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February, 2015
Lets Party!
Avon Group Selling (Home Parties,
Launch Parties & Open Houses)
Prepare a Home Party Kit
Invitation List
At the Party
Sample Script
Close the Party
After the Party
Gift Certificates
Thank You Notes
Great Game Ideas
1082-B February, 2015 AVON University
February, 2013
Avon Group Selling 2
Congratulations on your decision to significantly increase your sales
through the Home Party Plan with Avon! A great thing about home
parties is the ability to connect with and service multiple Customers in
a short period of time. Additionally, you may also inspire a guests
interest in becoming an Avon Representative.
Getting Started
Prepare a Home Party Kit
Using a plastic box, collect all of the things you would need to conduct a home party. By keeping this box
updated and full, you will be ready to go at any time.
 Current Brochures
 Duplicate Order Forms (available on yourAvon.com>Community>Avon Advantage> Towne & Country)
 Extra Pens
 Index Cards (for note taking or game playing)
 Cash Bag, Credit Card Forms and Gift Certificates (printable version on page 10)
 Your favorite beauty products such as: Skin So Soft, Moisture Therapy, Naturals Shower Gel, Avon
Bubble Bath, On Duty Roll on, Anew, Mega Effects Mascara.
 1-3 hot gift items (depending on the season)
 An assortment of samples (Fragrance, Skin Care, Makeup)
 Door Prize
 Hostess Thank You Gift
 Small gift for anyone who brings a guest or books a future party (hand creams, lip balms, shower gels 
stock up on these items when on sale.)
 Avon Skin Care Regimen Selector (available to print on youravon.com)
 Explore Avon Envelopes for anyone who might express interest in becoming an Avon Representative
(also available through Towne & Country on Avon Advantage.)
 Your Calendar to schedule Appointments and new Parties.
1082-B February, 2015 AVON University
February, 2013
Avon Group Selling 3
You may want to bring a basket full of cash and carry products. Items that you would
like to move out of your stock.
Identify Potential Hostesses
 Family and Friends  its a great reason to get together.
 Good Customers who already LOVE Avon might enjoy getting FREE products.
 Anyone who says I cant afford Avon. It would give them a chance to get their products FREE.
 Partiers! Who invites you to other types of home parties?
 Small groups who need money. A womens club could host a party with the proceeds going
to the organization.
Schedule the Event
Coordinate a date with your hostess 2-3 weeks out. Any further out than that, it gets lost in the shuffle.
Plan the Guest List
Over invite: 20-30 invitations will get 6-10 attendees on average. Providing extra brochures to the hostess can
ensure that she gets additional orders from those who were unable to attend.
Many Representatives collect the guest list and
mail the invitations themselves to make sure it gets done.
1082-B February, 2015 AVON University
February, 2013
Avon Group Selling 4
Invitation List
Hostess Name: Phone:
Name Address Email Phone
1082-B February, 2015 AVON University
February, 2013
Avon Group Selling 5
Print and Mail or Email the Invitations
 Collect the addresses and mail for the Hostess (Give hostess additional invitations to hand out
 Give Hostess enough postcards to mail herself
 Create an email invitation
Follow up phone calls 1-2 days before the event is a great way to confirm attendance.
Sample party invitation; see page 9 for printable version
Hostess Checklist
 Prior to the party, collect orders from friends, family and co-workers who are unable to attend.
 1-2 days prior to the party, confirm attendance
 Plan for refreshments  keep it simple!
 Does your party room have enough seating?
 Have a small table available for display products.
1082-B February, 2015 AVON University
February, 2013
Avon Group Selling 6
At the Party
Dress for success
Dress professionally! Mix and Match your own Avon clothing, shoes and accessories with current jewelry pieces.
Makeup and nail color should all be Avon.
Make your presentation (sample script)
Hi, my name is . I am an Independent Sales Representative with Avon Products.
I want to first thank [hostess name] for inviting me tonight.
 Present him/her with a thank you gift
I would also like to thank all of you for joining us! Who brought a friend?
[Reward them with a small gift. Go around the room and ask everyone to introduce themselves
and their friend if they brought one.]
Let me share a little bit about my background.
[Share how long youve been with Avon and what promoted you to start your business.]
Lets get started with some fun!
Our makeup collection and skin care lines are designed in groupings that work together. On an
index card, write down every single makeup and skin care product that you use on a daily basis
(does NOT have to be Avon) and include an estimated price that you paid.
 Award a trial size or small gift to the person with the most Makeup
items on their list.
