This document provides the biographical details of Dr. BOLLAMPALLI BABU RAO including his education, professional experience, community projects, research, publications, courses attended, organizational activities, and references. It outlines his extensive experience in public health, epidemiology, primary healthcare, teaching, and research in India and abroad.
This document discusses inflection in lexical morphology. It provides examples of frozen historical relics like ablaut and umlaut that indicate changes in grammatical function. Ablaut involves changes in root vowels between present and past tense forms like drive/drove. Umlaut involves fronting of vowels before front vowels, like foot/feet. There are also some irregular plural formations with Latin and Greek loanwords. Beyond these relics, the document outlines lexical rules for adding inflections through affixation at different strata or levels, providing examples of rules for adding suffixes to nouns to mark plural forms. It distinguishes lexical rules from post-lexical rules.
Role of mother tongue in learning english for specific purposesNelly Valenzuela
This document summarizes a research study that examined students' perceptions of using their native language and translation in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses. The study surveyed 55 students across 3 specializations about their use of translation and native language in various language activities. The results showed that students' need for native language support varied depending on their English proficiency level, with less proficient students requiring more native language use. Students generally agreed that translation and native language were useful supports, especially for vocabulary, reading, and listening activities. The findings provide insights into balancing the use of native language and translation in ESP courses to best support students at different proficiency levels.
This document outlines English for Specific Purposes (ESP), an approach to teaching English that focuses on developing communicative competence for a specific discipline. It discusses Dudley-Evans' definition of ESP in terms of absolute and variable characteristics. ESP aims to meet learners' specific needs through authentic materials, purpose-related orientation, and self-direction. The document also covers types of ESP, characteristics of ESP courses, the role of ESP teachers, and designing an ESP course.
An accent describes aspects of pronunciation that identify where a speaker is from regionally or socially, while a dialect describes features of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Specifically, an accent is how a word is pronounced, whereas a dialect can include different words altogether or variations in grammar. For example, the Noakhali language dialect of Bangladesh includes distinctive words and grammar compared to other dialects.
This document summarizes a survey on the role of social media in language learning. The survey found that WhatsApp is the most widely used social media platform, used by 97% of respondents. Education was reported as the main concern for using Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp by 87% of respondents. The survey found that vocabulary was the aspect of English language learning most improved by using these social media platforms. Respondents indicated that social media supports language learning by allowing them to learn from a wide range of global resources, at their convenience of place and time.
The document discusses linguistic variables in language and different methods for analyzing them. It defines linguistic variables as elements of language like words or pronunciations that can vary in form while maintaining the same social meaning. It provides examples of variables in pronunciation and syntax from different dialects of English. It also discusses challenges in analyzing phonological variables and methods proposed by researchers like Labov and Trudgil for studying variants on single or multiple dimensions. It proposes a scoring method to compare texts based on frequencies of variables but notes shortcomings in not capturing the distribution or relative contribution of individual variants.
The document provides information on working with joins, the JDBC API, and isolation levels in Java database applications. It discusses different types of joins like inner joins, cross joins, and outer joins. It describes the key interfaces in the JDBC API like Statement, PreparedStatement, ResultSet, Connection, and DatabaseMetaData. It also covers isolation levels and how they prevent issues with concurrently running transactions accessing a database.
This document discusses key aspects of financial management including the cost of capital, working capital management, and managing debtors and creditors. It explains that the cost of capital includes the cost of borrowing and equity capital. The cost of equity can be calculated based on the current dividend yield and expected growth rate. Working capital management aims to balance liquidity and profitability by optimizing stock levels, debtors, and creditors. Firms must also decide credit terms and policies for customers as well as follow-up on late payments.
This document provides details about Dr. BOLLAMPALLI BABU RAO's education and professional experience. It outlines his medical degrees and fellowships. It then describes his extensive experience working in public health roles in India, including as a professor, health officer, epidemiologist, and gynecologist. It lists the various research projects, surveys, and programs he has been involved in. Finally, it provides references and a list of his scientific research publications.
NAACP polling data looks at the impact of the Black vote on the 2012 Presidential Election and targeted issues, political affiliations and civil rights issues.
O documento lista uma s辿rie de frases que as pessoas podem dizer e as respostas que Deus daria a cada uma delas de acordo com a B鱈blia. Deus promete guiar, confortar e amar os que nele confiam, e a B鱈blia 辿 a forma de saber o que Deus quer dizer.
