refine the curriculum and help faculty develop as effective educators.
Designing developing and assessing online intra collegiate earth charter proj...Sheila Bolduc-Simpson
This document outlines an online intra-collegiate project focused on diversity and the Earth Charter principles. It describes the purpose of introducing undergraduate students to conducting research related to the Earth Charter principles of diversity. It provides details on the project implementation across online courses in 2012-2013, involving 95 and 60 students respectively. The project involved a multi-stage research and presentation process culminating in a Research Day. Results included student participation in the Research Day and reflections. Lessons learned centered on hybrid courses, team formation, attendance, and assisting with publication. Strategies emphasized communication, collaboration tools, modeling and structuring the research process.
Instructional Systems Design (ISD) Certification Program 2021Wong Yew Yip
This is a full training pack on Instructional Systems Design (ISD) Certification. I have used this training pack to conduct and certify trainers in some organizations to enable them to design better learning solutions . This will also be very useful for learning providers to enhance their learning solutions and even to certify trainers as Instructional Systems Designers.
Coherent and Rigorous Instructional ProgramsRobert Leneway
This document summarizes a session on developing coherent and rigorous instructional programs. It discusses the importance of aligning curriculum, instruction, and assessment. School leaders attended and performed a scan of their school's instructional program, identifying areas of strength and concern. Topics discussed included developing essential standards, integrating curriculum, using high-impact instructional strategies, incorporating technology, and balancing standardized tests with broader skills. The goal was for school leaders to develop priorities for continuous school renewal focused on student-centered, 21st century learning.
Are you interested in designing highly engaging, globally focused learning experiences that maximize student learning? If so, this session is for you! Learn how to use the ISSN Performance Assessment Shells like Business Plan Design, Digital Projects, Engineering Plans, and Infographics along with the Global Issues Overviews like Hunger and Poverty, Education of Women and Girls, and Environment and Sustainability to design learning opportunities for students to succeed at real-world tasks while fostering global competence.
The aim of this presentation was to provide college staff and faculty with a framework for developing a a competency-based curriculum. The workshop was presented during the national conference of the Vietnam Association of Community Colleges on September 19, 2013.
The document describes a faculty development module designed to train faculty members at Mayville State University on effectively using discussion forums in Moodle, the institution's learning management system. The goal of the module is for learners to design an instructional discussion forum by choosing a purpose, activities, and appropriate Moodle forum type. The module was created using principles of andragogy and experiential learning and incorporates practice activities, knowledge checks, and a pre-test and post-test to assess learning. Analysis of learner performance found that scores improved as the module progressed and learners gained familiarity with the expectations, suggesting cognitive load was reduced. Revisions are recommended to further emphasize the strategy of multiple practice attempts and incorporate more discipline-specific
The document provides an overview of group projects and the project method in education. It discusses that the project method involves students working individually or in small groups to analyze and develop solutions to real-world problems within a set timeframe. It also outlines the key stages of a group project, including analyzing the project question, developing solutions, managing the project progress, and presenting the results. The document emphasizes the importance of developing students' teamwork, leadership, problem-solving and management skills through group projects.
Join us as we explore the current landscape of instructional design in California Community Colleges. "Designing Equity" will provide insights into the traditional use of instructional designers' skills and explore innovative approaches to maximize these resources to achieve better student outcomes and cultivate equitable learning environments.
Learn more about how to encourage student engagement and success through intentional course and program development in collaboration with an instructional designer.
The document outlines Project "GIYA Teachers" which aims to provide technical assistance to teachers through classroom visitations by "guides". The project has 4 key reform areas and objectives to determine teachers' needs, enable provision of assistance, strengthen teamwork, and allow leaders to understand grassroots information firsthand. Guides will be organized into teams to plan school visits, conduct pre-visit activities, classroom observations, and post-conferences. Results will be analyzed, findings disseminated, and a quality assurance system is in place to evaluate the program's effectiveness and adherence to standards.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
How to Unblock Payment in Odoo 18 AccountingCeline George
In this slide, we will explore the process of unblocking payments in the Odoo 18 Accounting module. Payment blocks may occur due to various reasons, such as exceeding credit limits or pending approvals. We'll walk through the steps to remove these blocks and ensure smooth payment processing.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Chapter 1. Basic Concepts of Strategic Management.pdfRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
Avid final susd 2013
1. 際際滷 1
20132013 AVIDAVID SUSD SummerSUSD Summer
In Pursuit of Success:In Pursuit of Success:
2. 際際滷 2
SUSD First (and only) AVIDSUSD First (and only) AVID
Summer LuauSummer Luau
Introductions and Welcome
3. 際際滷 3
Site Team OutcomesSite Team Outcomes
During Site Teams participants will:
Understand how AVIDs mission is supported
by the AVID College Readiness System
Understand the structures and processes
needed to implement the AVID Elective
course and schoolwide AVID
Explore, through discussions, what it means
to be an AVID Site Team member
4. 際際滷 4
Site Team OutcomesSite Team Outcomes
Examine the 11 Secondary Essentials to
inform the implementation of the AVID
elective and schoolwide AVID
Understand how to use the Site Team Plan as
a living document to guide the work
surrounding college readiness for all students
Articulate a commitment to supporting the
work of the site team through an Individual
Action Plan
5. 際際滷 5
Site Team OutcomesSite Team Outcomes
Identify AVID strategies that will enhance the
one to one initiative and help students be
more successful
Practice AVID organizational strategies that
will be used school wide
Make connections between college and career
readiness, AVID and the one to one program
6. 際際滷 6
AAsk questions
EEngage fully
IIntegrate new information
OOpen your minds to diverse views
UUtilize what you learned
Used with permission of Learning Forward, All rightsUsed with permission of Learning Forward, All rights
7. 際際滷 7
Site Team Pre-WorkSite Team Pre-Work
Completed prior to
Summer Institute by:
Log on to LEARN
Log on to Google
Download Scrible
tool bar
8. 際際滷 8
Day 1Day 1 Essential QuestionEssential Question
What does it mean to be an AVID Site Team member?
