The document outlines key thermal relationships and physical properties for tubular heat exchangers. It discusses the overall heat transfer coefficient calculation and factors that influence fouling resistance like fluid properties and heat exchanger geometry. It also covers fluid temperature relationships, including logarithmic mean temperature difference and corrections for multipass flow. Physical properties covered include density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, and viscosity for various liquids and gases.
This short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on 際際滷Share and provides inspiration by including photos from Eric Kilby and flickrPrince. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation on 際際滷Share.
This document discusses SharePoint apps from an end user perspective. It defines apps as third party features that add value without needing to be built internally. Apps are analogous to smartphone apps, allowing users to find and install solutions to meet their needs. The document reviews the history of third party solutions in SharePoint and how apps have expanded what is possible. It also covers finding, purchasing, and managing apps, noting the variety of pricing models available. Examples of free and paid apps are provided to illustrate popular options.
Rebates and grants are available to help homeowners affected by Hurricane Sandy save money and repair their homes. Programs include FEMA assistance, SBA loans, NYSERDA rebates for home performance upgrades, and manufacturer and utility rebates for appliances and HVAC systems. Community block grants from HUD and the state total over $3 billion for housing rehabilitation and buyback programs in New York. Homeowners are encouraged to register for assistance on and support a petition for grants over loans.
A survey of music video viewers found the following:
- Respondents were 47% male and 53% female.
- The largest age group was 16-18 years old at 40% and 21+ at 44%.
- Half of respondents watch music videos once or twice a week.
- While sometimes music videos determine if respondents love or hate a song, this is only sometimes for 34% and not very often for 20%.
- The most popular music genre listened to is pop at 22% and the least is folk at 1%.
- All respondents said they would download a song after watching the video.
- Sometimes 29% listen to country pop genres like Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson.
- The
at this blog i am going to speak us about my family and our famr in carmen de viboral, it blog is in past but i still live my anecdote at this moment, it is a too short but i wait for you like it.
This passage from Ezekiel describes Satan before his fall from heaven. It says that Satan was in Eden, the garden of God, and was perfect in beauty with many precious stones as his covering. Satan was the anointed cherub that covered God's throne and walked in the holy mountain among the stones of fire. However, Satan's heart became proud because of his beauty and wisdom, and iniquity was found in him. Because of his pride and sin, God cast Satan out of the mountain of God to be destroyed.
Generic Open Source Governance for Governments By the Dutch Provincessmespire
Presentation at the INSPIRE Workshop "Concrete steps to implement INSPIRE: synergies between the public and the private sector" - Florence, 24th June 2013
Is Cloud Computing an evolution or revolution? What does it mean for Not For Profit organisations? What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving to the cloud? What are the pitfalls to be avoided? Will Cloud Computing suit every NFP organisation? Just what is Cloud Computing and what is all the fuss about anyway?
From a fundamental overview to developing a strategy, for either adopting the cloud or not, your presenter, Steve Cast, Founder and MD of AdvantageNFP will answer these questions, offering valuable insights, using real life client case studies from the NFP sector.
This document is a summer project report for an automated tool to monitor service level agreements (SLAs) and evaluate the performance of IT vendors. The project was completed as an internship at the Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology. The project involved developing a module within their existing Incident cum Change Management System (ICMS) to calculate SLA metrics like uptime percentage based on incident reports from various tables to determine payments according to the SLA. The new module allows users to select a service provider, location, and date range to generate an SLA compliance report evaluating uptime and determining appropriate payments.
Two Days Training on Advocacy at Lahore 8 - 9 December 2016sultantareen1976
This two-day training document covers advocacy and how to design an effective advocacy campaign. It defines advocacy as organized efforts by citizens to influence policy formulation and implementation by pressuring authorities. It notes that advocacy campaigns should aim to solve specific problems, empower civil society, and promote democracy. The document outlines four key questions to consider when designing a campaign: what change is wanted, who has decision-making power, what must be done to convince the target, and how will the strategy's effectiveness be measured. It provides steps for an advocacy process, starting with properly identifying and analyzing the problem by understanding its causes and consequences.
