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o Seeking a challenging opportunity with a well-established corporation that applies and
further develops my interpersonal skills while building upon my theoretical background.
Professional Experience:
o Join Qatar National Bank Al Ahli (QNB) as Relationship Executive, from May 2015 till now
 Job description:
- Serving as a primary point-of-contact for customers, receiving and processing card and loan
applications, funds transfer,collections, standing orders, bank drafts, traveller checks, certified
checks,and other means of payments.
- Administer remote banking products and loans to the assigned group of individuals, develop
branch business in connection with assigned accounts as well as prospect customers to meet and
exceed the targets.
- Taking advantage of every opportunity to delight customers, sell the bank, and demonstrate
interest in providing other services.
Ayman Alaa El-Din Sayed Moharram
Mazaya 4, Queue point.
Dubai, UAE. Mobile: 0564872718
E-Mail: Ayman.moharram.91@hotmail.com
Page 2 of 3
o Join Ahly United Bank as a Teller, from Feb.2014 till Feb.2015
 Job description:
- Serving customers by completing account transactions.
- Recording transactions by logging cashier's checks,and other special services.
- Complies with bank operations and security procedures.
- Maintaining customer confidence and protects bank operations by keeping information
o Business planning & budgeting  SODIC(July-September13) internship
o Clorets activation campaign (May13- June13) Floor Manager
o Fayrouz advertising campaign (2012-2013) Floor Manager
o Vodafone Family day event celebrating 12 years in Egypt (2010) Organizer
o NOKIA ASHA Freestyle movement (2012) Floor Manager
o Pepsi Dawry El Madaress 9th anniversary (Floor Manager)
o Modern Sciencesand Arts university (Egypt), Bachelor ofManagement & computer sciences
Credit-Hours System
o Middle Sex University (London),Bachelor ofManagement & computer sciencesCredit-Hours
o Major Department: Accounting
o Graduation Year: 2013
o Participation in the Stock simulation Program, MSA University, July11
o Member ofthe MSA University Soccer team for 4 years
Page 3 of 3
o Member ofthe nation regional team offootball 2004 -2008
o Joined the Soccer Academy ofthe Shooting Sporting Club
Technical Skills:
Microsoft Office: Word,Course Advanced Excel, and Power Point
Language Skills:
o Arabic: Native Language o English: Fluent
Personal Information
o Date of Birth: 07/09/1991 o Marital Status: Single
o Nationality: Egyptian
o Military Status: Exempted
o Gender: Male
References upon request

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Ayman Alaa CV

  • 1. Page 1 of 3 Objective: o Seeking a challenging opportunity with a well-established corporation that applies and further develops my interpersonal skills while building upon my theoretical background. Professional Experience: o Join Qatar National Bank Al Ahli (QNB) as Relationship Executive, from May 2015 till now Job description: - Serving as a primary point-of-contact for customers, receiving and processing card and loan applications, funds transfer,collections, standing orders, bank drafts, traveller checks, certified checks,and other means of payments. - Administer remote banking products and loans to the assigned group of individuals, develop branch business in connection with assigned accounts as well as prospect customers to meet and exceed the targets. - Taking advantage of every opportunity to delight customers, sell the bank, and demonstrate interest in providing other services. Ayman Alaa El-Din Sayed Moharram Mazaya 4, Queue point. Dubai, UAE. Mobile: 0564872718 E-Mail: Ayman.moharram.91@hotmail.com
  • 2. Page 2 of 3 o Join Ahly United Bank as a Teller, from Feb.2014 till Feb.2015 Job description: - Serving customers by completing account transactions. - Recording transactions by logging cashier's checks,and other special services. - Complies with bank operations and security procedures. - Maintaining customer confidence and protects bank operations by keeping information confidential. o Business planning & budgeting SODIC(July-September13) internship o Clorets activation campaign (May13- June13) Floor Manager o Fayrouz advertising campaign (2012-2013) Floor Manager o Vodafone Family day event celebrating 12 years in Egypt (2010) Organizer o NOKIA ASHA Freestyle movement (2012) Floor Manager o Pepsi Dawry El Madaress 9th anniversary (Floor Manager) Education: o Modern Sciencesand Arts university (Egypt), Bachelor ofManagement & computer sciences Credit-Hours System o Middle Sex University (London),Bachelor ofManagement & computer sciencesCredit-Hours System o Major Department: Accounting o Graduation Year: 2013 EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: o Participation in the Stock simulation Program, MSA University, July11 o Member ofthe MSA University Soccer team for 4 years
  • 3. Page 3 of 3 o Member ofthe nation regional team offootball 2004 -2008 o Joined the Soccer Academy ofthe Shooting Sporting Club Technical Skills: Microsoft Office: Word,Course Advanced Excel, and Power Point Language Skills: o Arabic: Native Language o English: Fluent Personal Information o Date of Birth: 07/09/1991 o Marital Status: Single o Nationality: Egyptian o Military Status: Exempted o Gender: Male References upon request