This document is a newsletter from the Barrington Area Council on Aging that discusses upcoming events and programs. It begins with a welcome message from the executive director discussing the transition to autumn and focusing on aging as a period of growth, not decline. It then summarizes various upcoming programs, including Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes, Medicare Part D consultations during open enrollment, an event celebrating the founder of Girl Scouts, and the annual awareness luncheon. The newsletter provides details on support groups and resources available through the Council on Aging.
A message from nrdc green gifts that save the #environmentAll Animal RightsThis document promotes NRDC Green Gifts, a collection of affordable gifts ($25 or less) that help the environment. Some gift options highlighted include protecting gray wolves for $25, helping endangered bobcats for $15, and donating a green teacher kit for $20. Recipients receive a personalized card noting the environmental cause their gift supports. Purchases can be made online from home for convenient holiday shopping and delivery.
Motos i bicicletesSergiEscuraGThis document discusses motocross and freestyle biking. It mentions motocross four times and freestyle biking four times, focusing on these extreme sports. Motocross involves riding motorcycles off-road and performing stunts, while freestyle biking uses bicycles to perform tricks.
E-Commerce: Factores ImportantesDaydream | Creative. Strategi. Internet.O documento discute o que é comércio eletrônico, enfatizando que ele facilita a tomada de decisão do consumidor ao fornecer informações como pesquisa, detalhes de produtos, comparadores e avaliações para ajudar na comparação e escolha, embora as compras impulsivas também ocorram. Confiança, pagamentos seguros e entrega são fatores importantes.
Tabla evaluación de recursos web“Luis Eugenio Devia Villegas”Este documento evalúa el recurso web Eduteka, asignándole puntajes de 1 a 5 en varias categorías como autoría, distribución de información, contenido publicado y fiabilidad, opciones de acceso, y actualización. Eduteka recibe puntajes máximos en todas las categorías, indicando que es un recurso con responsables reconocidos, especializado, en español, frecuentemente citado y actualizado, con acceso generalmente disponible.
Whatstrikefacultyfightfor5California State Univ. - Long BeachThis document provides information for California faculty about going on strike, including that faculty would refrain from all work duties during the strike such as teaching, grading, emails, and meetings. It explains that faculty should tell students about the strike dates and reasons for striking. It also clarifies that faculty cannot partially participate in the strike by canceling some classes but still performing other duties, and emphasizes the importance of signing a pledge of strike participation.
Dicas para preservação de potência e continência sem prejudicar o controle on...Urovideo.orgDr. Tibério Moreno de Siqueira Jr
Doutor em Urologia, USP
Membro Titular da SBU
Fellowship em Laparoscopia, Indiana University
Coordenador do grupo de Laparoscopia Urológica, HGV, PE
Riesgos fìsicosAlisson MartìnezEste documento describe los riesgos físicos que Alisson Martínez enfrenta en su trabajo como coordinadora de asistencias, incluyendo exposición prolongada a la luz de la pantalla que puede causar dolores de cabeza y daño a la vista, uso repetitivo de auriculares que puede causar fatiga auditiva, y falta de iluminación en los ascensores durante horas nocturnas que representa un riesgo de accidentes. Se recomienda usar gafas con filtro, rotar el uso de auriculares entre oídos, tomar descansos y mejorar la
Gouden eeuw college 4 gary schwartz - grenzen van goudVeenMediaDe grenzen van goud: kunst in de Nederlandse Gouden Eeuw
De onvergelijkbare prestaties van Nederlandse kunstenaars in de Gouden Eeuw zijn legendarisch. Maar hoe onvergelijkbaar zijn ze eigenlijk? De bronnen waaruit Nederlandse kunstenaars inspiratie en voorbeelden putten liggen buiten de landsgrenzen. De kunst in de eregalerij van het Rijksmuseum is zichtbaar verwant aan, en soms niet te onderscheiden van, werk van kunstenaars in andere landen. Nederlandse kunstenaars werkten in alle landen van Europa en erbuiten. Toen de zeventiende eeuw voorbij was, ging de productie van hoogwaardige kunst op hoog niveau door. De spreker verkent geografische en chronologische grenzen om de Nederlandse kunst uit de Gouden Eeuw des te scherper in beeld te krijgen.