 Award a trial size or small gift to the person with the most Skin Care
items on their list.
 Ask the guests to share a few of their products and be prepared with a brochure to show
Avons price for similar products.
 Hand out TWO Anew Skin Care Quiz / Regimen Selectors to each attendee and ask them
to fill them out. (One for them to keep and one to turn in to you for a door prize drawing.)
 Choose a game to play from the Game List on pages 12-13.
 Pass out brochures with Two-Part Order forms inside and allow time for questions and
ordering. SEE SOCIALIZE* for tips to keep conversations going. Encourage attendees
to approach the display table for a better look at the full size products that you brought.
 Take payments by whatever method you are willing to accept and provide the 2-part
carbon of the Order Form as her receipt.
 Play another game from the Game List on pages 12-13.
If you didnt win anything yet, its NOT too late. I have some great gifts to give away to anyone who
books an Avon Home or Book party for the next month or is interested in learning more about the
Avon Earning Opportunity.
1082-B February, 2015 AVON University
February, 2013
Avon Group Selling 7
Because this is a social occasion for most of the guests, you should remember to spend time socializing and
getting to know them. Guests will feel more comfortable if they sense you are interested in them. You may pick
up key pieces of information in conversation.
Ask questions like:
 Do you have any gift giving occasions coming up?
 What kind of Skin Care do you currently use?
 Do you have any parties or events coming up where you might need some new jewelry?
Pay attention
 If someone mentions that money has been tight, you may have an opportunity to introduce earning with
Avon to her.
 Someone who wants to buy a large amount might like to host an upcoming party to get her Avon as a
 If someone is talking about school or church, she might be interested in learning more about fundraising
with Avon
Close the Party
 Collect the Anew Skin Care Quiz and draw for a door prize.
 Schedule future parties or Appointments and award gifts for participation.
 Help the Hostess Clean Up.
1082-B February, 2015 AVON University
February, 2013
Avon Group Selling 8
After the Party
Partner with your Hostess to determine the success of the party.
Add up the total sales of the Customer orders and determine her % of shopping credit for which she qualifies
(chart represents suggestions only. You can agree on what shell receive for hosting a party in advance.)
Total Party Sales Shopping Credit for YOU!
$50 - $150 = 10%
$150-$500 = 15%
$500+ = 20%
Calculate Your Party Success!
Total Sales from Party (including early book sales)
$ X $ % (from Chart above) = $
Parties Booked X $20 (or Thank You product)
Interviews Scheduled X $20 (or Thank You product)
= $
(Consider awarding for Parties Booked and Interviews Scheduled until AFTER
they actually happen)
Hostess can spend this amount with you on Avon products.
Deliver the Orders
As soon as the products come in, bag them up and include a Thank You note for each Customer
(printable on page 11)
1082-B February, 2015 AVON University
February, 2013
Avon Group Selling 9
Sample Invitations, Gift Certificates
and Thank You Notes
You are invited to my Avon Home Party!
Date: Time:
Bring a friend and receive a FREE GIFT!
You are invited to my Avon Home Party!
Date: Time:
Bring a friend and receive a FREE GIFT!
1082-B February, 2015 AVON University
February, 2013
Avon Group Selling 10
Avon Gift Certificate
This certificate entitles bearer to $
worth of Avon products.
Valid Only Through:
Avon Gift Certificate
This certificate entitles bearer to $
worth of Avon products.
Valid Only Through:
Avon Gift Certificate
This certificate entitles bearer to $
worth of Avon products.
Valid Only Through:
Avon Gift Certificate
This certificate entitles bearer to $
worth of Avon products.
Valid Only Through:
1082-B February, 2015 AVON University
February, 2013
Avon Group Selling 11
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your business and I hope you
are happy with your order from the Avon
Home Party. Remember, Avons
satisfaction guarantee.
If you have questions or would like to host a
party Lets Talk!
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your business and I hope you
are happy with your order from the Avon
Home Party. Remember, Avons
satisfaction guarantee.
If you have questions or would like to host a
party Lets Talk!
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your business and I hope you
are happy with your order from the Avon
Home Party. Remember, Avons
satisfaction guarantee.
If you have questions or would like to host a
party Lets Talk!
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your business and I hope you
are happy with your order from the Avon
Home Party. Remember, Avons
satisfaction guarantee.
If you have questions or would like to host a
party Lets Talk!
1082-B February, 2015 AVON University
February, 2013
Avon Group Selling 12
Party Game Ideas
Use games to make your party event fun and interactive. And remember, you're not just playing a party game 
you're Inviting your guests into your store (brochure), Informing them of Avons great products, and Inspiring
them to become an Avon Representative, too!