El desarrollo de las teor鱈as sobre la evoluci坦nRoberto Rios
1) El documento describe la evoluci坦n de las teor鱈as sobre la evoluci坦n desde la antig端edad hasta la actualidad. 2) Figuras clave como Darwin y Wallace desarrollaron independientemente la teor鱈a de que las especies cambian a lo largo del tiempo a trav辿s de la selecci坦n natural. 3) La combinaci坦n de la gen辿tica mendeliana y la teor鱈a de la evoluci坦n de Darwin condujo a la teor鱈a sint辿tica de la evoluci坦n, que explica c坦mo ocurre la evoluci坦n a trav辿s de la variaci坦n gen辿tica y la selecci坦n natural
Adi Cahyo executed his last will and testament on November 11, 2014 in Malang, Indonesia. He leaves the residue of his estate to the trustees of the Adi Cahyo Family Inter Vivos Trust to be administered according to the trust terms. He appoints his wife Dewi Andini as primary personal representative to administer the estate, followed by his daughter Calista Cahyo and son Andrian Cahyo. Upon his death, he wishes to be buried in his birthplace of Solo, Indonesia next to his parents' graves.
El documento presenta conceptos clave sobre recursos naturales de Am辿rica, incluyendo biomas como bosques, sabanas y desiertos. Explica los tipos de recursos renovables como la energ鱈a e坦lica, geot辿rmica e hidroel辿ctrica, y no renovables como el carb坦n, uranio y petr坦leo. Resalta los problemas que afectan los suelos f辿rtiles de Am辿rica y los animales en peligro de extinci坦n, adem叩s de los principales productores de petr坦leo, materiales reciclables y recursos min
El documento resume los principales avances en gen辿tica desde principios del siglo XX hasta la actualidad. Algunos de los hitos m叩s importantes incluyen el redescubrimiento de las leyes de Mendel a principios de siglo, la integraci坦n de la gen辿tica y la citolog鱈a, el descubrimiento del papel de los cromosomas como portadores de genes, el establecimiento de la gen辿tica de poblaciones y la s鱈ntesis evolutiva moderna, y el acceso al nivel molecular con el descubrimiento de la estructura del ADN y el estable
Este documento refuta 5 mitos comunes sobre la diabetes y ofrece informaci坦n factual sobre la enfermedad. Resalta que la diabetes no se cura, pero s鱈 se puede controlar con monitoreo constante de glucosa, dieta, ejercicio y tratamiento m辿dico. Advierte sobre los riesgos de abandonar el tratamiento recetado o confiar en curas "milagrosas", y enfatiza la importancia de consultar fuentes m辿dicas confiables.
1尊 ESO. La civilizacion romana Curso 2015//2016Chema R.
Roma comenz坦 como una ciudad fundada en el a単o 753 a.C. en la pen鱈nsula it叩lica por los hermanos R坦mulo y Remo seg炭n la leyenda. Con el tiempo, Roma estableci坦 un gran imperio a trav辿s de la conquista militar. Roma tuvo tres sistemas de gobierno principales - la monarqu鱈a, la rep炭blica y el imperio. Bajo la rep炭blica, el poder se distribuy坦 entre las asambleas populares, el Senado y los magistrados electos.
Este documento proporciona una visi坦n panor叩mica de los procesos hist坦ricos de los siglos XVII y XVIII en Europa. Explica que el siglo XVII estuvo marcado por crisis pol鱈ticas, econ坦micas y sociales, mientras que el siglo XVIII trajo cambios como la Ilustraci坦n y las revoluciones industrial y liberal. Tambi辿n analiza el absolutismo y sus representantes, as鱈 como la revoluci坦n cient鱈fica del siglo XVII que sent坦 las bases para la Ilustraci坦n.
This document provides instructions for creating a timeline of key Civil War battles and events, listing 14 significant battles and events to include on the timeline. For each entry, the instructions specify including a one-sentence description of the event and a small illustration related to the battle's significance. An example timeline entry is provided for the Battle of Stone's River, including details about the battle, commanders, date, location, and strategic outcome, along with a proposed illustration of a Tennessee landscape with agricultural symbols and the words "Union" and "CONTROL" to represent the Union victory.
