Building Serverless Backends with AWS Lambda and Amazon API GatewayAmazon Web Services
AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code without provisioning or managing servers. Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale.
This session will familiarize you with the basics of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway and demonstrate how to build web, mobile, and IoT backends using these services. You will learn how to setup API endpoints that trigger AWS Lambda functions to handle mobile, web, IoT, and 3rd party API requests. You will also learn how to use Lambda to read and write to Amazon DynamoDB. We will run through a demo of setting up a simple serverless blogging web application that allows user authentication and the ability to create posts and comments.
Amazon Pinpoint - re:Invent Serverless Follow Up - 20161207崇之 清水
Amazon Pinpoint is a new service that allows users to send personalized messages to customers across multiple messaging channels. Pinpoint provides tools to segment audiences, send push notifications, emails and SMS messages. It also collects analytics on message delivery and opens to help optimize future campaigns.
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Amazon API Gateway -
? Amazon API Gateway が API 使?量プランをサポート
? 今後はサードパーティー開発者と API キーをそれぞれ関連付けることで、
アクセス可能なAPI を設定、スロットリングの定義、上限緩和の
? また、API キーごとに使?率のデータを抽出して API の使?状況を
プランは API ベースのビジネスで API を簡単に管理し収益化すること