The document discusses AVL trees and provides examples of inserting nodes into an AVL tree. It shows how single and double rotations are used to rebalance the tree when inserts cause height imbalances. Single rotations involve rotating a node and its child, while double rotations rotate a node and its child and grandchild.
- AVL trees are binary search trees where the heights of the two subtrees of every node differ by at most one. This balances the tree and ensures search, insertion, and deletion operations take O(log N) time.
- Insertions can cause imbalance, requiring rotations to restore balance. The node nearest to the inserted node that becomes imbalanced is rotated. Single and double rotations are used depending on insertion location.
- The number of nodes in an AVL tree of height h is approximately equal to the hth Fibonacci number. Since the Fibonacci numbers grow exponentially with h, h must be O(log N) to contain N nodes.
This document discusses how to graph linear inequalities by:
1) Plotting points and determining if the graph will be a solid or dotted line.
2) Drawing the line.
3) Shading either above or below the line depending on whether the inequality symbol is <, ¡Ü, >, or ¡Ý.
It provides examples of graphing various inequalities such as y ¡Ý 3x, y = x - 2, and y < 4 - 2x. Rules and steps for graphing inequalities are outlined.
This document contains instructions and examples for students to learn about graphing linear equations based on slope. It includes 5 stations where students calculate slopes from graphs and graph equations based on their slopes. The document emphasizes that the slope, m, in the equation y=mx determines the steepness of the line graphed. Students are asked how lines would change if the slope was higher, a fraction, or negative.
This document provides a review of graphing points on the coordinate plane. It includes an explanation that graphing points is similar to the game Battleship by using an x and y coordinate to locate a point. The four quadrants of the coordinate plane are defined, with the x-axis and y-axis dividing it. Several examples of coordinate pairs like (2,7) are given to represent points. Finally, 12 specific points are graphed on the coordinate plane for practice.
The document contains announcements and information about a class. It announces corrections to lecture slides, the last day to drop the class with a refund, and provides definitions and examples related to echelon form, reduced row echelon form, pivot positions, and solving systems of linear equations.
This document contains maps and tables with numbered entries related to Taichung, Taiwan. The maps show locations and features across 10 pages with labels and coordinates. The tables have multiple columns with numbered entries that correspond to locations on the maps.
TNR2013 Ron Burt, Network Advantage on How the Network Was BuiltSteven Wardell
1. The document analyzes network data from four annual panels on 346 investment bankers to examine how network advantage relates to compensation.
2. Network advantage is measured using network eigenvector centrality and constraint. Regression models show compensation is positively associated with centrality and negatively associated with constraint, both within and between years.
3. Volatility in networks is treated as noise - relations that occur in only one year are weighted less than those that persist across multiple years. Stability in networks is privileged in the analysis to better reveal enduring social clusters and compensation returns to network advantage.
The document displays a calendar for the year with the months of January, April, July, and October shown. Each month is displayed across four rows with the days of the month numbered in each box.
The document discusses Bangladesh's population policy and its objectives, strategies, and challenges. The key points are:
1) The population policy aims to reduce fertility rates, increase family planning access, and stabilize the population at 210 million by 2060 through strategies like expanding reproductive health services and raising awareness.
2) However, there are several challenges including social factors that influence fertility preferences, lack of male involvement, and economic insecurity that encourages large families.
3) While the policy addresses issues like maternal health and urbanization, the analysis finds gaps remain in fully dealing with concerns around adolescents, HIV/AIDS, and increasing contraceptive access that require recommendations to strengthen future policies.
This document provides instructions and sample questions for a C++ viva voce exam. It instructs students to bring proper identification, dress professionally, and prepare to answer questions on 2 out of 3 programs as well as be ready for additional questions. The document lists the most important viva questions as data structures concepts in C++ like classes, objects, inheritance, binary trees, stacks, queues, heaps, and sorting algorithms. It also provides 31 additional concepts and differences to prepare definitions and explanations for the viva. Students are advised to allocate their time between writing code, execution, and the viva portion.
homepagephoto3Thank you for considering Island Massage for your good care!
For over 20 years I have strived to make each individual session a new best, for myself and for my client
Metode pembuatan production drawing menggunakan perintah subtract pada AutoCAD dapat dijadikan alternatif untuk galangan kapal Indonesia. Pembagian model 3D konstruksi kapal menjadi komponen-komponen dengan perintah subtract, explode, dan extrude. Penerapannya pada kapal tanker minyak menghasilkan gambar kerja, daftar bahan, dan gambar potongan per blok.