In medieval Europe, Roman Catholicism was the dominant and only officially recognized religion. The Catholic Church hierarchy mirrored the Roman Empire structure, with the Pope as the head of the Church. The Church had immense power over people's spiritual lives, deciding if they would go to heaven or hell, and wielding control over religious doctrine and interpretations of the Bible. This gave the Church significant influence over many aspects of life in medieval Europe.
Kim jest konsument, potencjalny nabywca nieruchomoci premium? Kim jest osoba, kt坦r sta na apartament w najlepszej lokalizacji w centrum du甜ego, polskiego miasta? Kto nie musi martwi si kredytem dla swojego maego M?
Kto mieszka w najdro甜szych 100-metrowycyh apartamentach w drapaczach chmur w centrum miasta? Kogo sta na kupienie apartamentu za ponad milion zotych?
Jak komunikowa takie inwestycje?Jak rozwiewa stereotypy? Jak bada, 甜eby zbada.
Dr. Rumpita Chatterjee has over 20 years of experience in healthcare. She received her medical degree from JJM Medical College in India and has since obtained additional certifications in theology, healthcare administration, phlebotomy, and basic life support. Her experience includes working as an instructor, physician assistant, phlebotomist, and home health aide in New York. She is fluent in English, Bengali, Hindi, and Kannada.
Mary Pat McKee has over 30 years of experience as a registered dietitian. She is currently a PRN dietitian at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. Previously she was the clinical nutrition manager at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center for 10 years. She has a Master's degree in Epidemiology from the University of Cincinnati and a Bachelor's degree from the University of Dayton. She has published articles and presented at numerous conferences on topics related to clinical nutrition and research.
Dr. Jagarlamudi Kalyan Chakravarthy is a hospitalist at Banner Del Ebb Medical Center in Phoenix, AZ. He received his medical degree from Deccan College of Medical Sciences in India in 2007. He completed his residency in internal medicine at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center in Toledo, OH from 2011-2014. He is licensed to practice medicine in Arizona and has passed all steps of the USMLE.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Michael P. Mawanda, a medical doctor with over 15 years of experience in clinical practice, training, and responding to health emergencies in several African countries. It lists his objective of working with a global health institution, essential skills in clinical work and training, education including an M.Med in Paediatrics from Makerere University, and extensive professional experience including currently working as an IPC consultant for WHO Ebola response teams and previously leading clinical response efforts for Ebola in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
Deepti Reddy is a physician who received her MD from Wayne State University in 2010 and her MPH from the University of Michigan in 2015. She completed residencies in family medicine and preventive medicine. She operates an integrative medicine practice in Ann Arbor focused on bio-psycho-socio-spiritual health. She has experience in clinical practice, public health, research, and leadership roles promoting integrative and holistic approaches to health.
The document provides information on working with joins, the JDBC API, and isolation levels in Java database applications. It discusses different types of joins like inner joins, cross joins, and outer joins. It describes the key interfaces in the JDBC API like Statement, PreparedStatement, ResultSet, Connection, and DatabaseMetaData. It also covers isolation levels and how they prevent issues with concurrently running transactions accessing a database.
This document discusses key aspects of financial management including the cost of capital, working capital management, and managing debtors and creditors. It explains that the cost of capital includes the cost of borrowing and equity capital. The cost of equity can be calculated based on the current dividend yield and expected growth rate. Working capital management aims to balance liquidity and profitability by optimizing stock levels, debtors, and creditors. Firms must also decide credit terms and policies for customers as well as follow-up on late payments.
This document provides details about Dr. BOLLAMPALLI BABU RAO's education and professional experience. It outlines his medical degrees and fellowships. It then describes his extensive experience working in public health roles in India, including as a professor, health officer, epidemiologist, and gynecologist. It lists the various research projects, surveys, and programs he has been involved in. Finally, it provides references and a list of his scientific research publications.
NAACP polling data looks at the impact of the Black vote on the 2012 Presidential Election and targeted issues, political affiliations and civil rights issues.
O documento lista uma s辿rie de frases que as pessoas podem dizer e as respostas que Deus daria a cada uma delas de acordo com a B鱈blia. Deus promete guiar, confortar e amar os que nele confiam, e a B鱈blia 辿 a forma de saber o que Deus quer dizer.
