5. Economy
• Government deficit not reducing quickly
• Big threats are inflation and energy
• Real and sustained implications for RPs
–Interest Rates
–Maintenance (& other external) Costs
–Income levels & Benefit rates
• What will Gvt response to not meeting its
deficit target just before the next election?
6. Politics
• Medium and Long term scenarios
–More tax and public expenditure cuts?
–It does not matter as aim was to cut Gvt?
–Would or Can Labour do anything different?
• Reality is that RPs are now in a new world
–Gvt funding: little or no public funding
–Finance: corporate/mortgage lending tight
–Customers: not able to respond to demand
11. Opportunities & Risks
Opportunities Risks
• New tenures • Worsening arrears
• New strategic • > inflation increases
alliances in external costs
• New funding streams • Less grants & local
for energy authority services
• New investment into • Tighter & more costly
the sector debt lending
12. Implications for
Planning & Performance
• Business Basics
–Cash management (reduce need for lending)
–Asset management (maintain profit margins)
–Customer service (co-regulatory focus)
• Silo systems
–Planning has focused on stakeholders
–Performance has been driven by regulation
–Finance has tended to have historic focus
–Risk has tended to be a text book exercise
13. Planning now has
real significance
• Vision/Mission
–Balance on organic v acquisition growth
• Goals/Objectives
–Emphasis on customer service & efficiency
• Project approach
–Organised around external & internal delivery
• Deliverables (incl. regulation)
–Greater linkages with plans & performance
14. Performance now
requires more focus
• Cash Management
–Arrears focus due to benefit changes
• Asset Management
–Profit per property focus to protect margins
• Customer Service
–Customers & Investors need to know it is good
• Performance framework
–Process, Satisfaction, Standards, VfM
15. Summary
• Economic & Political realities mean that the
housing world has & will continue to change
• Opportunities with housing demand still
strong & potential for new investment funds
• Implications of this new world are:
– Longer term planning and scenario analysis
– Shorter term predictions of performance
– Asset management of whole portfolio
– Customer profiling to improve performance and
asset management