Question 1 use, develop or challange conventionsmcgeoghann
This document discusses how a media product opening sequence utilizes conventions of real thriller films. It examines the conventions used regarding location, themes, and characters. For location, it sets the scene in a normal house to add tension. For themes, it incorporates psychological mind games and suspense. For characters, it includes an insane murderer as the antagonist, a burglar as another criminal, and innocent victims. Feedback showed these conventions helped make the thriller genre recognizable and kept viewers engaged.
Census of coastal bird-brings good newsDaniela Ogden
The survey of black oystercatchers along the California coast revealed that their numbers are higher than previously estimated. Volunteers spotted 1,346 individual birds and 175 nests along 20% of the bird's habitat, compared to prior estimates of just 1,000 birds in California. Their preference for nesting on rocky cliffs helps camouflage their nests and fledglings from predators. However, the species is still vulnerable to threats like human disturbance, declining food sources from harvesting, and long term risks from climate change.
When were the following technologies were developed Mediamcgeoghann
The document discusses the development of various technologies for film and television including:
- High-definition television (HDTV) which was developed in 1969 and provides high-resolution video and audio.
- IMAX, a widescreen film format developed in 1986.
- The World Wide Web, developed in 1989, which connects documents through hyperlinks and allowed films to be viewed online.
- Digital tablets and smartphones, developed in 1991 and 1992 respectively, which enabled portable viewing of films on large screens.
- Digital video cameras from 1992, video on demand (VOD) from 1994, and DVD and Blu-Ray discs from 1995 and 2000, which expanded options for recording, distributing and viewing audiovisual content.
The document provides information about the thriller genre for the years 2012/2013. It finds that 179 thriller films were released in 2011, with Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol being the most successful due to large advertising spending and big name actors like Tom Cruise. Generally, thrillers aim their audience at those aged 15+ due to potential violence and are targeted at social classes C1-D.
An algorithm must be precise, unambiguous, and end with the correct solution in all cases. Pseudocode uses a structured English description to outline the steps of an algorithm or computer program. It helps designers and programmers develop code by providing a detailed template. Coding conventions establish guidelines for writing readable code through standards for indentation, comments, naming, and other aspects of programming. Following conventions helps programmers understand new code quickly and maintain software efficiently.
Paleo Diet For Athletes Recipes The Paleo Diet For Athletes Improves Athletic...Dana Moffat
Paleo Diet For Athletes Recipes -the caveman diet for athletes enhances performance. See what it has to do with the paleo diet for all athletes that will enhance their athletic efficiency.
Paleolithic dishes for performance athletes remarkably has actually shown to enhance athletic performance. Previously the thoughts were that you had to carbo lots and most of athletes were supporters of "pasta power".
More recent studies have actually shown that when sportsmens switch to the paleolithic diet plan, initially they feel as if they are carbo diminished however these symptoms start to disappear after two to three weeks.
Prior to competition the individual still has to construct carbs but with the Paleolithic diet they do that with veggies and fruits. Just before contending they ought to start eating even more fatty carbs and also sweet potatoes.
Should you be considering changing over to the paleolithic diet I strongly suggest that you look into the dishes and guides below.
This document contains code for an account management system with functionality for user login validation, account retrieval from a database, account updating in the database, and form submission for login and updating accounts. It includes Java classes for business logic (CheckLoginBO), data access (ShowUserDAO, UpdateDAO, InsertDAO), and servlets to handle form submission and database operations.
This document contains 33 multiple choice questions related to Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). Some of the key topics covered include:
- The differences between JDBC and ODBC
- The different types of JDBC drivers
- Using CallableStatement to execute stored procedures
- Retrieving and manipulating result sets
- Transaction control methods like commit and rollback
- Database metadata access through the Connection object
The questions test understanding of core JDBC concepts like executing queries, retrieving and updating result sets, using prepared statements, and working with stored procedures.
The document defines classes for different shapes including Circle, Square, Triangle, Sphere, Cube, and Tetrahedron. A Main class initializes instances of these shapes and stores them in arrays. It then displays information about each shape such as name, area, volume by looping through the arrays.
Question 1 use, develop or challange conventionsmcgeoghann
This document discusses how a media product opening sequence utilizes conventions of real thriller films. It examines the conventions used regarding location, themes, and characters. For location, it sets the scene in a normal house to add tension. For themes, it incorporates psychological mind games and suspense. For characters, it includes an insane murderer as the antagonist, a burglar as another criminal, and innocent victims. Feedback showed these conventions helped make the thriller genre recognizable and kept viewers engaged.
Census of coastal bird-brings good newsDaniela Ogden
The survey of black oystercatchers along the California coast revealed that their numbers are higher than previously estimated. Volunteers spotted 1,346 individual birds and 175 nests along 20% of the bird's habitat, compared to prior estimates of just 1,000 birds in California. Their preference for nesting on rocky cliffs helps camouflage their nests and fledglings from predators. However, the species is still vulnerable to threats like human disturbance, declining food sources from harvesting, and long term risks from climate change.
When were the following technologies were developed Mediamcgeoghann
The document discusses the development of various technologies for film and television including:
- High-definition television (HDTV) which was developed in 1969 and provides high-resolution video and audio.
- IMAX, a widescreen film format developed in 1986.
- The World Wide Web, developed in 1989, which connects documents through hyperlinks and allowed films to be viewed online.
- Digital tablets and smartphones, developed in 1991 and 1992 respectively, which enabled portable viewing of films on large screens.
- Digital video cameras from 1992, video on demand (VOD) from 1994, and DVD and Blu-Ray discs from 1995 and 2000, which expanded options for recording, distributing and viewing audiovisual content.