El desarrollo de las teor鱈as sobre la evoluci坦nRoberto Rios
1) El documento describe la evoluci坦n de las teor鱈as sobre la evoluci坦n desde la antig端edad hasta la actualidad. 2) Figuras clave como Darwin y Wallace desarrollaron independientemente la teor鱈a de que las especies cambian a lo largo del tiempo a trav辿s de la selecci坦n natural. 3) La combinaci坦n de la gen辿tica mendeliana y la teor鱈a de la evoluci坦n de Darwin condujo a la teor鱈a sint辿tica de la evoluci坦n, que explica c坦mo ocurre la evoluci坦n a trav辿s de la variaci坦n gen辿tica y la selecci坦n natural
Adi Cahyo executed his last will and testament on November 11, 2014 in Malang, Indonesia. He leaves the residue of his estate to the trustees of the Adi Cahyo Family Inter Vivos Trust to be administered according to the trust terms. He appoints his wife Dewi Andini as primary personal representative to administer the estate, followed by his daughter Calista Cahyo and son Andrian Cahyo. Upon his death, he wishes to be buried in his birthplace of Solo, Indonesia next to his parents' graves.
El documento presenta conceptos clave sobre recursos naturales de Am辿rica, incluyendo biomas como bosques, sabanas y desiertos. Explica los tipos de recursos renovables como la energ鱈a e坦lica, geot辿rmica e hidroel辿ctrica, y no renovables como el carb坦n, uranio y petr坦leo. Resalta los problemas que afectan los suelos f辿rtiles de Am辿rica y los animales en peligro de extinci坦n, adem叩s de los principales productores de petr坦leo, materiales reciclables y recursos min
El documento resume los principales avances en gen辿tica desde principios del siglo XX hasta la actualidad. Algunos de los hitos m叩s importantes incluyen el redescubrimiento de las leyes de Mendel a principios de siglo, la integraci坦n de la gen辿tica y la citolog鱈a, el descubrimiento del papel de los cromosomas como portadores de genes, el establecimiento de la gen辿tica de poblaciones y la s鱈ntesis evolutiva moderna, y el acceso al nivel molecular con el descubrimiento de la estructura del ADN y el estable
Este documento refuta 5 mitos comunes sobre la diabetes y ofrece informaci坦n factual sobre la enfermedad. Resalta que la diabetes no se cura, pero s鱈 se puede controlar con monitoreo constante de glucosa, dieta, ejercicio y tratamiento m辿dico. Advierte sobre los riesgos de abandonar el tratamiento recetado o confiar en curas "milagrosas", y enfatiza la importancia de consultar fuentes m辿dicas confiables.
1尊 ESO. La civilizacion romana Curso 2015//2016Chema R.
Roma comenz坦 como una ciudad fundada en el a単o 753 a.C. en la pen鱈nsula it叩lica por los hermanos R坦mulo y Remo seg炭n la leyenda. Con el tiempo, Roma estableci坦 un gran imperio a trav辿s de la conquista militar. Roma tuvo tres sistemas de gobierno principales - la monarqu鱈a, la rep炭blica y el imperio. Bajo la rep炭blica, el poder se distribuy坦 entre las asambleas populares, el Senado y los magistrados electos.
Este documento proporciona una visi坦n panor叩mica de los procesos hist坦ricos de los siglos XVII y XVIII en Europa. Explica que el siglo XVII estuvo marcado por crisis pol鱈ticas, econ坦micas y sociales, mientras que el siglo XVIII trajo cambios como la Ilustraci坦n y las revoluciones industrial y liberal. Tambi辿n analiza el absolutismo y sus representantes, as鱈 como la revoluci坦n cient鱈fica del siglo XVII que sent坦 las bases para la Ilustraci坦n.
This document provides instructions for creating a timeline of key Civil War battles and events, listing 14 significant battles and events to include on the timeline. For each entry, the instructions specify including a one-sentence description of the event and a small illustration related to the battle's significance. An example timeline entry is provided for the Battle of Stone's River, including details about the battle, commanders, date, location, and strategic outcome, along with a proposed illustration of a Tennessee landscape with agricultural symbols and the words "Union" and "CONTROL" to represent the Union victory.
In medieval Europe, Roman Catholicism was the dominant and only officially recognized religion. The Catholic Church hierarchy mirrored the Roman Empire structure, with the Pope as the head of the Church. The Church had immense power over people's spiritual lives, deciding if they would go to heaven or hell, and wielding control over religious doctrine and interpretations of the Bible. This gave the Church significant influence over many aspects of life in medieval Europe.