Gary Schwartz is in Brooklyn, New York geboren in 1940. Tussen 1956 en 1965 studeerde hij kunstgeschiedenis aan New York University en Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. In 1965 kwam hij als Kress Fellow naar Nederland, waar hij gebleven is. Onder zijn publicaties zijn, naast tien andere boeken, standaardwerken over Rembrandt en Pieter Saenredam. Honderden artikelen en wetenschappelijke publicaties verschenen van zijn hand en ook op zijn website: de Schwartzlist. Schwartz is drager van de Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Prijs voor de Geesteswetenschappen.
Creación de ordenes de ventasjudaddEl propósito de la Unidad 20 es crear dos órdenes de ventas. Una orden de ventas usando la propuesta de posición y la segunda orden de ventas que resultará en una advertencia de crédito, así como la solicitud de más mercancías que se tienen para venta. Esto requerirá ejecutar Planificación de Requerimientos de Material, convertir solicitudes de compra para pedidos, recibo de las mercancías, recibo de las facturas, y contabilizar pago a los proveedores. Las entregas para estas órdenes de ventas serán completadas en la siguiente unidad.
Presentacion axudas 2016 directorccarballinoAxudas 2016 director
"Por que mulheres negras morrem mais por complicações obstétricas?"Bianca SantanaMulheres negras morrem mais por complicações obstétricas do que mulheres brancas. A autora agradece Bianca Santana por seu email sobre esse importante assunto de saúde pública, especialmente para mulheres negras.
Corporate Social Marketing- Andrea SaraivaJornadasPublicidadeIntervenção do estudo de Andrea Saraiva nas VI Jornadas de Publicidade & Comunicação que decorreu na Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, no dia 23 de Outubro de 2014.
Enfoque comunucativoMiguel HerreraPerspectiva del enfoque comunicativo en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Lengua y la Literatura.
Total Quality Customer ServiceChris MitchellTotal Quality Customer Service focuses on understanding one's role and how to best serve customers. It discusses determining one's job responsibilities, knowing oneself, understanding different types of customers and their needs, effective communication skills, and how to handle difficult customers. The goal is to provide remarkable service through empathy, fairness, responsiveness and ensuring customer satisfaction.
Building Lake Barrington's Brand. Jan2014.updateChris MitchellThis document discusses the importance of establishing a brand for the village of Lake Barrington to position it for changes in the economy, living environment, and demographics. It notes that municipalities must compete with other areas and distinguish themselves to attract residents and businesses. The document suggests envisioning the desired future state for aspects like business climate, housing, retail, and recreation. It argues that a brand can help connect emotionally with potential residents and businesses by leveraging current resources, focusing on what makes the village unique, and cutting through noise. The overall message is that an established brand is important to guide the village's future positioning.
March-2015Chris MitchellThe document discusses reaching out to neighbors, especially the elderly, who may be experiencing isolation or lack of resources during the winter months. It encourages visiting neighbors, offering transportation, and inviting them to community programs. It also notes the large number of charitable organizations in the area that help meet community needs and thanks residents for their generosity.
January-2015Chris MitchellThe document is an email from the Barrington Area Council on Aging (BACOA) reminding recipients about their services and programs for seniors. It discusses BACOA's successful year, including a holiday luncheon event. It also provides information about making charitable donations by the end of the year using IRA rollovers to benefit BACOA programs. The email encourages recipients to consider donations to help continue BACOA's services for seniors and caregivers in the community.
