Nine brothers named Kherkheulidze, their mother, and sister were heroes who died defending Georgia from a large Persian army at the Battle of Marabda in 1625. The Kherkheulidze brothers led the Georgian army, which consisted of 20,000 men but was ultimately defeated after a day-long battle. All nine brothers, their mother and sister were killed while fighting bravely to the end, with their banner being raised by each family member until their deaths. For their sacrifice and heroism, they were canonized by the Georgian Orthodox Church.
2. Nine Brothers Kherkheulidze
(Georgian: a)
with their mother and sister were heroes of the Battle of
Marabda. All of them died defending their
3. In 1625, Shah Abbas I of Persia marched his largest army toward Georgias eastern
provinces, Kartli and Kakheti, under the leadership of Isa-Khan Qurchibash. The
Georgian Army consisted of twenty thousand men. The banner of the Georgian
army was entrusted to the Nine Brothers Kherkheulidze.
Georgians fought heroically to the last moment. The battle that had begun at
dawn finally ended late that night with the defeat of the Georgian army. Nine
thousand Georgians gave their lives for Christ and their motherland on the
battlefield at Marabda. For their heroism, Nine Brothers Kherkheulidze with their
mother and sister and nine thousand martyrs of Marabda were canonized by
Georgian Orthodox Church. The self-sacrifice of Nine Brothers was represented in
Georgian poetry.
The military leaders and the bishops of Rustavi and Kharchasho all
were killed in the battle at Marabda. The nine banner-bearing Kherkheulidze
brothers were also killed. When the banner, that had led their army through the
battles at Didgori and Basiani, fell from the hands of the youngest brother, their
sister grabbed hold of it immediately, and when she also fell, the banner and
symbol of Georgian invincibility was raised up again by their mother, who also was
4. Church in Marabda, where
are buried Nine Brothers
Kherkheulidze with their
mother and sister
The grave of Nine Brothers
Kherkheulidze with their
mother and sister