Balanced Scorecard was developed by Robert S Kaplan & David Norton. It seeks to do away with undue emphasis on short term financial objectives & seeks to enhance organisational performance by focusing on measuring & managing a wide range of non financial, operational objectives
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Balanced Score Card - Strategic Management MBA
1. Balanced Scorecard ApproachBalanced Scorecard Approach
Balanced Scorecard was developed by Robert SBalanced Scorecard was developed by Robert S
Kaplan & David Norton. It seeks to do away withKaplan & David Norton. It seeks to do away with
undue emphasis on short term financialundue emphasis on short term financial
objectives & seeks to enhance organisationalobjectives & seeks to enhance organisational
performance by focusing on measuring &performance by focusing on measuring &
managing a wide range of non financial,managing a wide range of non financial,
operational objectives. Later the system wasoperational objectives. Later the system was
enlarged & now the financial objectives are alsoenlarged & now the financial objectives are also
a part of it.a part of it.
3. Financial Perspective This perspectiveFinancial Perspective This perspective
considers the financial measures arisingconsiders the financial measures arising
from the strategic intent of thefrom the strategic intent of the
organisation. Examples are revenues,organisation. Examples are revenues,
earnings, return on capital & cash flow. Toearnings, return on capital & cash flow. To
be more precise it is How do we look tobe more precise it is How do we look to
4. Internal Business Perspective InternalInternal Business Perspective Internal
business processes are the mechanismbusiness processes are the mechanism
through which performance expectationsthrough which performance expectations
are achieved. To meet the organisationalare achieved. To meet the organisational
objectives & customer expectations,objectives & customer expectations,
organisations must identify the keyorganisations must identify the key
business processes at which they mustbusiness processes at which they must
5. Customers Perspective This perspectiveCustomers Perspective This perspective
measures the ability of the organisation tomeasures the ability of the organisation to
provide quality goods & services, effectiveprovide quality goods & services, effective
delivery & overall customer & overall customer satisfaction.
Examples are customer satisfactionExamples are customer satisfaction
measures & customer loyalty programs.measures & customer loyalty programs.
6. Learning & Growth Perspective ThisLearning & Growth Perspective This
perspective focuses on the ability of theperspective focuses on the ability of the
organisation to manage its businesses &organisation to manage its businesses &
adapt to change. In view of the challengesadapt to change. In view of the challenges
of changes in the environment andof changes in the environment and
customer expectations, organisation takescustomer expectations, organisation takes
on new responsibilities that require itson new responsibilities that require its
employees to develop new skills &employees to develop new skills &
7. Learning & Growth Perspective ThisLearning & Growth Perspective This
perspective focuses on the ability of theperspective focuses on the ability of the
organisation to manage its businesses &organisation to manage its businesses &
adapt to change. In view of the challengesadapt to change. In view of the challenges
of changes in the environment andof changes in the environment and
customer expectations, organisation takescustomer expectations, organisation takes
on new responsibilities that require itson new responsibilities that require its
employees to develop new skills &employees to develop new skills &