Five Layers
Youll need:
 An Avon product of your choice, wrapped in five layers of tissue or wrapping paper.
A. Ask Avon Trivia questions (below)
B. The first guest to raise her hand gets to answer. If she gets the answer right, she gets to
unwrap a layer of paper from the gift.
C. The guest who answers the question that unwraps the last layer gets to keep the gift.
Five Layers Trivia Questions:
1. What is Avons most recognized product? (Skin So Soft)
2. What is the name of Avons anti-aging Skin Care line? (Anew)
3. What is Avons #1 selling makeup item? (Lipstick)
4. True or False: Glimmersticks are Americas #3 eyeliner? (False - #1)
5. Name ANY Avon Naturals scent. (Anything from the brochure is acceptable.)
6. What is Avons #1 selling womans fragrance? (Imari)
7. Name either one of Avons major charitable causes. (Breast Cancer or Domestic Violence Awareness)
8. What is the name of Avons mosquito repellent? (Bug Guard)
Guess the Price
You'll need:
 An Avon product of your choice
A. Introduce the product, describing its features and benefits.
B. Let each guest try the product. Provide samples if possible.
C. Ask, "What is the price of this product?"
D. Award a prize to the guest whose answer is closest to the actual price.
1082-B February, 2015 AVON University
February, 2013
Avon Group Selling 13
Who am I?
You'll need:
 One Avon Brochure per guest
A. Distribute one Brochure to each guest.
B. Explain that guests will search for products within the Brochure using clues
that you will provide.
C. Give product clues, such as
 I am Avon's best-selling lipstick. Who am I? (Ultra Color Rich),
 Some spots you want to show off, others not  Who am I? (Anew Clinical Absolute Even)
 I am one of Avon's most well known brands. Who am I? (Skin-So-Soft)
D. Award a prize to the guest who can find the product in the Brochure first.

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Avon Home Party Plan - February 2015

  • 1. 1 February, 2015 Lets Party! Avon Group Selling (Home Parties, Launch Parties & Open Houses) Includes: Prepare a Home Party Kit Invitation List At the Party Sample Script Close the Party After the Party Invitations Gift Certificates Thank You Notes Great Game Ideas
  • 2. 1082-B February, 2015 AVON University February, 2013 Avon Group Selling 2 Congratulations on your decision to significantly increase your sales through the Home Party Plan with Avon! A great thing about home parties is the ability to connect with and service multiple Customers in a short period of time. Additionally, you may also inspire a guests interest in becoming an Avon Representative. Getting Started Prepare a Home Party Kit Using a plastic box, collect all of the things you would need to conduct a home party. By keeping this box updated and full, you will be ready to go at any time. Tablecloth Current Brochures Duplicate Order Forms (available on yourAvon.com>Community>Avon Advantage> Towne & Country) Extra Pens Index Cards (for note taking or game playing) Cash Bag, Credit Card Forms and Gift Certificates (printable version on page 10) Your favorite beauty products such as: Skin So Soft, Moisture Therapy, Naturals Shower Gel, Avon Bubble Bath, On Duty Roll on, Anew, Mega Effects Mascara. 1-3 hot gift items (depending on the season) An assortment of samples (Fragrance, Skin Care, Makeup) Gifts Door Prize Hostess Thank You Gift Small gift for anyone who brings a guest or books a future party (hand creams, lip balms, shower gels stock up on these items when on sale.) Avon Skin Care Regimen Selector (available to print on youravon.com) Explore Avon Envelopes for anyone who might express interest in becoming an Avon Representative (also available through Towne & Country on Avon Advantage.) Your Calendar to schedule Appointments and new Parties.
  • 3. 1082-B February, 2015 AVON University February, 2013 Avon Group Selling 3 You may want to bring a basket full of cash and carry products. Items that you would like to move out of your stock. Identify Potential Hostesses Family and Friends its a great reason to get together. Good Customers who already LOVE Avon might enjoy getting FREE products. Anyone who says I cant afford Avon. It would give them a chance to get their products FREE. Partiers! Who invites you to other types of home parties? Small groups who need money. A womens club could host a party with the proceeds going to the organization. Schedule the Event Coordinate a date with your hostess 2-3 weeks out. Any further out than that, it gets lost in the shuffle. Plan the Guest List Over invite: 20-30 invitations will get 6-10 attendees on average. Providing extra brochures to the hostess can ensure that she gets additional orders from those who were unable to attend. Many Representatives collect the guest list and mail the invitations themselves to make sure it gets done.