This document provides a summary of Evening Star Barron's theatrical experience, education, and skills. It lists her personal details such as height, weight, hair and eye color. It then outlines her extensive theatre credits, playing roles such as Yseult, Varya, and Puck at various theaters. It also lists her film, TV, and radio credits. She has a B.A. in Theatre from the University of New Mexico and training in voice and dance. Her special skills include stage combat, dialects, costumes, makeup, and stage management.
Este documento describe c¨®mo las tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y la comunicaci¨®n (TIC) pueden enriquecer los procesos cognitivos involucrados en el desarrollo de un tema del curr¨ªculo. Explica los procesos cognitivos necesarios para desarrollar un tema sin TIC y con TIC, y c¨®mo las TIC pueden mejorar procesos como el recuerdo, la comprensi¨®n, la aplicaci¨®n, el an¨¢lisis, la evaluaci¨®n y la creaci¨®n.
This document outlines the steps involved in the engineering design process, including need identification and problem definition. It discusses defining the problem, gathering information, conceptualizing and selecting concepts, embodiment design involving product architecture and configuration, and detail design. It emphasizes that thoroughly understanding the problem is crucial. Various types of design projects are categorized. Customer needs should drive the design process and can be identified through interviews, focus groups, surveys, and complaints. Surveys should have a clear purpose and collect optimized, specific information.
Creative Australia celebrates Australia¡¯s strong, diverse
and inclusive culture. It describes the essential role arts
and culture play in the life of every Australian and how
creativity is central to Australia¡¯s economic and social
success: a creative nation is a productive nation.
This document provides information about the Malla Reddy National Conference on Information System and Knowledge Engineering (MRNC-ISKE) to be held on July 19-20, 2013. It invites papers, sponsors, and exhibitors for the conference. Details are provided on registration fees, accommodation, venue, paper submission guidelines, topics of interest, and contact information for organizers. The conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, academics and industry professionals to exchange ideas in various areas of computer science and information technology.
The document discusses the Laplace transform and its application to circuit analysis. Specifically, it examines the s-domain representations of basic circuit elements - resistors, inductors, and capacitors. It then provides examples of using Laplace analysis to determine the transient and steady-state responses of circuits containing combinations of these elements to various inputs like step functions. Key concepts covered include natural responses, transfer functions, poles and zeros, convolution, and impulse responses.
The document discusses different types of audio filters including low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and notch (band-stop) filters. It provides examples of each filter type using Csound code, including applying filters to synthesized tones and noise to filter out specific frequencies. The document also demonstrates dynamically changing the center frequency and bandwidth of band-pass filters over time.
An attenuator is an electronic device that reduces the amplitude or power of a signal without distorting its waveform. It works in the opposite way of an amplifier by providing loss or gain less than 1. Attenuators are usually passive devices made from simple voltage divider networks using resistors. They are used to lower voltage, dissipate power, improve impedance matching, and enable safe signal measurements by lowering amplitude. Key specifications for attenuators include the attenuation level in decibels, frequency bandwidth, power dissipation, standing wave ratio, accuracy, and repeatability.
This document provides an introduction to two-port networks. It defines the standard configuration of a two-port network with two ports, an input and an output. It then describes various two-port parameter sets - including Z, Y, transmission, and hybrid parameters - and provides examples of calculating the parameters for simple resistive networks. It also demonstrates how the parameters change when elements are added outside the two ports of the original network.
The document discusses different types of data structures including linear and non-linear structures. Linear structures like linked lists, stacks and queues arrange values in a linear fashion, while non-linear structures like trees and graphs do not arrange values in order. It then provides details on tree and graph data structures, their terminology, representations, traversals and examples. Key concepts covered include binary trees, binary search trees, spanning trees, directed and undirected graphs, connected graphs and complete graphs.
The document defines and explains structures in C programming. It discusses:
1) Defining a structure with member variables of different data types.
2) Declaring structure variables and allocating memory for them.
3) Accessing structure members using the dot operator.
4) Initializing, assigning values to, and reading/displaying structure members.
5) Arrays of structures and structures within other structures.
