"Designing for Resilience as a New Nuclear Safety Construct" offers a logical basis for designing, constructing and operating nuclear facilities and systems.
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Designing for Resilience as a New Nuclear Safety Construct
1. Designing for Resilience as a New Nuclear
Safety Construct
Bilal M. Ayyub, PhD, PE
Professor and Director
Center for Technology and Systems Management
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Telephone: 301-405-1956
Public Meeting to Discuss the Draft White Paper of a
Conceptual Example of a Proposed Risk Management
Regulatory Framework
January 30, 2014
3. Background: Sandy and Nuclear
Power Plans
Indian Point Automatic shutdown of a reactor
unit due damage to electrical connection
Oyster Creek Issuance of an alert since water
level were higher then usual for the intake. it also
lost power
Limerick Reduction of power to 91% since the
storm damaged a condenser
Salem Shutdown, when 4 out of 6 pumps
stopped working
Nine Mile Point Automatic shutdown of a reactor
unit and another lost power when there was an
electrical fault, unclear if storm related
4. Background: Recovery after Shutdown
Many Japanese nuclear plants shutdown after the
March 2011 earthquake without appropriate
regulatory restart criteria
In 2002 there was a major event at the DavisBesse leading to difficulties with restart criteria (see
Fort Calhoun plant shutdown after a flooding event
taking several years to restart
The 2011 earthquake resulting in the shutdown of
the North Anna plants for 3 months
5. Background: Nuclear Safety
Factors of safety and allowable stresses
Acceptable safety margin
Reliability-based design
Acceptable (average safety margin)/(standard
deviation of the safety margin)
Risk-informed design
Safety acceptance by also considering failure
What is next?
Designing for recovery? Designing for resilience?
6. Resilience Definitions
Psychology Resilience is an individual's
tendency to cope with stress and adversity
Material science It is the capacity of material to
absorb energy when it is elastically deformed
Engineering Many definitions exist and a
succinct definition is the ability of the system to
return to a stable state after a perturbation
Systems science A resilient system returns to
an equilibrium state after perturbation, with more
resilient systems having multiple equilibrium points
Other uses Ecological, infrastructure,
neuroscience, economic and community systems
7. Resilience Definitions
Presidential Policy Directive (PPD-21, 2013) on
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience
The term resilience means the ability to prepare for
and adapt to changing conditions and withstand and
recover rapidly from disruptions. Resilience includes
the ability to withstand and recover from deliberate
attacks, accidents, or naturally occurring threats or
8. Resilience Definitions
A Summary by Attoh-Okine (2009)
Holling (1973 in ecology)
Resilience determines the persistence of relationships
within a system, and is a measure of the ability of
these systems to absorb change state variable,
driving variables, and parameters and still persist
Lebel (2001)
Resilience is the potential of a particular configuration
of a system to maintain its structure/function in the
face of disturbance, and the ability of the system to
re-organize following disturbance-driven change
9. Definition Requirements
Requirements for an operational definition that
lends itself to measurement or metrics:
Considering initial capacity or strength, and residual capacity
or strength after a disturbance, i.e., robustness
Accounting for abilities to prepare and plan for, absorb,
recover from or more successfully adapt to adverse events
as provided in the NRC (2013) definition
Treating disturbances as events with occurrence rates and
demand intensity, i.e., modeling them as stochastic
Treating different performances based on corresponding
failure modes for various things at risk, such as people,
physical infrastructure, economy, key government services,
social networks and systems, and environment
10. Definition Requirements
Requirements for an operational definition to
support metrics(cont.):
Accounting for systems changes over time, in some cases
being improved, in other cases growing more fragile or aging
Considering full or partial recovery and times to recovery
Considering potential enhancements to system performance
after recovery
Relatable to other familiar notions such as reliability and risk,
i.e., building on the relevant metrics of reliability and risk
Enabling the development of resilience metrics with
meaningful units
11. Proposed Definition
Building on Notional Definition per PPD-21 2013
Resilience Measurement
The resilience of a systems function can be
measured based on the persistence of a
corresponding functional performance under
uncertainty in the face of disturbances
ISO (2009) Risk Definition
Risk is the effect of uncertainty on objectives
12. Steps Towards Quantification
The key words in the definition are listed in a
suggested order for their analysis as follows:
Systems performance defined in terms of requirements
or objectives, and examined in the form of functions:
output, throughput, structural integrity, lifecycle cost,
Uncertainty relating to events such as storms,
disturbance, conditions, system states, etc.
Persistence examined in terms of enduring the events,
recovery, continuance and/or resumption of functional
14. Valuation of Resilience
Anthropocentric in nature based on utilitarian
Consideration of all instrumental values, including
existence value
Permitting the potential for substitution among
different sources of value for human welfare
Individuals preferences or marginal willingness to
trade one good or service for another that can be
influenced by culture, income level and information
making it time- and context-specific
Societal values as the aggregation of values by
15. Measuring Performance
Other structures: Highway bridges
Facilities: Water treatment plants
Infrastructure: Water delivery
Network: Electric power distribution
Space availability
Throughput traffic
Water production capacity
Water available for consumption
Power delivered
Economic output
Quality of life (consumption)
Area per day
Count per day
Volume per day
Power per day
17. Decision Analysis
Identify alternatives (strategies)
Assess benefits and costs of each
Assess impacts of strategy on future options
Benefit = Valuation Differential
due to an Action
B/C Ratio
1 1 PBenefit Cost 0
19. Concluding Remarks
Resilience metrics
System analysis (interdependence)
Resilience aggregation
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in
Engineering Systems
Proposed ASME CRTD workshop on Resilience
and Nuclear Facilities
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