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5April 2016
Suzuki Hayabusa (or GSX1300R) is a sports
motorcycle made by Suzuki since 1999. He
won Forabelkb for faster production motor-
cycle producer in the world, with a maximum
speed of 188-194 mph (303-312 km / h). Hay-
abusa (鐃?) Is in Japanese means Peregrine
.ho bird is often considered a symbol of speed
vertical dive Nzertrivh him in hunting, or de-
scend, and Sraha continued to 180-202 mph
(290-325 km / h), faster than any a bird. In par-
ticular, the name was chosen because the Per-
intent of the original Hayabusa to topple the
Honda Super Blackbird CBR1100XX because
it was the fastest motorcycle world produc-
tive. In the end, the Hayabusa has been able
to overcome the Blackbird miles behind an es-
timated 10 miles in the hour (16 km / h). The
value is agreed upon as reported by the media
for speed has always been 186 miles per hour,
while the percentage in km varied 299-303 km
/ h, it is typical to look at unit unseasonably er-
rors and converted. These values may also be
affected by a number of external factors, it can
be a force and torque. In 2000, the European
Organization Mantes fears of a violent reac-
tion or prohibiting the import Products fears
led to an informal agreement between the Jap-
anese and European companies to limit higher
than their motorcycles in the arbitrary speed
limit. The conditions for which it was adopted
has led to this constraint years 1999-2000 Title
Hayabusa remained the same, technically can
not be compensated, because there is no subse-
quent model can go faster without tampering.
So, after a lot of expectations Kawasaki Ninja
ZX-12R in 2000 than were lower by 4 mph (6
km / h) from winning the title, thus securing
Hayabusa its position as the fastest standard
productive bike of the 20th century. This gives
the non-enrolled [1999-2000] even more mod-
els with the university seal. In addition to its
speed, it has Ajairt Hayabusa by many review-
ers throughout the performance, in that it does
handling and Alrahhwaldaudhae, fuel econ-
omy or price in pursuit of a single function
[Alaqtmadih]. In Consumer News commented
Jay Koblenz for motorcycles, If you think that
the motorcycles ability to approach 190 mph
or up to a quarter mile in less than ten seconds
are at best trivial and at worst offensive way,
and Hmama makes motorcycle worth consid-
ering only. the Hayabusa is the speed in all its
glory . but speed is not the Hayabusa.
Bike and bike mobility vehicle based on hman
movement and works by pushing the pedals
stationed in front of the rear wheels through
the use of the legs. Contains calves connected
the external structure of the Bicycle. It is a bike
from one of the transportation devices used
since ancient times, and considered as a means
of movement and single-track - that leaves the
attitude alone on the road that it walks for-
ward. Such vehicles usually have little or no
lateral stability stake in the case of constancy,
but formed during the forward movement or
during its control. As in the case of all vehi-
cles with wheels, the path taken for each of the
front and rear wheels differ very narrowly at
the exit of the vehicle derailed rectum.
I found a bicycle in the nineteenth century in
Europe, and there are about a billion a bicycle
on a global scale, eclipsing the number of cars
at the rate of two bicycles per car. And it is one
of the one of the main means of transport in
many regions to the present day, and give the
famous way of recreation, as adapted to being
tions and the police, courier services, as well
as cycling.
model bicycle safety, has changed little with
ted with a bicycle chain around the year 1885
since then has undergone tremendous changes,
particularly with the advent of supplies and
modern equipment and designs pro using the
computer, working on increasing the prolifera-
tion of specialized bikes for many designs.
Bike and invention since its early days impor-
tant effects on society, in both culture and in-
dustry methods or modern advanced manufac-
turing. Also it must be pointed out some of the
factors and components that were that impor-
tant role in boot manufacturing automatic cars,
which invented the bicycle industry in advance
of these tools, for example, the invention load-
er (It was Mr. Philip Vaghan credit record this
invention), an external rubber part, Lawson
calf, the outer frame and other tools.
know today you ask a long time, and passed
for the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci back
idea has not received attention at the time, and
remained forgotten until the end of the eigh-
teenth century. 1791, until the coming of the
French Count de Svrak of France, who was
without pedals and steering wheel. It is starting
out by paid building on foot, running, dubbed
c辿l辿rif辿re name
Michaux Jr. on Wlosbd 1868.
