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8 Social Media Steps for your
  Business or Organisation

8 Social Media Steps for your
  Business or Organisation

What are they saying about you
  and how will you respond?
8 Social Media Steps for your
        Business or Organisation

  The future of business engagement on all levels is
inherently social.

  It's where your customers dwell and is now the first
language of the next generation of consumers and
employees alike.

 Is your organisation having open dialogue with its

 Good preparation and planning for the growth of Social
Media is now of critical importance.
1. Evaluate

Take the time to understand where Social Media best fits
your organisation and how to integrate it seamlessly into
                  your existing goals.

You're not reinventing wheels for Social Media, just using
        it to make the ones you have turn faster.
1. Evaluate

   Where will it allow you to reach the customers or
stakeholders who most crave deeper, richer dialogue?

How are you going to measure and quantify the success
                  of Social Media?

Look beyond vanity metrics such as Likes and Follows
 and try to find a direct link between conversation and
1. Evaluate

Focus on influence and analytics over inflating a group
                size or follower base.

 What can you reasonably afford to dedicate to social
         media in terms of time and tools?

The allocation of human resources is far and away the
      most significant cost tied to Social Media.
1. Evaluate

    Look deeper than the usual social suspects like
               Facebook and Twitter.

Look to other platforms, like LinkedIn or Pinterest, where
 you may have existing communities of powerful unpaid
    social advocates already at work on your behalf.
2. Organise

Your Social Media tools should be able to grow along
with you, enabling extra growth by being modular and
   flexible to facilitate even further decentralisation,
              expansion and conversation.
3. Listen & Learn

Conversations are happening about your brand whether
               you're a part of it or not.

  If by chance they're not, they're talking about your

                 Don't get left behind!
3. Listen & Learn

Your brand is what people say about you when you're not
                      in the room.

 Social Media gives you an opportunity not only to be in
 the room but to take an active role in the conversation
3. Listen & Learn

Better monitoring, listening and analysis of conversations
  and feedback could lead to changes in the way you
     conduct your business or run your organisation.
4. Engage

 The most important thing you can do is to acknowledge
the voice of the customer. Really hear and respect what
                     they are saying.

 If what you're hearing is a complaint, let them know a
 resolution is being sought, then follow through on that
4. Engage

          Make sales through engagement.

  The age old sales maxim, make a friend first, a sale
second, still applies to Social Media, only even more so
   due to Social Media's ability to amplify positive, or
                 negative, experiences.
4. Engage

61 percent of consumers use Social Media to look for

  Social Media is obviously a great way to highlight
promotions and deals, but make them appropriate and
              relevant to your brand.
4. Engage

       Why would a bakery give away an iPad?

Promotions of this kind are common and can build vanity
 metrics such as Likes or Follows, but those need to be
             balanced with engagement.
4. Engage

With B2C Social Media's custom URL parameters,
 we can track conversions arising directly from your
      posts to Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.
5. Collaborate

Don't be frightened to share your knowledge and learn
                      from others.

 Keep an ongoing loop of discovery and dissemination
 where best practices, positive messaging or common
questions are put forward for comment or collaboration.
6. Secure

Fear over losing control is an understandable barrier to
 implementing Social Media across an organisation.

It is important to note that errant posts and mistakes are
                    entirely preventable.

B2C Social Media uses secured profiles to put a solid
            measure of prevention in place.
7. Measure Return on Investment

It does not need to be difficult to communicate value, or
    to make important decisions related to the use or
              investment in Social Media.

 Tie Social Media to the big picture by linking it to your
                     general goals.
7. Measure Return on Investment

 Build the capacity for measurement into every
                  social action.

Track the path from social message to conversion
 and attach a value to individual social messages
       against key performance indicators.
7. Measure Return on Investment

 See which social platforms perform best against
          certain kinds of messaging.

Analyse which platform is driving more revenue per
 message and understand what times of day work
      best for which kinds of communication.
7. Measure Return on Investment

B2C Social Media generate statistics for monthly
 reports so we can analyse that data to optimise
        future strategies and messaging.
8. Amplify

   One of the benefits of good measurement and
understanding of your data is the ability to hone your
messaging and understand what did and didn't work
            from a content perspective.
8. Amplify

    The organic social is testing your content for you.

Paid social allows you to commit dollars with data-backed
         belief in your programs and messaging.
8. Amplify

Invest in promoted tweets, accounts or trends across
   social platforms or accounts that have already
            demonstrated the highest yield.

One day, in the not-too-distant future, there will be no
                more social business.

Social will simply be business, and business will simply
                       be social.

With the next generation of consumers and employees
 adopting social as their media of choice, the future of
business and the future of social are inextricably linked.
                    The time is now.
Meanwhile, at the bakery...

   Instead of giving away iPads...

