Living in a Broken World: How do we influence the world?Jim Hsia
Jesus taught us to pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." How can we maintain our spiritual identity as God’s chosen people despite the overwhelming pressure to conform? How do we participate in God's world-repairing project?
Presented in Cantonese by: Rev. Ka Ho Jim at 2017 WCCCC.
2nd Maccabees is a deuterocanonical book which recounts the persecution of Jews under King Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Maccabean Revolt against him. Painting by Pierre Paul Rubens, 1634.
7. ? 親愛的寶貴耶穌,
? 你愛何等地甘甜,
? 我的心深深被你吸引,
? 愛你是我的喜樂。
? So precious, my Jesus,
? how sweet and pure is Your love.
? You have drawn me deeper
? in love with You,
? my joy is filled loving You.
8. ? 一生愛你,一生敬拜你,
? 一生愛你,一生榮耀你,
? 一生奉獻,一生不回頭,
? 一生愛你,跟隨你。
? With all my love, i will worship You.
? With all my life, glorify Your name.
? i give my? life, never turn away.
? i will love You all my days.
21. ? 申Deut 12:28 你要謹守聽從我所
吩咐的一切話,行耶和華─你 神
? Be careful to obey all these words
that I command you, that it may go
well with you and with your children
after you forever, when you do what
is good and right in the sight of the
Lord your God.
24. ? 申Deut 12:28 你要謹守聽從我所
吩咐的一切話,行耶和華─你 神
? Be careful to obey all these words
that I command you, that it may go
well with you and with your children
after you forever, when you do what
is good and right in the sight of the
Lord your God.
31. ? 申 28:2
? 你若聽從耶和華─你 神的
? Deut 28:2 And all these blessings
shall come upon you and
overtake you, if you obey the
voice of the Lord your God.
32. ? 3 你在城裡必蒙福,
? 在田間也必蒙福。
? Blessed shall you be in the
city, and blessed shall you be
in the field.
33. ? 4你身所生的,地所產的,
? Blessed shall be the fruit of
your womb and the fruit of your
ground and the fruit of your
cattle, the increase of your
herds and the young of your
34. ? 申 28:5
? 你的筐子和你的摶麵盆
? Blessed shall be your basket and
your kneading bowl.
35. ? 你出也蒙福,
? Blessed shall you be when
you come in, and blessed
shall you be when you go