The NYC Action Plan outlines the city's plan to allocate $600 million in funding from the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery program to help areas affected by Hurricane Sandy. The funding will go towards housing programs (40%), infrastructure and other city services (23%), and business programs (18%). Key aspects of the plan include prioritizing repair of severely damaged homes, adhering to green building standards, and attaching requirements that homeowners maintain ownership for 5 years and purchase flood insurance. Open issues that require further discussion include the appeals process, contractor management, and ensuring fair hiring practices.
During the last ice age around 20,000 to 30,000 years ago, the first people crossed into North America over a land bridge where the Bering Strait is located today, following animal herds and living as hunters and gatherers. By 10,000 BCE these early peoples had reached the continental United States and relied on hunting elk, deer and bison as well as gathering plants for food. Beginning 5,000-3,000 BCE, some groups began domesticating crops like corn, squash and beans and transitioned to farming in addition to their hunter-gatherer practices.
Partnership and open data as enablers of INSPIREd innovative servicessmespire
This document summarizes a partnership between two Italian geospatial companies, Sinergis and Planetek, to develop innovative geospatial services using open data. The partnership began in 2011 with a contract to maintain software for Emilia Romagna's spatial data infrastructure and geoportal. They developed an infrastructure called GetLOD to publish plain and linked open geospatial data from the region. GetLOD uses ontologies and semantic interoperability to link geospatial and legacy data from various domains. As a result of this effort, the region's open geospatial data became some of the most downloaded datasets and all building data is now in OpenStreetMap. The companies emphasize that no single entity can innovate alone and partnerships are needed
MathsGenius Leadership Institute (MGLI) solving Africa's quantitative leaders...Edzai Conilias Zvobwo
MathsGenius Leadership Institute (MGLI) is focusing on identifying, training and supporting Africa's young quantitative leaders. It is strategically positioned to usher in a new wave of young, ethical African leaders.
The document summarizes research on the watery fluid found at the floral base of Spathodea campanulata. Key findings include:
1) The fluid was found to be stable for over 48 hours at room temperature and over 6 months refrigerated. It had a viscosity of 0.8645cp, density of 0.9426g/ml, and pH of 6.4.
2) Analysis found minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron, chromium, zinc, and manganese. Phytochemical screening indicated the presence of steroids, minerals, proteins and organic acids.
3) Antimicrobial testing of the dried fluid residue showed activity against all tested microorganisms, including
How cleantech can close the financing gaptonymaull92
The most fundamental element of disruptive business models is financing. the article explores creating, adopting and adapting proven models for new industries.
A survey of music video viewers found the following:
- Respondents were 47% male and 53% female.
- The largest age group was 16-18 years old at 40% and 21+ at 44%.
- Half of respondents watch music videos once or twice a week.
- While sometimes music videos determine if respondents love or hate a song, this is only sometimes for 34% and not very often for 20%.
- The most popular music genre listened to is pop at 22% and the least is folk at 1%.
- All respondents said they would download a song after watching the video.
- Sometimes 29% listen to country pop genres like Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson.
- The
at this blog i am going to speak us about my family and our famr in carmen de viboral, it blog is in past but i still live my anecdote at this moment, it is a too short but i wait for you like it.
This passage from Ezekiel describes Satan before his fall from heaven. It says that Satan was in Eden, the garden of God, and was perfect in beauty with many precious stones as his covering. Satan was the anointed cherub that covered God's throne and walked in the holy mountain among the stones of fire. However, Satan's heart became proud because of his beauty and wisdom, and iniquity was found in him. Because of his pride and sin, God cast Satan out of the mountain of God to be destroyed.