Since that time, several amendments to the
motion system by some of the inventors of
them Trifu and the invento
Dries von Samer Brown, w -
ing wheel in 1813 and
from Gaul, who created
(pedals, and a transmissi
Frenchman Ernest Michaux -
It is a means
wheels and re
is connected with
the so-called peda
which the passenge
has no bike to wrap the body that we want. Ie,
we sum up the installa -
enation. Pedal. the se
Big wheel
This is where the questios
be increased without in
times the pressure on
is to increase the dia
British transfer this
bicycle with a large fr
wheel and the other tin
time it was discovered th
without increasing the d
becoming a modern bike contain two wheels
have the same diameter, it was increased diam-
eter front dentate pedal and thus increase the
bike speed and increasing torque, the greater
the diameter of the front dentate as momen-
tum increased and Ajzaaldrajh  front wheel
rear wheel Aldostan string steering wire
brake brake brake handle saddle dentate
arm and the structure of the bike and each
Mnhaozivtha own.
The generator is an important element in the
bike as it contributes to the lamp ignition in the
bike for road lighting at night. ts basic com-
ponents 1 - Cupboard (toothed wheel) 2
iron core 3 - permanent magnet (moving
part) 4 - poles of the generat
His work depends on the phenomenon of
electromagnetic agitationnHow Dynamo bike
When you touch the wheel cylinder circum-
ference of the generator moving bike wheel
and spin due to friction with the coil revolves
between the poles of a magnet, spoke electro-
magnetic agitation process yields a power Al-
trd The higher the rotational speed increased
cal Education in Cologne that the bike ride one
of the ideal ways: To improve all functions
of the body and maintain overall health if one
is keen on the sport for only ten minutes a day.
en the muscles and blood circulation and the
bodys joints if one was keen to ride a bike for
ten minutes a day. To improve the state of
the heart if human March sport bike ride for
half an hour a day. Activate the body, and
weight loss. The dangers of cycling on chil-
dren Bicycle education for children. Bicycle
many dangers, including falls and collisions as
a result of loss of control by the biker. Child
lision caused by vehicles, so that leads to the
death of about 10% of cases. Before riding the
bicycle child, you should pay attention to the
taghizha bell and light and always make sure
that Framlha and wheels good, because even
if the child committed all safety guidelines, it
will not protect him from the accident with a
bicycle in bad condition. As for the size of the
bike, it must be appropriate age for any child
that can stopped with his feet easily.
ongoing is a mix of the bike
and new and unique bikes de -
vel osite human-powered and
Question book-new.svg
ed information can be doubted and removed.
(March 2016) Bicycle Race in 1909 First in-
vented the bike as a means of transmission is
the Count de Svrak in 1790 and was very sim-
ple consists of a simple model of wood up be-
tween the two wheels. And any development
that did not happen until 1818 when he came
Alolmanadriz Baron de Saorberon the idea of
leading the front wheel steering and installa-
tion of the bike. But the big bike in the evo-
lution of the revolution came at the hands of
mourning Frenchman named Pierre Michaux,
who invented the pedals and the manufacture
of this invention in 1861 and came to him after
Bmaah arduous revolution and fame has Onth
150 per bike sold at 150 francs in gold. Since
that time it did not go beyond improvements
Fastbdlt tire iron and wooden ones in 1875
has become a hollow metal frame thanks to a
generation Truffaut and Gulf rubber. Cycling:
unilateral ones, bilateral or trilateral; means
carriers, as well as sport or entertainment.
Among the most famous clubs in the Middle
East known Cycle IGBT, which was founded
in Alexandria and then opened a branch in
Cairo with the participation of all ages from
young girls and for more than one type of cy-
cling (Road-Hayber- Mountain -Bmx)
Question book-new.svg
Content here does not cite any sources. Please
provide reliable sources. any unauthenticat-
ed information can be doubted and removed.
(March 2016) Scooter Motorcycle one of the
types of vehicles two-wheel or three (bikes)
are powered by an internal combustion engine,
not a steam engine, and for this, the renamed
bike steam wrong, and this engine is often a
small gasoline installed in the middle of the
distance between the wheels, engine and have
a seat or two seats. For the motorcycle more
durable than regular bike chassis structure. In
some vernaculars called Motorcycle tanks.