Kim jest konsument, potencjalny nabywca nieruchomoci premium? Kim jest osoba, kt坦r sta na apartament w najlepszej lokalizacji w centrum du甜ego, polskiego miasta? Kto nie musi martwi si kredytem dla swojego maego M?
Kto mieszka w najdro甜szych 100-metrowycyh apartamentach w drapaczach chmur w centrum miasta? Kogo sta na kupienie apartamentu za ponad milion zotych?
Jak komunikowa takie inwestycje?Jak rozwiewa stereotypy? Jak bada, 甜eby zbada.
Dr. Rumpita Chatterjee has over 20 years of experience in healthcare. She received her medical degree from JJM Medical College in India and has since obtained additional certifications in theology, healthcare administration, phlebotomy, and basic life support. Her experience includes working as an instructor, physician assistant, phlebotomist, and home health aide in New York. She is fluent in English, Bengali, Hindi, and Kannada.
Mary Pat McKee has over 30 years of experience as a registered dietitian. She is currently a PRN dietitian at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. Previously she was the clinical nutrition manager at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center for 10 years. She has a Master's degree in Epidemiology from the University of Cincinnati and a Bachelor's degree from the University of Dayton. She has published articles and presented at numerous conferences on topics related to clinical nutrition and research.
Dr. Jagarlamudi Kalyan Chakravarthy is a hospitalist at Banner Del Ebb Medical Center in Phoenix, AZ. He received his medical degree from Deccan College of Medical Sciences in India in 2007. He completed his residency in internal medicine at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center in Toledo, OH from 2011-2014. He is licensed to practice medicine in Arizona and has passed all steps of the USMLE.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Michael P. Mawanda, a medical doctor with over 15 years of experience in clinical practice, training, and responding to health emergencies in several African countries. It lists his objective of working with a global health institution, essential skills in clinical work and training, education including an M.Med in Paediatrics from Makerere University, and extensive professional experience including currently working as an IPC consultant for WHO Ebola response teams and previously leading clinical response efforts for Ebola in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
Deepti Reddy is a physician who received her MD from Wayne State University in 2010 and her MPH from the University of Michigan in 2015. She completed residencies in family medicine and preventive medicine. She operates an integrative medicine practice in Ann Arbor focused on bio-psycho-socio-spiritual health. She has experience in clinical practice, public health, research, and leadership roles promoting integrative and holistic approaches to health.
This document discusses primary health care in India and the role of nurses in the Indian health care system. It outlines the principles of primary health care as equitable distribution, appropriate technology, health promotion/disease prevention, and community participation. It then describes current health problems in India such as communicable diseases, nutrition problems, environmental sanitation issues, lack of medical care, and population issues. Finally, it outlines the various roles nurses can play in health education, disease prevention, maternal/child health, immunization, treatment, and more to address these health challenges within India's public, private, voluntary, and indigenous health care sectors and programs.
This document discusses primary health care in India and the role of nurses. It outlines the principles of primary health care as equitable distribution, appropriate technology, health promotion/prevention, and community participation. It then examines current health problems in India such as communicable diseases, nutrition problems, environmental sanitation issues, lack of medical care, and population issues. Specifically, it analyzes problems like malaria, tuberculosis, diarrhea, ARI, leprosy, and HIV/AIDS. Finally, it discusses the role of nurses in addressing these problems through various activities like health education, nutrition promotion, provision of water/sanitation, maternal/child services, immunization, disease control, and ensuring access to treatment and essential drugs.
Presentation of our curricular integration, Interprofessional approaches and Student Leader Training strategies in the second year of our 3 year SBIRT Training Grant.
Rebeca Gonzalez Eriksen has extensive experience as a clinical dietitian. She holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Medicine and Nutrition from Imperial College London and M.Sc. in Public Health Nutrition from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Her work experience includes managing dietetic services at several London hospitals and leading clinical research programs in Ghana and London focused on nutrition, malnutrition, and parenteral nutrition. She is a registered dietitian in the UK, Denmark, and Spain and has strong skills in research, nutrition counseling, and public health nutrition.