9. 際際滷 9
Participant HandbookParticipant Handbook
Review Table of Contents and tab:Review Table of Contents and tab:
Site Team Roles & Responsibilities (26)
AVID Secondary Essentials Narratives (44/50)
AVID Certification and
Self-Study Continuum (56)
What is AVID Schoolwide (98)
10. 際際滷 10
TheThe AVIDAVID College Readiness SystemCollege Readiness System
AVIDs mission is to close the achievement gap by
preparing all studentsall students for college
readiness and success in a global society.
15. 際際滷 15
Essential 11Essential 11
An active interdisciplinary AVID Site
Team collaborates on issues of
student success in rigorous college
preparatory courses.
1. Read complete narrative for Essential 11
2. Highlight key terms
3. Pair share What is the intent?
16. 際際滷 16
Site Team Member Roles &Site Team Member Roles &
Identify your role on the Site Team and read
the description (Participant Handbook)
Highlight key responsibilities
17. 際際滷 17
Cornell NotesCornell Notes
What does it mean to be an AVID Site Team member?
18. 際際滷 18
Lunch > Essential 11 - CSSLunch > Essential 11 - CSS
Review CSS
Discuss & begin
drafting plan for
Essential 11
19. 際際滷 19
Lunch On Your OwnLunch On Your Own
Site Plans for Essential 11
12:30 -1:00
21. 際際滷 21
Part IIPart II
Schoolwide AVID
WICOR Secondary Essentials 5-8
Emphasis on 1:1
Site Team Planning
Individual Action Planning
A Word from Steve Holmes
22. 際際滷 22
Schoolwide AVID videoSchoolwide AVID video
Please either follow along
with the transcript,
circling key terms and
underlining key ideas, or
take Cornell notes while
23. 際際滷 23
SchoolwideSchoolwide AVIDAVID
AVID is schoolwideschoolwide when a strong AVID
implementation transforms a schools
ensuring college readiness for allall students.
25. 際際滷 25
Essentials 5-7Essentials 5-7
1. Silently read narrative definitions
for Essentials 5 on handout
2. Teams discuss definitions and
current status of instruction on
their campuses
26. 際際滷 26
Organizational Tools
Time Management
Using Academic Resources
Monitoring Academic Progress
Essential 5Essential 5
27. 際際滷 27
Using Academic Resources
The question is, what
do you do with your
notes once you have
28. 際際滷 28
Taking Notes
Reviewing Notes
Reviewing again
30. 際際滷 30
Have a great evening!Have a great evening!
See you tomorrow at 8:00.See you tomorrow at 8:00.
31. 際際滷 31
May 31 AVID and SUSDMay 31 AVID and SUSD
In Pursuit of Success:In Pursuit of Success:DREAM BIGDREAM BIG
32. 際際滷 32
Day IIDay II
AVID Elective: Field Trips, Guest Speakers,
Fund Raising, Team Building
Schoolwide College and Career Readiness
Essential ? for Site Plans
34. 際際滷 34
After reviewing Conleys keys to be collegeAfter reviewing Conleys keys to be college
and career ready how can AVID support thatand career ready how can AVID support that
College and Career Readiness-
The Definition
The Problem
The Solution, including the four keys (Going
37. 際際滷 37
Site Team PlanSite Team Plan
The Site Team Plan is a living document that should
be revisited and revised throughout the year.
Email a copy of your Site Team Plan to your AVID
district director no later than September 2, 2013.
38. 際際滷 38
Site Team Months-at-a-GlanceSite Team Months-at-a-Glance
2. Community
3. File Sharing
4. Secondary
5. Site Team Resources
6. Months-at-a-Glance
#9: Access the Cornell Note and write the Essential Question : What does it mean to be an AVID Site Team member?
#10: Find the participant handbook in LEARN and tab the following> Frank Step One- Tab, Step 2 copy into Google the roles and resp and 11 essentials.
#11: Notes- take Cornell Notes, highlight on your notes one idea that is important to you and share with your elbow partner
#12: Changes to the AVID essentials: 5,6,7. Find the sections of the 11 essentials by table
#13: Read your essential, highlight, and write a single summary to post in the Graphic Organizer; Bring up essential 1, highlight, summarize. Share out.
#14: Essential 5, essential 11, and one other essential for your school. (which one?)
#33: Transition to FRANK for virtual field trips- $$ limitations
#35: Key Cognitive Strategies, Key Content Knowledge, Key Learning Skills and Techniques (Academic Behaviors), Key Transition Knowledge and Skills/ highlight and mark with scrible on first read and then write questions for our Socratic Seminar.
#36: TRF, best practice, laptop, binders, and papers.
#38: Closing at 3:30- 3 items: Site Plan, Individual Plan, Survey, Human Knot?