Date of motorcycle
engineer Gottlieb Daimler in 1885, when he
installed the Mekpsa four-stroke engine above
the wooden structure of the bike. Work con-
tinued to develop motorcycles during the early
twentieth century, where it was developed into
useful compounds. For the MotoGP current
species, but they are easier to use, and it has a
more solid structures, engines with larger ca-
ler in the manufacture of this bike and Hem
Maybach, who was busy at the time the inven-
tion Alcarboritr sprayer, and provided Daim-
ler motorcycle composed of single-cylinder
vehicle operating oil in the world, and then
the craftsmen British motorcycle
panese came under the leader-
to dominate the scene in the
late si ly seventies through the rap-
id n. But if you paid two-
intent of the original Hayabusa to topple the
Honda Super Blackbird CBR1100XX because
it was the fastest motorcycle world produc-
tive. In the end, the Hayabusa has been able
to overcome the Blackbird miles behind an es-
timated 10 miles in the hour (16 km / h). The
value is agreed upon as reported by the media
for speed has always been 186 miles per hour,
while the percentage in km varied 299-303 km
/ h, it is typical to look at unit unseasonably er-
rors and converted. These values may also be
affected by a number of external factors, it can
be a force and torque. In 2000, the European
Organization Mantes fears of a violent reac-
tion or prohibiting the import Products fears
led to an informal agreement between the Jap-
anese and European companies to limit higher
than their motorcycles in the arbitrary speed
limit. The conditions for which it was adopted
has led to this constraint years 1999-2000 Title
Hayabusa remained the same, technically can
not be compensated, because there is no subse-
quent model can go faster without tampering.
So, after a lot of expectations Kawasaki Ninja
ZX-12R in 2000 than were lower by 4 mph (6
km / h) from winning the title, thus securing
Hayabusa its position as the fastest standard
productive bike of the 20th century. This gives
the non-enrolled [1999-2000] even more mod-
els with the university seal. In addition to its
speed, it has Ajairt Hayabusa by many review-
ers throughout the performance, in that it does
handling andAlrahhwaldaudhae, fuel economy
or price in pursuit of a single function [Alaqt-
madih]. In Consumer News commented Jay
Koblenz for motorcycles, If you think that the
motorcycles ability to approach 190 mph or
up to a quarter mile in less than ten seconds are
at best trivial and at worst offensive way, and
Hmama makes motorcycle worth considcycle
producer in the world, with a maximum speed
of 188-194 mph (303-312 km / h). Hayabusa (
鐃?) Is in Japanese means Peregrine .ho bird
is often considered a symbol of speed vertical
dive Nzertrivh him in hunting, or descend, and
Sraha continued to 180-202 mph (290-325 km
/ h), faster than any a bird. In particular, the
name was chosen because the Peregrine preys
original Hayabusa to topple the Honda Super
Blackbird CBR1100XX because it was the
fasteste to overcome the Blackbird miles be-
hind an estimated 10 m fears led to aoductive
bike of the 20th century. This gives the non-en-
rolled [1999-2000] even more models with the
university seal. In addition to its speed, it has
Ajairt Hayabusa by many review -
out the performance,
in pursuit of a single
In Consumer News
for motorcycles, -
cycles ability to appro
in less than
worst offensive way, -
(鐃?) means Peregrine
. a symbol of speed
Nzertrivh him in hunting, or de-
Sraha continued to 180-202 mph
(290-325 km / h), faster than any a bird. In par-
ticular, the name was chosen because the Per-
intent of the original Hayabusa to topple the
Honda Super Blackbird CBR1100XX because
it was the fastest motorcycle world produc-
tive. In the end, the Hayabusa has been able
to overcome the Blackbird miles behind an es-
timated 10 miles in the hour (16 km / h). The
value is agreed upon as reported by the media
for speed has always been 186 miles per hour,
while the percentage in km varied 299-303 km
/ h, it is typical to look at unit unseasonably er-
rors and converted. These values may also be
affected by a number of external factors, it can
be a force and torque. In 2000, the European
Organization Mantes fears of a violent reac-
tion or prohibiting the import Products fears
led to an informal agreement between the Jap-
anese and European companies to limit higher
than their motorcycles in the arbitrary speed
limit. The conditions for which it was adopted
has led to this constraint years 1999-2000 Title
Hayabusa remained the same, technically can
not be compensated, because there is no subse-
Hayabusa remained the sam