Generic Open Source Governance for Governments By the Dutch Provincessmespire
Presentation at the INSPIRE Workshop "Concrete steps to implement INSPIRE: synergies between the public and the private sector" - Florence, 24th June 2013
Is Cloud Computing an evolution or revolution? What does it mean for Not For Profit organisations? What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving to the cloud? What are the pitfalls to be avoided? Will Cloud Computing suit every NFP organisation? Just what is Cloud Computing and what is all the fuss about anyway?
From a fundamental overview to developing a strategy, for either adopting the cloud or not, your presenter, Steve Cast, Founder and MD of AdvantageNFP will answer these questions, offering valuable insights, using real life client case studies from the NFP sector.
This document is a summer project report for an automated tool to monitor service level agreements (SLAs) and evaluate the performance of IT vendors. The project was completed as an internship at the Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology. The project involved developing a module within their existing Incident cum Change Management System (ICMS) to calculate SLA metrics like uptime percentage based on incident reports from various tables to determine payments according to the SLA. The new module allows users to select a service provider, location, and date range to generate an SLA compliance report evaluating uptime and determining appropriate payments.
Two Days Training on Advocacy at Lahore 8 - 9 December 2016sultantareen1976
This two-day training document covers advocacy and how to design an effective advocacy campaign. It defines advocacy as organized efforts by citizens to influence policy formulation and implementation by pressuring authorities. It notes that advocacy campaigns should aim to solve specific problems, empower civil society, and promote democracy. The document outlines four key questions to consider when designing a campaign: what change is wanted, who has decision-making power, what must be done to convince the target, and how will the strategy's effectiveness be measured. It provides steps for an advocacy process, starting with properly identifying and analyzing the problem by understanding its causes and consequences.
The NYC Action Plan outlines the city's plan to allocate $600 million in funding from the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery program to help areas affected by Hurricane Sandy. The funding will go towards housing programs (40%), infrastructure and other city services (23%), and business programs (18%). Key aspects of the plan include prioritizing repair of severely damaged homes, adhering to green building standards, and attaching requirements that homeowners maintain ownership for 5 years and purchase flood insurance. Open issues that require further discussion include the appeals process, contractor management, and ensuring fair hiring practices.
During the last ice age around 20,000 to 30,000 years ago, the first people crossed into North America over a land bridge where the Bering Strait is located today, following animal herds and living as hunters and gatherers. By 10,000 BCE these early peoples had reached the continental United States and relied on hunting elk, deer and bison as well as gathering plants for food. Beginning 5,000-3,000 BCE, some groups began domesticating crops like corn, squash and beans and transitioned to farming in addition to their hunter-gatherer practices.
Partnership and open data as enablers of INSPIREd innovative servicessmespire
This document summarizes a partnership between two Italian geospatial companies, Sinergis and Planetek, to develop innovative geospatial services using open data. The partnership began in 2011 with a contract to maintain software for Emilia Romagna's spatial data infrastructure and geoportal. They developed an infrastructure called GetLOD to publish plain and linked open geospatial data from the region. GetLOD uses ontologies and semantic interoperability to link geospatial and legacy data from various domains. As a result of this effort, the region's open geospatial data became some of the most downloaded datasets and all building data is now in OpenStreetMap. The companies emphasize that no single entity can innovate alone and partnerships are needed
MathsGenius Leadership Institute (MGLI) solving Africa's quantitative leaders...Edzai Conilias Zvobwo
MathsGenius Leadership Institute (MGLI) is focusing on identifying, training and supporting Africa's young quantitative leaders. It is strategically positioned to usher in a new wave of young, ethical African leaders.
The document summarizes research on the watery fluid found at the floral base of Spathodea campanulata. Key findings include:
1) The fluid was found to be stable for over 48 hours at room temperature and over 6 months refrigerated. It had a viscosity of 0.8645cp, density of 0.9426g/ml, and pH of 6.4.
2) Analysis found minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron, chromium, zinc, and manganese. Phytochemical screening indicated the presence of steroids, minerals, proteins and organic acids.
