Dr. Avner Barnea has received the Yoel Ben Porat award for his Ph.D thesis on "Failures in National and Business Intelligence: a Comparative Study".
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Avner Barnea: Winner the Yoel Ben Porat Award
1. inner the Yoel Ben Porat AwardW:Avner Barnea
On 25 December 2016, Dr. Avner Barnea has received the Yoel Ben
Porat award for his Ph.D thesis on Failures in Nationaland Business
Intelligence:a Comparative Study, submitted to the University of
Haifa, Schoolof Political Sciences. Thus stated chairman of the jury,
Prof. Eyal Zisser: "the study of Avner Barnea:"Comparativeanalysis of
the failures of intelligence in the nationalsphere and in business" is
innovative research, original and groundbreaking, dealswith issues of
great importance to cope by nationalintelligence and business in various
modes of surprise."