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  • 1. Monday 5April 2016 Suzuki Hayabusa Suzuki Hayabusa (or GSX1300R) is a sports motorcycle made by Suzuki since 1999. He won Forabelkb for faster production motor- cycle producer in the world, with a maximum speed of 188-194 mph (303-312 km / h). Hay- abusa (鐃?) Is in Japanese means Peregrine .ho bird is often considered a symbol of speed vertical dive Nzertrivh him in hunting, or de- scend, and Sraha continued to 180-202 mph (290-325 km / h), faster than any a bird. In par- ticular, the name was chosen because the Per- intent of the original Hayabusa to topple the Honda Super Blackbird CBR1100XX because it was the fastest motorcycle world produc- tive. In the end, the Hayabusa has been able to overcome the Blackbird miles behind an es- timated 10 miles in the hour (16 km / h). The value is agreed upon as reported by the media for speed has always been 186 miles per hour, while the percentage in km varied 299-303 km / h, it is typical to look at unit unseasonably er- rors and converted. These values may also be affected by a number of external factors, it can be a force and torque. In 2000, the European Organization Mantes fears of a violent reac- tion or prohibiting the import Products fears led to an informal agreement between the Jap- anese and European companies to limit higher than their motorcycles in the arbitrary speed limit. The conditions for which it was adopted has led to this constraint years 1999-2000 Title Hayabusa remained the same, technically can not be compensated, because there is no subse- quent model can go faster without tampering. So, after a lot of expectations Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R in 2000 than were lower by 4 mph (6 km / h) from winning the title, thus securing Hayabusa its position as the fastest standard productive bike of the 20th century. This gives the non-enrolled [1999-2000] even more mod- els with the university seal. In addition to its speed, it has Ajairt Hayabusa by many review- ers throughout the performance, in that it does handling and Alrahhwaldaudhae, fuel econ- omy or price in pursuit of a single function [Alaqtmadih]. In Consumer News commented Jay Koblenz for motorcycles, If you think that the motorcycles ability to approach 190 mph or up to a quarter mile in less than ten seconds are at best trivial and at worst offensive way, and Hmama makes motorcycle worth consid- ering only. the Hayabusa is the speed in all its glory . but speed is not the Hayabusa. Bike and bike mobility vehicle based on hman movement and works by pushing the pedals stationed in front of the rear wheels through the use of the legs. Contains calves connected the external structure of the Bicycle. It is a bike from one of the transportation devices used since ancient times, and considered as a means of movement and single-track - that leaves the attitude alone on the road that it walks for- ward. Such vehicles usually have little or no lateral stability stake in the case of constancy, but formed during the forward movement or during its control. As in the case of all vehi- cles with wheels, the path taken for each of the front and rear wheels differ very narrowly at the exit of the vehicle derailed rectum. I found a bicycle in the nineteenth century in Europe, and there are about a billion a bicycle on a global scale, eclipsing the number of cars at the rate of two bicycles per car. And it is one of the one of the main means of transport in many regions to the present day, and give the famous way of recreation, as adapted to being - tions and the police, courier services, as well as cycling. model bicycle safety, has changed little with - ted with a bicycle chain around the year 1885 since then has undergone tremendous changes, particularly with the advent of supplies and modern equipment and designs pro using the computer, working on increasing the prolifera- tion of specialized bikes for many designs. Bike and invention since its early days impor- tant effects on society, in both culture and in- dustry methods or modern advanced manufac- turing. Also it must be pointed out some of the factors and components that were that impor- tant role in boot manufacturing automatic cars, which invented the bicycle industry in advance of these tools, for example, the invention load- er (It was Mr. Philip Vaghan credit record this invention), an external rubber part, Lawson calf, the outer frame and other tools. History know today you ask a long time, and passed for the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci back idea has not received attention at the time, and remained forgotten until the end of the eigh- teenth century. 