24. Microsoft SQL Serverのサポート拡充
RDSが新たにSQL Serverをサポート!
? SQL Server 2008 R2
? Express Edition
? Web Edition
? Standard Edition
Amazon RDS
SQL Server 2012 をインストールした公式AMIを提供
? サポートするインスタンスタイプの追加
? m1.small
? m1.medium
? Web Editionのサポートを追加 +
? より手軽にSQL Serverの利用を開始 Windows AMI
#5: Amazon Web Services provides highly scalable computing infrastructure that enables organizations around the world to requisition compute power, storage, and other on-demand services in the cloud. ?These services are available on demand so a customer doesn’t need to think about controlling them, maintaining them or even where they are located. Our approach has always been to be a customer focused company.? We constantly look to develop services in line with the needs of our customers to make sure they get the flexibility and usability out of the service that they need to be successful.?