The document describes 11 drinking games to play with friends to have fun and feel "awesomeness". It provides the rules and procedures for games like beer pong, landmines, case race, and others. Throughout the document, it repeats that the goal is to have fun and excitement, but warns that overdrinking could be dangerous. It encourages finding your "gumption" or zest for life, and concludes by requesting feedback on the games.
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A Start
We all crave for something extra in life. We look for that Gumption within as
Gumption transplants are yet to be discovered. By the way Gumption means–
The Zest For Life! Yes, it is because of this that most people live their life to
the fullest and others don’t.
I too lacked Gumption. Then I considered Alcohol to be my best friend. Well,
it still is, but with a little difference. There was a time when I used to Drink to
kill my loneliness or to consume my anger. I mostly drank when I was sad.
Trust me, it is not the right thing to do. Despair, Tiredness, Boredom are no
reason to drink. Drink when you are happy. You will enjoy that
Awesomeness. Yes I call Highness as Awesomeness. That Dizzy effect, that ev-
er so light feeling, that zest that we all get after probably the second bottle (1
bottle in some cases) of beer, definitely makes us happy and relaxed. For like
me there are people who crave for more. So only for those Niche
Segment I bring forward a tight, fun, and exciting collection of Drinking
Games, or the ‘Awesomeness-!! Truths’. And no, I’m not promoting Alcohol!
1.Highness= Awesomeness
2.Find the Gumption in you.
3.Make your life Exciting.
4.No I’m not promoting Alcohol!
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So lets Begin m/
1.Beer Pong: One of the all time Classics! Yes, this very game will
get you a nice Adrenaline Kick and is sure to refresh you!
Procedure: Pick a dining table (A Table Tennis Table will also do),
arrange 6-8 Glasses filled with Beer on each side. Throw a ping
pong ball in any way you want. If you manage to get the ball in-
side one of the glasses at the other end, your competitor has to
drink that glass in one go, else you drink. The same rules follow
for the other person as well.
Warning: You are sure to end up Drunk!
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2.Landmines: Initially boring but picks up slowly and suddenly you
will find yourself addicted to it.
Procedure: Take a coin and spin it. While the coin is spinning drink
a glass of beer with the same hand you made the coin spin. If you
use a different hand you have to redo the process again. Now eve-
ry empty glass becomes your ‘landmine’ with which you can pro-
vide an obstacle to your competitors spinning the coin. Thus, forc-
ing them to drink again and again.
Warning: Not for the light-hearted!
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3.Case Race: Too simple to play. You just need to Drink!
Procedure: Select a Team of Fine Drinkers. Finish the booze
provided before your competing team does it. You Win!
Warning: Night will be short for the Best Players from both the
I I Love Drinking!
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4.Flip, Sip or Strip: This one is steamy, hot, and testosterone and
progesterone driven! And Yes, strictly for Adults!
Procedure: No team. Sit in a Circle. Flip a coin. If the right call
(Head or Tail) comes, you need to pass the coin to the right or left.
For every wrong call you either drink or strip. Remember you
cannot do the same thing twice!
Warning: Pray to the Gods for Luck.
Make sure you wear more than extra!
Content Too
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5.Power Hour: Only for the Music lovers! A fun way to relax and feel
Procedure: Time: 1 Hour. Obviously you can extend it. 30 songs,
each of 2 minutes. Take a shot after each song gets over.
Warning: Don’t allow the Music to get you High!
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6.Chandelier: This game is best played when in a small group. It can
get super thrilling and even acute drinkers might feel the pinch.
Procedure: Take a large glass of beer and place it at the centre of the
Table. Put small glasses of beer around it in a circular way. Flip a coin.
The glass the coin falls into has to be finished by the person at one sip
sitting in front of it. The last person drinking from the small glass
then has to complete the Large glass at one go placed at the centre.
Warning: Don’t let the big glass bother you!
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7.Thumper: You really don’t need booze to play it! The most fun
drinking game around according to most people.
Procedure: One person needs to do a funny gesture and others have to
imitate it. The Person who does it wrongly has to drink. Most Simple.
Warning: Don’t let the Fun make you Awesome!
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8.Circle of Death: I will provide you all a modified version of
the Circle of Death, as I personally don’t like complicated Card
Procedure: Take a big chug of beer/a shot glass/et al, and place
cards (blind) around it in a circular way. Set your own rules.
For example: if someone picks up an Ace or a Spade then that
person has to drink.
Warning: Not for Gamblers!
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9.Beer Ball: Fairly simple. Sports fan are sure to
love it.
Procedure: Place two Beer cans/ Booze bottles at
two corners of a table. Try and aim it at the
competitors bottle/can. If you hit, your
competitor drinks, else you drink.
Warning: Don’t get carried away with the Sports
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10.Quarters: This game can be very interesting. You can change rules if
you wish.
Procedure: Put a glass in the centre of the table. Flip a coin. If the coin
gets in, you select anyone playing to complete the glass. You continue
flipping until you miss. When you miss, the competitors can call for a
‘Challenge’. You get one more shot to put the coin in the glass. This time
if you miss then you need to drink as many times as the number of your
competitors who have called ‘challenge’. If you hit then all of the
‘challengers’ Drink!
Warning: Master coin flipping before you sit to play!
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11.Boozik: The last drinking game that I introduce is my own
creation. It is fun, thrilling as well as entertaining. And no, I’m not
Procedure: Fairly simple. One person sings while others listen. The
person singing the song purposely selects a song that has a
particular word repeated many times. Let ‘Heart’ be the word. So
every time the word ’Heart’ is pronounced, the others need to take
a shot.
Warning: Music can be dangerous at times.
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An End
Well I come to the end of this e-book. This book is sure to uplift your energy
and add that Gumption effect.
So stop worrying and try one of these games.
Statutory Warning: The Games won’t hurt but too much Drinking might!
So never over do anything.
Soumya Mukherjee
I would love your Feedback on this so you can mail me at:
You can also connect with me via:
1.Highness= Awesomeness
2.Make your life Exciting.
3.No I’m not promoting Alcohol!