1791, until the coming of the French Count de Svrak of France, who was without pedals and steering wheel. It is starting out by paid building on foot, running, dubbed c辿l辿rif辿re name Michaux Jr. on Wlosbd 1868. Since that time, several amendments to the motion system by some of the inventors of them Trifu and the invento Dries von Samer Brown, w - ing wheel in 1813 and from Gaul, who created (pedals, and a transmissi Frenchman Ernest Michaux - It is a means wheels and re is connected with the so-called peda which the passenge has no bike to wrap the body that we want. Ie, we sum up the installa - enation. Pedal. the se Big wheel This is where the questios be increased without in times the pressure on is to increase the dia British transfer this bicycle with a large fr wheel and the other tin time it was discovered th without increasing the d becoming a modern bike contain two wheels have the same diameter, it was increased diam- eter front dentate pedal and thus increase the bike speed and increasing torque, the greater the diameter of the front dentate as momen- tum increased and Ajzaaldrajh front wheel rear wheel Aldostan string steering wire brake brake brake handle saddle dentate arm and the structure of the bike and each Mnhaozivtha own. Generator The generator is an important element in the bike as it contributes to the lamp ignition in the bike for road lighting at night. ts basic com- ponents 1 - Cupboard (toothed wheel) 2 iron core 3 - permanent magnet (moving part) 4 - poles of the generat Mbdoamlh His work depends on the phenomenon of electromagnetic agitationnHow Dynamo bike When you touch the wheel cylinder circum- ference of the generator moving bike wheel and spin due to friction with the coil revolves between the poles of a magnet, spoke electro- magnetic agitation process yields a power Al- trd The higher the rotational speed increased - cal Education in Cologne that the bike ride one of the ideal ways: To improve all functions of the body and maintain overall health if one is keen on the sport for only ten minutes a day. - en the muscles and blood circulation and the bodys joints if one was keen to ride a bike for ten minutes a day. To improve the state of the heart if human March sport bike ride for half an hour a day. Activate the body, and weight loss. The dangers of cycling on chil- dren Bicycle education for children. Bicycle many dangers, including falls and collisions as a result of loss of control by the biker. Child - lision caused by vehicles, so that leads to the death of about 10% of cases. Before riding the bicycle child, you should pay attention to the - taghizha bell and light and always make sure that Framlha and wheels good, because even if the child committed all safety guidelines, it will not protect him from the accident with a bicycle in bad condition. As for the size of the bike, it must be appropriate age for any child that can stopped with his feet easily. Gariaat ongoing is a mix of the bike and new and unique bikes de - vel osite human-powered and - - - - movement. Cycling Question book-new.svg - ed information can be doubted and removed. (March 2016) Bicycle Race in 1909 First in- vented the bike as a means of transmission is the Count de Svrak in 1790 and was very sim- ple consists of a simple model of wood up be- tween the two wheels. And any development that did not happen until 1818 when he came Alolmanadriz Baron de Saorberon the idea of leading the front wheel steering and installa- tion of the bike. But the big bike in the evo- lution of the revolution came at the hands of mourning Frenchman named Pierre Michaux, who invented the pedals and the manufacture of this invention in 1861 and came to him after Bmaah arduous revolution and fame has Onth 150 per bike sold at 150 francs in gold. Since that time it did not go beyond improvements Fastbdlt tire iron and wooden ones in 1875 has become a hollow metal frame thanks to a generation Truffaut and Gulf rubber. Cycling: unilateral ones, bilateral or trilateral; means carriers, as well as sport or entertainment. Among the most famous clubs in the Middle East known Cycle IGBT, which was founded in Alexandria and then opened a branch in Cairo with the participation of all ages from young girls and for more than one type of cy- cling (Road-Hayber- Mountain -Bmx) Motorcycle Question book-new.svg Content here does not cite any sources. Please provide reliable sources. any unauthenticat- ed information can be doubted and removed. (March 2016) Scooter Motorcycle one of the types of vehicles two-wheel or three (bikes) are powered by an internal combustion engine, not a steam engine, and for this, the renamed bike steam wrong, and this engine is often a small gasoline installed in the middle of the distance between the wheels, engine and have a seat or two seats. For the motorcycle more durable than regular bike chassis structure. In some vernaculars called Motorcycle tanks. Date of motorcycle engineer Gottlieb Daimler in 1885, when he installed the Mekpsa four-stroke engine above the wooden structure of the bike. Work con- tinued to develop motorcycles during the early twentieth century, where it was developed into useful compounds. For the MotoGP