  • 4. 1082-B February, 2015 AVON University February, 2013 Avon Group Selling 4 Invitation List Hostess Name: Phone: Name Address Email Phone
  • 5. 1082-B February, 2015 AVON University February, 2013 Avon Group Selling 5 Print and Mail or Email the Invitations Collect the addresses and mail for the Hostess (Give hostess additional invitations to hand out personally) Give Hostess enough postcards to mail herself Create an email invitation Follow up phone calls 1-2 days before the event is a great way to confirm attendance. Sample party invitation; see page 9 for printable version Hostess Checklist Prior to the party, collect orders from friends, family and co-workers who are unable to attend. 1-2 days prior to the party, confirm attendance Plan for refreshments keep it simple! Does your party room have enough seating? Have a small table available for display products.
  • 6. 1082-B February, 2015 AVON University February, 2013 Avon Group Selling 6 At the Party Dress for success Dress professionally! Mix and Match your own Avon clothing, shoes and accessories with current jewelry pieces. Makeup and nail color should all be Avon. Make your presentation (sample script) Hi, my name is . I am an Independent Sales Representative with Avon Products. I want to first thank [hostess name] for inviting me tonight. Present him/her with a thank you gift I would also like to thank all of you for joining us! Who brought a friend? [Reward them with a small gift. Go around the room and ask everyone to introduce themselves and their friend if they brought one.] Let me share a little bit about my background. [Share how long youve been with Avon and what promoted you to start your business.] Lets get started with some fun! Our makeup collection and skin care lines are designed in groupings that work together. On an index card, write down every single makeup and skin care product that you use on a daily basis (does NOT have to be Avon) and include an estimated price that you paid. Award a trial size or small gift to the person with the most Makeup items on their list. Award a trial size or small gift to the person with the most Skin Care items on their list. Ask the guests to share a few of their products and be prepared with a brochure to show Avons price for similar products. Hand out TWO Anew Skin Care Quiz / Regimen Selectors to each attendee and ask them to fill them out. (One for them to keep and one to turn in to you for a door prize drawing.) Choose a game to play from the Game List on pages 12-13. Pass out brochures with Two-Part Order forms inside and allow time for questions and ordering. SEE SOCIALIZE* for tips to keep conversations going. Encourage attendees to approach the display table for a better look at the full size products that you brought. Take payments by whatever method you are willing to accept and provide the 2-part carbon of the Order Form as her receipt. Play another game from the Game List on pages 12-13. If you didnt win anything yet, its NOT too late. I have some great gifts to give away to anyone who books an Avon Home or Book party for the next month or is interested in learning more about the Avon Earning Opportunity.
  • 7. 1082-B February, 2015 AVON University February, 2013 Avon Group Selling 7 *Socialize Because this is a social occasion for most of the guests, you should remember to spend time socializing and getting to know them. Guests will feel more comfortable if they sense you are interested in them. You may pick up key pieces of information in conversation. Ask questions like: Do you have any gift giving occasions coming up? What kind of Skin Care do you currently use? Do you have any parties or events coming up where you might need some new jewelry? Pay attention If someone mentions that money has been tight, you may have an opportunity to introduce earning with Avon to her. Someone who wants to buy a large amount might like to host an upcoming party to get her Avon as a discount. If someone is talking about school or church, she might be interested in learning more about fundraising with Avon Close the Party Collect the Anew Skin Care Quiz and draw for a door prize. Schedule future parties or Appointments and award gifts for participation. Help the Hostess Clean Up.
  • 8. 1082-B February, 2015 AVON University February, 2013 Avon Group Selling 8 After the Party Partner with your Hostess to determine the success of the party. Add up the total sales of the Customer orders and determine her % of shopping credit for which she qualifies (chart represents suggestions only. You can agree on what shell receive for hosting a party in advance.) Total Party Sales Shopping Credit for YOU! $50 - $150 = 10% $150-$500 = 15% $500+ = 20% Calculate Your Party Success! Total Sales from Party (including early book sales) $ X $ % (from Chart above) = $ Parties Booked X $20 (or Thank You product) = $ Interviews Scheduled X $20 (or Thank You product) = $ (Consider awarding for Parties Booked and Interviews Scheduled until AFTER they actually happen) TOTAL SHOPPING CREDIT AWARDED = $ Hostess can spend this amount with you on Avon products. Deliver the Orders As soon as the products come in, bag them up and include a Thank You note for each Customer (printable on page 11)
  • 9. 1082-B February, 2015 AVON University February, 2013 Avon Group Selling 9 Sample Invitations, Gift Certificates and Thank You Notes You are invited to my Avon Home Party! Date: Time: Place: Bring a friend and receive a FREE GIFT! You are invited to my Avon Home Party! Date: Time: Place: Bring a friend and receive a FREE GIFT!