The document discusses independent nurse midwifery practitioners. It defines them as registered nurses with advanced education and clinical training to provide preventative and acute healthcare services to individuals of all ages. Nurse midwifery practitioners focus on primary care for women, conducting exams, providing family planning education, and caring for patients during pregnancy and childbirth. The role originated in the 1960s due to physician shortages and has expanded globally to help address healthcare access issues.
Unveiling the speakers for wonca pragueWonca Prague
The document provides information on the speakers for the WONCA Prague 2013 conference:
- Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of the WHO, will give a lecture on family doctors in an era of inequality.
- Prof. Michael Kidd, WONCA President-Elect, will speak on the challenges facing family medicine and WONCA.
- Prof. Amanda Howe, Honorary Secretary of the RCGP, will examine doctors' health and wellbeing.
- Dr. Karen Kinder will address improving coordination between primary and secondary healthcare through information.
- Prof. Igor vab will discuss maintaining family medicine's values and principles in practice.
- Prof. Jan krha will focus
Nurse practitioners are advanced practice registered nurses that provide primary, acute, and specialty healthcare services to diverse populations. They typically need a master's degree to practice and can specialize in areas like family care, pediatrics, geriatrics, emergency medicine, and various medical/surgical specialties. Nurse practitioners are licensed to diagnose illnesses, treat conditions, order tests, prescribe medications, and provide health education to patients while collaborating with other healthcare professionals. Their responsibilities may vary depending on their specialty and state but generally include taking patient histories, ordering/interpreting diagnostic tests, developing treatment plans, performing procedures, diagnosing illnesses, and educating patients.
This CV summarizes the professional experience and qualifications of Prof. Meenakshi Mehan. She has over 30 years of experience in academia as a professor of nutrition, where she teaches and supervises students. She has also worked for organizations like UNICEF and CARE India, applying her expertise in nutrition to improve programs. Her roles have included developing strategies, building partnerships, knowledge management, and advocacy. She is a published researcher who guides graduate students and collaborates across sectors like health, ICDS, and NGOs to address nutrition issues.
Ethical Challenges in GH Education: Robert EinterzUWGlobalHealth
1. The document discusses the AMPATH partnership between Indiana University and several Kenyan institutions aimed at delivering primary healthcare, controlling HIV/AIDS, and mitigating its social and economic impacts through equitable long-term institutional partnerships.
2. AMPATH involves over 1200 Kenyan faculty/staff and over 100 full-time American faculty/staff across multiple medical disciplines working in Eldoret, Kenya.
3. The partnership has achieved positive health outcomes like screening and treating thousands for HIV/AIDS and providing food/services to vulnerable groups.
This document provides information about the health care system in India. It discusses:
1. The different levels of health care delivery in India including primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Primary care is provided through subcenters, PHCs and CHCs.
2. The structure and functioning of primary health care centers in India, including staffing patterns at subcenters, PHCs and CHCs. PHCs serve as the first point of contact between rural communities and the health system.
3. Recent modifications to the primary health care system through the establishment of Health and Wellness Centers to deliver comprehensive primary care, upgrading some subcenters and PHCs.
4. The organization of urban primary health care and family
Megan Dwyer has extensive clinical experience as a physician assistant student in family medicine, emergency medicine, internal medicine, general surgery, pediatrics, and women's health. She has a Master's degree in Physician Assistant Practice and Bachelor's degrees in History and Psychology. Prior to PA school, she worked as a patient care technician, senior account executive at a healthcare communications firm, and communications coordinator for Teach for America.
This document provides a summary of Dr. Irikefe Paul OBIEBI, including his skills, accomplishments, work history, education, trainings, affiliations, certifications, completed research, and references. Dr. OBIEBI is a highly distinguished Medical Doctor specializing in prevention and non-surgical treatment of patients of all ages. He has over 10 years of experience working in hospitals and primary health centers in Nigeria, with a focus on public health. His areas of research include air quality, occupational health, disease screening and prevention, and adherence to treatment protocols.
This document provides a summary of Dr. Hani K. Atrash's background and expertise. He has over 30 years of experience in maternal, infant and child health, both domestically and globally, working for the CDC and HRSA. His areas of focus include training and workforce development, program implementation and evaluation, and global health. He has a medical degree in obstetrics and gynecology as well as a master's in public health. Some of his major accomplishments include establishing several national maternal and child health programs and initiatives, building partnerships, providing technical assistance, and mentoring and training the next generation of public health professionals.
