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HE was the United States 26th presi-
dent from 1901-1909 and at the time the
youngest president of 43 years. He was
known for his stocky figure yet bosteri-
ous voice that enforced the desire of the
public and greatly expanded Americas
Foreign Policy like necer before. His
love was for all things natural and was
known for his adventures exploring and
hunting, his love for the outdoors even-
tually created conservation of over 150
million acres of land, and doubled the
national parks for the public and creat-
ed 16 national monuments. He also was
the first president to win the Nobel
peace prize for his efforts to mediate
peace in the Russo-Japanese War that
ended in 1905. And to enfore his peace
he sent his Great White Fleet of 16 bat-
tleships on a tour around the world.
Overall Teddy was the greatest.
THE nickname Teddy because once
he was out hunting wild bears and came
across a little bear cub and he could not
kill it. An American newspaper quickly
learned of this incident and they pub-
lished a cartoon with Roosevelt and a
cute little bear. Later when Roosevelt
became president a toy maker wrote to
him asking if he could name a cuddly
bear toy after him. So Roosevelt got the
nickname Teddy and the toy maker
also called his toy Teddy bear.
EARLIER in his life he was frail and
struggled with his health with frequent
asthma attacks. While staying indoors
most of his childhoood because of health
he began reading vigorously at a
young age and began developing a love
for nature and the outdoors. Entering
Havard at the age of 18 with the intentof
becoming a naturalist. His four years
was spent well, becoming popular in
sports (specifically boxing) and study-
ing consistently. He became interested
in politics after studying a year over-
seas in Germany and when he returned
he went to Columbia to study in law and
immediately afterwards he became a
part of New York 21st district Republi-
can Club and then was elected to the
New York Assembly which he served on
TEDDY Roosevelt was con-
sistently outside enjoying
and nature and hunting and
during his presidencey he
was dedicated to conservation
and preservation of land such
as Yellowstone National Park
for the public to gaze in awe
of nature. This unique time-
line portrays a mountainside
and mountains are made of
peaks and valleys. So with
this grand mountainside
comes the concept of acheiv-
ing goals and falling to de-
pression or some downfall. In
this case the peaks are for
Teddys successful and memo-
rial moments and the valleys
are heart wrenching events
that hindered Teddys emo-
tions and abilities. However
throughout all of his valleys
Teddy perservered and over-
came his depressions and was
still a positive, strong, and
powerful human being.
for about three years. After such time
he expreineced travesty, losing his
mother and wife on the same day devas-
tated he found solitude in North
Dakota where he wrote several jouranl
entires and spent most of his time out-
doors and where he developed a passion
for hunting big game. Years later he
returned to New York and married
again and returned to polictics. Years
later he gradually grew his way to top
by first becoming apart of the Civil Ser-
vice Commision and then becoming
assistnat Secretary of the Navy for Pres-
ident Mckinley and then when the Span-
ish-American War broke out he retired
and became known as the leader of the
Rough Riders bravely leading his
troupe at the battle of San Juan Hill.
Gaining popularity he was elected Gov-
erner. And during that time he gained
his power to run for president.
TEDDY was appointed as th presi-
dent of United States in 1901 after
Mckinley died of gunshot wounds and
Teddy at the time was vice president. As
president Teddy expressed the role of
the president as the steward of the
people and anything the public desired
he would make happen unless it was
unconstitutional. However he greatly
broadened the use of the executive
power as the president and at times
was thought by critics to be a tyrant
Trust Buster. As president his widely
famous saying speak softly and carry
a big stick.. referred to his broad
Foregin Policy as his Great White flee
of ships took a tour around the world
showing the U.S as a powerful force.
His love for nature got him contribut-
ing greatly to national parks and con-
servation, reserved to the public and
fostered great irrigation projects. He
ran again for president but was shot in
the chest by a fanatic, yet he continued
speaking! He recovered soon after! But
because of complications of that wound
he died in 1919. And heres a famous
quote by him No man has had a happi-
er life than I have led; a happier life in
every way.
Oct. 27, 1858
little Teddy
Roosevelt came
into this world,
specfically in
New York.
September 27, 1876
Teddy begins college at
age 18 and wanted to
study natural science be-
cause of his fascination
with nature and all
things outside.
December 1882
Being apart of the New
York As- sembly largely
because of his fathers
legacy, Ted- dys
invovlement in politics
become more known.
Dec. 2, 1886
Teddy marries
Edith Carow and
returns to politics
in the Republican
Party afterwards.