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Riesgos fìsicosAlisson MartìnezEste documento describe los riesgos físicos que Alisson Martínez enfrenta en su trabajo como coordinadora de asistencias, incluyendo exposición prolongada a la luz de la pantalla que puede causar dolores de cabeza y daño a la vista, uso repetitivo de auriculares que puede causar fatiga auditiva, y falta de iluminación en los ascensores durante horas nocturnas que representa un riesgo de accidentes. Se recomienda usar gafas con filtro, rotar el uso de auriculares entre oídos, tomar descansos y mejorar la
Gouden eeuw college 4 gary schwartz - grenzen van goudVeenMediaDe grenzen van goud: kunst in de Nederlandse Gouden Eeuw
De onvergelijkbare prestaties van Nederlandse kunstenaars in de Gouden Eeuw zijn legendarisch. Maar hoe onvergelijkbaar zijn ze eigenlijk? De bronnen waaruit Nederlandse kunstenaars inspiratie en voorbeelden putten liggen buiten de landsgrenzen. De kunst in de eregalerij van het Rijksmuseum is zichtbaar verwant aan, en soms niet te onderscheiden van, werk van kunstenaars in andere landen. Nederlandse kunstenaars werkten in alle landen van Europa en erbuiten. Toen de zeventiende eeuw voorbij was, ging de productie van hoogwaardige kunst op hoog niveau door. De spreker verkent geografische en chronologische grenzen om de Nederlandse kunst uit de Gouden Eeuw des te scherper in beeld te krijgen.
Gary Schwartz is in Brooklyn, New York geboren in 1940. Tussen 1956 en 1965 studeerde hij kunstgeschiedenis aan New York University en Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. In 1965 kwam hij als Kress Fellow naar Nederland, waar hij gebleven is. Onder zijn publicaties zijn, naast tien andere boeken, standaardwerken over Rembrandt en Pieter Saenredam. Honderden artikelen en wetenschappelijke publicaties verschenen van zijn hand en ook op zijn website: de Schwartzlist. Schwartz is drager van de Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Prijs voor de Geesteswetenschappen.
Creación de ordenes de ventasjudaddEl propósito de la Unidad 20 es crear dos órdenes de ventas. Una orden de ventas usando la propuesta de posición y la segunda orden de ventas que resultará en una advertencia de crédito, así como la solicitud de más mercancías que se tienen para venta. Esto requerirá ejecutar Planificación de Requerimientos de Material, convertir solicitudes de compra para pedidos, recibo de las mercancías, recibo de las facturas, y contabilizar pago a los proveedores. Las entregas para estas órdenes de ventas serán completadas en la siguiente unidad.
Presentacion axudas 2016 directorccarballinoAxudas 2016 director
"Por que mulheres negras morrem mais por complicações obstétricas?"Bianca SantanaMulheres negras morrem mais por complicações obstétricas do que mulheres brancas. A autora agradece Bianca Santana por seu email sobre esse importante assunto de saúde pública, especialmente para mulheres negras.
Corporate Social Marketing- Andrea SaraivaJornadasPublicidadeIntervenção do estudo de Andrea Saraiva nas VI Jornadas de Publicidade & Comunicação que decorreu na Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, no dia 23 de Outubro de 2014.
Enfoque comunucativoMiguel HerreraPerspectiva del enfoque comunicativo en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Lengua y la Literatura.
Total Quality Customer ServiceChris MitchellTotal Quality Customer Service focuses on understanding one's role and how to best serve customers. It discusses determining one's job responsibilities, knowing oneself, understanding different types of customers and their needs, effective communication skills, and how to handle difficult customers. The goal is to provide remarkable service through empathy, fairness, responsiveness and ensuring customer satisfaction.
Building Lake Barrington's Brand. Jan2014.updateChris MitchellThis document discusses the importance of establishing a brand for the village of Lake Barrington to position it for changes in the economy, living environment, and demographics. It notes that municipalities must compete with other areas and distinguish themselves to attract residents and businesses. The document suggests envisioning the desired future state for aspects like business climate, housing, retail, and recreation. It argues that a brand can help connect emotionally with potential residents and businesses by leveraging current resources, focusing on what makes the village unique, and cutting through noise. The overall message is that an established brand is important to guide the village's future positioning.
March-2015Chris MitchellThe document discusses reaching out to neighbors, especially the elderly, who may be experiencing isolation or lack of resources during the winter months. It encourages visiting neighbors, offering transportation, and inviting them to community programs. It also notes the large number of charitable organizations in the area that help meet community needs and thanks residents for their generosity.
January-2015Chris MitchellThe document is an email from the Barrington Area Council on Aging (BACOA) reminding recipients about their services and programs for seniors. It discusses BACOA's successful year, including a holiday luncheon event. It also provides information about making charitable donations by the end of the year using IRA rollovers to benefit BACOA programs. The email encourages recipients to consider donations to help continue BACOA's services for seniors and caregivers in the community.