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My name is Chee Yen Sin. Im 22 years old. I was born in October
1993. I come from Sandakan, Sabah. My family made up of my father,
mother, sister, two youngest sisters and I. My father work as a mechanic
and my mother is a housewife. Therefore, my mother influences me the
most in my life. She taught me a lot of lesson in my life. My sister as a
tuition teacher and my two youngest sisters stills in study now.
I now study at UNITAR international University and taking
Bachelor of Business Administration with honours. I am in my fourth
semester now. I hope to get the best result in my CGPA in order to
achieve my dream. Therefore, I want to study hard now in university.
Before that, I was graduate from Sekolah Menengah St. Mary in
Sandakan for STPM.
My hobby is swimming. I like the sports because swimming can
help me to relax. This is due to the fact that I need to finish examination,
doing assignment and others. Swimming can help me to relax when I
need to finish my examination. After swimming, I can do well in my
revision because I think relax and happy. We alsoa healthy lifestyle
because swimming can prevent many disease such as heart attack,
obesity and many more.
During the free time, I also like to reading and writing to improve
my knowledge. Knowledge plays an importance role in our living.
Therefore, I usually read and write in order to improve my knowledge.
When I have something dont understand, I will online search the
information. Besides, I will go to library to find some relevant books. I
also will ask my teacher to get more information because I hope to
understand well.
Besides, I like to has a short trip with my friends because short trip
can explore new knowledge which is cannot obtain by reading and
writing. Through short trip, we also can learn more traditions and
cultures, gain life experience, and so on. For example, short trip expose
me to the different festivals celebrate, rites and rituals.
Growing up as a child and until now,my parents encourage me to
become a teacher. However, I decided to become aninvestor because I
very like to calculations.By studying at university, a degree in Business
Administration enables me to achieve my dream career instead gives me
an opportunities to become leader in certain field and make a difference
in the community.
I also hope have an opportunity to get my career abroad because I
can gain working experiences in others country. This is because we can
see the world and we will experience difference working experiences.
Therefore, I need to study hard now in order to achieve the best result in
My ambition is to be a successful investor. As a chartered investor,
my primary goals are helping my company to do the best in any
investment in order to help my company earn more profit. Besides, I
need to make the good decision based on my research and knowledge.

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  • 1. My name is Chee Yen Sin. Im 22 years old. I was born in October 1993. I come from Sandakan, Sabah. My family made up of my father, mother, sister, two youngest sisters and I. My father work as a mechanic and my mother is a housewife. Therefore, my mother influences me the most in my life. She taught me a lot of lesson in my life. My sister as a tuition teacher and my two youngest sisters stills in study now. I now study at UNITAR international University and taking Bachelor of Business Administration with honours. I am in my fourth semester now. I hope to get the best result in my CGPA in order to achieve my dream. Therefore, I want to study hard now in university. Before that, I was graduate from Sekolah Menengah St. Mary in Sandakan for STPM. My hobby is swimming. I like the sports because swimming can help me to relax. This is due to the fact that I need to finish examination, doing assignment and others. Swimming can help me to relax when I need to finish my examination. After swimming, I can do well in my revision because I think relax and happy. We alsoa healthy lifestyle because swimming can prevent many disease such as heart attack, obesity and many more. During the free time, I also like to reading and writing to improve my knowledge. Knowledge plays an importance role in our living. Therefore, I usually read and write in order to improve my knowledge. When I have something dont understand, I will online search the information. Besides, I will go to library to find some relevant books. I also will ask my teacher to get more information because I hope to understand well.
  • 2. Besides, I like to has a short trip with my friends because short trip can explore new knowledge which is cannot obtain by reading and writing. Through short trip, we also can learn more traditions and cultures, gain life experience, and so on. For example, short trip expose me to the different festivals celebrate, rites and rituals. Growing up as a child and until now,my parents encourage me to become a teacher. However, I decided to become aninvestor because I very like to calculations.By studying at university, a degree in Business Administration enables me to achieve my dream career instead gives me an opportunities to become leader in certain field and make a difference in the community. I also hope have an opportunity to get my career abroad because I can gain working experiences in others country. This is because we can see the world and we will experience difference working experiences. Therefore, I need to study hard now in order to achieve the best result in university. My ambition is to be a successful investor. As a chartered investor, my primary goals are helping my company to do the best in any investment in order to help my company earn more profit. Besides, I need to make the good decision based on my research and knowledge.