       Dean Parry
       0417 394 452
       03 6223 6091


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B2C Social Media

  • 1. 8 Social Media Steps for your Business or Organisation c
  • 2. 8 Social Media Steps for your Business or Organisation Listen! What are they saying about you and how will you respond?
  • 3. 8 Social Media Steps for your Business or Organisation The future of business engagement on all levels is inherently social. It's where your customers dwell and is now the first language of the next generation of consumers and employees alike. Is your organisation having open dialogue with its customers? Good preparation and planning for the growth of Social Media is now of critical importance.
  • 4. 1. Evaluate Take the time to understand where Social Media best fits your organisation and how to integrate it seamlessly into your existing goals. You're not reinventing wheels for Social Media, just using it to make the ones you have turn faster.
  • 5. 1. Evaluate Where will it allow you to reach the customers or stakeholders who most crave deeper, richer dialogue? How are you going to measure and quantify the success of Social Media? Look beyond vanity metrics such as Likes and Follows and try to find a direct link between conversation and conversion.
  • 6. 1. Evaluate Focus on influence and analytics over inflating a group size or follower base. What can you reasonably afford to dedicate to social media in terms of time and tools? The allocation of human resources is far and away the most significant cost tied to Social Media.
  • 7. 1. Evaluate Look deeper than the usual social suspects like Facebook and Twitter. Look to other platforms, like LinkedIn or Pinterest, where you may have existing communities of powerful unpaid social advocates already at work on your behalf.
  • 8. 2. Organise Your Social Media tools should be able to grow along with you, enabling extra growth by being modular and flexible to facilitate even further decentralisation, expansion and conversation.
  • 9. 3. Listen & Learn Conversations are happening about your brand whether you're a part of it or not. If by chance they're not, they're talking about your competitors. Don't get left behind!
  • 10. 3. Listen & Learn Your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room. Social Media gives you an opportunity not only to be in the room but to take an active role in the conversation itself.
  • 11. 3. Listen & Learn Better monitoring, listening and analysis of conversations and feedback could lead to changes in the way you conduct your business or run your organisation.
  • 12. 4. Engage The most important thing you can do is to acknowledge the voice of the customer. Really hear and respect what they are saying. If what you're hearing is a complaint, let them know a resolution is being sought, then follow through on that resolution.
  • 13. 4. Engage Make sales through engagement. The age old sales maxim, make a friend first, a sale second, still applies to Social Media, only even more so due to Social Media's ability to amplify positive, or negative, experiences.
  • 14. 4. Engage 61 percent of consumers use Social Media to look for discounts. Social Media is obviously a great way to highlight promotions and deals, but make them appropriate and relevant to your brand.
  • 15. 4. Engage Why would a bakery give away an iPad? Promotions of this kind are common and can build vanity metrics such as Likes or Follows, but those need to be balanced with engagement.
  • 16. 4. Engage With B2C Social Media's custom URL parameters, we can track conversions arising directly from your posts to Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.
  • 17. 5. Collaborate Don't be frightened to share your knowledge and learn from others. Keep an ongoing loop of discovery and dissemination where best practices, positive messaging or common questions are put forward for comment or collaboration.
  • 18. 6. Secure Fear over losing control is an understandable barrier to implementing Social Media across an organisation. It is important to note that errant posts and mistakes are entirely preventable. B2C Social Media uses secured profiles to put a solid measure of prevention in place.
  • 19. 7. Measure Return on Investment It does not need to be difficult to communicate value, or to make important decisions related to the use or investment in Social Media. Tie Social Media to the big picture by linking it to your general goals.
  • 20. 7. Measure Return on Investment Build the capacity for measurement into every social action. Track the path from social message to conversion and attach a value to individual social messages against key performance indicators.
  • 21. 7. Measure Return on Investment See which social platforms perform best against certain kinds of messaging. Analyse which platform is driving more revenue per message and understand what times of day work best for which kinds of communication.
  • 22. 7. Measure Return on Investment B2C Social Media generate statistics for monthly reports so we can analyse that data to optimise future strategies and messaging.
  • 23. 8. Amplify One of the benefits of good measurement and understanding of your data is the ability to hone your messaging and understand what did and didn't work from a content perspective.
  • 24. 8. Amplify The organic social is testing your content for you. Paid social allows you to commit dollars with data-backed belief in your programs and messaging.
  • 25. 8. Amplify Invest in promoted tweets, accounts or trends across social platforms or accounts that have already demonstrated the highest yield.
  • 26. Conclusion One day, in the not-too-distant future, there will be no more social business. Social will simply be business, and business will simply be social.
  • 27. Conclusion With the next generation of consumers and employees adopting social as their media of choice, the future of business and the future of social are inextricably linked. The time is now.
  • 28. Meanwhile, at the bakery... Instead of giving away iPads...
  • 29. Contact Dean Parry 0417 394 452 03 6223 6091 dean@b2csocialmedia.com.au c