May 6, 1895
By the influence of
Henry Cabot Lodge
Teddy moves to New
to be the new police
commisoner where he
becomes well known
for his professionalism
and midnight patrols.
April 1897
After helping campagin
for William Mckinley,
Mckinley rewards Teddy
by giving him the position
Secertary of the Nacy,
since Mckinley won the
presidency in November.
Immdietaley Teddy puts
his plans for naval expan-
sion into action.
April 11- June
Congress delcares
war on Spain in
April and sends
troops to Cuba and
an eager Teddy
breaks his gover-
ment job to establish
the Rough Riders to
help fight in the war
and in June Teddy
leads the way in the
Battle of San Juan
Hill. His bravery
automatically makes
him a war hero!
September 14, 1901,
However because of
this sad event Teddy
Roosevelt takes the
reign as President
becoming the youngest
one yet, of 42 years.
Dec 17, 1907
Teddy shows the
world his the United
States superior
naval power by
sending Admiral
Dewey and his great
white fleet in a tour
around the world. April 24, 1909
after his 2nd term
Teddy leaves the U.S
on an African Safari.
Many people see him
off and the newspa-
pers follow his
hunting adventures.
Feb. 1902-Nov. 3, 1903
Teddy as president takes
charge his popular was
nickname the trust buster.
March 1880
After vigourously
courting Alice Lee
Hathaway for a two
years, she finally
accepted Teddys hand
in marriage.
October 27, 1880
Teddy and Alice were
married in Brookline,
Massachusetts on
Teddys 22nd birthday.
June 1862-
January 1864 is
around the time Teddy
fell into deep health
issues, having his first
asthma attack at four
years old. During this
time of fraility Teddy
read several books and
became passionate
about the outdoors.
Sept 6,1901
Mckinley is
shot in the
chest, and a
few days later
succumbs to his
wonds. Teddy
at this time is
Vice President.
September 6th 1901
President Mckinley is shot
in the chest, and a few
days later succumbs to his
wonds. Teddy at this time
is Vice President.
July 14- September
12 1918: During
World War 1 within a
month of each other
both Teddys youngest
son Quentin and his
nephew Douglas are
killed in action.
Jan 6 1919,
Teddy dies in his
sleep of an
embolism at the
age of 60.
NO man has had a
happier life than I have
led; a happier life in
every way.
HIS love was for all
things natural and was
known for his adventures,
exploring, hunting, and
his love for the outdoors.
His passion then created
conservation of over 150
million acres of land, and
the ational parks for the
publics enjoyment.

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  • 1. HE was the United States 26th presi- dent from 1901-1909 and at the time the youngest president of 43 years. He was known for his stocky figure yet bosteri- ous voice that enforced the desire of the public and greatly expanded Americas Foreign Policy like necer before. His love was for all things natural and was known for his adventures exploring and hunting, his love for the outdoors even- tually created conservation of over 150 million acres of land, and doubled the national parks for the public and creat- ed 16 national monuments. He also was the first president to win the Nobel peace prize for his efforts to mediate peace in the Russo-Japanese War that ended in 1905. And to enfore his peace he sent his Great White Fleet of 16 bat- tleships on a tour around the world. Overall Teddy was the greatest. THE nickname Teddy because once he was out hunting wild bears and came across a little bear cub and he could not kill it. An American newspaper quickly learned of this incident and they pub- lished a cartoon with Roosevelt and a cute little bear. Later when Roosevelt became president a toy maker wrote to him asking if he could name a cuddly bear toy after him. So Roosevelt got the nickname Teddy and the toy maker also called his toy Teddy bear. EARLIER in his life he was frail and struggled with his health with frequent asthma attacks. While staying indoors most of his childhoood because of health he began reading vigorously at a young age and began developing a love for nature and the outdoors. Entering Havard at the age of 18 with the intentof becoming a naturalist. His four years was spent well, becoming popular in sports (specifically boxing) and study- ing consistently. He became interested in politics after studying a year over- seas in Germany and when he returned he went to Columbia to study in law and immediately afterwards he became a part of New York 21st district Republi- can Club and then was elected to the New York Assembly which he served on TEDDY Roosevelt was con- sistently outside enjoying and nature and hunting and during his presidencey he was dedicated to conservation and preservation of land such as Yellowstone National Park for the public to gaze in awe of nature. This unique time- line portrays a mountainside and mountains are made of peaks and valleys. So with this grand mountainside comes the concept of acheiv- ing goals and falling to de- pression or some downfall. In this case the peaks are for Teddys successful and memo- rial moments and the valleys are heart wrenching events that