3) Antimicrobial testing of the dried fluid residue showed activity against all tested microorganisms, including
How cleantech can close the financing gaptonymaull92
The most fundamental element of disruptive business models is financing. the article explores creating, adopting and adapting proven models for new industries.
How cleantech can close the financing gaptonymaull92
Bahsa slang amerika
1. NO Abjad Indonesia English
1 a Tepuk tangan riuh : A big hand
2 pikiran tenang A cool hand
3 Hukuman Seumur hidup : A life sentence
4 Yang terpilih All Star
5 Menaruh semua sumber All of your eggs in one
penghasilan pada satu tempat basket
tidak bisa diam karena gugup Ant in ones pants
b Terburu-buru Bettle
Jawaban kasar Back talk
Mengandalkan sesuatu Bank On
Binatang buruan Big game
Tokoh besar Big noise
c orang yang banyak Coach Potato
menghabiskan waktunya untuk
menonton TV
penakut dan pengecut : Chicken !
Memahami sesuatu yang baru Catch on
Naik Jabatan di perusahaan Climb the corporate
mempertimbangkan/memikirkan Come to think of it
Orang aneh Creep
tidur sebentar Cat nap
orang yang pendiam Cats got your tongue
Terlalu takut untuk melakukan Chicken out
Meniru : Copy cat
Bertindak tegas Come on hard
Buka bukaan Come clean
Bertindak tegas Come on hard
Perkara mudah Childs play
d Sangat bagus Da bomb
uang kertas Amerika Dead President
memecat sejumlah besar Downsize
cepat menyerah dropping like flies
Macet Dead in water
Hari yang panas Dog days
Tidur nyenyak Dead sleep
2. e Orang yang rajin sekali eager beaver
Memecat Easy out
Orang bodoh Easy mark
Makan di rumah Eat in
Memberi semangat Egg on
Ruangan yang cukup Elbow room
Mengurangi Easy Up
f Minuman keras Fire drink
Berhadap hadapan Face to face
Sangat murah For a song
Berjalan kaki For it
G Menolong Give a hand
Jenggot panjang Goatee
Lirikan cinta Glad eye
H Sangat Marah Have a cow
Tunggu dan Sabar Hold Your horse
Bermain dengan kasar Horse around
Wow, mengejutkan Holy cow
I Bermasalah dengan orang lain. In the dog house
Berkemauan keras Iron willed
saya dipecat I get the air
Berkemauan keras Iron willed
J Orang yang sangat lemah Jellyfish
K Di pojok Kitty corner
L Membuka Rahasia let the cat out of the
bagian yang paling besar: lions share
berdebat Lock horns
Kemengan mutlak Love Game
NO Abjad INDONESIA English
L bantulah saya Lend me your hand
Tipis kemungkinan Long shot
M saya sangat sibuk sekali My hands are full
uang lebih ,uang dipakai Money to burn
jalan langsung (untuk sesuatu).: Make a beeline
orang yang dungu cenderung Monkey see, monkey
mencontoh tingkah orang lain do!
Orang kebanyakan Man on the street
Naik kereta api Make a train
Mengadakan kunjungan Make a call
N Menabung untuk masa depan Nesst egg
3. Tidak laku pacaran No bargain
Harus No question
Mencari tahu Nose about
O Pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan One ones plate
Menyatakan meniggalkan Outta Here
Luar biasa Out of this world
P Makan banyak Pig out
Membawa senjata Pack heat
Tertidur karena kelelahan Pass out
Bayaran/hadiah terakhir Payoff
Member bantuan Pitch in
Cinta monyet Puppy love
anak pintar Posh-boy
Kencing Pass water
Q Hasil keuntungan yang cepat Quick buck
dan mudah
Cepat mengerti Quick parts
Tidak menang tidak kalah Quit with one
R hujan lebat Raining cats and dogs
Bersenang-senang dan Raise the roof
membuat kegaduhan.:
Kerugian Red ink
S tersipu-sipu Sheepish
Pekerjaaan mudah : soft job
Mencium sesuatu yang tidak smell a rat
langsung dari sumber yang asli .: straight from the
horses mouth.
