Magazin mit super spannenden Artikel von Dr. Ruediger Dahlke, Katharina Bachman, Frank Jester, Kerstin Creutzig, Margit Sadhya Suthau sowie, Dani & Sebastian von kohlundkarma.
The document is a draft advertisement for Crown Royal Canadian whisky. It provides details about the ad such as the client, publication it will run in, dimensions, dates, and credits. The ad text describes how Crown Royal tried 600 different blends before finding the perfect smooth whisky worthy of a king. It encourages drinking responsibly and lists Crown Royal as a 40% alcohol blended Canadian whisky.
Mary Joy E. Belmonte is applying for any position that fits her qualifications. She recently graduated from Cagayan State University with a degree in Business Administration. She completed an on-the-job training at the Department of Labor and Employment where she gained office and clerical skills. Belmonte believes her education, skills, and experience meet the requirements of the position and that she would be an asset to the company. She has included her resume and job application and is available for an interview.
El documento lista dos grupos que estudiarn la comunicacin oral y escrita, identificando las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada una. Grupo 1 incluye a cinco estudiantes que analizarn las habilidades de comunicacin oral y escrita, determinando los beneficios y desafos de ambas formas de intercambio de informacin.
This document announces an approved summer course for primary and post-primary teachers called "Dance Across the Curriculum" taking place in July and August 2016. The course will be held in Skerries, County Dublin and Dublin and will provide teachers with confidence and skills to incorporate dance into their physical education lessons through daily Pilates, mindful movement exercises, and cross-curricular and collaborative teaching approaches.
Administracin de Oracle - Tema 02 - InstalacinHector Martinez
El documento proporciona una gua para la instalacin de Oracle 10g, incluyendo objetivos como conocer la estructura de directorios OFA, utilizar el OUI para la instalacin, y dise?ar la instalacin considerando mtodos, componentes, licencias, almacenamiento, requisitos y opciones de configuracin. Explica los pasos de la instalacin con el OUI como seleccionar el mtodo y tipo, especificar detalles de directorios, e instalar y salir del inventario.