Bab V Sumber Hukum Islam membahas tiga sumber utama hukum Islam yaitu Al-Quran sebagai sumber utama, Hadis sebagai sumber kedua, dan Ijtihad sebagai sumber ketiga yang digunakan untuk menetapkan hukum yang belum diatur dalam Al-Quran dan Hadis. Dibahas pula macam-macam Ijtihad seperti Ijma, Qiyas, Istishab, dan Urf. Terdapat pula pembahasan mengenai hukum Takhlifi dan Wad'
This document discusses standards for auditors regarding independence and self-interest threats. It addresses situations where audit team members may later join a client, or where former partners/staff of the audit firm take positions at a client. It also discusses lending staff to clients, recent service at a client, and serving as a director or officer of a client. The standards aim to preserve independence and avoid threats to objectivity like self-review or familiarity. Safeguards like removing staff from the audit team or reviews of their work may be used.
The document discusses how information and communication technologies (ICT) and the environment have changed over time. In the past, the environment was still natural with beautiful rivers while ICT was less developed. Currently, increased ICT usage has led to more traffic and pollution problems for the environment. The conclusion calls for developing new technologies that do not create additional problems and preserving the environment by only purchasing necessary items.
Talent Is Never Enough - Presentasi.netMuhammad Noer
The document discusses developing passion, focus, energy and willpower to take the first step in opening opportunities and directing strength. It encourages increasing energy and provides a link to obtain world-class inspirational presentations.
Teks tersebut membahas tentang Tata Surya yang terdiri dari Matahari dan objek-objek langit lain seperti planet, komet, dan asteroid yang mengelilinginya. Tata Surya berada di tepi Bima Sakti dan membutuhkan waktu 226 juta tahun untuk mengelilingi pusat galaksi. Tata Surya terbentuk sekitar 4,6 miliar tahun yang lalu.
Angiospermae memiliki ciri utama berupa bakal biji yang dilindungi oleh bagian yang berasal dari daun buah, yang membentuk bakal buah. Angiospermae juga memiliki bunga sejati yang terdiri atas perhiasan bunga, benang sari, dan putik. Setelah penyerbukan, terjadi pembuahan di mana bakal biji menjadi biji dan dinding bakal buah menjadi daging buah.
The document discusses competency standards and indicators for language learning. It includes 4 competency standards and examples of basic competency standards and indicators. It also provides sample teaching materials, including short texts, images and examples of student work, to evaluate students on the competency standards and indicators.
Power Point Functional Text Advertisement Autumn Melody
This document provides the standard of competence, basic competence, and instructional objective for understanding simple short written texts in daily life contexts. It then provides an example text about advertisements, including definitions of advertisements, the purposes of advertisements, common components of advertisements, and examples of expressions and media used in advertisements. It concludes with two example advertisement texts and questions to test understanding of the key details.
Ppt materi Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII IntroductionSiti Purwaningsih
1. Lyra, a new student, introduces herself to Mrs. Santi.
2. They greet each other and Mrs. Santi asks Lyra her name.
3. Mrs. Santi says it is nice to meet Lyra and Lyra reciprocates the sentiment before Mrs. Santi leaves for her office.
This document provides information about narrative text structures and examples. It defines narrative text as an imaginative story meant to entertain. The generic structures of orientation, complication, and resolution are described. Various types of narrative texts are identified like myths, legends, folktales, and fairy tales. Characteristics of each type are given along with examples. Language features of narrative texts are also outlined.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang imunisasi, yaitu upaya untuk memberikan kekebalan terhadap penyakit menular melalui pemberian vaksin. Terdapat beberapa metode imunisasi seperti imunisasi aktif dan pasif, serta berbagai program imunisasi seperti imunisasi rutin, tambahan, dan kampanye khusus untuk penyakit tertentu. Faktor-faktor seperti status kekebalan, genetik, dan kualitas vaksin dapat memp
The document contains several short presentations on various topics including excuses that are not recommended, tips to improve character, gifts that do not cost money, examples of people who achieved things late in life, sayings about different topics like country, quitting, money, respect, and facts about the human body. It concludes with "secrets of success" sayings associated with different objects.
1) The story describes Roro Jonggrang, a princess of Prambanan palace who many rulers wanted to marry.