Andy Sallavanti is a senior biology student at Ursinus College seeking an internship to help gain admission to medical school. He has a 3.738 GPA and research experience studying heart physiology under stress. As an intern, he assisted with cancer research involving drug delivery molecules. Through shadowing experiences, he observed roles of a family doctor, anesthesiologist, and dentist. He has volunteered in medical settings and held leadership roles in student organizations related to medicine and the environment.
Training tomorrow's health care professionals, in exercise medicine, for tomo...Ann Gates
This document discusses training healthcare professionals in exercise medicine to advise patients on physical activity. It notes that healthcare professionals see hundreds of thousands of patients over their careers, providing many opportunities to promote physical activity. It advocates training every student healthcare professional to provide physical activity advice and counselling to patients during every health consultation from cradle to grave. The goal is to capitalize on teachable moments and potentially provide hundreds of thousands of brief physical activity interventions every day across the NHS.
Training tomorrow's health care professionals, in exercise medicine, for tomo...Ann Gates
Babu Rao Bollampalli CV New US (1) (1)
e-mail: mobile: +1 617 319 4270.
2016- Sept. Currently Graduate student of MS Health Informatics, Northeastern
University, Boston, USA.
2004-2007 M.D. (Doctor of Medicine) in Community Medicine (Public Health/Social
and Preventive Medicine) Osmania Medical College, NTR Health
University, Andhra Pradesh, India.
1996-1999 D.G.O. (Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics)
Osmania Medical College, NTR Health University, India
1985-1991 M.B.B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)
Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal, Telangana, India.
2014 W.H.O Fellowship in Strategic Management Harvard School of Public
Health. Boston, USA.
2008 W.H.O Fellowship in Drug and Alcohol De Addiction from South wales
Hospital, Australia.
2007-2016 Professor and Head - Department of Public Health, Osmania Medical
College India. Health Officer Rural and Urban Health Center. Liaison
Teaching to Medical Post Graduate, Undergraduates Medical
Students, Nurses, Paramedical health workers in Public Health
mainly in Epidemiology, clinical trials RCT, Bio statistics, Urban
and Rural Health, Non Communicable diseases, Maternal & Child
Running Primary Health care clinics,
Conducting Health related survey in community,
Implementation of National Health Programs in Immunization,
Maternal Child Health care, Non Communicable disease
Research study in population like Hypertension, Diabetes,
obesity, managing seasonal epidemics.
Research work in Observational studies, guiding Post graduate
students in their thesis work, participating Government health
related policies, advising regarding health delivery care system.
Running Primary Preventive and clinical services to Urban and
Rural Population through primary and secondary care.
In charge of 7 Primary Health centers & Urban Health Center.
Guiding External agencies in Health Research in community.
Worked as Liaison officer in between students and Faculty, in
between Faculty to Government Officials,
Awareness programmes in Community on different Health issues.
2. Worked as Rapid Response Team RRT member in W.H.O
sponsored Polio surveillance project in BIHAR, NEPAL, India o
monitor the pulse polio programme as Govt. of India
2011-2014 Officer on Special Duty to Deputy Chief Minister advising Government in
administration on Social Community issues.
2000-2004 Chief Gynecologist & Obstetrician in 100 bedded Secondary Care
Hospitals in India.
Independent in charge of Gynecology & Obstetrics unit.
Independently Performed many Hysterectomies,
Emergency caesarian sections (L.S.C.S), Abortions,
Infertility treatment,
High-risk pregnancy maintenance,
conducting Normal & abnormal deliveries.
Daily ward rounds and bedside discussions, training Junior
medical doctors and Internees.
Conducting Autopsies, Post Mortem to give expert opinion to the
court of Law.
2000 - Clinical Assistant ship in Gynecology at 6 months. New Hams
general hospital, East ham, London, U.K.
Observed management of all types of Obstetrics cases
Treatment protocols of Obstetrics and Gynecology patients.
1994-1996 Private practitioner as Primary Health Care Physician.
Treated patients for their all common disorders and emergency
care dealing conducted several Normal deliveries assisted all
types of surgeries.
Maternal and Child Health care
Treating all Medical emergencies including poisoning, Road traffic
accident cases.
Counselling and referral services.
1992-1994 Medical Officer in Singareni Collieries Company Ltd Hospitals for One
lakh coal mine employees
Worked as Emergency Department (Causality) in charge, diagnosing,
treating the all-acute emergency cases like M.I, poisonings,
Occupational Diseases & Control, Medico Legal Cases.