Bangkrut Stop payment
Hidup Kaya See better day
Marah besar See red
T Tenanglah Take it easy
Pendidikan sex. the birds and the bees
menghadapi tantangan atau Test the waters
bahaya dengan berani.
Membantah Talk Back
U lama sekali. until the cows come
Kelebihan Upper hand
W Menjadi lemah atau lembek watered down
4. menjadi "gila"; hilang akal wig out
orang lemah & penakut Wimp
Bagian dari kota yang wrong side of the
miskin/kumuh track
Jatuh ke bawah Work down
Terus bekerja Work away
Y Mungkinkah You never know
Ace Melakukan sesuatu dengan sangat
baik (K.Kerja), Urutan pertama
(K.Sifat) Seorang ahli (K.benda)
Airhead Orang bodoh
All ears Mendengarkan dengan seksama
Ants in your pants Grogi
At the end of your Terjebak dalam situasi yang buruk
Average Joe Orang yang mirip dengan orang
Axe Memecat
Back burner Bukan masalah yang harus
diselesaikan terlebih dahulu
Back on your feet Baru sembuh
Back seat driver Orang yang memberikan saran
yang buruk.
Back to the Mulai lagi
drawing board
Bad egg Pembuat onar
Bad mouth Mengatakan hal yang buruk
tentang orang lain atau sesuatu
5. Ballpark figure Menebak dengan baik
Barking up the Mencari sesuatu di tempat yang
wrong tree salah
Basket case Gila
Behind bars Di dalam penjara
Big house Penjara, khususnya dengan
pengawalan yang ketat
Blow chunks Muntah atau sakit
Blow it Menghilangkan atau membuang-
buang sesuatu
b.o Bau badan
Boozehound Orang yang banyak minum
Bounce Berangkat
Brewski Bir
Bump off Membunuh
Burnt out Capek sekali
Bust digits Mendapatkan nomor telepon
Butts Rokok, puntung rokok
Buy the farm Mati
A chick Perempuan muda yang cantik
Chicken Pengecut
Chow Makan, makanan
6. Cold feet Takut
Couch potato Orang yang duduk di depan TV
Crash Berhenti berfungsi
Creep Orang yang suka mengganggu
Croak Mati
Cut a deal Membuat perjanjian
Cut and dry Sesuatu yang sudah jelas dan
sudah dimengerti
Da bomb Bagus sekali
Dinosaur Sangat tua
Dicey Berbahaya, beresiko
Ditch Meninggalkan orang, tempat atau
sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan
Doa Sesuatu yang tidak bisa diperbaiki
lagi (situasi)
Downer Sesuatu atau seseorang yang
sedang depresi. Sesuatu yang
membuat seseorang sedih
Dry run Masa latihan
Early bird Orang yang bagun pagi dan
langsung pergi kerja
Eat lead Orang yang ditembak dengan
Eats Makanan ringan
Egghead Orang pandai
7. Fast food Makanan siap saji
Fat cat Orang yang kaya raya
Fore! Awas!
Freak Orang asing
Gibberish Pidato tak bermakna
Go bananas Hilang kendali
Go off deep end Melakukan susuatu yang gila
Goat Seseorang yang selalu
Grub Makanan
Gumshoe Detektif
Guts Keberanian
Hangout Melewatkan waktu tanpa
melakukan apapun
Have a screw Sedikit gila
Haywire Rusak, tidak bekerja
Head doctor Psikiatris
High five (Sama dengan) Bravo!