This document discusses file handling in C programming. It describes the high level and low level methods of performing file operations in C using functions like fopen(), fclose(), getc(), putc(), fprintf(), fscanf(), getw(), putw(), fseek(), and ftell(). It explains how to open, read, write, close and perform random access on files. Functions like fopen(), fclose() are used to open and close files while getc(), putc(), fprintf(), fscanf() are used to read and write data from files.
The document discusses C data types including primary, derived, and user-defined data types. It focuses on array and structure data types. Structures allow grouping of different data types under a single name and are used to represent records. Arrays can contain structures. Structures can be nested within other structures. Pointers to structures allow accessing structure members indirectly through the pointer.
1. The document discusses various C programming concepts like typedef, structures, bitfields, enumerations, files, streams, file I/O functions, text files vs binary files, and random access files.
2. Key file I/O functions covered include fopen(), fclose(), fgetc(), fputc(), fprintf(), fscanf(), fread(), fwrite(), fseek(), ftell(), and rewind().
3. The differences between text files and binary files are explained - text files contain human-readable characters while binary files contain raw bytes, there are no special characters like newlines in binary files.
The document discusses Bangladesh's population policy and its objectives, strategies, and challenges. The key points are:
1) The population policy aims to reduce fertility rates, increase family planning access, and stabilize the population at 210 million by 2060 through strategies like expanding reproductive health services and raising awareness.
2) However, there are several challenges including social factors that influence fertility preferences, lack of male involvement, and economic insecurity that encourages large families.
3) While the policy addresses issues like maternal health and urbanization, the analysis finds gaps remain in fully dealing with concerns around adolescents, HIV/AIDS, and increasing contraceptive access that require recommendations to strengthen future policies.
This document provides instructions and sample questions for a C++ viva voce exam. It instructs students to bring proper identification, dress professionally, and prepare to answer questions on 2 out of 3 programs as well as be ready for additional questions. The document lists the most important viva questions as data structures concepts in C++ like classes, objects, inheritance, binary trees, stacks, queues, heaps, and sorting algorithms. It also provides 31 additional concepts and differences to prepare definitions and explanations for the viva. Students are advised to allocate their time between writing code, execution, and the viva portion.
homepagephoto3Thank you for considering Island Massage for your good care!
For over 20 years I have strived to make each individual session a new best, for myself and for my client
Metode pembuatan production drawing menggunakan perintah subtract pada AutoCAD dapat dijadikan alternatif untuk galangan kapal Indonesia. Pembagian model 3D konstruksi kapal menjadi komponen-komponen dengan perintah subtract, explode, dan extrude. Penerapannya pada kapal tanker minyak menghasilkan gambar kerja, daftar bahan, dan gambar potongan per blok.
This document provides a summary of Evening Star Barron's theatrical experience, education, and skills. It lists her personal details such as height, weight, hair and eye color. It then outlines her extensive theatre credits, playing roles such as Yseult, Varya, and Puck at various theaters. It also lists her film, TV, and radio credits. She has a B.A. in Theatre from the University of New Mexico and training in voice and dance. Her special skills include stage combat, dialects, costumes, makeup, and stage management.
Este documento describe c¨®mo las tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y la comunicaci¨®n (TIC) pueden enriquecer los procesos cognitivos involucrados en el desarrollo de un tema del curr¨ªculo. Explica los procesos cognitivos necesarios para desarrollar un tema sin TIC y con TIC, y c¨®mo las TIC pueden mejorar procesos como el recuerdo, la comprensi¨®n, la aplicaci¨®n, el an¨¢lisis, la evaluaci¨®n y la creaci¨®n.
This document outlines the steps involved in the engineering design process, including need identification and problem definition. It discusses defining the problem, gathering information, conceptualizing and selecting concepts, embodiment design involving product architecture and configuration, and detail design. It emphasizes that thoroughly understanding the problem is crucial. Various types of design projects are categorized. Customer needs should drive the design process and can be identified through interviews, focus groups, surveys, and complaints. Surveys should have a clear purpose and collect optimized, specific information.
Creative Australia celebrates Australia¡¯s strong, diverse
and inclusive culture. It describes the essential role arts
and culture play in the life of every Australian and how
creativity is central to Australia¡¯s economic and social
success: a creative nation is a productive nation.