  • 10. 1082-B February, 2015 AVON University February, 2013 Avon Group Selling 10 Avon Gift Certificate This certificate entitles bearer to $ worth of Avon products. Valid Only Through: YOUR INDEPENDENT AVON SALES REPRESENTATIVE Avon Gift Certificate This certificate entitles bearer to $ worth of Avon products. Valid Only Through: YOUR INDEPENDENT AVON SALES REPRESENTATIVE Avon Gift Certificate This certificate entitles bearer to $ worth of Avon products. Valid Only Through: YOUR INDEPENDENT AVON SALES REPRESENTATIVE Avon Gift Certificate This certificate entitles bearer to $ worth of Avon products. Valid Only Through: YOUR INDEPENDENT AVON SALES REPRESENTATIVE
  • 11. 1082-B February, 2015 AVON University February, 2013 Avon Group Selling 11 THANK YOU! Dear Customer, Thank you for your business and I hope you are happy with your order from the Avon Home Party. Remember, Avons satisfaction guarantee. If you have questions or would like to host a party Lets Talk! CALL ME: YOUR INDEPENDENT AVON REPRESENTATIVE THANK YOU! Dear Customer, Thank you for your business and I hope you are happy with your order from the Avon Home Party. Remember, Avons satisfaction guarantee. If you have questions or would like to host a party Lets Talk! CALL ME: YOUR INDEPENDENT AVON REPRESENTATIVE THANK YOU! Dear Customer, Thank you for your business and I hope you are happy with your order from the Avon Home Party. Remember, Avons satisfaction guarantee. If you have questions or would like to host a party Lets Talk! CALL ME: YOUR INDEPENDENT AVON REPRESENTATIVE THANK YOU! Dear Customer, Thank you for your business and I hope you are happy with your order from the Avon Home Party. Remember, Avons satisfaction guarantee. If you have questions or would like to host a party Lets Talk! CALL ME: YOUR INDEPENDENT AVON REPRESENTATIVE
  • 12. 1082-B February, 2015 AVON University February, 2013 Avon Group Selling 12 Party Game Ideas Use games to make your party event fun and interactive. And remember, you're not just playing a party game you're Inviting your guests into your store (brochure), Informing them of Avons great products, and Inspiring them to become an Avon Representative, too! Five Layers Youll need: An Avon product of your choice, wrapped in five layers of tissue or wrapping paper. A. Ask Avon Trivia questions (below) B. The first guest to raise her hand gets to answer. If she gets the answer right, she gets to unwrap a layer of paper from the gift. C. The guest who answers the question that unwraps the last layer gets to keep the gift. Five Layers Trivia Questions: 1. What is Avons most recognized product? (Skin So Soft) 2. What is the name of Avons anti-aging Skin Care line? (Anew) 3. What is Avons #1 selling makeup item? (Lipstick) 4. True or False: Glimmersticks are Americas #3 eyeliner? (False - #1) 5. Name ANY Avon Naturals scent. (Anything from the brochure is acceptable.) 6. What is Avons #1 selling womans fragrance? (Imari) 7. Name either one of Avons major charitable causes. (Breast Cancer or Domestic Violence Awareness) 8. What is the name of Avons mosquito repellent? (Bug Guard) Guess the Price You'll need: An Avon product of your choice A. Introduce the product, describing its features and benefits. B. Let each guest try the product. Provide samples if possible. C. Ask, "What is the price of this product?" D. Award a prize to the guest whose answer is closest to the actual price.
  • 13. 1082-B February, 2015 AVON University February, 2013 Avon Group Selling 13 Who am I? You'll need: One Avon Brochure per guest A. Distribute one Brochure to each guest. B. Explain that guests will search for products within the Brochure using clues that you will provide. C. Give product clues, such as I am Avon's best-selling lipstick. Who am I? (Ultra Color Rich), Some spots you want to show off, others not Who am I? (Anew Clinical Absolute Even) I am one of Avon's most well known brands. Who am I? (Skin-So-Soft) D. Award a prize to the guest who can find the product in the Brochure first. Notes: