H動畛ng d畉n s畛 d畛ng Microsoft Project 2010 (Ph畉n 1: Thi畉t l畉p m畉c inh)m Ti Cap
Thi畉t l畉p m畉c 畛nh cho Microsoft Project l c担ng o畉n quan tr畛ng khi s畛 d畛ng. Vi畛c thi畉t l畉p 炭ng s畉 gi炭p b畉n s畛 d畛ng Microsoft Project 動畛c d畛 dng v tr叩nh 動畛c nhi畛u sai s坦t.
This document provides instructions for using Microsoft Project 2000 to establish a project plan, track task progress, and examine variances from the project schedule. It discusses setting up the project plan by entering the project title, start and end dates, and details of tasks including name, duration, and linkages. It also describes how to present the project timeline and other views of the project.
1. 堰働畛N赫 D畉N S畛 D畛NG MS PROJECT 2000 PH畉N TRACKING PROGRESS Ti li畛u l動u hnh n畛i b畛 ph畛c v畛 cho l畛pB畛i d動畛ng ki畉n th畛c & k畛 nng MS PROJECT 2000 Gi畉ng vi棚n : L動u Tr動畛ng Vn , M . Eng ( AIT ) Trung t但m b畛i d動畛ng nghi畛p v畛 k畉 to叩n Khoa Kinh t畉 & Qu畉n tr畛 kinh doanh 畉I H畛C M畛 BN CNG TP . HCM
2. 鰻堰畉P NGY B畉T 畉U V K畉T THC TH畛C T畉 C畛A T畛NG CNG TC 京畉n vo Project ( tr棚n thanh Toolbar ) Project Information i畛u ch畛nh Current date thnh 27 Dec 2004 京畉n s畉 quan s叩t 動畛c nh動 sau :
11. 鰻堰畉P NGY B畉T 畉U V K畉T THC TH畛C T畉 C畛A T畛NG CNG TC Ch畛n Reschedule uncomplteted work to start after : 27 Dec 2004, r畛i ch畛n OK , ta quan s叩t 動畛c nh動 sau :