This document provides information about the Malla Reddy National Conference on Information System and Knowledge Engineering (MRNC-ISKE) to be held on July 19-20, 2013. It invites papers, sponsors, and exhibitors for the conference. Details are provided on registration fees, accommodation, venue, paper submission guidelines, topics of interest, and contact information for organizers. The conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, academics and industry professionals to exchange ideas in various areas of computer science and information technology.
The document discusses the Laplace transform and its application to circuit analysis. Specifically, it examines the s-domain representations of basic circuit elements - resistors, inductors, and capacitors. It then provides examples of using Laplace analysis to determine the transient and steady-state responses of circuits containing combinations of these elements to various inputs like step functions. Key concepts covered include natural responses, transfer functions, poles and zeros, convolution, and impulse responses.
The document discusses different types of audio filters including low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and notch (band-stop) filters. It provides examples of each filter type using Csound code, including applying filters to synthesized tones and noise to filter out specific frequencies. The document also demonstrates dynamically changing the center frequency and bandwidth of band-pass filters over time.
An attenuator is an electronic device that reduces the amplitude or power of a signal without distorting its waveform. It works in the opposite way of an amplifier by providing loss or gain less than 1. Attenuators are usually passive devices made from simple voltage divider networks using resistors. They are used to lower voltage, dissipate power, improve impedance matching, and enable safe signal measurements by lowering amplitude. Key specifications for attenuators include the attenuation level in decibels, frequency bandwidth, power dissipation, standing wave ratio, accuracy, and repeatability.
This document provides an introduction to two-port networks. It defines the standard configuration of a two-port network with two ports, an input and an output. It then describes various two-port parameter sets - including Z, Y, transmission, and hybrid parameters - and provides examples of calculating the parameters for simple resistive networks. It also demonstrates how the parameters change when elements are added outside the two ports of the original network.
The document discusses different types of data structures including linear and non-linear structures. Linear structures like linked lists, stacks and queues arrange values in a linear fashion, while non-linear structures like trees and graphs do not arrange values in order. It then provides details on tree and graph data structures, their terminology, representations, traversals and examples. Key concepts covered include binary trees, binary search trees, spanning trees, directed and undirected graphs, connected graphs and complete graphs.
The document defines and explains structures in C programming. It discusses:
1) Defining a structure with member variables of different data types.
2) Declaring structure variables and allocating memory for them.
3) Accessing structure members using the dot operator.
4) Initializing, assigning values to, and reading/displaying structure members.
5) Arrays of structures and structures within other structures.
This document discusses file handling in C programming. It describes the high level and low level methods of performing file operations in C using functions like fopen(), fclose(), getc(), putc(), fprintf(), fscanf(), getw(), putw(), fseek(), and ftell(). It explains how to open, read, write, close and perform random access on files. Functions like fopen(), fclose() are used to open and close files while getc(), putc(), fprintf(), fscanf() are used to read and write data from files.
The document discusses C data types including primary, derived, and user-defined data types. It focuses on array and structure data types. Structures allow grouping of different data types under a single name and are used to represent records. Arrays can contain structures. Structures can be nested within other structures. Pointers to structures allow accessing structure members indirectly through the pointer.
1. The document discusses various C programming concepts like typedef, structures, bitfields, enumerations, files, streams, file I/O functions, text files vs binary files, and random access files.
2. Key file I/O functions covered include fopen(), fclose(), fgetc(), fputc(), fprintf(), fscanf(), fread(), fwrite(), fseek(), ftell(), and rewind().
3. The differences between text files and binary files are explained - text files contain human-readable characters while binary files contain raw bytes, there are no special characters like newlines in binary files.
Searching techniques involve finding a value with specified properties within a collection. Linear searching compares each item sequentially until a match is found, taking O(n) time. Binary searching requires a sorted list and compares the middle item first, reducing the search space by half with each comparison, taking O(log n) time on average. Sorting rearranges elements in ascending or descending order using techniques like bubble, insertion, and selection sort that have O(n^2) worst-case time and quicksort that has an average case of O(n log n) time.
This document discusses pointers and arrays in C programming. It begins by explaining that an array stores multiple elements of the same type in contiguous memory locations, while a pointer variable stores the address of another variable. It then provides examples of how to declare and initialize arrays and pointers, pass arrays to functions, and perform operations like pointer arithmetic on arrays using pointers. The key advantages of arrays like storing multiple values and accessing elements using indexes are also summarized.