current species, but they are easier to use, and it has a more solid structures, engines with larger ca- - ler in the manufacture of this bike and Hem Maybach, who was busy at the time the inven- tion Alcarboritr sprayer, and provided Daim- ler motorcycle composed of single-cylinder vehicle operating oil in the world, and then the craftsmen British motorcycle panese came under the leader- to dominate the scene in the late si ly seventies through the rap- id n. But if you paid two- - - - - - - intent of the original Hayabusa to topple the Honda Super Blackbird CBR1100XX because it was the fastest motorcycle world produc- tive. In the end, the Hayabusa has been able to overcome the Blackbird miles behind an es- timated 10 miles in the hour (16 km / h). The value is agreed upon as reported by the media for speed has always been 186 miles per hour, while the percentage in km varied 299-303 km / h, it is typical to look at unit unseasonably er- rors and converted. These values may also be affected by a number of external factors, it can be a force and torque. In 2000, the European Organization Mantes fears of a violent reac- tion or prohibiting the import Products fears led to an informal agreement between the Jap- anese and European companies to limit higher than their motorcycles in the arbitrary speed limit. The conditions for which it was adopted has led to this constraint years 1999-2000 Title Hayabusa remained the same, technically can not be compensated, because there is no subse- quent model can go faster without tampering. So, after a lot of expectations Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R in 2000 than were lower by 4 mph (6 km / h) from winning the title, thus securing Hayabusa its position as the fastest standard productive bike of the 20th century. This gives the non-enrolled [1999-2000] even more mod- els with the university seal. In addition to its speed, it has Ajairt Hayabusa by many review- ers throughout the performance, in that it does handling andAlrahhwaldaudhae, fuel economy or price in pursuit of a single function [Alaqt- madih]. In Consumer News commented Jay Koblenz for motorcycles, If you think that the motorcycles ability to approach 190 mph or up to a quarter mile in less than ten seconds are at best trivial and at worst offensive way, and Hmama makes motorcycle worth considcycle producer in the world, with a maximum speed of 188-194 mph (303-312 km / h). Hayabusa ( 鐃?) Is in Japanese means Peregrine .ho bird is often considered a symbol of speed vertical dive Nzertrivh him in hunting, or descend, and Sraha continued to 180-202 mph (290-325 km / h), faster than any a bird. In particular, the name was chosen because the Peregrine preys original Hayabusa to topple the Honda Super Blackbird CBR1100XX because it was the fasteste to overcome the Blackbird miles be- hind an estimated 10 m fears led to aoductive bike of the 20th century. This gives the non-en- rolled [1999-2000] even more models with the university seal. In addition to its speed, it has Ajairt Hayabusa by many review - out the performance, in pursuit of a single In Consumer News for motorcycles, - cycles ability to appro in less than worst offensive way, - torcycle - (鐃?) means Peregrine . a symbol of speed Nzertrivh him in hunting, or de- Sraha continued to 180-202 mph (290-325 km / h), faster than any a bird. In par- ticular, the name was chosen because the Per- intent of the original Hayabusa to topple the Honda Super Blackbird CBR1100XX because it was the fastest motorcycle world produc- tive. In the end, the Hayabusa has been able to overcome the Blackbird miles behind an es- timated 10 miles in the hour (16 km / h). The value is agreed upon as reported by the media for speed has always been 186 miles per hour, while the percentage in km varied 299-303 km / h, it is typical to look at unit unseasonably er- rors and converted. These values may also be affected by a number of external factors, it can be a force and torque. In 2000, the European Organization Mantes fears of a violent reac- tion or prohibiting the import Products fears led to an informal agreement between the Jap- anese and European companies to limit higher than their motorcycles in the arbitrary speed limit. The conditions for which it was adopted has led to this constraint years 1999-2000 Title Hayabusa remained the same, technically can not be compensated, because there is no subse- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaajncscskdjadjakskskajkdjajdahdhhadjahdjahhdhiqieoqipoweqkpheoqieuqpwuojqiueqieuqye7qeuwe aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaajncscskdjadjakskskajkdjajdahdhhadjahdjahhdhiqieoqipoweqkpheoqieuqpwuojqiueqieuqye7qeuwe mjjjjhgxujnxk jnkznxknjkxx mjjjjhgxujnxk jnkznxknjkxx mjjjjhgxuj nxkjnkznxknjkxx mjjjjhgx ujnxkjnkznxknjkxx mjjjjhgx ujnxkjnkznxknjkxx Hayabusa remained the sam