Independently performing Tapping plural fluid, Lumbar Punctures,
Liver biopsy, ascetic fluid aspiration endotracheal tube intubation,
Venous section life saving CRR,
Assisting the specialists in wards and surgeries in the departments
like Medicine, surgery, Gynecology, Orthopedics.
Bedside teaching for nurses.
Learnt the importance of working as a team & method of organizing
Learnt the importance and effectiveness of clinical audit, clinical
governance in safe guarding the quality of patient care.
3. Participated actively in trauma meetings and monthly audits.
Community Projects/ Research/Surveys Involved
National Polio Surveillance Project W.H.O sponsored
High risk mapping HIV-AIDS UNICEF sponsored.
National Rural Health Mission Government of India
National Tuberculosis control program W.H.O program
National Vector Born Disease controlling program.
National Tribal Health study.
Reproductive and Child Health program
National Nutrition survey
Non-Communicable disease surveillance program
Scientific Paper Presented:
16 th Annual HIV/AIDS conference South Padrae Island Texas- USA
International Conference on HIV /AIDS at Chennai.
International conference on Leptospirosis.
National Conference of IAPSM/IAPHS at Tirupathy A.P. India
Courses and workshops attended
Short course in Health Management- P.G.I Chandighad/Punjab University.
Principles of Epidemiology. - W.H.O. collaboration center. C.M.C. Vellore
Short course in Clinical trials.
Short course in Case Control studies.
H.I.V / AIDS /PPTCT IMA Hyderabad. /Chennai.
ICD 10 Disease coding Chendighar
Short courses in Bio Statistics New Delhi
Professional and Extra Leadership Organization activities.
President Indian Public Health Association Telangana state chapter
Member of Academy of Preventive and Social Medicine
Past General Secretary of Indian Medical Association State chapter
Member of Gynecology Society of India
Secretary of Indian Adolescent association Telangana state Chapter
Member of Rabies association of India
General Secretary SC/ST Officers Forum
General Secretary Pre and Para Clinical Association
Past General Secretary Telangana Government Doctors Association.
Vice President All India SC/ST employees welfare association
Sports adviser.
Government Special observer for student admission counselling at NTR Health
University, India.
International travel.
1. Jay Spitulnik, EdM, CP Program Manager Health Informatics Graduate
Program Meserve 329 617-373-6507
office 508-769-2416 mobile
4. 2. Dr. B Nirmala Devi, Professor Community Medicine Kakatiya Medical
College, Warangal, Telangana India. E mail
A case control study on risk
factors of breast cancer among
women attending MNJ Cancer
Hospital, Hyderabad
International Journal of
Biomedical and
Advance Research
Vol.7.No. 2 (2016)
Feb P.ISSN: 2455-
0558 Page Nos.
79 to 82
Study on Reproductive Health
Awareness among Adolescent
Girls in Urban and Rural Field
Practical areas of Osmania
Medical College
International Journal of
Current Research and
Review Internationally
indexed, Peer
Scientific Journal
ISSN: 2231-2196
(Print) Page
Volume 7 issue 18
September 2015
Nos. 15 to 18
Study of Prevalence and
Response to Needle Stick
Injuries among Health Care
Workers in a Tertiary Care
Hospital in Hyderabad, India
Journal of Evolution of
Medical and Dental
Volume 2/Issue 23
/June 10,2013
Page Nos. 4199 to
Factors Associated with
Adherence to Antihypertensive
Treatment Among
Hypertensive Persons in a
Urban Slum area of Hyderabad
Indian Journal of Basic
and Applied Medical
December 2014;
Volume: 04,
Issue: 01
P ISSN:2250-284X
Page Nos. 471 to
Epidemiological study of road
traffic accident cases visiting
emergency department of
Osmania general hospital,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
International Journal of
Community Medicine
and Public Health
Baburao B et al. Int J
Community Med Public
Health. 2016 Apr;3(4):
Journal of
Medicine and
Public Health |
April 2016 | Vol 3
| Issue 4
A Clinical and Epidemiological
study of H1N1 cases at a
Tertiary Care Hospital in
Hyderabad , Telangana.
International Journal of
Contemporary Medical
Vol 3/Issue
2016/icv 50.43/
ISSN( online)
2393-915X, Print