The document provides information about the thriller genre for the years 2012/2013. It finds that 179 thriller films were released in 2011, with Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol being the most successful due to large advertising spending and big name actors like Tom Cruise. Generally, thrillers aim their audience at those aged 15+ due to potential violence and are targeted at social classes C1-D.
An algorithm must be precise, unambiguous, and end with the correct solution in all cases. Pseudocode uses a structured English description to outline the steps of an algorithm or computer program. It helps designers and programmers develop code by providing a detailed template. Coding conventions establish guidelines for writing readable code through standards for indentation, comments, naming, and other aspects of programming. Following conventions helps programmers understand new code quickly and maintain software efficiently.
Paleo Diet For Athletes Recipes The Paleo Diet For Athletes Improves Athletic...Dana Moffat
Paleo Diet For Athletes Recipes -the caveman diet for athletes enhances performance. See what it has to do with the paleo diet for all athletes that will enhance their athletic efficiency.
Paleolithic dishes for performance athletes remarkably has actually shown to enhance athletic performance. Previously the thoughts were that you had to carbo lots and most of athletes were supporters of "pasta power".
More recent studies have actually shown that when sportsmens switch to the paleolithic diet plan, initially they feel as if they are carbo diminished however these symptoms start to disappear after two to three weeks.
Prior to competition the individual still has to construct carbs but with the Paleolithic diet they do that with veggies and fruits. Just before contending they ought to start eating even more fatty carbs and also sweet potatoes.
Should you be considering changing over to the paleolithic diet I strongly suggest that you look into the dishes and guides below.
This document contains code for an account management system with functionality for user login validation, account retrieval from a database, account updating in the database, and form submission for login and updating accounts. It includes Java classes for business logic (CheckLoginBO), data access (ShowUserDAO, UpdateDAO, InsertDAO), and servlets to handle form submission and database operations.
This document contains 33 multiple choice questions related to Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). Some of the key topics covered include:
- The differences between JDBC and ODBC
- The different types of JDBC drivers
- Using CallableStatement to execute stored procedures
- Retrieving and manipulating result sets
- Transaction control methods like commit and rollback
- Database metadata access through the Connection object
The questions test understanding of core JDBC concepts like executing queries, retrieving and updating result sets, using prepared statements, and working with stored procedures.
The document defines classes for different shapes including Circle, Square, Triangle, Sphere, Cube, and Tetrahedron. A Main class initializes instances of these shapes and stores them in arrays. It then displays information about each shape such as name, area, volume by looping through the arrays.
1. import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
public class day1 {
random ten
public static int[] randomTen(int num, int sum) {
int count = 0;
boolean flag;
int[] arrNum = new int[num];
Random random = new Random();
int value;
while (count < num) {
flag = false;
value = random.nextInt(sum);
for (int i = 0; i < arrNum.length; i++) {
if (arrNum[i] == value) {
flag = true;
if (!flag) {
arrNum[count] = value;
return arrNum;
//random ma so
public static int[] randomMaso(int num, int sum) {
int count = 0;
boolean flag;
int[] arrNum = new int[num];
Random random = new Random();
int value;
while (count < num) {
flag = false;
value = random.nextInt(sum-1000000)+1000000;
for (int i = 0; i < arrNum.length; i++) {
if (arrNum[i] == value) {
flag = true;
if (!flag) {
arrNum[count] = value;
return arrNum;
//random 1 so
public static int RandomSize(int index) {
int numRan = 0;
Random random = new Random();
numRan = random.nextInt(index);
return numRan;
//ham tao ngay sinh
public static String[] day() {
String[]date= new String[25];
2. Random random = new Random();
int m ;
int d =1;
for (int i = 0; i < date.length; i++) {
m = random.nextInt(12-1)+1;
switch (m) {
case 1:case 3:case 5:case 7:case 8:case 10:case 12:
d = random.nextInt(31-1)+1;
case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11:
d= random.nextInt(30-1)+1;
case 2:
date[i] = "" + m +""+d+"1991";
return date;
public static int[] diemMonHoc() {
int[]arrdiem = day1.randomTen(25, 26);
return arrdiem;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] ho = { "Tra", "Phan", "Pham", "Do", "Le", "Trinh",
"Huynh" };
"Nhat" };
"Ly", "Mac", "Ong", "Ma", "Che", "Ha", "Chau",
String[] dem = { "Mai", "Kim", "Quynh", "Quang", "Thanh", "Thi",
"Xuan", "Duc", "Nhat", "Vinh", "Le", "Hong", "Anh",
"Cong", "Xuan", "Ha", "Thu", "Dong", "Chang", "Mau",
"Minh", "Quoc", "Truong", "Chi", "Vinh", "Tien",
String[] ten = { "Dong", "Tay", "Nam", "Bac", "Hong", "Buoi", "Dao",
"Man", "Quyt", "Oi", "Nho", "Me", "Soai", "Coc", "Lan",
"Nhung", "Mai", "Dao", "Tho", "Sinh", "Hung", "Trong",
"Nhan", "Triet", "Phuc", "Thang", "Yen", "Dam", "Muoi",
"Long", "Ho", "Bao", "Chon", "Meo", "Chuot", "Vuon",
"Phuong", "Tinh", "Viet", "Duc", "Ao", "CuBa", "Anh",
"Y", "Bi" };
int[] arrInt = day1.randomTen(25, 50);
int[] arrMaso = day1.randomMaso(25, 9999999);
String[] hotenSv = new String[25];
String[] maso = new String[25];
String[] date =;
ArrayList<SinhVien> SinhVien = new ArrayList<>();