Mobile supply chain management uses mobile devices to track inventory and shipments in real-time. This allows managers to make timely decisions based on up-to-date data and identify bottlenecks. Field agents can complete tasks like purchase authorization, billing, and payment in real-time. Better managed supply chains through mobile technology can benefit businesses by increasing customer satisfaction through faster shipping and better predicted arrival dates of goods.
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1. From a business's perspective, mobile commerce could create value by improving efficiency. A
good example is mobile supply chain management. Today's business supply chains consist of
multiple suppliers and sellers at multiple levels from multiple countries. A poorly managed supply
chain can create redundant inventories or insufficient supplies(and hence market share losses). In
highly competitive business sectors such as the pc business, efficient chain management can
determine the survival of a firm. PC business leader Dell excels in supply chain management. as a
result, Del can make profits eve when competitors are taking huge losses.
In a mobile supply chain management system, warehouse workers and truck loaders use mobile
dedivices to track inventory and shipment data. the data is uploaded into anterprise backend
systems at real time. managers make timely decisions based on the most up-to-date supply chain
information. Real-time information also allows the management team to quickly identify and
correcct bottlenecks in supply chains. Purchase authorization, billing, and payment are also
completed by field agents at real time for both goods and information. supply chain management
innovation is often custom done inhouse. a commercial produc that enebles real-time suply chain
management using mobile technology is Savi Technology's Smart Chain solution.
Better managed and more transparent supply chains can utimately benefit a business's bottom
line by increasing customer satisfaction at the end of the supply chain. mobile technology enables
vendors to chip goods faster and to better predict the availability or arrival dates. UPS and FedEX's
packge-tracking services have became hugely popular. In a world of mobile commerce, real-time
order traking would be the norm of retail business. Highly visible supply chains allow customers to
adjus theiir schedules to meet the product delivery time.