2) When the palace was conquered, she was supposed to marry the new ruler, Bandung Bondowoso, but refused which angered him.
3) To escape marriage, Roro agreed if Bandung could build a palace with 1,000 sculptures before sunrise. However, through trickery involving her maids pretending it was morning, Bandung failed to finish in time. In a rage, he cursed Roro and turned her into the stone statue that remains in the temple today.
This power point presentation contain mainly- Aims and Objectives,Def of Advertising,Brand and Marketing mix,The marketing mix,Role of Advertising,The Advertising Plan,The importance of advertising,Types of advertising,Major advertising media,The Functions of Advertising,The Key Players,Components of Advertising,What Makes an Ad Effective?.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang gizi seimbang pada anak, termasuk definisi gizi seimbang, peran makanan, dan faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan kehilangan nafsu makan serta cara mengatasinya seperti mengatur jadwal dan jenis makanan yang diberikan.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) di Sekolah, yang meliputi 8 indikator utama PHBS seperti mencuci tangan, buang air kecil di toilet, mengikuti olahraga, tidak merokok, menimbang berat badan, dan memisahkan sampah. Penerapan PHBS di sekolah diharapkan dapat menciptakan lingkungan sekolah yang bersih dan sehat serta meningkatkan proses pembelajaran.
The document provides tips for effectively learning English. It recommends taking an active approach to learning, such as writing journals in English, reading books and guessing meanings of unfamiliar words, rewriting class notes, watching English television and movies, and keeping a vocabulary notebook. It also stresses the importance of speaking English regularly with friends and maintaining a positive mindset to continue improving one's English skills over time.
Angiospermae memiliki ciri utama berupa bakal biji yang dilindungi oleh bagian yang berasal dari daun buah, yang membentuk bakal buah. Angiospermae juga memiliki bunga sejati yang terdiri atas perhiasan bunga, benang sari, dan putik. Setelah penyerbukan, terjadi pembuahan di mana bakal biji menjadi biji dan dinding bakal buah menjadi daging buah.
The document discusses competency standards and indicators for language learning. It includes 4 competency standards and examples of basic competency standards and indicators. It also provides sample teaching materials, including short texts, images and examples of student work, to evaluate students on the competency standards and indicators.
Power Point Functional Text Advertisement Autumn Melody
This document provides the standard of competence, basic competence, and instructional objective for understanding simple short written texts in daily life contexts. It then provides an example text about advertisements, including definitions of advertisements, the purposes of advertisements, common components of advertisements, and examples of expressions and media used in advertisements. It concludes with two example advertisement texts and questions to test understanding of the key details.
Ppt materi Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII IntroductionSiti Purwaningsih
1. Lyra, a new student, introduces herself to Mrs. Santi.
2. They greet each other and Mrs. Santi asks Lyra her name.
3. Mrs. Santi says it is nice to meet Lyra and Lyra reciprocates the sentiment before Mrs. Santi leaves for her office.
This document provides information about narrative text structures and examples. It defines narrative text as an imaginative story meant to entertain. The generic structures of orientation, complication, and resolution are described. Various types of narrative texts are identified like myths, legends, folktales, and fairy tales. Characteristics of each type are given along with examples. Language features of narrative texts are also outlined.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang imunisasi, yaitu upaya untuk memberikan kekebalan terhadap penyakit menular melalui pemberian vaksin. Terdapat beberapa metode imunisasi seperti imunisasi aktif dan pasif, serta berbagai program imunisasi seperti imunisasi rutin, tambahan, dan kampanye khusus untuk penyakit tertentu. Faktor-faktor seperti status kekebalan, genetik, dan kualitas vaksin dapat memp
The document contains several short presentations on various topics including excuses that are not recommended, tips to improve character, gifts that do not cost money, examples of people who achieved things late in life, sayings about different topics like country, quitting, money, respect, and facts about the human body. It concludes with "secrets of success" sayings associated with different objects.
1) The story describes Roro Jonggrang, a princess of Prambanan palace who many rulers wanted to marry.
2) When the palace was conquered, she was supposed to marry the new ruler, Bandung Bondowoso, but refused which angered him.
3) To escape marriage, Roro agreed if Bandung could build a palace with 1,000 sculptures before sunrise. However, through trickery involving her maids pretending it was morning, Bandung failed to finish in time. In a rage, he cursed Roro and turned her into the stone statue that remains in the temple today.