High roller Orang yang menghabiskan banyak
uang untuk berjudi
Hillbilly Orang udik
Hit the road Meninggalkan rumah
8. Hit the spot Bagus sekali!
Hog Makan atau mengambil apapun
Hole in the wall Restoran atau toko yang kecil dan
Hoodlum Gangster
Hooked Kecanduan
Hootie Perempuan cantik
Hung up on Terobsesi dengan
Hush hush Sssst!
Idiot box TV
Iffy Meragukan
In a bind Dalam masalah
In a funk Depresi
In someones hair Mengganggu orang terus
In the doghouse Dalam masalah
In the slammer Dalam penjara
Jane Doe Perempuan yang tidak diketahui
Jerk Orang yang tidak disukai
Jock Atlit laki-laki
Jump ship Meninggalkan pekerjaan yang
9. Jumpy Takut kalau-kalau sesuatu yang
buruk akan terjadi
Junk Food Jajanan
Knocked-up Bunting (negative sense)
Know-it-all Orang sok tahu
Kooky Gila, tidak waras
La la land Tempat yang luar biasa
Low life Orang yang berperangai buruk
Luck of the draw Tergantung takdir
Mosey along Jalan pelan-pelan
Mug Wajah
Nailed Menjumpai seseorang yang sedang
berbuat tidak benar
Narc Informan polisi
Not my cup of tea Sesuatu yang tidak kita sukai
On cloud nine Gembira sekali
One foot in the Sekarat
Out like a light Cepat sekali tidurnya
Pass out Tertidur karena kecapean atau
Peace out Selamat tinggal (gaya yang ramah)
People person Orang yang suka bergaul
10. Phat Bagus sekali
Pig out Makan banyak sekali
Pipe down Diam!
Pitch in Menolong
Quick buck Uang yang diperoleh dalam waktu
yang sangat singkat
Raise the roof Bersenang-senang dan membuat
Rookie Pemula
Rug rat Anak kecil
Run a fever Sakit tiba-tiba (panas)
Sad Kualitas rendah
Screw up Membuat kesalahan besar
See ya Selamat tinggal!
Space cadet Orang yang ceroboh
Square Orang yang membosankan
Stool pigeon Informan
Street pizza Binatang yang terlindas kendaraan
Tag along Orang yang ikut diajak berkeliling-
Test the water Berpikir dahulu sebelum bertindak
Too hot to handle Sulit, controversial
11. Tripping Di bawah pengaruh obat-obatan
Uncle Sam Amerika Serikat
Up your sleeves Keuntungan tersirat
Veg out Bersantai-santai
Welch Tidak sanggup bayar hutang
Wimp Orang yang lemah
Wuss Pengecut
Yap Berbicara ngawur
Yawner Sesuatu yang membosankan
Yellow Penakut
Zillionaire Orang kaya raya
Zone out Hilang konsentrasi
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tips mengetahui bahasa slang America dan Inggris
Amerika dan Perang Dunia I
Semakin maju zaman, bahasa Inggris makin Dinamis keluar dari kaidahnya..
Kirimkan Ini lewat Email
Bahasa Indonesia > English
"Cuekin aja lagi" > "Dont let it bother you", "Dont think about it"
Ngedumel > Whining, complaining
12. Nirlaba > Non-profit
Mau, harus > Slang-"wanna," "gotta"
Kata kata mutiara > Proverbs
Kesemutan > (leg,arm) fell asleep
Kram > Cramp
Pikiran kosong > "My mind went blank"
Urakan > Rowdy/unkempt
Norak > Tacky/in bad taste
Ge-er > Big-headed/egotistical
Mejeng > "See and be seen,"/pose
Gaul > Very social/ social butterfly
Kuper > Unsocialized/introverted
Mengerling > Wink/flirt
Melirik > Stare/flirt
Rumit/bingung > Confound
Tahi lalat > Mole/birthmark
Plin-plan > Wishy-washy
Telur setengah matang/matang > Soft-boiled/hard-boiled egg
Bermulut manis > Lip service, sweet-talk
Amburadul > Chaotic, disorganized
13. Selangit;berbunga-bunga > "Top of the world"
Leyehan > Lay down
Mulet > Stretch
Latah > Parroting;copycat
Pemimpi, Pengelamun > "Head in the clouds," dreamer
Yang lain > The others, another
Salam > Greetings
Tunggu sebentar > "Hold on"
(Bingung) > "Hang on, are you telling me..?"