The document discusses functions in C programming. It defines a function as an independent, reusable block of code that performs a specific task. Functions allow for modularity and code reuse by encapsulating reusable blocks of code. Functions receive parameters, perform operations, and return values. They improve code organization and maintainability.
1. The C source code is written and saved with a .c file extension.
2. The C compiler translates the C code into machine-readable object code.
3. The linker combines the object code with standard libraries to create an executable file.
4. The operating system loads and runs the executable file, which outputs the result.
The document discusses data structures and provides details about various data structures like arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs. It explains the concepts of abstract data types, linear and non-linear data structures. Key details about arrays, linked lists and their limitations are provided. Implementation of singly linked lists using C language is demonstrated through functions like creation, insertion, deletion and traversal of nodes.
The document outlines the contents of a mathematics textbook covering topics like ordinary differential equations, linear differential equations, mean value theorems, functions of several variables, and vector calculus. It lists recommended textbooks and references for further study. It provides an overview of the unit on series and sequences, outlining 13 lectures covering topics such as comparison tests, auxiliary series, ratio tests, root tests, alternating series tests, and absolute and conditional convergence.
The document outlines the contents of a Mathematics-I course including ordinary differential equations, linear differential equations, mean value theorems, functions of several variables, curvature, applications of integration, multiple integrals, series and sequences, vector differentiation and integration. It provides textbooks and references for the course and outlines 12 lectures covering applications of integration such as length, volume, surface area and multiple integrals including change of order and change of variables in double and triple integrals.
The document provides an overview of the contents and references for the Mathematics-I course. The contents include topics like ordinary differential equations, linear differential equations, mean value theorems, functions of several variables, curvature, evolutes, envelopes, curve tracing, integration, multiple integrals, series and sequences, vector differentiation and integration. It also lists several textbooks and references for further study.
This document outlines the contents and references for a mathematics textbook. The contents include topics like ordinary differential equations, linear differential equations, mean value theorems, functions of several variables, vector calculus, and series and sequences. It provides details of 3 textbooks and 3 references that can be used. It also includes 17 lecture slides on mean value theorems, Taylor's theorem, functions of several variables, maxima and minima, and Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers.
This document outlines the contents and references for the unit on linear differential equations of second and higher order. The unit covers topics such as complementary functions, particular integrals, Cauchy's linear equations, Legendre's linear equations, and the method of variation of parameters. It provides 18 slides covering these topics, including examples of solving differential equations using each method. The unit is part of a course on engineering mathematics for first year students.
This is a comprehensive guide explaining how blockchain technology works, its key features, and real-world applications in industries like finance, supply chain, and retail. Learn about different blockchain networks (public, private, and consortium) and the challenges businesses face in adopting blockchain. Discover how blockchain consulting can help businesses implement secure, transparent, and efficient solutions, reducing risks and optimizing operations. This guide is ideal for businesses exploring blockchain adoption and seeking expert guidance.
5 Must-Use AI Tools to Supercharge Your Productivity!
AI is changing the game! ? From research to creativity and coding, here are 5 powerful AI tools you should try.
? NotebookLM ¨C Your AI Research Assistant
? Organizes & summarizes notes
? Generates insights from multiple sources
? Ideal for students, researchers & writers
? Boost your productivity with smarter note-taking!
? ¨C The Creativity Booster
? Connects and organizes ideas
? Perfect for writers, designers & entrepreneurs
? Acts as your AI-powered brainstorming partner
? Unleash your creativity effortlessly!
? DeepSeek ¨C Smarter AI Search
? Delivers deeper & more precise search results
? Analyzes large datasets for better insights
? Ideal for professionals & researchers
? Find what you need¡ªfaster & smarter!
? ChatGPT ¨C Your AI Chat Assistant
? Answers questions, writes content & assists in coding
? Helps businesses with customer support
? Boosts learning & productivity
? From content to coding¡ªChatGPT does it all!
Devin AI
? Devin AI ¨C AI for Coders
? Writes, debugs & optimizes code
? Assists developers at all skill levels
? Makes coding faster & more efficient
??? Let AI be your coding partner!
? AI is transforming the way we work!