This power point presentation contain mainly- Aims and Objectives,Def of Advertising,Brand and Marketing mix,The marketing mix,Role of Advertising,The Advertising Plan,The importance of advertising,Types of advertising,Major advertising media,The Functions of Advertising,The Key Players,Components of Advertising,What Makes an Ad Effective?.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang gizi seimbang pada anak, termasuk definisi gizi seimbang, peran makanan, dan faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan kehilangan nafsu makan serta cara mengatasinya seperti mengatur jadwal dan jenis makanan yang diberikan.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) di Sekolah, yang meliputi 8 indikator utama PHBS seperti mencuci tangan, buang air kecil di toilet, mengikuti olahraga, tidak merokok, menimbang berat badan, dan memisahkan sampah. Penerapan PHBS di sekolah diharapkan dapat menciptakan lingkungan sekolah yang bersih dan sehat serta meningkatkan proses pembelajaran.
The document provides tips for effectively learning English. It recommends taking an active approach to learning, such as writing journals in English, reading books and guessing meanings of unfamiliar words, rewriting class notes, watching English television and movies, and keeping a vocabulary notebook. It also stresses the importance of speaking English regularly with friends and maintaining a positive mindset to continue improving one's English skills over time.
Bangsa Indonesia berasal dari Asia Tenggara dan bermigrasi ke Indonesia dalam dua gelombang yaitu Proto Melayu dan Deutro Melayu. Proto Melayu bermigrasi pada 2000 SM dan menyebar ke seluruh Indonesia membawa budaya Neolitik. Deutro Melayu bermigrasi pada 500 SM dan menyebar di Sumatera membawa budaya perunggu.
Periodisasi jaman prasejarah smt2 2.11,2.1.2_deden98
Dokumen tersebut merangkum periode prasejarah di Indonesia, mulai dari Paleolitikum, Mesolitikum, Neolitikum, Megalitikum, zaman Besi, hingga zaman Perunggu. Dijelaskan ciri-ciri masyarakat dan artefak yang ditemukan pada setiap periode, seperti alat batu, budaya pemburu-pengumpul, pertanian, dan logam.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi mengenai protista. Protista dibedakan menjadi tiga kelompok berdasarkan cara mendapatkan makanan dan habitatnya, yaitu protista mirip hewan, tumbuhan, dan jamur. Kelompok-kelompok tersebut memiliki ciri khas masing-masing seperti organel, cara bergerak, dan siklus hidup. Contoh-contoh protista juga dijelaskan seperti paramecium, plasmodium, dan myxomycota.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang hakikat bangsa dan negara. Bangsa terbentuk karena adanya persamaan nasib, nilai solidaritas, dan keinginan bersatu. Unsur pembentuk negara meliputi rakyat, wilayah, dan pemerintah. Negara Indonesia terbentuk dari perasaan satu nasib dan cita-cita bersama rakyatnya.
Organisms are organized into different levels from molecules to biomes. The basic unit of life is the cell, which is composed of molecules like carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Cells make up tissues like muscle and nervous tissue. Tissues combine to form organs such as the heart and brain. Multiple organs that work together comprise organ systems like the digestive or respiratory systems. An individual organism is made up of various organ systems. Populations of organisms living in the same area form a community. A community and its physical environment together create an ecosystem. The largest organization level is a biome, which describes large communities on Earth.
This document discusses biology as the study of life and living organisms. It defines biology and explains that biology studies organisms and life processes. It outlines the key differences between organisms and non-living things, including respiration, irritability, movement, nutrition, growth, excretion, and reproduction. The document also lists and describes 25 major branches of biology and their fields of study. Finally, it discusses the important role of biology in areas like agriculture, animal husbandry, medicine, and industry, as well as some potential dangers from areas like biological weapons and genetic pollution.
Pklh x bab 1. peranan manusia dalam lingkungandeden98
Dokumen ini membahas tentang peranan manusia dalam lingkungan, termasuk pengertian lingkungan alam, buatan, dan sosial; cara memelihara ketiganya; serta peranan manusia sebagai individu dan anggota masyarakat dalam memelihara kelestarian lingkungan.