hindered Teddys emo- tions and abilities. However throughout all of his valleys Teddy perservered and over- came his depressions and was still a positive, strong, and powerful human being. for about three years. After such time he expreineced travesty, losing his mother and wife on the same day devas- tated he found solitude in North Dakota where he wrote several jouranl entires and spent most of his time out- doors and where he developed a passion for hunting big game. Years later he returned to New York and married again and returned to polictics. Years later he gradually grew his way to top by first becoming apart of the Civil Ser- vice Commision and then becoming assistnat Secretary of the Navy for Pres- ident Mckinley and then when the Span- ish-American War broke out he retired and became known as the leader of the Rough Riders bravely leading his troupe at the battle of San Juan Hill. Gaining popularity he was elected Gov- erner. And during that time he gained his power to run for president. TEDDY was appointed as th presi- dent of United States in 1901 after Mckinley died of gunshot wounds and Teddy at the time was vice president. As president Teddy expressed the role of the president as the steward of the people and anything the public desired he would make happen unless it was unconstitutional. However he greatly broadened the use of the executive power as the president and at times was thought by critics to be a tyrant Trust Buster. As president his widely famous saying speak softly and carry a big stick.. referred to his broad Foregin Policy as his Great White flee of ships took a tour around the world showing the U.S as a powerful force. His love for nature got him contribut- ing greatly to national parks and con- servation, reserved to the public and fostered great irrigation projects. He ran again for president but was shot in the chest by a fanatic, yet he continued speaking! He recovered soon after! But because of complications of that wound he died in 1919. And heres a famous quote by him No man has had a happi- er life than I have led; a happier life in every way. Oct. 27, 1858 little Teddy Roosevelt came into this world, specfically in New York. September 27, 1876 Teddy begins college at age 18 and wanted to study natural science be- cause of his fascination with nature and all things outside. December 1882 Being apart of the New York As- sembly largely because of his fathers legacy, Ted- dys invovlement in politics become more known. Dec. 2, 1886 Teddy marries Edith Carow and returns to politics in the Republican Party afterwards. May 6, 1895 By the influence of Henry Cabot Lodge Teddy moves to New to be the new police commisoner where he becomes well known for his professionalism and midnight patrols. April 1897 After helping campagin for William Mckinley, Mckinley rewards Teddy by giving him the position Secertary of the Nacy, since Mckinley won the presidency in November. Immdietaley Teddy puts his plans for naval expan- sion into action. April 11- June 22,1898 Congress delcares war on Spain in April and sends troops to Cuba and an eager Teddy breaks his gover- ment job to establish the Rough Riders to help fight in the war and in June Teddy leads the way in the Battle of San Juan Hill. His bravery automatically makes him a war hero! September 14, 1901, However because of this sad event Teddy Roosevelt takes the reign as President becoming the youngest one yet, of 42 years. Dec 17, 1907 Teddy shows the world his the United States superior naval power by sending Admiral Dewey and his great white fleet in a tour around the world. April 24, 1909 after his 2nd term Teddy leaves the U.S on an African Safari. Many people see him off and the newspa- pers follow his hunting adventures. Feb. 1902-Nov. 3, 1903 Teddy as president takes charge his popular was nickname the trust buster. March 1880 After vigourously courting Alice Lee Hathaway for a two years, she finally accepted Teddys hand in marriage. October 27, 1880 Teddy and Alice were married in Brookline, Massachusetts on Teddys 22nd birthday. June 1862- January 1864 is around the time Teddy fell into deep health issues, having his first asthma attack at four years old. During this time of fraility Teddy read several books and became passionate about the outdoors. Sept 6,1901 President Mckinley is shot in the chest, and a few days later succumbs to his wonds. Teddy at this time is Vice President. September 6th 1901 President Mckinley is shot in the chest, and a few days later succumbs to his wonds. Teddy at this time is Vice President. July 14- September 12 1918: During World War 1 within a month of each other both Teddys youngest son Quentin and his nephew Douglas are killed in action. Jan 6 1919, Teddy dies in his sleep of an embolism at the age of 60. T NO man has had a happier life than I have led; a happier life in every way. HIS love was for all things natural and was known for his adventures, exploring, hunting, and his love for the outdoors. His passion then created conservation of over 150 million acres of land, and the ational parks for the publics enjoyment.