Combining Lexical and Semantic Search with Milvus 2.5Zilliz
In short, lexical search is a way to search your documents based on the keywords they contain, in contrast to semantic search, which compares the similarity of embeddings. We¡¯ll be covering:
?Why, when, and how should you use lexical search
?What is the BM25 distance metric
?How exactly does Milvus 2.5 implement lexical search
?How to build an improved hybrid lexical + semantic search with Milvus 2.5
DealBook of Ukraine: 2025 edition | AVentures CapitalYevgen Sysoyev
The DealBook is our annual overview of the Ukrainian tech investment industry. This edition comprehensively covers the full year 2024 and the first deals of 2025.
SB7 Mobile Ltd: Simplified & Secure ServicesReuben Jasper
SB7 Mobile Ltd is enhancing customer experience by improving support accessibility, billing transparency, and security. The company has strengthened payment authorization, simplified unsubscription, and expanded customer service channels to address common concerns.
Bedrock Data Automation (Preview): Simplifying Unstructured Data ProcessingZilliz
Bedrock Data Automation (BDA) is a cloud-based service that simplifies the process of extracting valuable insights from unstructured content¡ªsuch as documents, images, video, and audio. Come learn how BDA leverages generative AI to automate the transformation of multi-modal data into structured formats, enabling developers to build applications and automate complex workflows with greater speed and accuracy.
The Constructor's Digital Transformation Playbook: Reducing Risk With TechnologyAggregage
Reduce risk and boost efficiency with digital transformation in construction. Join us to explore how AI, automation, and data-driven insights can improve project safety and streamline operations.
Mastering ChatGPT & LLMs for Practical Applications: Tips, Tricks, and Use CasesSanjay Willie
Our latest session with Astiostech covered how to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT and LLMs for real-world use!
? Key Takeaways:
? Effective Prompting: Crafting context-specific, high-quality prompts for optimal AI responses.
? Advanced ChatGPT Features: Managing system prompts, conversation memory, and file uploads.
? Optimizing AI Outputs: Refining responses, handling large texts, and knowing when fine-tuning is needed.
? Competitive Insights: Exploring how ChatGPT compares with other AI tools.
? Business & Content Use Cases: From summarization to SEO, sales, and audience targeting.
? The session provided hands-on strategies to make AI a powerful tool for content creation, decision-making, and business growth.
? Are you using AI effectively in your workflow? Let¡¯s discuss how it can improve efficiency and creativity!
#AI #ChatGPT #PromptEngineering #ArtificialIntelligence #LLM #Productivity #Astiostech
GDG Cloud Southlake #40: Brandon Stokes: How to Build a Great ProductJames Anderson
How to Build a Great Product
Being a tech entrepreneur is about providing a remarkable product or service that serves the needs of its customers better, faster, and cheaper than anything else. The goal is to "make something people want" which we call, product market fit.
But how do we get there? We'll explore the process of taking an idea to product market fit (PMF), how you know you have true PMF, and how your product strategies differ pre-PMF from post-PMF.
Brandon is a 3x founder, 1x exit, ex-banker & corporate strategist, car dealership owner, and alumnus of Techstars & Y Combinator. He enjoys building products and services that impact people for the better.
Brandon has had 3 different careers (banking, corporate finance & strategy, technology) in 7 different industries; Investment Banking, CPG, Media & Entertainment, Telecommunications, Consumer application, Automotive, & Fintech/Insuretech.
He's an idea to revenue leader and entrepreneur that helps organizations build products and processes, hire talent, test & iterate quickly, collect feedback, and grow in unregulated and heavily regulated industries.
Not a Kubernetes fan? The state of PaaS in 2025Anthony Dahanne
Kubernetes won the containers orchestration war. But has it made deploying your apps easier?
Let's explore some of Kubernetes extensive app developer tooling, but mainly what the PaaS space looks like in 2025; 18 years after Heroku made it popular.
Is Heroku still around? What about Cloud Foundry?
And what are those new comers (, railway,, etc.) worth?
Did the Cloud giants replace them all?
It is an in-depth exploration of how technology is transforming the financial sector. Covering the evolution of FinTech from credit cards to AI-driven banking, this guide explains key innovations such as blockchain, DeFi, AI-powered assistants, and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Learn how FinTech is enhancing banking, lending, and payments through automation, data analytics, and decentralized solutions. Whether you're a financial professional or just curious about the future of digital finance, this guide offers valuable insights into the rapidly evolving FinTech landscape.