Alat musik tiup > Wind instruments
Kena batunya > You had it coming
Lari seperti dikejar setan > Run as if chased by a ghost
Hanyut > Drowning
Sunatan > Circumcision
Sensasi > Sensation, sensational
Muntah/muak > Fed up
Aduh amit-amit > "God forbid"
Dukun bola > Dukun-shaman, Dukun bola-like a mascot
Gotong royong > Cooperative
Angon sapi > Cowboy
14. Cemburu buta > Jealous rage
Patah hati > Broken heart
Gagu > Mute
Kutilan > Wart
Mencurigakan > Slang-"sketchy"
Tidak begitu, ngga juga > "Not so much"
Buyar > Lapse (in concentration
Pakem > Responsive
Bersin > To sneeze
Hidung meler > Runny nose
Pedagang kaki lima > Street vendors
Pedagang asongan > Peddler
Bagus, hebat > Great!
Bodoh > Moron, imbecile (insults)
Tidak apa-apa > No problem, no big deal-"no biggy"
Dikitik-kitik > To be tickled
Gosong > Burnt
Kasih saran ya > Please give me advice, okay?
Sok tahu > Smart aleck, Mr.Know-it-All
Uleg-uleg > Pestle
15. Melotot > Bug-eyed
Jebol > Collapse
Penjebolan hukum kolonial > The end of colonial laws
Puisi > Poem
Pantun > Poem, verse
Peribahasa > Proverb: "The longest journey begins with a single step."
Nongkrong > To sit around doing nothing
Saya lagi nggak mood >
Ngomong sama kamu > I do not feel like talking to you right now
Jangan sok puitis deh kamu > Hey you, cut the silly nonsense
Ngos-ngosan > Out of breath
Ekonomi ngos-ngosan > Economic slump
Tabu > Taboo
BS-Bayar sendiri-sendiri > To go dutch (everyone pays for their own meal)
Kantong kempes/tongpes > Flat broke
Minta maaf atas kesalahan yang > Please forgive me for making a big/
Lumayan fatal > near fatal mistake
Sinting > A crazy, nutty person
Cinta buta > Love is blind
Terapi > Therapy
16. Serak-serak basah > Throaty, husky voice
Gombal-rayuan gombal > Baloney
Genit > Flirtatious
Sok > Arrogance
Jangan kapok main ke sini, yach? > Please come visit again
Etika muslimah berpakaian > Muslim womens dress norms
Nglilir > To stir from sleep
Ngiler > To drool or want something badly(drool over something)
Cepek > 100 in Chinese (in Indonesia)
Kekasih gelap > Secret lover
Mengecil > To shrink
Psikiater > Shrink, psychiatrist
Dasar kamu nich > It is no surprise, it is expected of you
Ingin sekali menang/ senyuman maut> Killer instinct(in sports)/ killer smile
PD-Percaya diri > Self-confidence
BT-Bete, butuh teman > Lonely, needing a friend
Rasain > Serves you right
Naksir > Have a crush on someone
Sampaikan salam saya pada > Give my regards to
EGP-Emang gue pikirin > I dont care,whatever
17. Apapun nanti hasilnya > Come what may
Malam Jumat > Thursday night
Jumat malam > Friday night
Dilarang buang sampah di sini > No littering
Dilarang berada di sana tanpa tujuan> No loitering
Dilarang parkir di sini > No parking
Lua ada acara malam ini nggak? > Are you free tonight?
Ih, ngegemesin banget sih! > Aww, so cute! (I could just eat you up!)