Caching for Performance Masterclass: Caching at ScaleScyllaDB
Weighing caching considerations for use cases with different technical requirements and growth expectations.
- Request coalescing
- Negative sharding
- Rate limiting
- Sharding and scaling
Webinar: LF Energy GEISA: Addressing edge interoperability at the meterDanBrown980551
This webinar will introduce the Grid Edge Security and Interoperability Alliance, or GEISA, an effort within LF Energy to address application interoperability at the very edge of the utility network: meters and other distribution automation devices. Over the last decade platform manufacturers have introduced the ability to run applications on electricity meters and other edge devices. Unfortunately, while many of these efforts have been built on Linux, they haven¡¯t been interoperable. APIs and execution environment have varied from one manufacturer to the next making it impossible for utilities to obtain applications that they can run across a fleet of different devices. For utilities that want to minimize their supply chain risk by obtaining equipment from multiple suppliers, they are forced to run and maintain multiple separate management systems. Applications available for one device may need to be ported to run on another, or they may not be available at all.
GEISA addresses this by creating a vendor neutral specification for utility edge computing environments. This webinar will discuss why GEISA is important to utilities, the specific issues GEISA will solve and the new opportunities it creates for utilities, platform vendors, and application vendors.
Caching for Performance Masterclass: The In-Memory DatastoreScyllaDB
Understanding where in-memory data stores help most and where teams get into trouble.
- Where in the stack to cache
- Memcached as a tool
- Modern cache primitives
Benchmark Testing Demystified: Your Roadmap to Peak PerformanceShubham Joshi
Benchmark testing is the cornerstone of understanding your system¡¯s performance, and this guide breaks it down step-by-step. Learn how to design tests that simulate real-world conditions, measure key performance metrics, and interpret results effectively. This comprehensive roadmap covers everything from selecting the right tools to creating repeatable tests that help identify bottlenecks and optimize resource usage. Whether you're dealing with web applications, mobile apps, or enterprise software, this guide offers practical tips and real-life examples to ensure your system runs at peak efficiency.
This business intelligence report, "The Big Ten Biopharmaceutical MNCs: Global Capability Centers in India", provides an in-depth analysis of the operations and contributions of the Global Capability Centers (GCCs) of ten leading biopharmaceutical multinational corporations in India. The report covers AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Novartis, Sanofi, Roche, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, and Eli Lilly. In this report each company's GCC is profiled with details on location, workforce size, investment, and the strategic roles these centers play in global business operations, research and development, and information technology and digital innovation.
Supercharge Your Career with UiPath CertificationsDianaGray10
Join us on February 25th as we discuss how you can supercharge your career with the updated 2025 UiPath Certifications.
Diana Gray, UiPath Senior Community Marketing Manager, Americas, will walk us through:
-- Workforce Trends
-- Value of UiPath Certifications
-- Certification Program
-- Steps to Earning a Certificate
Artificial Intelligence Quick Research Guide by Arthur MorganArthur Morgan
This is a Quick Research Guide (QRG).
QRGs include the following:
- A brief, high-level overview of the QRG topic.
- A milestone timeline for the QRG topic.
- Links to various free online resource materials to provide a deeper dive into the QRG topic.
- Conclusion and a recommendation for at least two books available in the SJPL system on the QRG topic.
QRGs planned for the series:
- Artificial Intelligence QRG
- Quantum Computing QRG
- Big Data Analytics QRG (coming 2025)
- Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation & Control QRG (coming 2026)
- UK Home Computing & The Birth of ARM QRG (coming 2027)
Any questions or comments?
- Please contact Arthur Morgan at
100% human made.
3. CS216 Fall 2001
AVL Tree No longer AVL, must rebalance
Insert a node
h h +1 h h +2
Two ways to expand subtree of height h+2:
h h
h h +1 h +1 h
h +2
h +2
Apply a Single Rotation Apply a Double Rotation
Note: the symmetrical case is handled
identically (i.e. mirror image)
9/27/01 Page 3 of 4
4. CS216 Fall 2001
Single Rotation:
h h +1
h h +1 h h
h +2
Double Rotation:
A Double
h h h h -1 h
h-1 h
h h -1 OR
h h
h-1 h
h h
h +1
h +2
9/27/01 Page 4 of 4